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1.Fi apistogramma cf hoignei breeding pair 22/02/25 Yes
Gorgeous f1 breeding pair of hoignei. 2 pairs available. Can send via DX for next day delivery. Shoot me a message with any questions £35 per pair. 2 pairs available
ONLY FINS STOCK LIST POSTAGE AVAILABLE 18/2/25 PLECO: L240 Vampire L007 Vampire L172 Gold Vampire L081 Gold Nug L025 7 Pointer L190 Panaque L160 Spiny Monster L24 red fin cactus L333 King Tiger L004 Angelicus L168 butterfly 2M1F Trio L134 Leopard frog L397 alenquer tiger L3... ...
ONLY FINS STOCK LIST POSTAGE AVAILABLE 18/2/25 PLECO: L240 Vampire L007 Vampire L172 Gold Vampire L081 Gold Nug L025 7 Pointer L190 Panaque L160 Spiny Monster L24 red fin cactus L333 King Tiger L004 Angelicus L168 butterfly 2M1F Trio L134 Leopard frog L397 alenquer tiger L3... ...
4.WANTED quality Apistogramma pairs or groups. 16/01/25 No
Hi, Want some Apistogramma pairs or groups from a quality breeder. WhatsApp me 07538080770 Thanks
5.Books on Cichlids 31/10/24 No
£10 Bundle of 5 books on Lake Malawi & Tanganyika Cichlids: 1 Ad Konings ‘Back To Nature: Guide to Malawi Cichlids’ 2nd Edition – hardback; 2 Ad Konings ‘Malawi Chichlids in their Natural Habitat’ 3rd Edition – hardback [small damage to top and bottom of spine – minor concerti... ...
6.RESERVED Around 90+ beautiful fish plus plants for £100 30/08/24 No
I'm moving house so I have to sell full fish stock of my 650 liters aquarium. All healthy, feeding on variety of foods and peacefully living together in my tank for last 6 months. I spent around £600 on them. Yo can have them for 100. There are; 18 congo tetras, 12m/6f 8-10cm in size. 12 deniso... ...
7.Apistogramma Agassizi double red pair 18/08/24 Yes
Selling my pair of apiatogramma Agassizi . I believe they have spawned a couple of times now . But I’ve never seen fry . Need gone to make room for other projects. Collection from syston £25 Le7
8.Nets auction 23 june 16/06/24 No
ROUGH LIST!!!!! 1 week to go, 23rd of June N.E.T.S. Aquatics Auction I have asked sellers to look round there tanks and fish rooms. I haven't got everyone's list. But here's a start. Please remember this list isn't guaranteed it's merely there to show the selection possibly available at these e... ...
9.South American tank closure 30/01/24 No
Closing down my wild Altum Angel tank. x5 wild altums from finest aquatics in widness. Roughly 6-7months old. Receipt to prove wild.eating anything and everything , very healthy young fish Wanting to start a marine tank so everything must go, also have the following Dicrossus maculatus x2 ***... ...
10.Swap 17/11/23 No
Hi. I'm a hobbyist and I have some stock to swap exchange ideally with a shop. So I have nearly 200 angelfish juvenile pure strain golden marble and about 50 juvenile from Red albino guppy. I would like in exchange one pair apistogramma not macmasteri , a group of 6 copella arnoldi and a group... ...
11.1 X Male Apistogramma Cacatuoides dwarf cichlid 22/07/23 Yes
I have 1 spare male apistogramma Cacatuoides.....it's young and was bred in the tank so has grown from fry to fish. £10 Collection from Milland GU30 7NL - any questions welcome.
12.Apistogramma trifasciata fry for sale in Newcastle, £4 each or 6 for £20 10/07/23 Yes
My pair of Apistogramma trifasciata cichlids had eggs in early May, and the fry are now approx. 2cm, large enoueach to go to a new home. They are dwarf cichlids from Brazil, which are peaceful towards other fish, I keep them together with guppies and shrimp. The adult males are blue, the females ye... ...
13.NETS auction 25 June 21/06/23 No
!check out the list of fish provisionally booked for this Sundays auction Plecos and catfish L-015 pleco Super red pleco Synodontis eupterus Brochis splendens Cory napoensis Cory panda white Cory sodalis Cory Trilineatus Cory elegans Cory barbatus Green lazer cory Red lazer cory ... ...
14.Low Tech Planted Tanks, Plus Livestock, Stand and Accessories 07/01/23 Yes
3 x 60L low tech planted fish tanks, with coloured cherry shrimp, fish, fish food, stand and accessories. Each tank has approximately 150+ coloured cherry shrimp, plus a small assortment of fish. Tanks are mature, have been running for over 8 months. Super low maintenance, not running CO2 or fer... ...
15.2 Male Apistogramma Hongsloi 04/07/22 No
£5 each please text don't ring!
16.Kribensis breeding pairs available 21/03/22 Yes
I have 3 prolific adult breeding pairs of P. Kribensis (West African) available for pickup in E. Sussex. £10/pair. I am also interested in trading for any of these cichlids: Blue Angel P. Taeniatus P. Subocellatus Apistogramma Cactoides Honduran Red Points Christmas Ellioti Firemouth R... ...
17.fluval Roma 125 20/08/21 Yes
For sale fluval roma 125 Thank, cabinet, hard scape , plant . Including 1 apistogramma cacatuoides adult, 4 apistogramma cacatuoides nearly 1 years, 9 ember tetra , 4 otocinclus , 3 neritine snail and around 10 amano shrimp. At the moment the thank have just some plant Led light and filter is no... ...
18.Fluval Flex 123L Full set up and Live stock 07/05/21 Yes
I have a 18 month old Fluval Flex and live stock for sale. The tank is in near perfect condition except a couple of small scratches which cannot be seen when full of water. The tank has decent amount of rock work and will come with the fluval stratum substrate. Included in the sale will be a tub of ... ...
19.Apistogramma Cacatuoides 26/02/21 Yes
Young apistogramma cacatuoides triple red and orange flash for sale in sheffield area, free collection. Fish are around 3cm in size £7 each Male heavy not many females left at the moment
20.Male Apistogramma Cacatuoides Double Red 12/02/21 No
I have several male Apisto Cacatouides available. I am asking £10 each plus £15 postage I do offer an arrive alive guarantee but I can't take any responsibility for them once they are removed from the bag. I can offer a discount for buying in bulk. Thanks
21.WANTED - apistogramma cacatuodies (LONDON) 04/12/20 No
Hi, I'm looking to get a female for my male apistogramma. The female recently passed away. my number: 07402103971
22.Apistogramma Eremnopyge PAIR 10/07/20 No
Male and female. Spawned twice. Not often seen in the UK trade. £40 Collection in Lowestoft
23.Pair of Apistogramma Trifasciata for sale 17/06/20 Yes
Male And Female Apistogramma Trifasciata for sale, nearly at breeding age. Colours are excellent £35.00 Pick up from CH44 area 07851 49 1928 Paul.
24.Lots of Tropical fish for sale or swap Read AD 11/06/20 Yes
Fish for sale (Consett) 3X Electric Blue rams And 1x German Ram £30 2X Large albino Tin foil Barbs £25  2X Large Tinfoil Barbs £25 2x Yellow Barbs £10 2x Agassizii Apistogramma £20 2x Gold Gourami £10 1x Red Dwarf Gourami £5 2x Small Angel Fish £10 2x Larg... ...
25.Wild Apistogramma gephyra pair £25 25/05/20 No
Hi I have a wild pair of Apistogramma gephyra for sale £25
26.12 X (Dwarf Cichlid) 1 X Pseudotropheus (Female Malawi) 1 X Sunrise Platy & Food 28/04/20 Yes
12 Dwarf Cichlids (Apistogramma regani males and females I believe) 1 Female Malawi Cichlid 1 Sunburst Platy Two bags of different sized cichlid fish food Only £25 Collect from Price House, Liberator Place, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 7BP
27.Apistogramma 26/03/20 No
Looking for All types of apistogrammas in Hampshire
28.South American Cichlids, Corydoras, Tetra ect 15/02/20 No
Hello, Unfortunately I am having to downsize my beloved tank due to moving out from my parents and into a rented property. The collection of fish below are for only serious buyers as some of the fish aren't as common in the trade; all fish are wild caught. Pictures are available on request or vi... ...
29.FREE FISH 20/09/18 Yes
5 glass catfish 6 peppers CORYS 4 albino CORYS 1 whiptail catfish 1 kuhli loach 1 Driftwood Catfish 1 peacock gudgeon 4 pearl danios 1 white mountain minows 1 cockatoo apistogramma female 1 apisotgramma macmeateri female 1 penguins tetra Collection from Burnham On Sea , Somerset TA8
30.Maidenhead Aquatics @ Melksham - Catfish, Cichlids and other rarities. 24/08/18 24/08/18 Yes
We specialize in South American catfish here at Maidenhead Aquatics @ Melksham. We have a dedicated soft water system which holds mainly wild caught South American species. Please call the shop on 01225 700167 or visit our Facebook page to enquire about pricing and availability as our stocks do c... ...
31.Fish For Sale Apistos, Plecos, Corydoras INC Panda, Weitzmani, Duplicareus 16/06/18 No
Call or Text : 07478256883 For questions, orders or pictures Corydoras: 24 Panda Cories @£2ea 12 Duplicareus Cories @£5ea 5 Weitzmani Cories @£12ea 20 Albino Cories @£1.50 Mollies: Black Molly Adult Pair £5 Black Molly Juvies £2 Black Molly Family (20+Fish) £25 Plecos: Adul... ...
32.Tropical fish list 07/06/18 No
***TROPICAL*** BETTA FISH Stunning Male Betta Fish £8each Assorted Female Betta Fish XL £2.50each DISCUS Assorted Discus 3inch (Red Turk, Blue turk, Royal Blue, Red Melon) £28each or 2 for £50 or 5 for £100 DANIO Leopard Longfin Danio £1each GOURAMI Neon Dwarf Gourami £3.50ea... ...
33.Fully Revised Stock List - The Aquatic Store Bristol 09-05-2018 09/05/18 Yes
Tetras: Super Ringo Owando Tetra (Very Rare) Red Congo Tetra (Alestopetersius Brichardi) RARE Black Neon Tetra Yellow Neon Tetra Marble Hatchet Fish Giant Silver Hatchet Fish Cardinal Tetra (Super Condition) Red Phantom Tetra Black Phantom Tetra Red Eyed Tetra Flame Tetra Super Oran... ...
34.Fish For Sale Rare and Different Corydoras INC Concolor, Loxozonus, Davidsandsi 11/04/18 No
6x Corydoras Schultzei - £3.00 each 9x Corydoras Metae - £6.00 each 19x Corydoras Panda - £4.00 each 14x Corydoras Davidsandsi - £10.00 each 6x Corydoras Arcuatus - £6.50 each 6x Corydoras Melanotaenia - £6.00 each 12x Corydoras Atropersonatus - £8.00 each 10x Corydoras Concolor - £10... ...
Updated Stock list 15/09/2017 Corydoras/CW Numbers: CW028 Corydoras Super Schwartzi STUNNING XXL STORE FIRST Limited Corydoras Gold Lasers F1 XL NEW super condition C12 Corydoras Punctatus NICE CW009 Green lazer Corydoras SUPER CONDITION XL STORE FIRST Limited CW051 Corydoras sp VERY NICE... ...
36.clearance sale 14/06/17 Yes
CLOSING DOWN SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO - 14/06/17, TROPICAL AMAZONAS AQUATICS - 5* Rated from over 130 reviews!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name (Size)...................................Price each, Discount price TETRAS, LIVEBEA... ...
37.TOMORROW Robin Hood Aquarists Nottingham Spring Auction Sunday April 9th 2017 08/04/17 Yes
The Robin Hood Aquarists will be holding an auction of fish, plants and equipment on Sunday 9th April 2017 at the Highbank Community Centre, Farnborough Road, Clifton, Nottingham, NG11 9DG. Doors open 10.30am and Auction starts 11am. ***PLEASE NOTE*** earlier start time. Refreshments will be a... ...
38.Apistogramma Hongsloi Male 04/03/17 Yes
I'm selling this lonesome young male, he's stating to colour up nicely now. Sorry but not the best photo's Please collect from Sileby Leicestershire £7.50 ono
39.Apistogramma nijsseni (Panda) free to go. 12/12/16 No
Apistogramma nijsseni - male. Abt 5cm. Only to experienced fishkeepers. Clevedon and surroundings. Contact by email preferred.
40.Apistogramma Juvis 21/09/16 No
Hi there, having a clear out, I have A. bitaeniata F1 young, around 15mm A. Sp. Melgar F1 Young, Around 15mm A. Sp. Abacaxis Young, Around 15mm £20.00 for 5 of either species (min of 5 per species i.e not three of one and 2 of another) postage is £12.00 unless you order lots then it may be ... ...
41.Fish tank 3ft hight 04/09/16 No
For sale a beautiful amazon theme fish tank a rare piece on the market 4ft long ,3 ft hight . must be seen to fully appreciated. What you get in the price; LIVE STOCK 2 PAIRS OF APISTOGRAMMA RIO MAMORE PLUS ONE SPAIR FEMALE 15 RUMMY NOSE TETRAS 8 GREEN NEON TETRAS 20 LARGE AMANO SHRIMP... ...
42.loads of rare wild South American Cichlids and tetras fish house closure 19/07/16 No
hi all, selling up my fish to allow me to save for a house, loads of fish going, followed by tanks, sumps, pumps, heaters etc! Rio Xingu angel fish breeding pair £30.00 Rio Xingu angel fish £8.00 Albino Danutm Angel fish £7.00 F1 Rio Nanay Angel fish £21.00 F0 Wild Rio Nanay Angel fish £35... ...
43.Fish List 01/06/16 No
Tropical Stocklist Black Ghost knife Fish 8" Fire Eel x2 15-16" Fire Eel x1 18-20" Albino Silver Arowana (Beautiful) 10" Rhombo Barb Half Moon Female Fighters Polypterus ornatipinnis 5" Pipefish - Black Line Corydoras Sterbai Galaxy rasbora Emerald Dwarf Rasbora Chilli rasbora Swar... ...
44.Fish Clear out angels, apistos, etc 20/04/16 No
got a few fish to clear to make room for some breeding projects: wild caught apistogramma melgar breeding pairs wild caught apistogramma sunset breeding pairs F1 Rio nanay spotted scalares (super nice) F1 Rio xingu scalare Apistogramma abaxacis Pairs Wild Caught Red phantom tetras. Email ... ...
45.Stock List 26/03/16 No
Pentazona barb Golden Barb Tiger barb Cherry barb White cloud L/Fin Dwarf gourami Ancistrus orange and black LDA16 Long Fin Titanic Plec L273 Hypancistrus L270 Hypaancistrus L264 Leporacanthicus Pleco Corydoras schultzei albino Whiptail cat Apistogramma cacatuoides Triple Red Apistogra... ...
46.Tropical Fish For Sale 16/03/16 No
We have a number of tropical fish for sale that are healthy and doing everything they should, only reason for sale is we are changing species we want to keep. All fish are fed on a wide range of foods from pellets and flake to frozen daphnia, BrineShrimp, Bloodworm and Tubifex, also live foods as su... ...
47.American Cichlids for sale 07/01/16 No
I have the following for sale due to moving over it Malawi cichlids. 2X Green striped severums male and female £15 2x Red spotted severums male and female £15 3x Apistogramma Commbrae 2x females 1x male and the have bred. £25 Please give me a call on 07881 366813
48.apistogramma cacatuoides triple red 30/12/15 Yes
I have a large amount of these fish at £10 each or three at £20. £15 postage and packaging charges apply. please look at the links to see pictures and video. Pairs abailable
49.Fish Stock List 01/12/15 01/12/15 Yes
COLD & TEMPERATE FISH: Black Comet £2.49 Each or 3 for £6 Black Moor £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Blue Oranda £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Assorted Fantail £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 White Fantail £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Sucking loach £1.79 Each Gold Sucking Loach £2.49 White Cloud Minnow £1... ...
50.FISH STOCK LIST 27/11/15 27/11/15 No
COLD & TEMPERATE FISH: Black Comet £2.49 Each or 3 for £6 Black Moor £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Blue Oranda £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Assorted Fantail £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 White Fantail £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Sucking loach £1.79 Each Gold Sucking Loach £2.49 Each White Cloud M... ...
51.Stock list 31/10/15 Yes
stocklist Community Moscow blue guppy £5 pair Mixed guppy £1.50 10 for £12 Zebra danio xl £1 10 for £8 Black neon tetra large £1 10 for £8 Brochis splendens £5 Spotted headstanders £3 Harlequin rasbora £1 10 for £8 Rainbow platys £2 Rainbow hi fin platys xxl £2.50 Am... ...
Tank bred male apistogramma Cacatuoides (double reds) for sale £2 each some females available Collection from Ditton
53.Current Freshwater Stocklist Maidenhead Aquatics Coventry 17/10/15 No
Hi :) Here we have our current list of freshwater species available within store. We will be doing our best to keep it updated with any new deliveries. Please do not hesitate to call us for further enquiries. Feel free to like us on Facebook at Maidenhead Aquatics at Coventry. Live bearers; ... ...
54.Community Fish 05/10/15 No
55.Maidenhead Aquatics@Shirley Freshwater Stocklist 02/10/2015 03/10/15 Yes
Hi, here is a our current Freshwater stock-list over here at Maidenhead Shirley. Please do not hesitate to contact our friendly staff with any questions that you may have. We will be doing our best to update the stock-list when we have had new fish in. Feel free to follow us on Facebook: https:/... ...
56.New stock list 25/08/15 Yes
Few awful pictures washington aquatics stock list community rainbow shiners £4 torpedo barbs £4 clown loach 2" £4 MEKONG RED FIN LAMPEYE KILLIS £2 sunset platys £2 saluwsi rock shrimp £4 medium Rock Shrimp xlarge £5.99 betta pugnax £3 cherry shrimp 1ea 10 for £8 ghost k... ...
57.Breeding pair apistogramma agassizii SOLD 18/08/15 Yes
Breeding pair apistogramma agassizii 1 x young proven breeding pair I am just selling a few of my breeding pairs to make SPACE FOR NEW STOCK These are nothink like the cheap APISTOGRAMMA you see in you local shops these our off the Highest quality. If you was to buy these from Where i bought... ...
58.apistogramma sp. abacaxis, rio nanay angels, and more 13/08/15 Yes
Hi, got a few fish for sale: Apistogramma sp. Abacaxis proven breeding pairs £40 F1 Rio nanay angel fish £20.00 each or 5 for £96.00 Fire mouth panchax young pairs £8.00 Copella arnoldi £2.75 each Red phantom tetra £2.50 each (wild) Tetra sp. Peru red blue £3.00 each Young mixe... ...
59.Various rare tropical and marine fish for sale 12/08/15 No
Do to unfortunate circumstances I may have to move on most of my stock very quickly so I am just testing the water incase I do Potentially for sale: Freshwater 10x Peru altums Rio nannay 3-4inches £100 9 x cw009 green laser corydoras £120 5 x threadfin acara 3-4 inches £40 Pair of Apisto... ...
60.Marine fish and rare tropical for sale 12/08/15 No
Do to unfortunate circumstances I may have to move on most of my stock very quickly so I am just testing the water in case I do. Potentially for sale: Marine Pecock Wrasse £10 Spotted Madarins x2 £25 ea Torpedo goby x2 £10 ea Goldstreak Blenny £10 Freshwater 10x Peru altums Rio nann... ...
61.Apistogramma Agassizi Fire Red 2xfemale 21/07/15 Yes
2 young apistogramma agassizi fire red females for sale. We had a trio, but unfortunately male died and we can't get our hands on another one, so have decided to sell both females. They are dwarf cichlid, so can be a little territorial when breeding, keep this in mind. Feeding on mosquito larvae,... ...
62.Cichlids etc 04/07/15 Yes
The following fishes currently available : 04/07/2015 Cichlids Acaronia nassa Amphilophus citrinellum Andinoacara aequinoctalis Apistogramma cacatuoides Apistogramma hongsloi Cichla ocellaris Cryptoheros cutteri Cyphotilapia frontosa Cyrtocara moorii Geophagus altifrons Geophagus ar... ...
63.Cichlids Catfish Piranha 04/07/15 Yes
The following fishes currently available : 04/07/2015 Cichlids Acaronia nassa Amphilophus citrinellum Andinoacara aequinoctalis Apistogramma cacatuoides Apistogramma hongsloi Cichla ocellaris Cryptoheros cutteri Cyphotilapia frontosa Cyrtocara moorii Geophagus altifrons Geophagus ar... ...
WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL OFFERS IN STORE NOW ON SELECTED STOCK. WE HAVE................ Black Ruby Barbs @ SPECIAL OFFER, 4 FOR £10. Exclamatia Barbs @ SPECIAL OFFER, 3 FOR £10. LG Ctenopoma Ansorgei @ SPECIAL OFFER, £10 PAIR. Breeding Pair Of Black Orchid Siamese Fighters @ SPEC... ...
Stunning New stock at S&C Aquatics this bank holiday weekend. We are open from 10am until 4pm on Sunday, and from 9am until 4pm on Monday so give us a visit for a look around and a cuppa. In stock now.............. XXL Silver Dollars @ £15 Each Or 2 For £25(SPECIAL OFFER ALL 7 for £80) XL Se... ...
66.New stocklist. 08/04/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stockist discus red turquoise £25 blue snakeskin £25 snow white £25 odd balls / preds metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each silver arowana 9" £35 redtail catfish 3" £20each reed fish 12-15" £12eac... ...
67.trio Apistogramma panduro 27/03/15 Yes
Trio of Apistogramma panduro up for sale 2moro £25 1male 2female not settling in my tank 07518268382
68.Washington aquatics stocklist 05/03/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stockist odd balls / preds metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each silver arowana 4" £25 redtail catfish 3" £20each reed fish 12-15" £12each lesser spiny eel 4" £10each african butterfly fish £7.50 indian... ...
69.Apistogramma atahualpa Wild caught trio 23/02/15 No
2 females and one male trio. All wild fish. £40 and collection from Swansea or can post for £15 postage but depends on weather. Thanks.
70.New stock list 03/02/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stockist odd balls metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each Lepisosteus spatula (aligator gar) 3-4" £15-£20each redtail catfish 3" £20each reed fish 12-15" £12each lesser spiny eel 4" £10each Community... ...
71.New stockist and Dry goods 03/02/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stockist odd balls metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each Lepisosteus spatula (aligator gar) 3-4" £15-£20each redtail catfish 3" £20each reed fish 12-15" £12each lesser spiny eel 4" £10each Community... ...
72.Apistogramma Cacatuoides Triple Red WANTED 17/01/15 No
As stated I am after some apistogramma cacatuoides triple red. If anyone has them or knows of anyone or a shop who has them please contact me on 07590407664 or tm3506@googlemail.com. Cheers, Tom.
73.Assorted apistogramma for sale 08/01/15 No
The following are for sale. Postage can be arranged for £15 or collection is welcome. - Large female barlowi (wild) £10 - Large male atahualpa (wild) £10 - 2x medium female st. alto tapiche (f2) £15 for both - Large female steindachneri (f1) £5 - medium female alacrina (f2) £5 All ha... ...
74.Romsey World Of Water: Full Tropical Livestock 21/12/14 21/12/14 Yes
Hey Guys! This is our full tropical livestock list. If you have any queries, would like photos or would like to reserve something, please feel free to give us a call on: 01794515923. Tetras Silver Tip Tetra £1.99 6 For £10.00 Diamond Tetra £1.99 6 For £10.00 Glowlight Tetra ... ...
75.Wild caught Apistogramma cacatuoides group - dwarf cichlids 10/12/14 Yes
HI , I have a group of four apistogramma cacatuoides all around 1.5 inches long and really starting to show colour. They were caught in Peru as a by-catch and I've had them since they were around a centimetre in length, I'm only selling to make room in my fish house for some dicrossus filementosus ... ...
76.Fish Stocklist: 10/12/14 10/12/14 Yes
FISH STOCK LIST: 10/12/14: COLD WATER FISH: Zebra Danio £1.25 Each or 5 for £5 Leopard Danio £1.25 Each or 5 for £5 Yellow Comet £2.99 Each or 3 for £7 Goldfish £2.99 Each or 3 for £7 Weather Loach £2.99 Each or 3 for £7 TROPICAL FISH: Neon Tetra 99p Each or 6 for £5 ... ...
77.Horsham Water Gardens - Cold water and Tropical fish and Dry goods 12/11/14 Yes
HORSHAM WATER GARDENS We stock a huge range of fish from puffers to eels to L number plecos. Fish Stock COLD WATER Fancy Goldfish Weather loaches Axolotl Danios Minnows Hill stream loach TROPICAL FISH PUFFERS Frog Puffers South American Puffers Congo Puffers Figure 8 Puffers Dragon... ...
78.Apistogramma 16/10/14 No
hi guys, I have a few apistos for sale, see the list below. Postage can be arranged, £9.75 for one pair, then £12.75 for two, and £15.00 for as many fish as you like! Dwarf Cichlids Apisto Cruzi £20.00 (pair) Apisto Norberti £25.00 (pair) Apisto Agassizi Super Red £10.00 (pair) A... ...
79.TOMORROW Robin Hood Aquarists Nottingham Autumn Auction Sunday 21st September 2014 20/09/14 No
The Robin Hood Aquarists are holding their Autumn Auction on Sunday 21st September 2014 at the usual venue of the Highbank Community Centre, Farnborough Road, Clifton, Nottingham. NG11 9DG. Doors open and booking in from 11.30am and the auction starts at 12 noon. Refreshments will be available th... ...
80.apistogramma norberti 22/08/14 No
Young proven pair of Apistogramma norberti. Stunning fish. Pick up haggs bonnybridge. £10
81.Apistogramma macmasteri f1s - breeding pair & breeding trio 11/08/14 No
As above available for sale are a group of 5 apistogramma macmasteri 3 female & 2 males £25 for the group or can split into a pair and trio. Stunning healthy fish showing great colouring
82.Various Apistogramma Clearout 02/08/14 No
Prices - Reduced to clear, Tanks needs to be emptied x1 WC Male Apistogramma Bitaeniata Rio Tefe - £8 - Now £4 x2 WC Female Apistogramma Atahualpa - £8 Each - Now £4 each All for collection from Derby
83.Apistogramma Available For Pre Order 31/07/14 No
Please see the list below for all available Apistogramma available for pre order 05003 Apistogramma cacatuiodes-super red Apistogramma cacatuiodes-super red M £9.45 05005 Apistogramma cacatuiodes-super red Apistogramma cacatuiodes-super red L £11.55 05006 Apistogramma cacatuiodes-super red Ap... ...
84.Apistogramma sp.Cruzeiro and Apistogramma Barlowi Rojo Red Pairs For Sale 22/07/14 No
Hi i have some F1 Apistogramma sp.Cruzeiro and Apistogramma Barlowi 'Rojo Red' Pairs For Sale. I have raised these from wild caught parents to a young adult ready to breed size. A. sp.Crezeiro - £20.00pr (only a few pairs left) A.Barlowi 'Rojo Red' - £15pr (1 pair left) Postage £16.0... ...
85.Jeff Rapps Order at Oddball Express- Many rare and wild tropical fish 01/07/14 No
Jeff Rapps Tangled up In cichlids order going to be placed on the 6th of July. Please email or ring for more details or to place an order. email oddballexpressnet@hotmail.co.uk 50% Deposit needed to bring the fish in. SOUTH AMERICAN CICHLIDS Aequidens metae ... ...
86.Wanted:- 2x Female Apistogramma Eremnopyge 18/06/14 Yes
Hi all, We are looking for 2x female Apistogramma Eremnopyge for our 'big male'. We brought our Eremnopyge at an auction and they were sold as a pair. Within a few weeks what we thought was a female turned out to be a smaller male. We have been actively searching for females but nothing ... ...
87.Loads of Apistogramma, Tetras, Rasboras Killis Cheap Postage 10/05/14 Yes
APISTOGRAMMA Agassizii Alenquer red tail £22.00 Elizabeth £90.00 (SOld) mamore red tail £22.00 Agassizii fire red £12.50 Agassizii super red £13.00 Agassizii red gold £13.00 Borelli paraque £20.00 Red point £15.00 Cacatuoides £10.00 Others Taeniacara candidi pair £20.00 Red p... ...
88.Fluval Roma 90, cabinet, stock, hardscape, plants 22/04/14 Yes
It's with great regret that I put up for sale my Fluval Roma 90. I've worked hard on it over the last six months, but I travel a lot with work and can't dedicate the time I think this hobby needs to do it right. It is a 7 month old Fluval Roma 90, with filter, heater, lights (see spec here: http:... ...
89.Various Fish for Sale 06/04/14 No
I have for sale Darter Tetra(Sth American Darter) @ approx. 4cm £3.50each Apistogramma Borelli @ approx. 2.5cm £4 each Apistogramma Agasizzi Dble Red @ approx. 2" £8 each Checkerboard cichlids @ approx. 3-4cm £3 each Super Red BN @ Approx 1.25-1.5" £6 each 2x Green Tiger Botia @... ...
90.Fish for sale 02/04/14 Yes
washington aquatics new stock list moscow blue guppy pairs £7 xl swordtail pairs £4 large angel fish £7.50 veil tail angels £6 or last 2 for £10 pearl gourami £4 each 3 for £10 coulumbian red fin tetra £2 each harlequin rasbora 10 for £7 boseman rainbows £4 each blue eye t bar ci... ...
91.5ft full setup £300 ono 12/03/14 Yes
For sale Aquarium, 5ft x 2ft x 2ft. Tank has been drilled previously but they have since been sealed with bulkheads. Stand, 2ft high stand. Filtration, Fluval FX 5 with additional piping. Decor, Stones, plastic plants, large pieces of bog wood, sand Fish,4 bristle nose catfish, 2... ...
92.Discus book 04 - Heiko Bleher 06/03/14 Yes
Heiko Blehers DISCUSBOOK 04 is available now for PRE-ORDERING and will be available exclusively in the UK from us at C.E. Fish Essentials within 2-3 weeks. > NEW Discus discoveries in untouched Amazonia! > New expeditions to remote locations finding more species new to science. Including, Ap... ...
93.Apistogramma trifasciata 03/03/14 No
Wanted a male and two females in the Leeds area.
94.(TAKING NO MORE ORDERS TILL MAY-JUNE) South American Imports @ (Catfish Aquatics) £18 APC Next Day By 10.AM (FULL 24H DOA POLICY) 13/02/14 Yes
(TAKING NO MORE ORDERS TILL MAY-JUNE) If your looking for high quality wild South American Fish at a good price then Catfish Aquatics is the place to buy. £18.00 delivery for 1 to 1000 fish with 'FULL DOA COVER' will refund price of fish (Not the postage Cost) we require photo proof within 24 h... ...
95.Nirox Bio-Lif AROWANA,CICHLIDS,FIGHTERS 20/01/14 Yes
Nirox Bio-Lif water treatment is perfect for the keeping and breeding of Siamese Fighters, Apistogrammas and other south american species. Pure natural, processed from dried almond leaves which is not cultivated by chemical fertilizer It softens the water quality Has anti-bacterial properties... ...
96.Wanted Female apistogramma cacatuoides 16/01/14 No
Looking to breed so if you have any apistogramma cacatuoides - females text on 07402634532
97.birchirs, eels, catfish, discus, malawi and many more 07/11/13 Yes
Manchester Fish Price List 9th September 2013 All sizes are approximate, and all fish are subject to availability Strictly by appointment Eels Green eels (peacock) 4" £10.00 Birchir Endilcheri (polypetrus) 6-7" £20.00 Gars Rocket gar 3-4" £8.00 3 for £20 Tiger fish Indo ... ...
98.Aquabatic stock list 07/10/13 Yes
Huge order from Chen's Discus on the way plus lots of nice South American/ planted community fish. Delivery UK wide available plus check our online store for live food with many more products being added all the time KILLIS , Australis Sp gold Apistogramma Borelli Cory adolphi Cory Agassizi... ...
All sizes are approximate, and all fish are subject to availability Strictly by appointment Eels Green eels (peacock) 4" £10.00 Red fire eels 5" £8.00 Birchir Endilcheri (polypetrus) 6-7" £20.00 Gars Rocket gar 3-4" £8... ...
100.WANTED 01/09/13 No
Dwarf Cichlids, Apistogramma and unusual Corydorus Based in CROYDON. email me if you are local and have fish for sale
101.New fish Stock at A.R.K. Pets & Aquatics Tyne & Wear 07/08/13 Yes
New stock now in, as well as stock in our existing adverts click on link! August 18 2013 OPEN SATURDAY 11 TIL 5 Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday noon till 5 or later! MALAWI TANGs CICHLIDS Haplochromis jacksoni ahli 10 - 12 cm £10.00 Aulonocara sp. red dragon 5-6 cm £1... ...
102.Apistogramma baenschi 03/08/13 Yes
Breeding pair of Apistogramma Baenschi in great condition regularly spawning. First pic of male and second shows female with fry. Selling due to other projects, looking for £20.
103.Dwarf Cichlids in Scotland 01/07/13 No
I have the following for sale: F1 Pelvicachromis sacrimontis red form £12 pair F2 Pelvicachromis taeniatus dehane £8 pair F1 Taeniacara candida unsexed only 2cm £5 each F1 Apistogramma barlowi £3 W/C Pelvicachromis sacrimontis £15 pair F1 ... ...
Here at Angel Aquatics we have over 50 tanks on our 4,000L tropical system so we have plenty of space for all types of fish. Below we have a list of just some of the fish we have for sale with prices. Assorted small discus £15 each or 3 for £40 Peacock goby s £5 each or 2 for £9 Apis... ...
105.Apistogramma sp vielfleck F1, Apistogramma cacatouides leticia WC, Lemon tetra + others 08/06/13 No
I'm selling 1 of my breeding pair of F1 Apistogramma sp vielfleck (breeding pair) £20 WC Apistogramma sp Oregon £25 Apistogramma tucurui £8 czech bred Lemon tetras 10 for $6 60 avilable nannostomus bekfordi £1 each collection leyland lancashire PR25 1XH
106.import just in 29/05/13 Yes
i have for sale the following fish. apistogramma mcmasteri redneck pairs 4-5cm £11.99 apistrogramma cacatuoides double red pairs 4-5cm £10 apistrogramma rams wild 3-4cm £2.99 ottocats great for planted tanks large £1.20 farlowalla cats £3.99 cardinals m/l £1.20 L191 royal panaque £22... ...
107.south american imports 29/05/13 No
i have for sale the following fish. apistogramma mcmasteri redneck pairs 4-5cm £11.99 apistrogramma cacatuoides double red pairs 4-5cm £10 apistrogramma rams wild 3-4cm £2.99 ottocats great for planted tanks large £1.20 farlowalla cats £3.99 cardinals m/l £1.20 L191 royal panaque £22... ...
108.apistogramma cacatuoides 16/05/13 No
Hi Im after a couple of females apisto cacatuoides, can pick up in the Northeast area richard.duggan@ntlworld.com
109.4ft (212 litre) Discus / low tech planted fish tank (aquarium) - GLASGOW - £300. 01/05/13 Yes
Complete setup: £300 Location: Dennistoun, Glasgow. Scotland With a bit of sadness, I'm having to sell my 4ft planted Discus aquarium as I am moving flats and don't have the space in my new place. This is a fairly simple and low maintenance setup that has worked well for me for the last 18 mo... ...
110.Angel Aquatics - Stunning Apistogramma Pairs 22/04/13 Yes
We have some lovely Apistogrammas pairs in at the moment! Double Reds Pandurini Cacatoides Orange Agazzizi Fire Reds Cacatootes Super Red Vijita Borelli Plus many more! Address: Angel Aquatics, 2 Elliott Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6LA. Tel: 0121-472-5144 Open 7 days a wee... ...
111.for sale dwarf cichlids 07/04/13 No
i have the following for sale: Pair apistogramma cacatouides £15 Pair apistogramma pandurini £15 Pair apistogramma agassizi £15 Pelvicachromis pulcher £1.00 ea Pelvicachromis taeniatus. £15 angel fish black marbales £5.00ea black bar enddlers pure strain £0.75ea all the fish i have... ...
112.wanted apistogramma mcmasteri and cacatuoides female for breeding project 05/03/13 No
Hello im after apistogramma macmasteri and cocatuoides female if people are selling or changing tank im after a breeding a project and need to expand it i also after female rams blue and gold if you can help me email.me at petergreaney@sky.com
113.Aquabatic additional stock list 08/02/13 No
Fresh in today - the quality of the killifish we have at the moment is arguably amongst the best in the UK. This list is in addition to the already numerous species stocked. The first choice for the serious 'keeper in Wales and the South West. APHYOSEMION AMIETI APHYOSEMION SJOESTEDTI APIST... ...
114.tropical fish for sale 08/02/13 No
16 Neon tetras £15 the lot 3 Harlequin Rasboras £4 Corydoras sterbai pair fully grown gorgeous cats £10 2 glowlight tetras £2 6 Guppies lovely group £5 A pair of Apistogramma agassizi flame stunning Pair £20 Pictures on request all living happily as a community Tywardreath par
Hi all, we have just taken a large shipment of some stunning fish, including a lovely selection of Apistogramma's. Stock list: Apistogramma agassizii Pairs Apistogramma agassizii Alenquer Red Tail Pairs Apistogramma agassizii Double Red Pairs Apistogramma agassizii Fire Red Pairs Apisto... ...
116.Wanted any South American Dwarf Cichlids wanted 03/02/13 No
fish wanted i would like pair or frys i would like bolivian ram german blue ram gold ram any South American Dwarf Cichlids Apistogramma Borelli Dwarf Cichlids i am willing to pay for them by if any are free evan beter
117.hagen elite 35ltr aquarium. full setup. 21/01/13 No
I have a 35 ltr hagen elite (50x25x30cm) which has a built in light, heater and internal or external filter (dependant on price paid). Tank will come with 5kg of tetra plant substrate. A choice or some wood and rocks and plants (only if wanted). The internal filter is the basic filter which came... ...
118.Apistogramma Agassizi 06/01/13 No
Looking for 2 female adult Agassizi, have a lonely 3" male waiting. Would prefer to collect so must be fairly close to Ilminster/Taunton area. Call 01460 52134 if you have any.
119.Juvenile Tanagnyika and Malawi cichlids available (+ a couple of adult Malawi groups).... 02/01/13 Yes
From my own breeding tanks: Tropheus sp. Ikola, 50mm SL > £6.00 each (8 of them) Tropheus brichardi Bulombora, 40mm SL > £6.00 each (20+ available) Cyprichromis leptosoma Kekese, 40 to 60mm SL > £4.00 each (10 of them, males starting to colour) Neolamprologus pulcher Kasanga,... ...
120.Juvenile Lake Tanganyika cichlids available....... 27/12/12 Yes
From my own breeding tanks (pictures are of the adult breeders): Tropheus sp. Ikola, 50mm SL > £6.00 each (about 12 of them) Tropheus brichardi Bulombora, 40mm SL > £6.00 each (20+ available) Cyprichromis leptosoma Kekese, 40 to 60mm SL > £4.00 each (about 20 of them, males star... ...
121.WANTED - Male Apistogramma Borellii 14/12/12 No
Looking for 1 or 2 ADULT Male Apistogramma Borellii (aka Umbrella Cichlid) I had a breeding group of 4 but unfortunately lost both males. Let me know a price and location! I'm located in Worksop, North Nottinghamshire and will be able to collect if in the surrounding area.
122.Christmas Clearout 13/12/12 No
Hi All, Having a clearout so I dont have to spend all christmas doing water changes! see my list below and contact me on turner.aquatics@gmail.com with interest... ALL MY FISH ARE KEPT IN TREATED TAP WATER..... it is a myth that you need RO water for discus, i have kept, grown and obviously very ... ...
123.Discus for sale - Christmas Clearout 13/12/12 No
Discus for sale: 2-2.5 inch Red Marlbrou Discus £8.00 each or 3 for £22.50 (1 FISH PER BAG) 2-2.5 inch Snake Skin Disucs £9.99 each or 3 for £27.00 (1 FISH PER BAG) 2-2.5 inch Red Turq Discus £8.00 each or 3 for £22.50 (1 FISH PER BAG) 2-2.5 inch Red Pigeon Blood Disucs £8.00 each... ...
124.Wanted : Apisto & Keyhole Cichlids 27/11/12 No
I am after the fish below for a new breeding project : 4x apistogramma cacatuoides (female) 1x apistogramma cacatuoides (male) 4x apistogramma borelli (female) 1x apistogramma borelli (male) breeding pair of keyholes. Please let me know prices and postage costs. Thanks
125.Wanted Apistogramma Borelli or similar 19/11/12 No
Im after a pair of Borelli or similar. What have you got?
126.2-2.5 inches Discus Many Strains Available SELLING FAST 16/11/12 Yes
2-2.5" Red Marlbrou Discus £8.00 each or 3 for £22.00 (1 FISH PER BAG) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vW_Lb6IzLT4&feature=plcp 2-2.5" Red Turq Discus £7.50 each or 3 for £21.00 (1 FISH PER BAG) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ontT8u2H4VM&feature=BFa&list=ULoT7b5ItK3Zg 2-2.5"... ...
127.Apistogramma sale 20/10/12 Yes
Hi I have about 10 Apistogramma`s Barlowi F1 for sale. They are different sizes from juweniles to nearly fully grown. You will get at least 4 pairs out of it. I have also 1 wild adult male Apistogramma nijseni. 3 wild males Dicrossus filamentosus 1 pair Pelvicachromis Taeniatus moliwe. Cheers
128.Aquabatic special offer this weekend 14/09/12 No
Buy 20 cardinals for £20 and get 10 free. These are real wild caught not captive bred and in stunning condition. Lovely stock list at the moment, apistogramma Viejita Fabform, Agassizi, splash tetra (better than pencil fish in a planted tank), loads of corys, l numbers, dedicated nano and inv... ...
129.Apistogramm barlowi 14/09/12 No
I`m closing down my tank and all fih need to go. There is over 10 Apistogramma barlowi different sizes. Pair Apistogramma Kelleri. 3 Dicrossus filamentosus. All fish are wild or F1. Don`t need to say how rare this species are. Waiting for sensible offers. Cheers
130.Tropico Aquatics - Tropical Fish Online 07/09/12 Yes
Tropico Aquatics We are a North Wales based tropical fish specialist providing a One-Stop Online Shop for all your aquatics needs... We breed many species including apistogramma, other dwarf cichlids, corydoras, plecs, central american cichlids and mbuna. We also have exclusive access to spec... ...
131.Female Apistogramma Agassizi 12/07/12 No
Hi, I am looking for one or two female Apistogramma Agassizi in the Stockport, Manchester area. If you have available please contact me with price. Regards Paul
132.Ap.baenschi 02/07/12 No
I have a few female F2 Apistogramma baenschi for sale, these are full adult fish £3 each
133.Apistogramma Barlowi Pelvicachromis taeniatus moliwe 29/06/12 No
Hi, I have pair Pelvicachromis Taeniatus Moliwe, and 3 pairs Apistogramma Barlowi mouthbreeding dwarf cichlids. Collection from Northampton Cheers
134.Apistogramma Barlowi Pelvicachromis taeniatus moliwe 19/05/12 No
Hi, I got two pairs of Apistogramma Barlowi and one pair Pelvicachromis taeniatus moliwe for sale. Im open to any reasonable offers. Bear in mind this is very rare fish only available through hobbyist. Fish are nearly adult size and they spawned already for me. Collection only Cheers
135.Superb stock list from Aquabatic - Cardiff 11/05/12 No
Massive selection of shrimp and snails Quality plants and ferts Fish stock list is really good at the moment THIS LIST IS. OT EXHAUSTIVE WE HAVE LOTS LOTS MORE Venezeulan and Peruvian black corys Blue eyed panaque Snow queen Plec Broken line panaque Blue panaque Red tail sternella Snowbal... ...
I have 5 fighter fish, 3x dark body and red fins, 1x dark blue body light blue fins and 1x white body and red fins (she has a slight kink in her tail but 100% healthy and swims fine) Need to go as I am stocking Apistogramma for a breeding project and need tank space! £15 collected from BS10... ...
137.Apistogramma Alcarinas 16/04/12 Yes
Breeding pair of Alcarinas for sale, have had plenty of fry and very good parents. Feeding very well on frozen foods Full size mature adults beautiful colours £20 ono Not actual photo but same old Alcarina
138.apistogramma agassizi - needs new home 02/04/12 No
Hi all, I purchased 3 Apistogramma Agassizi from a fish shop and asked for 2 females and 1 male. Unfortunately they sold my 2 males by mistake and due to the size of my tank they are constantly fighting and i have had to temporarily rehome 1 of the males into another tank. I am looking for a ... ...
139.dwarf cichlids 20/03/12 No
for sale apistogramma species viejita,hongsloi reds ,triple reds, trifascita, borelli,baenshi all £8 a pair text or ring me on 07999202536 mark_ganderton@hotmail.co.uk facebook M&E Tropicals
140.F/S breeding group of Protomelas taeniloatus Red Empress 17/03/12 Yes
Group of 4 available, dominant male, what I believe a sub-dom male and 2 females > £20 for the group I've had one brood from the group and one of the females pictured is currently brooding. Please note that the other female has one damaged eye (pupil), has been like that ever since I got as a... ...
141.Apistogramma Baenschi Pelvicachromis taeniatus moliwe 03/03/12 No
Hi, I have trio A. Baenschi and pair Pelvicachromis taeniatus moliwe to go away. I need a tank space and they need to go by next weekend.
I have two beautiful INIRIDAE Apistogramma females for sale. The fish are in stunning condition and are F1, means the first strain from a wild pair. These are in breeding condition and would be great in any tank. Based in Sunningdale Berkshire off the A30
143.Various Malawi Cichlids for sale.... 27/12/11 Yes
I have 6 or 7 of each of the following (all youngsters, approx 25 to 35mm in length) Labeotropheus trewevasae Red Top (1 male and 4 females) Metriaclima sp Red Top Gallireya Pseudotropheus sp Acei (Senga Bay) Also some younger/slightly smaller Cynotilapia sp Hara Crytocara moorii All ... ...
144.Apistogramma Agazzi 17/12/11 No
Male Apistogramma Agazzi wanted Female Panduro wanted 07824661963
145.Wanted - apistogramma and other dwarf cichlids 21/11/11 No
Wanted a pair/group of Apistogramma or some variety of Dwarf Cichlid Can collect from north shields or will pay for petrol if delivered Money waiting Email - Robecca@hotmail.co.uk Text - 07871854074
146.More quality from the best in South Wales 20/11/11 No
Zebra Plecs L046 only 3 available Red and White crystal shrimp Starry night Sulawesi shrimp Blue tiger shrimp Red skunk shrimp Borneo emerald clams Apistogramma cacatuoides double red Stunning clown loach L081 L018 Arriving Tuesday Wild Discus Blue Phantom Plecs Blue rams Whiptail ... ...
147.wanted urgently 16/11/11 No
Anomalochromis thomasi rams ( any kind ) nannacara ( have one pair now! ) Laetacara curviceps ( Flag Acara, Flag Cichlid, Sheepshead Acara ) pelvicachromis signatus Apistogramma panduro ( Blue Panda Apisto,Panda Apisto,Panda Dwarf Cichlid ) also interested in other apistos and pelvicachromis ... ...
148.New Fish in Store 14/11/11 No
We have just had a new delivery in store including. Dwarf Chiclids:- APISTOGRAMMA. Borelli. Agassizi. Agassizi double red/super red/Fire Red. Nijsseni. Trifasciatum. Cacatoids/double red. Egyptian Mouthbrooders. Nicolsi.
149.aqua one external filters-- swap apistogrammas 08/11/11 No
as title says im after some apistogrammas i have 3-4 differant aqua one external filters im happy to swap,,let me no what u have see if we can do deal cheers james,,
150.Tank clearance 05/11/11 No
Hi, I have for sale following fish: Pelvicachromis Taeniatus Nigerian red male Pelvicachromis Taeniatus Moliwe pair Apistogramma Baenschi 4x females Collection from Northampton please
We have been told that the following fish are going to be for sale at the open show and auction this Sunday being run by the Sheaf Valley Aquarist Society Some fish that have been listed to be sold at Svas show and auction this Sunday www.Svas.co.uk Rasbora espei/ glowlight harliquins Melanot... ...
152.Apistogramma Agassizi Double Reds 06/10/11 Yes
For Sale:- Juveniles. approx. 25mm growing very well eating every, flake, live, frozen and basically everything offered. Cost £4.00 each. Collection preferred or I can deliver for a small fee (petrol cost) if fairly local. Apologies for picture quality.
153.Apistogramma Baenschi 04/09/11 No
Hi, I have about 10 juveniles of Apistogramma Baenschi for sale. This is stunning and rare dwarf cichlid. They are from half inch to inch size and fully sexable. I`m looking for 5 pound each. Collection only from Northampton. Any questions email me on arturckm@gmail.com Thank you
agassizi,cacatuoides,borelli,panduro,trafaciata, viejita,macmasteri, baenchi inca,nijsseni trying to obtain pairs of these apistos.TEL_07957712332 john.
155.Lots OF tropical fish for sale, some rare fish 28/08/11 No
Hello everyone unfortunately due to recent circumstances I am having to sell a lot of my fish just now which I am regrettably doing. So I have listed here the fish I have for sale just now and need to try sell these as soon as possible. I will post fish if required which will be royal mail and will... ...
156.Lots OF tropical fish for sale, some rare fish 15/08/11 No
Hello everyone unfortunately due to recent circumstances I am having to sell a lot of my fish just now which I am regrettably doing. So I have listed here the fish I have for sale just now and need to try sell these as soon as possible. I will post fish if required which will be royal mail and will... ...
157.various cichlids for sale 29/07/11 No
I have various cichlids for sale. 5x Keyhole Cichlids (2 male, 3 female) approx 4-5 inches. Displaying breeding behaviours. Very nice fish. 5x Juvenile Apistogramma Cacatuoides (double red). Approximately 2 inches. 2x Apistogramma Borelli. Approximately 2 inches. All healthy fish from... ...
158.New stock at Aquabatic 25/06/11 No
For all the nano tank aquarists out there we have: Superb fire red shrimp Bee Shrimp Crystal reds Green shrimp Zebra snails Fish for nanos some great lamp eyes. Great plant selection again at great prices. What some retailers call 'dutch select' and sell for £5 a pot, we beat quality ... ...
159.apistogramma agassizi double reds dwarf cichlids 27/05/11 Yes
i have for sale some sub adult apistogramma agassizi double reds , approx size 1" . they are growing very nicely and are feeding well on everything i feed them. 01209711006 £8 pair , £4 each for males only , will not sell females separately.
160.apistogramma cacatuoides tripple reds dwarf cichlids 27/05/11 Yes
i have for sale some sub adult apistogramma cacatuoides tripple reds , approx 1" size and are growing very nicely on everything i feed them. l have very limited females at present. £8 pair or males only £4 each , females not sold separately. 01209711006
162.Wild breeding trio Apistogramma Eunotus 20/04/11 Yes
goes on sale on ebat tonight at 10pm dont miss out item number: 170630793785
163.Aquabatic of Cardiff: New stock in 06/04/11 No
More quality fish in stock Stunning corydoras similis, julii and Melini Apistogrammas, agasizzi, veijita, mendezi Red an White crystal shrimp, black and white shrimp, clown loach, Siamese flying fox, marbled hatchets, lamp eyes and lots lots more. We still have incredible discus available a... ...
Due to unprecedented demand, more chocolate gourami's; red crystal shrimp, black and white bee shrimp and yellow fire shrimp are on their way. Some really nice corydoras cervinus and similis, Apistogrammas, lamp eyes, siamese flying fox and lots lots more. These fish will be available in 2-3 ... ...
165.Apistogramma Cacatuoides Double Red - Apisto Cockatoo 30/03/11 No
Apistogramma cacatuoides double red £3 each - 10 available Any questions or offers welcome Collection from sunningdale, berkshire - near ascot, bracknell, surrey
The Quality keeps on coming. Superb L numbers, discus and malawi's. Inc watermelon plec and superb white spotted ancistrus. Honestly, the quality is like nothing we have seen anywhere. Superb chocolate gourami's, dwarf apistogramma's and the finest wild bleeding heart tetras we've seen in a ... ...
167.Wanted: Apistogramma 14/02/11 No
I'm looking for juvenile groups or sexed pairs of Apistos. Cash waiting! I'm able to collect from Grt Manchester area.
168.Rare Apistogramma atahualpa young x15 available - Berkshire 31/01/11 Yes
I have young F1 Apistogramma atahualpa (sunset apisto) for sale! Please PM me with any questions. Each fish is £5, though open to offers. These are extremely rare fish and in perfect condition and growing well. They are 2/3 months old. The pictures are of my last batch, the ones for sale... ...
170.Tropical Fish Delivered to Your Door (for £9.95) Jan 17th 18/01/11 Yes
We can combine postage costs on multiple items ordered. Payment: We would require payment from the following methods: Paypal or postal order. Paypal is the most efficient and safest way. Please find below a list of fish availability and size:FISH BARBS Checker Barb 1.5cm Cherry Barb... ...
171.Jewel Aquatics will deliver fish to your door for £9.95 per box. 20/12/10 Yes
Example 25 Neon tetras for £15.95 + £9.95 (postage)= £25.90 We can combine postage costs on multiple items ordered. Payment: We would require payment from the following methods: Paypal or postal order. Paypal is the most efficient and safest way. Alternatively, postal orders can be sent... ...
173.All Apistogramma Wanted 15/11/10 No
As above any type of apisto wanted... drop me an email Cheers Kez
174.amwell aquatics stock list for week 08/10/10 14/10/10 Yes
new amwell aquatics stock list from 08/10/10 Snakeheads. channa orientalis , channa sp. platinium , channa bleheri blue , channa maruliodes, channa aurantimaculata. Catfish. shovelnose , tiger shovelnose cross redtail , tiffany whiptail , sturisoma aureum. L - numbers. l14 - sun... ...
175.Apisto, killis, tetra, synos and hatchets (Norfolk) 19/09/10 Yes
Collection only from Norfolk. Pair of steel blue killis-£5 4 marble and 2 silver hatchets-£10 3 upside down catfish/Synodontis nigriventris-£12 5 serpae tetra-£5 1 male apistogramma agassizi-£7 Im open to sensible offers on all the fish. Cheers
176.WANTED--Apistogrammas 18/08/10 No
Just after apistogramma's, if anyone has any for sale in County Down or County Antrim let me know!
177.Apistogramma Cacatuoides for sale 16/08/10 No
Tank bred, two broods currently available, now reaching 1".Triple Red, still difficult to sex,but those now developing colour are potential stunners! £5 each, £15 for five. Photos to follow if required. Buyer collects.
178.Apistogramma Agassizii Fire Red 02/07/10 No
For sale are groups of 5 Apistogramma Agassizii "Fire Red". They are around the 1" mark and are just starting to become sexable. £18 for 5 Postage is available at £11.50 through Royal Mail next day pre 1pm. For more info on this please have a look at my "ADVERTISER'S PROFILE" at the bott... ...
179.Apistogramma Baenschi "breeding pair" 02/07/10 No
I am selling my wild breeding pair of Apistogramma Baenschi to make way for other breeding projects. This pair is very prolific and raise fry without problems..............something domestic strains struggle with. They are priced at £30 and postage is available through Royal Mail next day deliv... ...
180.Apistogramma Nijsseni 21/06/10 No
WANTED Hi, i'm looking to breed Apistogramma Nijsseni so am looking to buy a few males/females. Hampshire area, can collect or may may postage nationally depending on price. Thanks
181.Wanted Apistogramma Agassizi Teeside Area 18/04/10 No
Hi I am looking for a male Apisto Agassizi but will take a pair. Prefareably around the Teeside area so I can collect
182.Red Turquoise Discus 02/03/10 Yes
Hello, I decided to sell some of my favorite fish which are Red Turquoise Discus because I need money for new fish. They are apox 3.5". I feed them with flakes, beef hearts, tetra prima and daphnia food. There are Only 2 Discus available. The Price for one Discus is 15 Pounds or 4 for 50. ... ...
183.WANTED: Apistogramma breeding pairs or discus fry 02/03/10 No
Hello, looking for breeding pairs of any Apistogramma species. Will pay good money for a nice pair. Delivery must be possible as i can't collect. I will also buy any Discus fry as well. Please e-mail me at: phackett319@googlemail.com Thankyou.
184.WANTED: Male Apistogramma Baenschi 20/02/10 No
Hello, desperatly in need of a male apistogramma baenschi for my small group of females. Must be able to post as i can't collect. will pay a good price either by cheque or paypal. Feel free to email or text me, thankyou
185.Dwarf cichlids 01/02/10 No
Hi. I have about 10 apistogramma baenschi(1 male and 9 females) and 4 males of crenicichla regani ( 3 nearly adult 4" and 1 about 2"). I will not post them. Contact me please on:arturckm@hotmail.com
186.Apistogramma baenschi 22/01/10 No
Hi. I have group of Apistogramma baenschi for sale. They just matured and present nice spawning colours. If anyone interested please contact me on: arturckm@hotmail.com
187.Crenicichla regani 10/01/10 No
Hi. I would like to exchange 4 nearly adult males for 2 females of these dwarf pike cichlids. I`m willing to tavel to collect them. I can give away few extra females of apistogramma baenschi.Contact me please on: arturckm@hotmail.com
188.Apistogramma baenschi 03/01/10 No
Hi. I have harem (1 male and about 8 females) stunning and very rare dwarf cichlids. They nearly matured and start showing spawning colours. Before you buy them consider that they need soft acidic water. I keep them in RO only water. I want 50£ for whole lot. Thanks
Hi I am after some Apistogrammas able to collect around the Bucks-Beds-Berks-Herts area
190.Tropical fish to your door. Blue & White diamond discus 26/10/09 Yes
We have Blue & White diamond discus I Only have 12 of the White left. I have 18 of the Blue. Apistogramma's are all F1 Bred or Wild caught. If you want the DISCUS they are on the A-Z Fish List.... so take a look. We can import almost any fish. Keep checking our website as there are many m... ...
191.Want a apistogramma agassizi female 09/06/09 No
I want to buy 1 apistogramma agassizi female from Plymouth,Devon; for contact tel:07920804417
192.Apistogramma Panduro 06/06/09 Yes
Hi. I`m selling my beautiful pair apistogramma panduro. These stunning dwarf are about 8 months old and spawned couple times in my breeding tank. I need to room for arrival another apistogramma species thats why I put them on sale. Keeping them in RO water, ph-6 ,temp 26 C I WILL NOT send them. C... ...
193.Apistogramma Panduro 06/06/09 Yes
Hi. I`m selling my beautiful pair apistogramma panduro. These stunning dwarf are about 8 months old and spawned couple times in my breeding tank. I need to room for arrival another apistogramma species thats why I put them on sale. Keeping them in RO water, ph-6 ,temp 26 C I WILL NOT send them. C... ...
194.Apistogramma baenschi 01/06/09 No
Hi. I have one spare female apistogramma baenschi(just matured). I would exchange for male or sell . Currently in the tank I have three other females( all spawned recently) and one male. Another male would be nice add for genes diversity. Thanks My email: arturckm@hotmail.com
195.Apistogramma Cacatuoide 15/04/09 No
I have an ever lasting supply of mixed Apistogramma Cacatuoide Triple red's The dad is something else, never seen Apistogramma so mature and big! we get regular batches of them and are now at the stage were the young are old enough to sell safely, and not far off sexing i must say, in my opinion ... ...
Hi i am wanting some small chiclids dont matter what size but not malawi or tanganikan i would like kribs apistos or jewls am willing to pay cash if price right cheers paul
197.Apistogramma bitaeniata 23/01/09 No
Hello! Has anyone have Apistogramma bitaeniata for sale?? Thanks
198.Apistogramma agassizi / fire red 08/06/08 Yes
i have for sale a male and female rare Apistogramma agassizi / fire red the female is about an inch and the male 1,5 inch £15 the pair please email me at starfox8000@msn.com.
199.Apistogramma's - Dwarf Cichlids - Take a l@@k! 08/06/08 Yes
Hi, I have the following stunning Dwarf Apistogramma's available as young adult sexed pairs. 2x Apistogramma Pandurini £20 2x Apistogramma Nijsseni £20 2x Apistogramma Agassizii Double Reds £15 2x Apistogramma Cacatuoides £15 2x Apistogramma Hongsloi £15 2x Apistogramma Borelli £10 ... ...
200.Fish Apitogramma 04/01/08 No
I have 3 spare Apistogramma Brietbinden females to offer and I am looking for 1 or 2 Male Breitbinden apistogramma. If you have a male to offer or loan please contact me. The females have just become mature and in excellent health. I do not know of anyone who has Brietbinden to offer, if you know o... ...

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