Hello everyone unfortunately due to recent circumstances I am having to sell a lot of my fish just now which I am regrettably doing. So I have listed here the fish I have for sale just now and need to try sell these as soon as possible. I will post fish if required which will be royal mail and will be a cost of £11.49 for most fish unless they are larger such as angels, or I can post apc at I believe is a cost of about £25 and you can have unlimited fish for this and is a safer option. I will not be held responsible for any losses in the post so refunds will not be given you would have to take this up with the royal mail etc which if delivered ,late for example you would get a full refund incl postage. As you see I have not put prices at fish, if you are interested please either reply to ad with an offer on what you’d like. All my fish are in excellent condition and you will not be disappointed. Unfortunately I don not have a camera just now so am unable to take pictures of actual fish, but I am trying to get a friends camera to borrow so I can, so if your interested in any fish and are unsure what they look like, best option is too look them up on Google. Any questions feel free to ask,.
So the fish are as follows:
• Adult Breeding pair of Solid Blue Snakeskin Discus ( These are breeding very regular now, with excellent care for their young and large hatch rates .(The female has a damaged eye this was done a while ago but does not affect her and is not a genetic defect.)
• I have the following angels:
-1x Smokey black adult male?
-2x juv medium size platinum white
-3xadult pinoy angels(still a little growing today but are getting bigger)
3xjuv/adult medium/large Singapore Blue angels
12x juv KOI angels (body size about 5opence piece or so )(These have gorgeous very long finnage possible long fin angels?)
• Corydoras Julii Adult Breeding Pair(these are very very regular breeders)
• Apistogramma sp ‘Pebas’ wild juv pair(Peru Import)
• Apistogramma Eunotus Wild Female(Peru Import)
• Golden juv apple snails
• Purple juv apple snails
• Group of 4 Neolaprologus Multifasciatus( nearly fully grown)
• 2x adult breeding pairs Tiger endlers
• Tiger endlers young
• A wild type of guppies originally 2 xadult breeding pairs and young available(these have beautifull markings on them)
• Apistogramma Cacatoides “Double Red” Adult Breeding Pair (Wild female)(These are breeding constantly as soon as they’ve bred you take away their brood they breed again. )
• Nannacara Anomala I have I believe 2xf,4xm juv
• Assassin Snails 3xadults
• Taeniacara Candidi male
• 5x Zoogeneticus Tequila adults(4xm,1xf) (These are an endangered species and a rare fish to have , there is hardly any information about these livebearers out there, a lovely peaceful fish)
• 1xL066 King tiger I believe it is juvenile
• 1x unknown plec was bought as a L066 king tiger but has different markings, is not a common plec so could be something rare who knows not had time to id.
• 6x Humphead/blockhead cichlids, lovely small cichlid to have very good natured and a lot of character, not seen to often.
• 2xStendker Tefe discus about 4months old
• Lots of pairs of Wild guppies brought back from the Philippines in February. These are gorgeous more like endlers, have beautiful markings and colours, Rare chance to get some proper wild guppies which these will not be seen anywhere else at all really.
Contact Information Advertiser: chris thomson Town: aberdeen
County: Aberdeenshire
Advert stats: [Added or updated:15/08/11 Views: 2424]
