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 PLANET AROWANA CLEARANCE SALE MAKING SPACE NEW STOCKS : Planet Arowana January sale grab yourself a bargain all stock must be sold ready for new shipments incoming. Please pm stock list ...08/02/25
 PLANET AROWANA PREMIUM AQUARIUMS - TROPICAL & MARINE TANKS : We are proud to Introduce our new bespoke Aquariums - Tropical & Marine Tanks Available These aquariums are fully bespoke and we h ...08/02/25

1Group of 5 parrots for sale : Got a group of 5 parrot fish for sale 3 blood and 2 orange. Great health, nice an active. look good as a group. 40£ for all 5. large to me ...08/02/25
2Tropical fish : 2 x L236sw Absolutely top quality fish Looking to sell or swap If interested message me 0773009247508/02/25
3Tiger shovelnose, sailfin plec and gourami : Various fish for rehoming Tiger shovelnose catfish roughly 15 inches Sailfin plec roughly 12 inches 3x pink kissing gourami roughly 4 ...07/02/25
4Cichlids : Anybody got any cichlids for sale would prefer American but would have African if the right ones07/02/25
5Cichlids : Anybody got any American cichlids for sale?07/02/25
6Xl fire eel : 2 ft fire eel eats frozen food ,nice and healthy quick sale £70....WhatsApp me for more details and pictures.....location junction 11 M25 a ...07/02/25
7Polar Parrots for Sale : I have loads of Polar Parrot Cichlids available. £3.50p or 6 x £20 OX1807/02/25
8Cichlids and oddballs Leeds 07872 417861 : Pm me Leeds 14 Red Oscar 7” Red Oscar 2” Albino Oscar 7” Pair Tiger Oscar 7” Emperor snakehead 14” Gold Severum 7” Gold s ...07/02/25
9Fish : 9 inch white oscar sell or swaps Wigan07/02/25
10Fire eel : 8" fire eel feeding well on bloodworm £25 Collection only07/02/25
11Male albino pearl stingray. 450 6”-7” : Male albino pearl stingray. 6” 450, no offers. Collection only. Doesn’t seem to be getting along with bigger female. is abit to nas ...07/02/25
12Juvenile Greyshakei mixed cichlids : Selling at £2 each Roughly 6 months old from fry Mixed sizes between 1-3inch07/02/25
13Fluval Vincenza 180L Bowfront set up : Fluval Vincenza 180L Bowfront set up Fluval external sump filtration Fluval heating unit Fluval light unit Fluval lid No livestock Rea ...07/02/25
14WANTED - Severums : Various severums wanted 2X female redneck Severum 1X male redneck Severum 2X female gold Severum 1X male gold Severum 1X female re ...07/02/25
15Large group of Clown Loaches : I have a large group of Clown Loaches about 20 they are really nice size 4 to 4.5" Inches, very active and healthy Cash on collect ...07/02/25
16Marine fish tanks forsale : Marine fish tanks two full set up first one redsea 250 in great condition comes complete with pump two heater two watermarked skimmer light ...07/02/25
17Malawi cichlids for sale haps and peacocks £10-£40 : 07774442007 Message for a video of stock Rostaratus -15 Turkis -15 Hawk -30 Gar -25 Sulphur head -15 Dolphin 1 eye -15 Trout -40 ...07/02/25
18Large Tufa rock or similar Wanted : Looking for some large tufa rock for aquascaping a large marine tank, Ideally large pieces and qty, if you have anything or no of anythin ...06/02/25
19Wanted large soft coral, : Just finishing a large 10ft mixed reef / fish tank and looking for large soft coral, something like Kenya tree, toadstall / leather etc. ...06/02/25
20Wanted tank around 2.3 foot : Halifax area any for sale or free06/02/25
21Fish tank in cabinet : 164 by 54 Height 219 Price 50006/02/25
22Red rose crossback arowana 8 inch : New strain dont think theres many of these about, hes not getting along with my golden arrow even after 1 month of being together so now loo ...06/02/25
236-7 inch Red Head Geos x4, Large red spot gold Sev : Looking at selling 4 of my red head geos. Reluctant sale but selling due to them not getting along with the stingray! Also selling large ...06/02/25
24Pink-tail Chalceus Chalceus macrolepidotus x6 : Hi, I have 6 pinktails for sale about 6-7" .all 6 for £50.07/02/25
25Glossamia Wichmanni x1 male 4-5 inch : Brought 2 but both males so one is up for grabs trade for a female , very rare fish from Papua New Guinea first time I’ve seen them unti ...06/02/25
26Wolf fish : 1’ Hoplias malabaricus Wolf fish looking for new waters Bournemouth 07527916792 for more details06/02/25
27Stunning Blue Acara Cichlids - West London : I have around 20 gorgeous true blue acara juveniles. These have been home bred from our successful breeding pair, dad measuring 6 inches, mu ...06/02/25
28L200 Green Phantoms Hemiancistrus Subviridis x3 : A very reluctant sale of my group of 3 Green Phantom's, An educated guess is 1F 2M. The pictures don't do them justice, their colours are ...07/02/25
292 Discus : Two discus. Looking for 20 for smaller one. And 30 for larger one. Message for pics. Unsure of what kind they are.06/02/25
30Moori dolphins wanted albino and blue : Anybody got any good size albino or blue moori in South East. Or London? Thanks05/02/25
3112 inch gibbiceps plec : 12 inch gibbiceps plec open to offers05/02/25
32gouramis swap for other fish : 5 x opaline 3 x golden 1 x moonlight 1 x pearl swap for other fish try me05/02/25
33Orinoco Pteropyllum Altum Angel fish x 7 : 7 Altum angelfish £300 Approximate sizes 2 x 5cm 2 x 6cm 2 x 7cm 1 x 8cm All feeding well on prima and frozen bloodworm Pics ava ...07/02/25
34Fire eel wanted 14" plus : Recently lost my fire eel and would love another I am based in Wirral Nth West and can travel within reason Anyone got one Simon 07 ...05/02/25
35giraffe catfish : approx 10 inches long looking for new waters... ask for pics as cant upload.. message through email please OPEN TO OFFERS.05/02/25
36Two silver Arowna : Two silver Arowna for sale abut 18” long looking for £125 each05/02/25
37Royal knife fish : Royal knife fish for sale abut 10” long looking £16005/02/25
38WANTED- Lethrinops green face manda, Lethrinops red cap itungi : Hi I’m after both types of lethrinops, all sizes considered, message me if you can help thanks05/02/25
39Mbuna : I have a bunch of top quality mbuna purchased from the best suppliers/hobbiests possible. Would be a great first stock or additions to cu ...05/02/25
40L190 pleco : 6” £4005/02/25
41BUCCOCHROMIS RHOADESII WILD CAUGHT : FOR SALE Buccochromis Rhoadesii wild caught - 5 fish - 5 males . Males size 7 - 8 inch 18 - 20cm . Fish is from Germany - AQUA TREFF . ...07/02/25
42Tropical fish in 4ft tank : 3x Oscar’s, 2x parrot fish, 1x knifefish, 2x upside down catfish, 2x jack dempsies, 1x green terror, in a 4ft 300litres tank. Pump as pic ...05/02/25
43Breeding pair of melons : Breeding pair of melons £500 Collection newton abbot05/02/25
444ft tank and fish : 4ft 300litres Comes with 3x Oscar’s, 2x parrot fish, 1x knifefish, 2x upside down catfish, 2x jack dempsies, 1x green terror, Pump as ...05/02/25
45Breeding pair of discus snakeskin : Breeding pair of discus Collection newton abbot05/02/25
46Breeding pair of discus with there young : Breeding pair of discus with there young £650 Collection newton abbot05/02/25
47Discus for sale : Young discus for sale £40 each A couple of melons and the rest turquoise. The larger turquoise is mum and not for sale for £40. She an ...21/01/25
4814 Various discus for sale : 14 Various discus for sale job lot £1500 Collection newton abbot21/01/25
49Wanted motoro rays : I'm looking for 2 male and 2 female motoro rays, smaller the better please message me with what you have and closer to bridgwater the better ...05/02/25
50Wanted- Male Otopharynx Tetrastigma : Hi all, looking for a Malawi Tetrastigma- all sizes considered please contact if you can help!04/02/25
51Fish : Red Texas 6 inch and 2 gt Texas 4 inch looking for swaps pick up only Standish or sell also got 2 parrots 6 inch04/02/25
52All livestock and plants for sale breaking down small fishroom. : Hi we are planning to move soon so going to shutdown the fishroom I will be keeping all tanks and equipment but all livestock and plants for ...07/02/25
53Stocklist January 2025 Dagenham, Essex Aquatics, Community Fish : Here is a stocklist for this January 2025: Live-bearers: Male Guppies Female Guppies Gold Cobra Guppies Lyretail Mollies Mollies S ...04/02/25
54Ocean rock : Loads of ocean rock for sale in Box for more details04/02/25
55Cichlids, Plecos & Dollars : Need to move some fishies on … 2x 5” Xingu 1 Orange Pike £150 3” Clown Angelfish, pair £15 4x 3” Spotted Dollars £25 6 ...06/02/25
56L plecos for sale south east London : All feeding well and always out No sunken bellies all chunky fish 2 X 129-270 COLOMBIAN CHOCOLATE ZEBRA 5cm £25 each 1 X L200 GREEN P ...07/02/25
57WANTED tigrinus catfish or swap with fogo bass : I am after tigrinus catfish preferably 8 inch plus Happy to travel for collection I also got fogo peacock bass 8-10inch If interested in ...06/02/25
58Large Bogwood Pieces x 3 : 3 pieces of big wood. Centre £60 Each end £30 each Will do all 3 for £100 We’re in a 78x20x24 tank and now sat on top of 3 seat ...04/02/25
59Tropheus dubosi group +fry : selling my large group of tropheus dubosi and fry There's 39 adults 5 sub adults and upto 10 fry there.had them over a year but fancy a cha ...07/02/25
60Super red arowana or chilli red arowana : I am looking super red arowana or chilli red arowana 7inch to 8 inch any body sale pls contect me in my whatsapp 0787979787404/02/25
61Wabenmusters/Honeycomb Bristlenose : Wabenmusters/Honeycomb Bristlenose: 15x Males Adults 8-9.5cm - £60 30x Young 4.5-6cm - £30 1x Lemon Bristlenose Male 11cm - £50 ...07/02/25
62Selling of my Xiphophorus Montezumae Tank : Fish Tank for Sale – White Glass, Perfect for Aquascaping. Size: 80 x 40 x 45 cm H -Opal Glass Volume: 144L / 31 Gallons E ...03/02/25
63Texas and jack dempsey available : Texas cichlid 5inch + And Jack dempsey 6inch Collection only Blackpool Fy55hb £30 for both03/02/25
644x leopard bush fish : 4 leopard bush all very peaceful and eating well, around 6-7 inches03/02/25
65Wild type Endlers poecilia wingei Free to a good home : Have several dozen wild type Endlers that have been breeding like, well, endlers... Welcome to take just a few or a few dozen, ones availabl ...03/02/25
66Peruvian Altum Angel fish : I have 10 Peruvian Altum angel fish for sale. About 3-4 inch in size. £10 each. Collection only. Buyer to bring own bucket/tub.03/02/25
67JUWEL RIO 240 AQUARIUM COMPLETE - NO STAND - £350 : Juwel Rio 240 aquarium complete - without stand In excellent condition, no scratches to the glass, only 2 months old Multilux led li ...03/02/25
68Looking For A Free Tank : Hi! I know it may be an impossible mission but I'm looking for a free fish tank around 4ft no bigger . I can absolutely collect! Thankyou ...03/02/25
69Guppies, Platies, Mollies, Swordtails, Tetras, Barbs, Rasboras etc : We have lots of species available, over 100 tanks. Message for more info.03/02/25
70L095 Orange cheek : A reluctant sale of my L095 Orange cheek pleco, approx 25cm SL, I've had since July 2017 and is in a verygood/healthy condition, one slight ...03/02/25

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