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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Low Tech Planted Tanks, Plus Livestock, Stand and Accessories

Low Tech Planted Tanks, Plus Livestock, Stand and Accessories

Description: 3 x 60L low tech planted fish tanks, with coloured cherry shrimp, fish, fish food, stand and accessories.

Each tank has approximately 150+ coloured cherry shrimp, plus a small assortment of fish. Tanks are mature, have been running for over 8 months. Super low maintenance, not running CO2 or fertilisers, the only thing I do is feed the fish, wipe the glass and do a water change every one to two weeks.

Tank one is full of red/yellow/orange and rili cherry shrimp, black skirt tetra, 2 Dwarf golden eye cichlids, 3 medaka rice fish, 2 albino white cloud minnows, a zebra danio and some other skirt tetras.
Tank 2 is full of Chocolate brown/Rilis/Oddball shrimp, male endler guppies, 4 five banded barbs, 2 Pyjama Dario, 4 Sparkling Gourami, 6 Mosquito raspbora and about 15 Ember tetras.
Tank 3 is Black/Blue shrimp and a few oddballs, 1 dwarf apistogramma, 4 dwarf golden eye cichlids, blue daisy's rice fish, a few neon green raspbora and some Gertrude's Rainbow fish - this tank is £125 due to a white spot problem on the ricefish that I can't get rid of.

Asking £150 for the complete set ups plus accessories. The Endler tank will also come with frozen fish food to feed the Dario. Shrimp breed like vermin and in the summer so do the Sparkling Gourami.

If you want more pictures or info please text me.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Alex Towers
Telephone: 07366241834
Town: Newport
County: Monmouthshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:07/01/23 Views: 783]

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