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Home :: General Tropical Fish


Description: Here at Angel Aquatics we have over 50 tanks on our 4,000L tropical system so we have plenty of space for all types of fish.

Below we have a list of just some of the fish we have for sale with prices.

Assorted small discus £15 each or 3 for £40

Peacock goby s £5 each or 2 for £9

Apistogrammas £10 a pair for


And £12 a pair for

Anything else, we get a massive list so get them to enquire and ring up
(Might be worth printing all the names off the next list off)


German blue ram £5 each or 2 for £9
Gold ram £5 each or 2 for£9
XXL gold rams £20 a pair
Electric blue rams £10 each or 3 for £27
Small Bolivian rams £3 each or 2 for £5


Neons £1 each or 7 for £5
Rummynose tetra £1.50 each or 8 for £10
Cardinal tetras £1.50 each or 7 for £10
GLOWLIGHT tetra £1 each or 6 for £5
Red eye tetra £1 each or 6 for £5
Penguin tetra £1.50 each or 6 for £7.50
Silver tip tetra £1.25 each or 6 for £6
Black widow tetra £1.25 each or 6 for £6
SERPAE tetra £1.50 each or 8 for £10
Diamond neon tetra £1.50 each or 6 for £7.50
COLUMBIAN red fin tetra £2 each or 6 for £10
Black phantom tetra £1.75 each or 5 for £7.50
Lemon tetra £1 each or 6 for £5
Emperor tetra £1.25 each or 6 for £6
Black neon tetra £1.25 each or 6 for £6

Always different tetras in stock, make a note large specific orders can be made but make sure they know they'll have to wait for a quote

Large cichlids

Central American - all juvenile

Salvini cichlid £5 each or 3 for
Fire mouth cichlid £5 each or 3 for £12
Rainbow cichlid £5 each or 3 for £12
Convict cichlids 3-4" £7 each or 2 for £12
Small convicts £2
Synspilum £10
T bar cichlid 4"+ £8!!

South American

Oscars £7 each!!
Geophagus braziliensis £4 each or 3 for £10
Geophagus braziliensis red top £5 each or 3 for £12
XXS Severums £3!!!

Malawi cichlids

Small assorted Malawi £3 each or 4 for £10
Medium assorted Malawi £5 each or 3 for £12
Large assorted Malawi £8 each or 3 for £20
Large XXL assorted aluno £12 each or 3 for £30

Address: Angel Aquatics, 2 Elliott Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6LA.

Tel: 0121-472-5144

Open 7 days a week 10am-6pm
Sunday 11am-5pm

Contact Information
Advertiser: Angel Aquatics
Telephone: 0121 472 5144
Town: Birmingham
County: West Midlands
Web Link:

Advert stats: [Added or updated:11/06/13 Views: 3628]

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