Pentazona barb
Golden Barb
Tiger barb
Cherry barb
White cloud L/Fin
Dwarf gourami
Ancistrus orange and black LDA16 Long Fin
Titanic Plec L273
Hypancistrus L270
Hypaancistrus L264 Leporacanthicus Pleco
Corydoras schultzei albino
Whiptail cat
Apistogramma cacatuoides Triple Red
Apistogramma macmasteri red mask
Apistogramma spec. Pandourini
Apistogramma hongsloi Gold Red
Apistogramma viejita II
Apistogramma viejita II Gold
Apistogramma rio mamore
Bristlenose Gold
Bristlenose catfish
Angel fish Black
Angel Fish diamond leopard
Angel Fish marble gold head
Pterophyllum scalare Peru Altum
Aphyosemion australe Gold pairs only
Aphyosemion australe Chocolate cape lopez
Aphyosemion gardneri makurdi pairs only
Sunshine molly
Bloodfin tetra
Glowlight tetra
Rummynose tetra
Cardinal Tetra
Neon tetra
purple emperor tetra
super blue emperor
beckford pencil fish
Glass Bloodfin tetra
X-ray tetra
Harlequin rasbora
peru sky blue tetra
Hatchet Fish
Yamatoa Shrimp
Butterfly Plec (Leopard sucker)
Fighter Half Moon
Siamese Fighter Super Delta
Guppy Male Metallic Pink
Pim Pictus
Adonis Plec
L114 Scarlet Plec
L204 Flash Pleco
Striped Ramshorn
Leopard Danio
Snow White Danio
Zebra Danio
Guppy Male metallic Blue
Female Guppy
Silver Shark
Silver Shark
Glass catfish
Balloon Molly
Firemouth Cichlid
And more including ...
Wild red spotted severums
Blue Rams
Gold Rams
Electric Blue Rams
Contact Information Advertiser: Destination Aquatics Telephone: 01234242486
Town: Bedford
County: Bedfordshire
Advert stats: [Added or updated:26/03/16 Views: 2113]