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  New stock list

Description: Washington aquatics stockist

odd balls
metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each
metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each
Lepisosteus spatula (aligator gar) 3-4" £15-£20each
redtail catfish 3" £20each
reed fish 12-15" £12each
lesser spiny eel 4" £10each

Apistogramma beanschi Inca £20 pair
Apistogramma trifasciata £12 pair
electric blue rams xlarge (stunning) £8
Papiliochromis ramirezi £3
Papiliochromis ramirezi "Orinoco" £5
Papiliochromis ramirezi German Blue £3
Papiliochromis ramirezi
Netherland £4
Nanochromis transvestitus £10
Pelvicachromis pulcher Super Red £7
Pelvicachromis taeniatus Nigerian Red £10
Pseudocrenilabrus multicolour £8
Assorted angels small £4
glowlight tetra £1 10 for £8
bentosi tetra £2 10 for £18
flame tetra £1
lemon tetra £1
kerri Superblue tetra £3
long fin neon tetra £2.50
black chin livebearers £2.50
white Male guppys £3
multicolor Female £1.50
multicolor Male £2
red cobra Female £1.50
red cobra Male guppys £2
triangel guppys XL £2
green cobra Female guppy £2
green cobra Male guppy £2
show guppys £4 per pair
german yellow guppy £4 pair
blue guppy male £2
black swordtails £2
Green swordtails £2
Apple Tricolor Hi-Fin platy £2
Albino Double long fin corydora XL £5
panda Corydoras £3
Hoplo catfish £4
clown loach £4
red eye pufferfish £12
glass catfish £5
Black neon tetra 10 for £8
Banjo catfish 4" £5 each
Platy £1 each
Swordtails £1each
Sailfin Molly £2 each. (Males)
Congo tetra £3 each
Koi Angels £5 each
Silver dollar £4 each
Pearl gourami £3 each
Bronze corys £2.50 each
Serpae tetra £1 each
show guppys £4 per pair
botia heludes £4 each (big)
clown loach 2" plus £4
wonder killifish £2each
Nothobranchius rachovii killifish £8 per pair
red angel fish £8each (stunning)

L134 pleco £35
l024 plecos (7-8") £110 each
l226 plecos (3") £20 each
lemon bristlenose £5each
super red bristlenose £5each 1"
super red bristlenose 2" £12 each
super red bristlenose adult male £30
male bristlenose £8each
l204 flash panaque 3" £28
l206 pleco 2" £15

American/others (cichlids )
Cichlasoma dovi 2" £10each
Steatocranus casuarius £10 each
Leapord bush fish 2" £5 each
Electric blue jack dempseys 2" £10 each
Geophagus altifrons 4.5-5 " £12 each
Cichlasoma festae 3.5" £15 each
Paratilapia polleni 2.5-3" £5each (very nice)
parrotfish 4" £12each
2 spot pike cichlids £10
Cichlasoma ellioti
"Papaloapan" 2" £5
firemouth cichlids 2.5" £4each

breeding quad moori dolphins (2 holding) £40
Pseudotropheus saulosi £10 per pair
Pseudotropheus lombardoi 5" female (stunning) £10

Malawi /tangs

breeding quad moori dolphins (2 holding) £40
Pseudotropheus saulosi £10 per pair
Pseudotropheus lombardoi 5" female (stunning) £10

Red empress 3" £8
Aulonocara nyassae 3.5-4" £8
Super vc-10 hap 3" £7
Lamprologus brichardi 3" £5
cobalt blue zebras 2" £5
aulonocara sp reds 2" £5
aulonocara sp yellow 2" £5
copidichromis azeurus "2 £5
afra jalo reef 2" £5
red fin borleyi 2" £5
Placidochromis sp. ''Phenochilus Tanzania'' 2" £5
featherfin catfish 3-5" £5
moori dolphin 2" £5
aulonocara baenschi benga 2" £5
Copadichromis sp.Tanzania Yellow Fin £25 pair
Haplochromis borleyi Red Fin £8
Haplochromis moorii 4-6" £12
Haplochromis polystigma £12 female (large)
Haplochromis polystigma xlarge £15
Pseudotropheus zebra Red £8
Lamprologus compressiceps "sumbu" £10
Cyathopharynx furcifer kigoma 3" £12 each
synodontis multipunctatus 2" £12


external filters
fluval fx6 £199.99
fluval 306 £99.99
aps 1000 £49.99
aps 1000 with 9w uv £62.99
aps 1400 £59.99
aps 1400 with 9w uv £74.99
aps 2000 £69.99
aps 2000 with 9w uv £89.99

internal filters
aps 600lh £10.99
aps 800lh £14.99
aps 1200lh £19.99
aps 700lh with 9w uv £27.99

50w £9.99
100w £11.99
300w £14.99

repsahy 84g £10.50
meat pie
morning wood
spawn & grow
community plus
super green
shrimp souffle £10.50

repashy 170g
shrimp souffle
morning wood
meat pie £14.99

sera flora 2kg £45 (100g £4.50 , 300g £12)
sera vipagran 3kg £60 (300g £13.99)
king british 200g £6.99
spirulina flake 100g £4.50
tanganyikan flake 100g £7
discus granules 300g £9.99
cichlid granule with spirulina 100g £4
sturgeon pellets 100g £4
alage wafers 100g £4
catfish/cichlid sinking pellets (1mm,3mm,5mm) 100g £4

freeze dried 125ml £2 a tub

frozen blister packs

bloodworm £1.50
bloodworm large £1.50
bloodworm intensive red £2
white mosquito larvae £2.50
black mosquito larvae £2.50
terzet (bloodworm, black mosquito, white mosquito 12 of each) £2.50
artemia £2
beef heart £2
beef heart with spinach £2.50
quartet £2
cyclops £2
cyclops intensive red £2.50
daphnia £2
invertebrates plus vitamins £2
herbivore diet £2
cichlid mix £2
tanganyika mix £2
tropheus mix £2
malawi mix £2
discus life garlic plus £2.50
mysis plus vitamins £2.50
krill small £2.50
loricaria mix £2.50
(10 for £15 on all £2 packets)
(10 for £20 on all £2.50 packets)

more in stock

coral sand 1mm 3mm 5mm 10mm
25kg £26
smaller quanitys can be measured out just ask

200lh airpump £9.99
200lh double air pump £14.99
wavemaker 12000lh £24.99
wavemaker 7500lh £14.99
bio balls box £4.99
cermamic rings 1kg £6.99
activated carbon 1kg £7.99
lots more available just ask

Contact Information
Advertiser: Steve h
Telephone: 0191 4194534
Town: Sunderland
County: Tyne & Wear

Advert stats: [Added or updated:03/02/15 Views: 3040]

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