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  Fish for sale

Description: washington aquatics new stock list
moscow blue guppy pairs £7
xl swordtail pairs £4
large angel fish £7.50
veil tail angels £6 or last 2 for £10
pearl gourami £4 each 3 for £10
coulumbian red fin tetra £2 each
harlequin rasbora 10 for £7
boseman rainbows £4 each
blue eye t bar cichlid £8 each
amano shrimp 5 for £10 or £2.50 each
black ghost knife £7.50 each
electric blue ballon rams £15 (stunning)
neon tetras 10 for £6
assorted hapochromis £4 each
assorted xl malawi £12 each
red cap koi angels £5 each
gold rams £5 each
cardinal tetras 10 for £9
aquatic dwarf frogs £3 each
danios £1 each
black lyre tail mollys £2.50
apistogramma cacatuoides triple red £7 each
puclcher super red kribs £5
sterbai corydora £4 each
torpedo barbs £12 each 3 inch plus
free delievry within 5 mile

Contact Information
Advertiser: Andrew
Telephone: 07930372280
Town: Washington
County: Tyne & Wear

Advert stats: [Added or updated:02/04/14 Views: 2012]

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