The Robin Hood Aquarists will be holding an auction of fish, plants and equipment on Sunday 9th April 2017 at the Highbank Community Centre, Farnborough Road, Clifton, Nottingham, NG11 9DG.
Doors open 10.30am and Auction starts 11am. ***PLEASE NOTE*** earlier start time.
Refreshments will be available throughout the day and a licensed bar has been applied for.
The auction will have a raffle and tickets will be on sale throughout the day. The raffle will be drawn at the end of the auction.
Many thanks to our sponsors who have kindly donated prizes!
Prizes we have received so far are
TMC – AquaBar T Series LED
Waterlife – Various water and disease treatments
King British – Multiple pots of Coldwater and Tropical flake
Mars Fishcare – API Freshwater Master Kit, Test Kits, AmmoLock, Food
JMC – High Protein, Hi-Grow foods, Catfish Pellets
Phil from Fishphilosophy will be present with his stand.
Admission free. We look forward to seeing you there.
For further details, including booking an auction lot,
please contact by e-mail: rhaqua@hotmail.co.uk.
Booking of lots can only be made through this email.
We're also on Facebook, go to https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/524581947558898/ also see www.robinhoodaquarists.co.uk which will be updated regularly up to the day.
PLEASE NOTE: Smoking is strictly prohibited within the building and this includes E-cigarettes. Also it is now council policy that no dogs are permitted in the building.
We have been notified by sellers of the items below that will hopefully be at the auction.
***PLEASE NOTE*** There are no guarantees that these items will definitely be available as unforeseen circumstances before the day cannot be accounted for.
Also, this is certainly not a full list of what will be available, it's only what we know of so far and many sellers do not notify us what they intend to bring along. It's not just a fish and plant auction, there will also be various items of second hand equipment available along with live food cultures. If you are coming for anything specific on the list, let us know and we will try to ascertain from the seller if the item is at risk of not being there and let them know that someone is interested in that item.
The items listed below have only been declared by only 11 sellers, we currently have lots from 27 individual sellers in total booked in for the auction.
Black Bar Endlers
Peacock Endlers
Snakeskin guppies
Standard Brown Bristlenose Ancistrus
Albino Bristlenose
Calico Bristlenose
Super Red Bristlenose
Corydoras panda
L114 Pseudacanthicus Leopardus, Cactus Plec
Longfin Albino Ancistrus
Trio Sphaerichthys valentini Gourami
6" Clown Loach
Adult corydoras:- extra large breeding group of bronze
Venezuelen black
Young albino bronze corydoras
Young red swordtails
Pineapple swordtails
Young bumblebee platy
Peacock endlers
Black bar endlers
Red cherry shrimp
Adult Starlights Plecs x 2
Black neons
Glowlight tetras
Neon tetras
Emperor tetras
Lemon tetras
Leopard danios
Cory pygmaeus
Banjo catfish
Porthole catfish
Microglanis carlea
Blue cobra guppies
Flame guppies
Pygmy swords, X. pygmaeus
Honey gourami
Cherry barbs
Odessa barbs
Rosey barbs
Purple spotted gudgeon
Peacock gobies
Red chinned panchax
Black Corydoras
Scleromystax barbatus
Cory Shultzei
Egyptian mouth brooder cichlids
Gold rams
Checkerboard cichlids
Asian rummynoses
L134 Leopard Frog Plec
Banded barbs
Beckfordi pencilfish
Ada white swordtails
3x Breeding pairs of Gold Albino Ancistrus
Dalmatian Mollies
Zebra danios
Penguin tetras
Male XXXl Marble Angelfish
Siamese Algae Eaters
Male T Bar Cichlid
XXXl Featherfin catfish
L052 Butterfly Pleco
L444 Striped Bulldog Pleco
8” Sturgeon
Baby Axolotls
Heterandria Formosa
Blue Endlers
Tiger Endlers
Red Eyed Red Swordtails
Xiphophorus cortezi
Xiphophorus motezumae
Green Swordtails
Red Swordtails
Koi Swordtails
Black Chin Livebearers Girardinius metallicus
Moscow Black Guppies
Black Mollies (freshwater reared)
Albino Bristlenose cats
Longfin Albino Bristlenose cats large pair
Ilyodon xantusi
Corydoras sterbai albino
Sunset Platies
Xenotoca Eiseni
Showa Swords
Pelmatochromis thomasi
Pundamillia nyererei Makobe Island
Astatotilapia latifasciata
1 x calico longfin bristlenose
1 x super red longfin bristlenose
1 x PKHM Yellow Betta
2 x Female betta
jade green shrimp
6 x Albino tiger barbs
1 x tyre track eel
5 x wild otocinclus affinis
4 x wild corydoras melanotaenia
4 x wild corydoras melanotaenia
2 x Peacock Gobies
2 x Peacock Gobies
2 x Copella Arnoldi "sexed pair" - Splashing tetra
4 x beckfordi pencilfish
4 x beckfordi pencilfish
4 x flame tetra
4 x flame tetra
6 x wild green neon tetra
2 x Odessa barbs "sexed pair"
2 x Odessa barbs "sexed pair"
4 x cherry barbs
4 x cherry barbs
2 x yoyo loach
2 x clown loach
2 x Kohaku koi swordtails
2 x snakeskin redtail albino guppy "sexed pair"
2 x snakeskin redtail albino guppy "sexed pair"
2 x Platinum albino guppy "sexed pair"
3 x thomasi cichlid
3 x thomasi cichlid
3 x wild apistogramma cacatuoides "rio itaya"
3 x wild apistogramma cacatuoides "rio itaya"
3 x wild apistogramma macmasteri
1 x apistogramma cacatuoides red "male"
2 x apistogramma macmasteri gold "sexed pair"
1 x Male super red bristlenose
1 x Male pelvicachromis taeniatus bipindi
2 x wild apistogramma norberti "rio tahuago" sexed pair
5 x Electric Blue Acara
1 x 5-6" Geophagus Altrifron "male"
Aquarium Grown Plants
Ceratopteris siliquosa, Fine Leaf Water Fern
Aponogenton madagascarensis, Madagascar Lace Leaf
Nymphaea maculata, red & green Tiger Lotus
Blyxa japonica, Dwarf Soft Rush
Indian Fern
Java Moss
Java Fern
Anubias barteri
Giant Vallis
Straight Vallis
Cryptocoryne sp.
Unknown Amazon floating plant similar to Indian Fern
Amazon Frogbit
Marsh Marigolds
Pond plants
Other Items
Microworm cultures
Walterworm cultures
Bananaworm cultures
Whiteworm cultures
Plec Caves - Slate and Natural Wood
60 L Biorb
2ft tank, lid, light and beech stand
Undergravel Filters
Test kits
Volcanic rock
Contact Information Advertiser: Matt County: Nottinghamshire
Advert stats: [Added or updated:08/04/17 Views: 2513]