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Home :: Cichlids General

  Wild caught Apistogramma cacatuoides group - dwarf cichlids

Description: HI ,
I have a group of four apistogramma cacatuoides all around 1.5 inches long and really starting to show colour. They were caught in Peru as a by-catch and I've had them since they were around a centimetre in length, I'm only selling to make room in my fish house for some dicrossus filementosus but would like to see them go as a group as there starting to show signs of breeding, there housed in a 2' x 1' x 1' tank in reconstituted Ro with a ph of 6.3 and are feeding on dry pellets,live food and frozen foods. I'm looking for £30 for all four, please ring me for anymore information or if you want to see them before buying. Thanks for any interest.


Contact Information
Advertiser: John
Telephone: 0790
Town: manchester
County: Lancashire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:10/12/14 Views: 2074]

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