Washington aquatics stockist
red turquoise £25
blue snakeskin £25
snow white £25
odd balls / preds
metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each
metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each
silver arowana 9" £35
redtail catfish 3" £20each
reed fish 12-15" £12each
lesser spiny eel 4" £10each
african butterfly fish £7.50
indian glass fish £4 3 for £10
clown knife fish 5" £12
monoculus peacock bass £30
redtail x tigershovelnose catfish £20
mormyrus longirostris 6" £29.99
arowana knife fish 8" £19.99
electric blue acara £12
polypetrus senegalus £8
amazon leaf fish £20
homoloptera orthogoniata (stunning loach ) £8
black ghost knife fish £8
channa bleheri £20
channa gachua £15
channa pulchra £20
channa micropeltes £15
pacu 2" £10
Apistogramma fire red £18 pair
Apistogramma trifasciata £12 pair
apistogramma cacatuoides double red large £12 pair
apistogramma cacatuoides double red xxlarge £15 pair
german blue rams (xlarge) £6
electric blue ballon rams £15 (stunning)
orange head electric blue rams £14.99
long fin gold rams xl £8 (very nice
Nanochromis transvestitus £10
Pelvicachromis pulcher Super Red £7
Pseudocrenilabrus multicolour £8
bolivian rams £5 (large)
nothobranchius rachovii £10 pair
aphyosemion sjoestedti £10 pair
Assorted angels small £4
map angels (med) £4
long fin map angels (med) £6
altum angels (m/l) £8
red devil angels (l) £18
dantume wild form angels (s/m) £5
red angel fish £8each (stunning)
penguin tetra large £1 10 for £8
black palmeri tetra £2 10 for £15 (very nice)
rummynose tetra £1.50 10 for £12 (very bright)
cardinal tetra £1 10 for £8
columbian tetra £2
black neon tetra £1 10 for £8
long fin white widow tetra £3
lemon tetra £1
glass bloodfin tetra £1
black widow tetra £2.50
long fin neon tetra £3
beckford pencil fish £1 10 for £8
black chin livebearers £2.50
girardinus falcatus livebearer £2.50
hump back limia £2
redtail goodied £3
black belly limia £1.50
red eye lemon swordtails £2
calico red swordtails (very bright) £2
Swordtails £1each
snow flower guppy male (stunning) £2.50
neon guppy pairs £3
hb white guppys £4 pair
multicolor Female £1.50
multicolor Male £2
red cobra Female £1.50
red cobra Male guppys £2
triangel guppys XL £2
green cobra Female guppy £2
green cobra Male guppy £2
show guppys £4 per pair
german yellow guppy £4 pair
blue guppy male £2
knife livebeaerer £2
chocolate lyretail sailfin mollys £6 pair
lyre tail mollys £2
hi fin swordtails (long fins very nice) £2
lyretail swordtails £2 (stunning)
black swordtails £2
Green swordtails £2
neon wagtail platys £2 (gold very nice)
pin tail platys £1.50
panda platys £2
Apple Tricolor Hi-Fin platy £2
blue moon hi fin platys £2.50 (very nice)
black ballon mollys £2
peacock gobys £4
sterbail corydoras £3
corydoras paleatus albino (xxxlarge) £5
Albino Double long fin corydora XL £5
panda Corydoras £4
mixed corydoras £3
Orange lazer cory £6
black veneuela corydoras £5
Hoplo catfish £4
kuhli loach £1
kuhli loach xl £1.50
silver sharks £4 3 for £10
glass catfish £5
cherry barbs £1 10 for £8
odessa barbs f1 £2
neon royal blue dwarf gouramis £6 pair
neon royal red dwarf gouramis £6 pair
pink kissing gourami £4
bosenani rainbows £5
Red rainbows £6
threadfins rainbow £3
furcata rainbows £3
Silver dollar £4 each
Pearl gourami £3 each
honey gourami £3
2 spot gourami £3
moonlight gourami £3
opaline gourami £3
pink gourami kissing gourami £3
Bronze corys £2.50 each
Serpae tetra £1 each
torpedo barbs 2" £5
torpedo barbs 5" £12
botia heludes £4 each (big)
clown loach 2" plus £4
clown loach small £3each 4 for £10
wonder killifish £2each
Nothobranchius rachovii killifish £9 per pair
australe lyretail killifish £8 pair
splendi killifish £8 pair
guentheri blue killifish £8 pair
assorted discus £20 3"
indian glass fish £4 3 for £10
assorted discus £14.99
blue turquoise discus 3" £24.99
red super turqoise discus 3" £24.99
red crowntail fighter £10
mixed male fighters £4
female fighters mixed colour £3
amano shrimp £2.50
cherry shrimp £1.50 10 for £12 (super red colour)
l173b plecos 1" £35
l400 plecos £25 (£45 pair)
l333 plecos £25 (black and whites and pairs available)
l204 flash panaques 3" £28
l204 flash panaques 2" £20
l024 plecos (7-8") £110 each
l226 plecos (3") £20 each
lemon bristlenose £5each
super red bristlenose £5each 1"
super red bristlenose 2" £12 each
gold long fin bristlenose 1.75-2" £8
l206 pleco 2" £15
l177 gold nugget plecs £20
acanthicus adonis white spot 2.5" £19.99
l15 peckoltia sp.vittata xingu 4.5" £29.99
ancistrus l181 1" £12
ancistrus hoplogenys 3.5" male £25
brown bristlenose 1" £1
brown bristlenose 2" £4
marbled whiptail catfish £10
American/others (cichlids )
green terrors 4.5-7" £18 (nice)
Cichlasoma dovi 2" £10each
blockhead cichlids £12 pair
Leapord bush fish 2" £5 each
Electric blue jack dempseys 2" £10 each
Geophagus altifrons 5" £15 each (stunning)
Cichlasoma festae 3.5" £15 each
Paratilapia polleni 2.5-3" £5each (very nice)
parrotfish 4" £12each
2 spot pike cichlids £10
Cichlasoma ellioti
"Papaloapan" 2" £5
firemouth cichlids 2.5" £4each
jaguar cichlid 4" £12
geophagus sp'red head tapajos £8
green terrors 2" £7.50
rokteil severums £8
pearlscale cichlids £5
geophagus brasiliensis sp.red £8
mayan cichlids £8
red spot severums £12
salvini cichlid 5" + £15
pearlscale cichlid 4" + £12
bay snook cichlid 6" + £30
Long fin oscar 4" £15
Malawi /tangs
aulonocara eureca red (xxl)
aluonocara blue orchid (xxl)
aulonocara vicapi (4")
red empress males 4.5-5" £15 (full colour)
aulonocara baenschi benga 5" £15 (stunning)
super vc-10 5" £12
blue dolphins f1 5"+ £15
aulonocara gold fin 6"+ £40 pair (huge)
aulonocara super colour mix (very nice) 2" £8
aluonocara dragonsblood breeding trio 4" £40
aulonocara jocobfriebergi cape mader f1 2" £12
aulonocara turguoise 2" £8
Aulonocara Stuartgranti 4" £40 trio £30 pair
Aulonocara Stuartgranti 2" £8
Aulonocara firefish 2" £8
Aulonocara Kandensis 2" £8
Aulonocara Rubin Red 2" £8
aulonocara sp reds 2" £8
aulonocara sp yellow 2" £8
Aulonocara nyassae 3.5-4" £8
Scienochromis Fryeri iceburg 2" £8
Scienochromis Ahli Johnstoni £25 Trio
haplochromis obliquiedens zebra 3.5"
haplochromis polystigma (xxl)
haplochromis sp (yellow belly) (xl)
halpochromis sp 44 3"+ £8
haplochromis nubila 2" £8
haplocromis niererei red head/sue island/ 1.5" £8
haplochromis sp.thereuteurnion 1.75" £8
Haplochromis red fin borleyi 2" £5
haplochromis borleyi kadango 3-5" £12-£15
Haplochromis moorii 4-6" £12
copidochromis azureus f1 3" £10
copadichromis sp. mloto likoma 3.5"
cyrtocara elektra 4"
labidochromis sp 'pearlmutt' 4"
labidochromis sp 'pearlmutt' 2.5"
labidichromis blue/white tanzanian 2" £12
labidochromis chisumulea chizumula f1 1.75" £10
letrinops albus kande island f1 3" £12
otopharynx lithobates black orange f1 2" £10
placidochromis phenochilius mdoca 1.5" £8
protomelas fenestratus taiwan reef f1 1.75" £8
pseudotropheus spec.msobo magunga 2" £8
scienochromis fryri snow white 1.75" £8
albino red top ice blue greshakei 3" £10
Pseudotropheus lombardoi £10
cynotilapia afra white top trio £25
Placidochromis sp. ''Phenochilus Tanzania'' 2" £5
cobalt blue zebras 2" £5
Copadichromis sp.Tanzania Yellow Fin £25 pair
copidichromis azeurus "2 £5
afra jalo reef 2" £5
Pseudotropheus zebra Red £8
synodontis multipunctatus 2" £12
synodontis multipunctatus 5-6" £25
synodontis njassae 2"£8
featherfin catfish 3-5" £5
calvus black zaire £10
Lamprologus compressiceps "sumbu" £10
Cyathopharynx furcifer kigoma 3" £12
black widow frontosa 3" £50
Xenotilapia ochrogenys kigoma £25
enantiopus melanogenys utinta £25
Contact Information Advertiser: Steve h Telephone: 0191 4194534
Town: Sunderland
County: Tyne & Wear
Advert stats: [Added or updated:08/04/15 Views: 4154]
