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Moscow blue guppy £5 pair
Mixed guppy £1.50 10 for £12
Zebra danio xl £1 10 for £8
Black neon tetra large £1 10 for £8
Brochis splendens £5
Spotted headstanders £3
Harlequin rasbora £1 10 for £8
Rainbow platys £2
Rainbow hi fin platys xxl £2.50
Amano shrimps £2
Serape tetra £1.80 10 for £15
Silver sharks £4 3 for £10
Rathbuni tetra xl £2 10 for £18
Sterbai corydoras £3
Mixed medium angels £3
Electric blue ballon rams £6
German blue rams £4
Chocolate lyretail sailfin mollys £6 pair
Clown loach £4 3 for £10 6 for £18
Torpedo barbs £4 3 for £10
Xray tetra £1.50
Blue tetra £2
Tiger barbs £2
Green tiger barbs £2
Albino tiger barbs £2
Panda cory £3
Mixed swordtail £2 10 for £18
Kuhli loach £1
Assassin snails £1.50
Pink kissing gourami £3
Pearl gourami £3.50
Opaline gourami £3.50
Asian rummynose £2
Neon tetra 10 for £6
Congo tetra large £4.50
Gold tetra £1.50
Penguin tetra £1.50
Glowlight tetra £1
Columbian tetra £2
Lemon tetra £1.50
buenos aires tetra £2
neon blue dwarf gourami £6 pair
lf black widow tetra xl £3
platinum widow tetra l £3
giant danio £1.50
giant dani large £4
apistogramma panduro £12 pair
rock shrimp xxxl £11.99
spotted dollars large £6
black paradise fish £4
blue paradise fish £4


l046 zebra pleco 1.75”+ £79.99
l106 orange seam plecs 3” £18
l333 tiger plecos 3” £24.99 pairs £45


clarius catfish small £3 4 for £10
peacock bass £24.99 sold
geophagus altifrons 5” £15
mixed discus £14.99-£29.99
sun catfish 6” £14.99
blood red tiger Oscars 4” £12 2 for £20
Cuban cichlids 2” £12
Freshwater archer fish £24.99
Ghost knife fish 14inch £24.99
Mixed polypterus £8
Midas cichlid large male £15
Blue acaras £5
Giant gourami £15
Salvini cichlids £5
Convicts £3
Red snakehead £12
Jack dempseys 3-5” £5-£8
Xxl albino tiger Oscar £15
Jaguar cichlids 2” £5
Keyhole cichlids £4
Salvini cichlid 5” £10

F1 moori 5” £15
F1 moori 4” pair (holding) £25
F1 maisoni reefs £12 males
F1 placidichromis sp jalo reef £10 3”
Aulonocara baencshi benga males 4” £8
Fryeri males 5” £10
F1 taiwan reef 3” £8
Mixed Malawi around 3” £4 3 for £10

Green damsels £4.50
Royal dottyback £14.99
Domino damsels £7
Dwarf lion fish £25
Blue leg hermits £4
Turbo snails £2
Bi colour angel £22
Carpenter flasher wrasse pairs £40

Contact Information
Advertiser: Steve h
Telephone: 0191 4194534
Town: Sunderland
County: Tyne & Wear

Advert stats: [Added or updated:31/10/15 Views: 2601]

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