All sizes are approximate, and all fish are subject to availability
Strictly by appointment
Green eels (peacock) 4" £10.00
Red fire eels 5" £8.00
Endilcheri (polypetrus) 6-7" £20.00
Rocket gar 3-4" £8.00 3 for £20
Alligator gar 2.5" £5.00 5 for £20
Tiger fish
Indo tiger fish (Datnoid microlepis) 2-2.5" £25.00 2 for £45, 3 for £60
Thin bar tiger (coius undecimradiatus) 3" £25.00 2 for £45, 3 for £60
Red pacu 2.5-3" £6.50 2 for £12
Redtail cats 4-6" £20.00 2 for £36
Pengasius (Iridescent shark) 4-5" £8.00 3 for £20
Chocolate doradids 2" £4.00 3 for £10
Common plecs 2" £1.50 5 for £6
Common plecs 3-4" £2.50
Sterbai cory 1" £3.00 5 for £12.50
Bronze cory 1" £2.00
Peppered cory 1" £2.00
Albino cory 1" £2.00
Featherfin synodontis 3" £5.00 3 for £12
Glass cats 2" £2.00 6 for £10
Clarius Cats (pink/black) 5-6" £5.00 3 for £12
Crystal eyed catfish 3-4" £5.00 3 for £12
Silver shark 2.5" £2.00 3 for £5
Zungaroo catfish (aggressive) 3-4" £12.00
L104 Clown pleco (aka L162) 2"-3" £10.00
L190 Royal Pleco 1.5"-2" £20.00
L191 Royal Pleco dull-eyed 1.75"-2.5" £25.00
L190 Royal Pleco - massive 8"-10" £80.00 ono
Well stocked Malawi tank, most are approx 2.2", these are priced at £4.00 each, or:
20 or more £3.50 each
60 or more £3.00 each
150 or more £2.75 each
Blue peacock Ice blue tropheus Blue dolphin
Red peacock Venustus Brichardi Lamprologus
Auratus Tropheus elongatus Red zebra
Albino Zebra Taiwan reef Electric blue
Banana Black eye lab Damasoni Red Jacobfreibergi
Blue zebra O.B. Blotch Yellow peacock
White tail tropheus Mix malawi Pink aulonacara
Red frontosa 2.5" £25.00 3 for £60
Blue peacock 3" £5.00
Blue Frontosa 2" £17.00 2 for £30
Tropheus duboisi 2" £12.00 3 for £30
Tropheus Moori - yellow banded 2" £15.00 3 for £40
Tropheus Moori - red banded 1.5" £15.00 3 for £40
Other cichlids
Redneck severums (hybrid) 2"+ £3.00
Red devils (orange) 4" £12.00 3 for £32
Blue jewel 2" £3.00 5 for £12.50
Red jewel 2" £3.00 5 for £12.50
Golden severum 2" £5.00 5 for £20
Red tiger oscars 4-5" £8.00 2 for £15
Parrot fish - mixed color 2" £5.00
Apistogramma borrelli 1.5"-2" £4.00 3 for £10
Apistogramma cockatoo 1.5"-2" £4.00 3 for £10
Apistogramma pandurini 1.5"-2" £4.00 3 for £10
Yellow pancahx 1.5" £2.00
Yellow pancahx 3" £3.50
Blue panchax 1.5" £2.00
Gardneri 1.5" £4.00 3 for £10.00
Columbian redfin tetra 1.5" £1.00 10 for £8
Congo tetra 2.5" £3.00 4 for £10
Buenos aeres tetra 1.5" £1.50 5 for £6
Rummy nose tetra 1.5" £1.50
Headstander 1.2" £3.00 5 for £12
Red eye tetra 1" £1.00 5 for £4.50
Serpae tetra 1" £1.00 5 for £4.50
Glowlights 1" £1.00 5 for £4.50
Black neon tetra 1" £1.00 5 for £4.50
Neon tetra 1" £0.80 10 for £7.00
Xl black neon tetra jumbo 2" £2.00 10 for £15.00
Penguin tetras 1" £1.00 5 for £4.50
Blue king tetra 1" £1.00 5 for £4.50
Gold barbs 1" £1.00 5 for £4.50
Tinfoil barbs 3-4" £5.00 5 for £20.00
Harlequin rasbora 1" £1.00 10 for £8.00
Yellow zebra danio 1.5" £0.80 10 for £7.00
3 spot gourami 3" £2.00 5 for £9.00
Gold gourami 3" £2.00 5 for £9.00
Snakeskin gourami 3.5" £2.00 5 for £9.00
Sunset gourami 2" £2.00 5 for £9.00
Kissing gourami - mixed colour balloon 2" £2.00 5 for £9.00
Red & blue dwarf - male 2" £2.00 5 for £9.00
Pearl gourami 3" £2.00 5 for £9.00
Blue gourami 3" £2.00 5 for £9.00
Live bearers
Balloon mollies -assorted 1.5" £1.20 10 for £10
Platties - assorted 2" £1.20 10 for £10
Mollies - assorted 2" £1.20 10 for £10
Swordtails - assorted 2" £1.20 10 for £10
Gold sucking loach 2" £1.50
Yoyo loach 2" £1.50
Parkinsoni 2" £4.00 6 for £20
Blue 2" £3.50 5 for £15
Trifasciata 3" £5.00 5 for £20
Maccullochs 2" £3.50 5 for £15
Dwarf Neons (precox) 2cm £1.00
Bosemani 2" £3.50 5 for £15
Miscellaneous & oddballs
Butterfly fish 3"+ £5.00
Long Nose elephant fish 6-8" £10.00
Reed fish 12"+ £9.00
Clown knife fish 4-5" £10.00 3 for £25
Purple stripped gudgeon 3" £5.00
Marbled Goby 3.5" £6.00 2 for £10
Black ghost knifefish 2.5" £4.00
African dwarf frog, brown/albino 1"+ £2.00 3 for £5
Mixed godlfish 3" £1.00
Koi carp
Mixed colour 2.5" £3.00 4 for £10
Orange & white 4" £7.00 4 for £25
Butterfly 6" £12.00 3 for £30
Mixed colour 6" £10.00 3 for £25
100g blister packs, 3 for £5.00
Bloodworms Discus Mix Squid meat
Brineshrimp Mussles Cockles
Beefheart Lance fish Koi mix
Daphnia Tropheus mix Tanhanika mix
Cichlid max Malawi mix
500g slab beefheart £6.00
500g slab bloodworm £6.00
1000g slab bloodworm £10.00
Tetra prima 100g £5.00
Tetra pro veg 80g £5.00
Tetra pro colour 80g £5.00
Medium pieces - Approx 30cm £5.00
Contact Information Advertiser: Mrs moss Telephone: 07761179451
Town: salford
County: Lancashire
Advert stats: [Added or updated:12/09/13 Views: 3183]
