Jeff Rapps Tangled up In cichlids order going to be placed on the 6th of July. Please email or ring for more details or to place an order. email oddballexpressnet@hotmail.co.uk
50% Deposit needed to bring the fish in.
Aequidens metae 4-4.5” 25.00 F1 young adults of highly red, blue, ylw acara Colombian acara displaying adult color and markings
“ tetramerus ‘Brazil’ 4-4.5” 20.00 wild ‘saddle acara’ from Bujaru, Brazil- red/brown & yellow w/ bold, dark saddle & spangled fins
“ tetramerus ‘Peru’ 3.5-4” 18.00 wild Peru acara; matures into iridescent green adult w/ red throat
“ “ “ 5-6” 30.00 young adult males in ltd qty now available
Andinoacara rivulatus 6-7” 50.00 jumbo cb Ecuador ‘green terror’ w/ brilliant color and thick red-trimmed fins!
“ stalsbergi 1.5” 15.00 or 5 @ 12.50 ea. cb juveniles of incredible white trim ‘Peru green terror’
Apistogramma agassizi ‘Igarape Jua’ 2.5” 25.00 wild males only of beautiful turquoise colored Brazilian morph-ltd qty only
“ agassizi ‘Barra Mansa’ 1.25-1.75” 25.00 wild juves of predominantly blue, rarely imported eastern race
Astronotus ocellatus ‘red oscar’ 3-4” 12.50 or 4 @ 10.00 ea. captive bred ‘red oscar’ juveniles – great wet pets with color and personality +
“ ocellatus ‘Marajo’ 8-9” 55.00 or 2 @ 50.00 ea. lg wild oscars from Marajo Island, Brazil-bright red spots w/ blk bars!
“ cf. ocellatus ‘Bahia red tail oscar’ 5-6” 35.00 or 3 @ 30.00 ea. remarkably unique, F1 red-tailed wild-form Bahia, Brazil oscars
“ “ “ 7-8” 45.00 or 2 @ 40.00 ea. next size up on young adult cb Bahia Oscars with very bold patterns
“ cf. orbicularis ‘bumble bee oscar’ 5-6” 55.00 or 2 @ 50.00 ea. blk/gold banded ‘Sao Paulo bumble oscar’- remarkably patterned, rare offer
Austaloheros scitulus 2.5-3” 12.50 or 5 @ 10.00 ea. F2 Lunarejo, Uruguay pastel-colored ‘chanchito-type’ w/ attractive red chest and yellow face
Caquetaia spectabilis 3-3.5” 20.00 or 3 @ 18.00 ea. F1 Rio Tapajos juveniles of incredibly beautiful, blue spangled Brazilian gem
“ “ 4-4.5” 25.00 chunky F1 grow outs of F1 Rio Tapajos ‘specs’ beginning to display blue spangling
“ umbrifera ‘Rio Magdalena’ md-ml wild umbies due 7/2
Cichla orinocensis ‘Rio Vichada’ sm wild juveniles due 7/2
“ temensis ‘Rio Vita’ sm wild juveniles due 7/2
Crenicichla lugubris ‘red Tapajos ll’ 4.5-5.5”/6-7” 150.00/175.00 wild Rio Arapiuns origin-purported to be the reddest race of this stunning all red pike cichlid!
Dicrossus maculatus ‘Tapajos’ 1.5-2” 20.00 or 4 @ 17.50 ea. wild ‘checker board cichlids’ from Brazil – remarkably patterned dwarf cichlids
Geophagus abalios 1.25-1.5” 10.00 or 5 @ 8.50 ea. rare offer- F1 tank bred juves of lg growing & showy Colombian earth eater!
“ “ 7-8” 85.00 jumbo wild adults of super size and color! Awesome display fish!
“ altifrons ‘Tapajos’ 4-5” 65.00 or 3 @ 60.00 ea. wild young adults of absolutely stunning, lg growing earth eater
“ brasiliensis 7-7.5” 50.00 absolutely stunning color and size on cb jumbo adults! Pairs available
“ iporagensis 2.5-3” 15.00 or 4 @ 12.50 ea. cb juveniles of colorful, beautifully spangled, large growing S. Brazil earth eater
“ steindachneri 2-2.5” 10.00 or 4 @ 8.50 ea. F1 uniquely colored/very attractive ‘green-faced red hump Geos’ from Colombia
“ sp. ‘red head Tapajos’ 3-3.5” 25.00 great size on cb adolescent/young adults showing great color
Gymnogeophagus meridionalis ‘Norte’ 2.5-3” 18.00 or 4 @ 15.00 ea. bright blue, gold, and red striped cb Uruguay earth eater w/ blue spotted tail
“ rhabdotus ‘neon blue/Valentines’ 2.5-3” 18.00 or 4 @ 15.00 ea. bright blue and red striped Uruguay earth eater with blue striped tail
“ tiraparae ‘Rio Yi’ 2.5-3” 18.00 or 4 @ 15.00 ea. cb gymnogenys-like new species w/ bright yellow cheeks, yellow spangles on rainbow body
Heroina isonycterina 2-2.5” 15.00 or 4 @ 12.50 ea. F1 juveniles of unique and spectacular, md growing, new/rare import now available
“ “ 3-3.5” 20.00 adolescent grow outs of F1 stock beginning to display attractive mature coloration
Heros sp. ‘rotkeil’ 4-4.5” 25.00 adolescent/young adults of beautifully colored cb ‘red shoulder severum’
“ sp. ‘super red severum’ 3-3.5” 30.00 or 3 @ 28.00 ea. great size and awesome color on highly sought after ‘super red severum’
Hoplarchus psittacus ‘Rio Atabapo’ md-ml wild ‘true parrot cichlids’ due 7/2
Hypselecara temporalis 4-5” 25.00 or 2 @ 22.50 ea. super size on mature colored red/purple/green wild ‘Peru chocolate cichlids’
Ivanacara adoketa ‘Rio Uaupes’ 2-2.5” 100.00 crazy colored/patterned wild young adults – pairs available!
Laetacara araguaiae ‘Rio Tapajos’ 2-2.5” 20.00 or 4 @ 18.00 ea. wild ‘buckelkopf’-rainbow of color on dwarf ‘smiling acara’
“ thayeri 3-3.5” 15.00 wild Peru ‘smiling acara’-a ‘lg dwarf species’ w/ ylw & blk facial markings, ornate ylw fins
Mesonauta acora 3-3.5” 25.00 wild Rio Bujaru, Brazil ‘banded festivum’ – sharp fish, uncommon import
Mikrogeophagus ramirezi ‘electric blue’ 1.25-1.5” 18.00 or 5 @ 15.00 ea. ‘electric blue rams’ – glowing color on peaceful and small growing dwarf cichlid
“ ramirezi ‘Rio Meta’ md wild Colombian ‘blue rams’ due 7/2
Satanoperca lilith 5-5.5” 55.00 or 2 @ 50.00 ea. wild from Santarem, Brazil – large growing, rarely imported- must-have for earth eater collectors/fans
Tahuantinsuyoa macanzatza 3-3.5” 20.00 or 4 @ 18.00 ea. wild ‘Inca stone fish’-highly attractive, rarely offered colorful Peru acara
Uaru amphiacanthoides 2.75-3” 20.00 or 4 @ 18.00 ea. juvenile cb Uaru of chunky md size; very impressive show cichlid as adult!
Amatitlania kanna ‘Rio Banano’ 3-3.5” 15.00 blue/purple colored, wild collected southernmost occurring convict from CR & Panama
“ cf. nigrofasciata ‘marbled’ 1.25-1.5” 7.50 juvenile ‘calico/marbed convicts’ bred from select super marbled pairs
“ siquia ‘Rio Animas’ 2-2.5” 18.00 wild juves collected up by CR/Nica. Border-notable blue body, male w/ red fins, fem w/ orange
“ siquia ‘Rio Cabuya’ 1.25-1.5” 7.50 or 6 @ 6.50 ea. F2 juveniles of ‘Rio Cabuya Nicoya Peninsula’ Costa Rican orange-colored convicts
“ siquia ‘Rio Tempisque’ 2.5-3” 18.00 or 4 @ 15.00 ea. wild collected orange sided/blue faced Costa Rican convicts
“ “ “ 3.5-4” 25.00 large wild males of boldly colored/marked; outstanding example of convict cichlids!
“ cf. siquia ‘Honduran red point’ 1.25-1.5” 7.50 cb ’Rio Danli’ juveniles that mature to display attractive blue body w/red tail
“ cf. siquia ‘Honduran redpoint-leucistic’ 1.25-1.5” 7.50 or 6 @ 6.50 ea. ‘leucistic/platinum’ form of cb Hond. RP: high shine pearl body-beautiful little fish
Amphilophus citrinellus ‘Rio Tempisque’ 4-4.5” 25.00 wild Costa Rica barred midas of red sided/throat race
“ labiatus 4-4.5” 20.00 or 3 @ 18.00 ea. adolescent captive bred Lago Nicaraguan ‘red devils’; coloring up nicely
“ “ 5-5.5” 28.00 or 2 @ 25.00 ea. lg adolescents available of captive bred true Lago Nicaraguan ‘red devils’
“ “ 6-6.5” 35.00 large cb young adult Lago Nicaraguan red devil grow-very impressive young adults!
“ “ 7-8” 50.00 ltd qty of yellow/ylw & white male cb Lago Nicaraguan red devils available (photos available)
Archocentrus centrarchus 2-2.5” 10.00 or 6 @ 8.50 ea. cb Nicaraguan ‘flier cichlids’; md growing, mild mannered, blue/green with vertical bars
“ “ 3-3.5” 15.00 or 5 @ 12.50 ea. next size up on cb Nicaraguan ‘fliers’ beginning to display mature coloration
“ centrarchus ‘Siquirres’ 5-6” 50.00 or 2 @ 45.00 ea. wild Costa Rica ‘flier cichlids’ collected in Rio Pacuare watershed-rare offer of lg, mature wild adults!
‘Cichlasoma’ grammodes 2-2.5” 12.50 or 5 @ 10.00 ea. cb juves of highly colorful red and blue spangled, md. growing guapote
“ “ 3.5-4” 25.00 super sized cb grow outs with super red and blue color
“ salvini 4-4.5” 20.00 cb young adults of very colorful red/blue/yellow species
“ trimaculatum 1.5” 7.50 or 6 @ 6.50 ea. cb juves from a simply stunning male that was bred in my facility; huge growing, highly colorful
“ uropthalmus ‘Cenote Azul’ 2-2.5” 10.00 or 5 @ 8.50 ea. wild collected and raised from fry: ‘Mayan red terror’ from Cenote Azul, Mexico-briliant orng & blue race
Cryptoheros panamensis 1.5-2” 12.50 or 5 @ 10.00 ea. cb juves - beautiful red form of highly desirable sm-md growing species
“ sajica 1.5” 8.50 or 6 @ 7.50 ea. cb juves of highly requested blue and yellow, sm-md growing beauty
“ “ 2-2.5” 12.50 or 5 @ 10.00 ea. next size up on colorful cb grow outs
Hypsophrys (formerly Neetroplus) nematopus 2-2.5” 12.50 F1 juveniles of stock I collected in Rio Grande de Matagalpa, Nicaragua
“ nicaraguensis 4-4.5” 25.00 cb adolescents of highly colorful ‘macaw cichlids’ already displaying great color
Nandopsis tetracanthus 1.5” 8.50 or 6 @ 7.50 ea. cb ‘Cuban cichlids’-highly attractive with blk/wht mosaic pattern as adult
Parachromis dovii ‘L. Nicaragua’ 2-2.5” 10.00 or 6 @ 8.50 ea. cb huge growing, turquoise colored Lago Nicaraguan bred wolf cichlids
“ loisellei ‘Rio Tempisque’ 2-2.5” 12.50 or 5 @ 10.00 ea. wild juveniles of very colorful gold w/ orange finned Costa Rican guapote
“ “ “ 3-3.5” 28.00 or 4 @ 25.00 ea. wild adolescents of next size up displaying color
“ loisellei ‘Rio Banano’ 4-4.5” 38.00 or 2 @ 35.00 ea. wild gold/orange young adults; collected from SE Costa Rica watershed-remarkable color/pattern!
“ managuensis ‘Siquirres’ 6-7” 40.00 wild ‘jaguar cichlids’ collected in Rio Pacuare watershed on Atlantic side; sub-adults w/ pronounced wolf-like snout
“ managuensis ‘Rio Tempisque’ 8-9” 65.00 wild jumbo sized ‘jaguar cichlids’ from Pacific side of CR. Formidable teeth & jaws on these beasts! Pairs available
Paraneetroplus ‘formerly Paratheraps & Vieja species’
“ bifasciatus 4-4.5” 20.00 or 4 @ 17.50 ea. cb adolescents of lg growing, highly impressive red-spotted head beauties
“ fenestratus ‘blue’ 3-3.5” 15.00 or 5 @ 12.50 ea. cb red head/blue ‘Rio Antigua’ fenes; very impressive and highly colorful as adult
“ “ “ 4-4.5” 20.00 or 4 @ 17.50 ea. next size up on ‘Rio Antigua’ grow outs beginning to color up
“ “ “ 10-12” 175.00 pr giant breeding pair of cb ‘Rio Antigua’ adults-super color on prolific pair
“ fenestratus ‘pink’ 3-3.5” 12.50 or 5 @ 10.00 ea. cb juves of red/pink and black marbled form of very impressive, lg growing species
“ heterospilus 2” 12.50 or 5 @ 10.00 ea. cb juves of seldom offered, mild-mannered & colorful Guatemalan treat
“ maculicauda ‘Rio Banano’ 3-3.5” 20.00 or 4 @ 17.50 ea. wild adolescent ‘black belt cichlids’ collected in Costa Rica-lg growing & impressive species
“ “ “ 4-5” 35.00 wild young adult ‘black belt cichlids’ beginning to display bold markings and color
“ synspilus 5-6” 35.00 adolescent/young adults of distinctly red-headed cb beauties
Petenia splendida 6-7” 30.00 ‘red bay snook’- menacing appearance, yet mild mannered temperament
Rocio octofasciatus 3-3.5” 15.00 juves. of brilliant blue-spangled body/red belly Chiapas ‘jack dempsey’
“ ‘electric blue dempsey’ 1.5-2” 22.50 or 4 @ 20.00 ea. electric blue dempseys of outstanding color and pattern!
“ ‘electric pink dempsey’ 1.25-1.5” 36.00 or 4 @ 32.00 ea. incredible line bred form of dempsey featuring pink & gold body w/ intricate dark blue markings!
Hemichromis sp. ‘turquoise’ 3-3.5” 12.50 or 4 @ 10.00 ea. cb ‘electric turquoise’ colored sides with red and blue fins-highly colorful md growing jewel
Pelmatochromis buettikoferi 2.5-3” fem/4-5” male 35.00 pr seldom offered, cb very attractive/colorful red & yellow West African treat
Astyanax aeneus 2-3” 12.50 or 5 @ 10.00 ea. iridescent green sided, highly active wild Costa Rican tetras
Brachyrhaphis rhabdophorus 1-2” 5 lot @ 40.00 wild Costa Rican live bearer from Rio Tempisque drainage; sunset colored w/ orng & blk fins & vertical bars on body
“ roseni 1-2” 5 lot @ 50.00 wild red-finned ‘cardinal Brachy’ live bearer from La Cuesta/Laurel in extreme S. Costa Rica
Charax leticiae ‘Rio Tocantins’ 3-4” 35.00 aka ‘Franken Charax’-rare import of humpbacked, predatory characin w/ iridescent orange horizontal stripe
Chromobotia macracanthus 4-4.5” 55.00 or 3 @ 50.00 ea. large clown loaches seldom available at this size; exponentially more rare and expensive if found at larger sizes
Dormitator latifrons 6-8” 35.00 or 2 @ 30.00 ea. glowing rainbow colored ‘fat sleeper gobies’! Mostly red w/ yellow & blue-rare import from Pacific slope of Costa Rica
Glossolepis pseudoincisus 2.5-3” 18.00 or 4 @ 15.00 ea. Tami River rainbowfish: incredibly deep red colored species; a spectacle for sm-md communities
Hoplias curupira ‘black wolf fish’ md due 7/2
Hydrolycus armatus md due 7/2
Laemolyta taeniata 5-6” 85.00 super rarely imported Anostomid with striking silver belly/thick black horizontal stripe/brass back
Lepomis marginatus 1.5-2” 10.00 F1 bred ‘dollar sunfish’ – an absolutely gorgeous orange spotted, mild mannered, small-growing warm water sunfish
Leporinus fasciatus ‘Rio Tocantins’ 4-4.5” 65.00 unique and striking Brazilian characin with bold irregular black bands on gold body, red fins
“ pellegrini ‘Rio Tocantins’ 3.5-4.5” 75.00 seldom imported characin with wild spots and bands alternating pattern on gold body!
Lutjanus griseus 3” 50.00 freshwater collected juveniles of yellow sided snapper w/ brilliant blue facial stripes; can hang w/ cichlids!
Melanotaenia boesmani 2.5-3” 18.00 or 4 @ 15.00 ea. very striking rainbowfish: blue/purple head with yellow/orange back end
“ herbertaxelrodi 2.5-3” 18.00 or 4 @ 15.00 ea. Lake Tebera rainbowfish: highly attractive yellow & blue body w/ red fins
Metynnis argenteus 4-4.5” 25.00 wild Colombia silver dollars-highly polished, silver & red sided with red anal fin-very sharp in school
“ fasciatus 4-4.5” 115.00 real ‘banded silver dollars’ from Rio Capim, Brazil – bold tiger stripes/very attractive!
Mylesinus paraschomburgkii 4-4.5” 85.00 Rio Tapajos ‘dolphin pacu’-highly unusual and very rare import of ‘collector silver dollar species’
Myloplus rubripinnis md wild Colombia ‘red hooks’ due 7/2
Osteoglossum bicirrhosum md-ml wild Colombian silver arowana due 7/2
Paracheirodon axelrodi xl jumbo wild Colombia ‘cardinal tetras’ due 7/2
Piaractus brachypomus ‘albino’ 12-14” 150.00 1st US imported, largest size offered of ‘albino pacu’
“ mesopotamicus 3-3.5” 28.00 or 3 @ 25.00 ea. rare import of ‘yellow belly pacu’, ‘pacu caranha’- looks like giant pacu but grows to only 18”
“ “ 4-4.5” 35.00 or 3 @ 32.00 ea. next size up of seldom seen in trade ‘yellow belly pacu’
Poecilia gilli ‘Tempisque’ 2.5-3.5” 45.00 trio wild Rio Tempisque, lg growing orange spotted molly with red/orange fins
“ mexicana ‘Limon’ 3-3.5” 45.00 trio wild lg and gorgeous adults of Costa Rica molly w/ fluorescent orange edged fins on male
Potamotrygon motoro ‘marbled’ md-ml select top quality wild Orinoco marbles due 7/2
Rivulus hildebrandi 2.5-3” 15.00 wild Rio Chirrique, red/brown marbled Panama killifish
Serrasalmus rhombeus 7-8” 275.00 big, bad, black Tocantins piranha! Lg diamond scales, red eyes & operculum, thick jaw
Scleropages jardini 3” 75.00 juvenile Australian arowana – solid/robust body on truly stunning and prehistoric species!
Spinibarbus denticulatus 15” 150.00 pr. large pair of seldom imported ‘Phoenix barbs’-red cheeks on green body
Tetragonopterus argenteus ‘Rio Tocantins’ 1.5-2” 25.00 or 4 @ 22.50 ea. huge-eyed, seldom imported red-finned tetra grows to 5-6”!
“ “ “ 2.5-3” 40.00 large sized, very impressive individuals available in very ltd qty only
Tucanoichthys tucano ‘Rio Uaupes’ 1” 30.00 or 5 @ 28.00 ea. rarely offered/newly imported ‘toucan tetras’ – highly coveted for nano tanks and breeding
Acestridium dichromum ‘green’ sm-md ‘green Farowella cats’ due 7/2
Amblydoras affinis 4-5” 45.00 or 3 @ 40.00 ea. lg sized ‘marbled thorny cats’ from Rio Apeu, Brazil. A seldom imported, long time favorite for md sized tank mates
Ancistrus sp. ‘spotted medusa’ md L255 due 7/2
Baryancistrus beggini md-lg L239 due 7/2
“ demantoides md-lg L200 ‘hifin green phantom’ due 7/2
“ xanthellus ‘gold nugget’ 2.5-3” 35.00 L081 ‘gold nugget pleco’ from Rio Xingu-one of the favorite fancy plecos w/ gold polka dots and gold trimmed fins
“ sp. ‘snow ball pleco’ 2-3” 35.00 LDA33/L142 ‘snow ball pleco’ from Rio Tapajos–bold contrast of lg white polka dots on jet black body & fins
Brachyplatystoma platynemum 8-9” 250.00 very rarely imported! Formerly known as ‘Goslinea’-gets huge w/ remarkable wide, flat white barbels
Corydoras ambiacus 1.5-2” 8.50 or 6 @ 7.50 ea. wild Peru ‘Cory cat’ with iridescent green sides covered in large black spots
“ ephippifer 2-2.5” 35.00 seldom imported, wild lg growing Rio Amapari Cory; gold collar, black saddle, pepper-spotted body – very attractive
“ virginiae 2.5-3” 25.00 seldom imported wild Peru ‘Cory cat’ w/ sharp blk bandit eye stripe & blk saddle on each side of gold/green nape
“ weitzmani 2-2.5” 25.00 rarely imported, remarkable wild Peru ‘Cory cat’ with large, bold ‘panda saddle/spots’
Leiarius pictus 10-12” 200.00 large and knock out attractive ‘painted sailfin cats’-bold pattern, huge dorsal, long banded barbels-crazy looking show cats!
Hemiancistrus sabaji 3.5-4” 35.00 L075 ‘decorus pleco’ from Rio Tapajos; ornate lg blk spots on yellow body and throughout tall spotted dorsal
Hoplosternum magdalenae sm-md wild Colombian ‘hoplo cats’ due 7/2
Hypancistrus sp. ‘mega clown’ md-lg L340 due 7/2
“ sp. ‘king tiger’ 4-4.5” 75.00 L066 adult ‘king tiger plecos’ of super breeder size!
Leporacanthicus galaxias md-lg L240 due 7/2
“ triactis md-lg L91 due 7/2
“ sp. L263 4-5” 85.00 or 2 @ 80.00 ea. rare import of L263 from Rio Tapajos-grey spiny body covered in black spots, white tipped fins
Lophiosilurus alexandri ‘pacman cat’ 3-3.5” 130.00 wild ‘Rio Sao Francisco’ pacman catfish – one of the most unusual and uniquely shaped cats!
Panaque armbrusteri ‘Xingu’ 3.5” 65.00 L027 ‘red finned, long nosed royal pleco’, a true pleco-collector’s cat!
“ cf. nigrolineatus ‘watermelon’ md L330 due 7/2
“ cf. nigrolineatus ‘broken line green’ md L091 due 7/2
Peckoltia sp. L288 3-3.5” 40.00 or 3 @ 35.00 ea. rare import of L288 from Rio Tapajos- boldly barred, gold body, orange/red fins
Pimelodella gracilis 4-5” 15.00 ‘blue lined Pim cats’ from Peru; stays 6”, active and very easy to maintain in md sized community
Pseudacanthicus leopardus L600 5-6” 220.00 ‘red fin leopardus plecos’ of lg size & brilliant color from rare collection of Rio Branco - Roraima State (near Guyana)
Pseudolithoxus anthrax lg L235 due 7/2
Rhamdia nicaraguensis 4-5” 25.00 or 3 @ 22.50 ea. Costa Rican catfish – a rare import of C. Am catfish; ideal to keep in C. Am biotope tank w/ cichlids
Rhinodoras sp. ‘Tocantins/Xingu’ 2.5” 50.00 rare import of undescribed cat w/ bold gold/brown/black marbling; ltd qty only
“ “ 4-5” 75.00 mature adult size of this attractively colored/patterned non-predatory, md growing rare catfish
Scleromystax sp. C113 ‘black laser’ 1.5-2.5” 65.00 or 4 @ 60.00 ea. very rare import of wild collected ‘C113’ from Salvador, Bahia! Thick black horiz. band w/ iridescent gold/green back
Scobinancistrus aureatus ‘sunshine pleco’ 3-3.5” 55.00 L014 ‘sunshine’ or ‘goldie pleco’ – brilliantly ornate ylw-orange fins, lg white spots covering black body
Synodontis decorus 4-4.5” 35.00 great sized, very showy African catfish that can be kept in md-lg communities
“ eupterus 4-5” 35.00 super sized, ornate African catfish with huge, feathered dorsal fin-great in md-lg communities
Contact Information Advertiser: Ross Evans Telephone: 07956327665
Town: Stafford
County: Staffordshire
Web Link: https://www.facebook.com/OddballExpress
Web Link: email oddballexpressnet@hotmail.co.uk
Advert stats: [Added or updated:01/07/14 Views: 5010]
