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Tropical Fish Aquariums & Equipment Marine Fish & Inverts Malawi Tanganyikan Discus Cichlids
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1.Malawi haps and Peacocks 03/03/25 No
Sciaenochromis iceberg male 10-15cm £15 Reverse trio 2m-1f F1 aulonocara redflush numetumbwe 10-12cm £45 X3 ob males 10-15cm £45 50+ Baby normal bristlenose plecos 1-2cm £0.50each Collection only Ongar Open to offers Pictures available upon request
2.20+ yellow labs tank bred , 1x aulonocara lwanda M and 1x other aulonocara M 02/03/25 No
£10 per fish. Or offer for all Collection from maidstone kent. ME159UX
3.Malawi Haps and Peacocks 22/01/25 No
Aulonocara stuartgranti mkondowa wild Male £20 15cm. Capidochromis Borley Male 12 -15cm £20. Protomelas sp spilonotus Tanzania 20cm £20.Msle. Aulonocara Albino Dragon Ice Male 10cm £20. 2×OB×Ice Peacocks Males 10cm £30 Colection only from Grays Essex. 07512142465.
4.Group of 15 large Aulonocara males 12/01/25 Yes
I have 15 stunning males, listed as below. Will make an instantly colourful tank. Taiwan Reef x 2 Orange & Purple Blotch x 4 Fryeri Jalo reef x 2 Stuartgranti Red Shoulder x 1 Spilontus x 2 Baenshi sunshine yellow x 2 Sulpher Head x 2 Each male 5 inch. Sone of these guys on... ...
5.Wanted group of aulonocara peacock cichlid 26/12/24 No
Wanted group of peacocks mid to large size
6.Malawi cichlids North East Scotland / Dundee 30/10/24 Yes
Malawi mbuna and haps available, Aberdeen area. Delivery possible in NE Scotland / Dundee area. Sorry no postage. I have fry and semi-adults of the species listed below. Aulonocara stuartgranti Ngara flametail TB Aulonocara sp. "Lwanda" Hai Reef adult males only Protomelas taen... ...
7.Malawi cichlids for sale 03/10/24 No
Yellow labs X3 2 Males and 1 female - certified breeding pair £20 aulonocara X2 Breeding pair - £25 Grey shakei cichlid X2 Certified Breeding pair -£25 Grey shakei albino X2 Certified breeding pair - £25 Afra cichlid X2 Certified breeding pair £25 Blue zebra mbuna X... ...
8.Ob marbled peacock Malawi cichlid 27/08/24 No
Ob marbled peacock cichlid aulonocara fry all feeding on dry food mainly pellets £5 for £25 10 for £45 1inch
hi I have the following cichlids for sale only selling as I need the space 4 x adult male sunset aulonocara 5 - 6 inches £25 each 1 adult xl female venustus 7 + inches £30 1 female cyrtocara moorii 6 inches £30 1 female sunset aulonocara 5 inches £25 1 female star sapphire 5&q... ...
10.WANTED Malawi cichlid males 10/04/24 No
hi I'm looking for adult or sub adult males of the following lichnochromis acuticeps albino Cyrtocara moorii Aulonocara baenschi aulonocara Mayland please let me know if you have any or all of the above .the closer to lincolnshire the better but don't mind travelling for the right fish ma... ...
11.Looking For Mdoka 16/02/24 No
I'm very keen to acquire 4-5 Aulonocara Aquilonium within an hour's drive of EX13 area. Does anyone know of any around? Would settle for white Labs and yellow Labs in the absence, along with a couple of Peacocks to join the existing ones. Thanks in advance!
12.RARE...Phenochilus gissel 15/10/23 No
For sale is my male Phenochilus Gissel. He is 13cm 5" . He is in perfect health and in show room condition with the most amazing colour. £35 or swap for male Aulonocara red top lawanda or Blue neon hia reef of same size and quality. Collection from Birstall West Yorkshire. 07783409700.
13.16 Peacock Aulonocara in 4 foot african tank STUNNING FISH 10/10/23 No
Come with 16 Peacocks ranging from adult size to 4 inches long. Comes with 2 fluval filters 406 and 407 LED lighting, x2 400watt heaters cabinet everything you need ready to go. Tank is mature and all fish get along well. Direct message me for photos or video clips. £500 or vno Locat... ...
14.Malawi and Tanganyikan Cichlids 02/07/23 No
Hi everyone, I have fish currently available contact me on 07802615628. Here is what I have... Small to medium fish: Cichlid Labidochromis Caeruleus - Yellow Lab : 4cm £5 each, 6 available 7cm to 10cm £10 each, 5 available 10+cm £15 each, 6 available Aulonocara sp. Orange - Oran... ...
15.Aulonocara baenschi and maylandi (sulphur head) - PRICE REDUCED 13/02/23 Yes
I have five beautiful maylandi and five equally lovely baenschi to find a new home for. The pictures show the beautiful colouration of these fish - the maylandi ranging from 7" to nearly 9" and really stunning. The baenschi are naturally smaller, the biggest boy being around 6". ... ...
16.various groups for sale 10/02/23 Yes
have the following groups for sale and I will emphasise they only go as groups: Aulonocara Benga - 1 male with 4 females - 50£ Protomelas Taiwanee Reef - 1 male and 3 females - 50£ Nimbochromis Venustus - 1 male 2 female - 60£ Nimbochromis Livingstoni - 1 male 2 females - 60£ Malawi Eye Bi... ...
17.Variety of quality juveniles for sale 11/07/22 No
Hi there I've the following malawi cichlids for sale. Most around 1-2 inch Aulonocara maleri Moori Dolphins F1 Fossorochromis Rostratus Sulphur crest Mara Rocks F1 Aristochromis chrystii limited amount 3 and 4 inch Champsochromis caeruleus F2s Mylochromis gracilis F1s Aulonocara o... ...
18.Tropical fish malawi lake cichlids 23/03/22 No
Platy's Guppies Green terror Fire mouth Angel fish ( 5 different types ) Barbs ( 4 different types ) Yo yo loach Zebra loach Rainbow shark Red tail shark Albino shark Paradaise fish ( 3 different types ) Gourami ( 5 different types ) Gold bristolnose Super red bristol... ...
19.F1 Predator haps/peacocks and other haplochromis, some mbuna 31/01/22 No
Hey guys We have a large number of the following available; F1 Nimbochromis fuscotaeniatus F1 Nimbochromis livingstonii F1 Nimbochromis Polystigma F1 Nimbochromis Livingstonii F1 Fossorochromis rostratus F1 Mylochromis gracilis F1 Crytocara Blue Moori Dolphin F1 Buccochromis rhoade... ...
20.Aulonocara sp OBs 29/12/21 Yes
Aulonocara sp OBS, 2 inches, 10 weeks old. Individual markings Raised on Origin Fry starter, Origin Krill and Malawi Pro, Artemia, Cyclops and Daphnia. Parents in photos. Unable to sex as too young. Extremely healthy, 6 for £25 or £5 Each
21.Tank closure large rifts for sale SOLD 23/11/21 No
11” Male Burundi Frontosa 6” male Burundi Frontosa 7x yellow labs 2 x red zebras Large male dolphin Large OB Aulonocara Large sulphur head Large male Spilonotus Tanzania 2 x Large male Stuartgranti Aulonacara 2 x Small male Stuartgranti 2 x male Borelyi 1 x female Borelyi 1 x zeb... ...
22.Haps and peas 05/10/21 Yes
I've got for sale some stunning Malawi cichlids 5 x Aulonocara red shoulder male's around the 3"-4" + £10 each Copedechromis Azerius male's only around the 3"-4"+ £10 each Red empress 3"-4"+ male only £10 a pair £18 x 2 All really stunning fish Collect... ...
23.Wet Pets Solihull have yet again another fantastic offer of 20 Malawi Haps and Aulonacaras for sale. 27/05/21 Yes
Hi. Due to the government guidelines because of the Covid 19 virus. We can now have one person at a time in the fish house and you would need to wear a mask please. Or I'm doing a click and collect take away service from the front door if you prefer to get some really nice fish this way. You are... ...
24.I have lots of breeding groups of pure bred stunning Malawi Cichlids for sale. 27/05/21 Yes
Mbuna Breeding groups. They all breed regularly. Massive adult breeding group of Pseudotropheus crabro group Metriaclima Zebra Fenzbreli Maison reef group Melanochromis Interuptus group Pseudotropheus Yellow tail acei group Labidochromis Yellow labs group Labidochromis Perlmutt group Mayla... ...
25.Loads Of Malawi to Clear 27/04/21 Yes
Malawi Cichlids to clear, all 2 inches or just over collection only Newcastle NE5 Yellow Labs Aulonocara OB Aulonocara Red Peacock Snow White Zebra Strawberry Peacock Aulonocara Jacob Auratus Venustus Electric Blue Ahli Aulonocara Nyasi Borleyi Taiwan Reef All £5 Each ... ...
26.Looking for juvenile haps and aulonocara peacocks in south east 02/04/21 No
Looking for yellow labs Aulonocara of most species OB Firefish Placidochromis phenuchilus Lethrinops red cap or albus kane island Synodontis petricola or multipunctus Around Kent / Maidstone ideally
27.Malawi Peacocks 27/02/21 No
I have around 30 mixed Aulonocara peacocks to move on. Min size is 3.5 inch up to 6 inch. £6.00-£15.00 Plenty obs. Pics upon request. South queensferry, edinburgh.
28.Wet Pets Solihull Have stunning Malawi Juvies for sale some rarer ones and a good size a must see li 01/12/20 Yes
Hi all. I am an enthusiastic hobbyist breeder/seller of Malawi, Tanganyikan and Victorian Cichlids. I have a pet license and I have been keeping these amazing rift fish for over 20 years. Below is a list of new fish I have ready for collection. Most of the fish on the list will be £7.00 ea... ...
29.Peacock - Aulonocara 21/10/20 Yes
Hi, I need to move on some healthy breeding cichlids which I inherited and the tank is getting too full. They have vertical dark stripes, light coloured bodies and a bluish metallic face. Sorry, but I don't know what type but they like like peacock aulonocara? They have about 2/3 inch bodies. Woul... ...
30.Adult f1 synodontis petricola 7cm+ 24/05/20 Yes
Group of 9 available collection newport south wales. Confirmed males and females ideal breeding project for someone. Plenty of activity however as kept with aulonocara I have not had babies. Priced at £25 each or the group for £200. I can do 2 smaller groups of 4 and 5 for £100 and £120. C... ...
31.Malawi Cichlids for sale (over 40 fish) Preston (PR1) 10/02/20 Yes
Malawi cichlids for sale, I have over 40 in the tank. I am looking for a quick sale and therefore selling all together for £200. Will not sell individual fish. I am selling them because I require the funds for another project. Please see the photos and the your tube link here: https://youtu.be/... ...
32.Peacocks and more 20/01/20 Yes
Will sell individually as prices show below or all together for £120 23 juvenile peacocks around 1-2 inch (Aulonocara Orange Blotch) 1 adult male peacock (Aulonocara Orange Blotch) 2 yellow labs 3 Melanochromis Auratus (2 male 1 female) 1 Aulonocara Red Albino 1 Aulonocara Jacob Freiburg ... ...
33. WANTED XL Aulonocara Peacocks in Leicester 01/09/19 Yes
Hi looking to add stock to my pea/hap tank. Looking for only XL as stock already 10+ CM females particularly wanted but males also. All colours accept orange considered. Preferably F1 but will take F2 also.
34.quick sale 12/07/19 Yes
10 aulonocara 3 pundamilia nyererei 1 damasoni all round about 3 inchs £100 for the lot or £10 each looking to change the species of cichlids for another
35.Group of peacocks and haps 12/05/19 Yes
Shutting down my Malawi cichlid tank.all peacocks and haps Stunning fish , some F1 from UKAI Message for images . Collection from rainham Essex Anyone able to take the whole lot at once can have for £175 Aulonocara Chindunga - Aulonocara maleri - Aulonocara yellow collar - Aul... ...
36.Full set up including over 30 Malawi Chiclids 16/04/19 Yes
35 assorted Chiclids including aprrox the following 5 x Metriaclima greshakei (ice blue cichlid) 7 x Labidochromis Coureleeus 1 x Red Tail Plec (25cm long) 3 x Synodontis pretend upside down catfish 3 x assorted cichlids 3 x black and blue and yellow striped 3 x Aulonocara hansbaenschi... ...
37.Big View 400 LITRE Tank, Full set up including over 30 Malawi Chiclids 16/04/19 Yes
This is a complete set up. There are 2 filters, 1 in the lid and an external filter which is only 6 months old and includes ultra violet filtering. 35 assorted Chiclids including aprrox the following 5 x Metriaclima greshakei (ice blue cichlid) 7 x Labidochromis Coureleeus 1 x Red Tail... ...
39.Fish, Fish tanks, racking and accessories for sale 06/01/19 No
Closing down my fish house so have plenty available for sale. Tanks and lots of fishkeeping equipment. Fish Young 2-4cm Otopharynx lithobates Zimbabwe rock Protomelas similis Aulonocara OB Aulonocara Malauna Aulonocara Turkis Aulonocara Rubin Red Red Empress Namalenje Dimidochromis S... ...
40.Malawi Cichlids plus tanks, racking and accessories for sale 06/01/19 No
Fish - Young 2-4cm Otopharynx lithobates Zimbabwe rock Protomelas similis Aulonocara OB Aulonocara Malauna Aulonocara Turkis Aulonocara Rubin Red Red Empress Namalenje Dimidochromis Strigatus Naevochromis crysogaster 10-11cm Venustus 5-6cm Electra 10-12cm Males Aulonocara rubin red 5-... ...
41.5ft custom built male hap and peacock fx5 16/10/18 Yes
For sale is a custom built 5ft tank and white cabinet with storage beneath the tank, with led lighting, the aquarium tank is a jewel lido 450 £350 this can't go until the fish have sold I'm also selling the eheim jagger 309w heater £20 Fluval fx5 complete with everything that comes with it ... ...
42.aulonocara cichlids for sale 25/09/18 Yes
Adult pair aulonocara for sale £8 pair not sure species also have some about 1-2 " 3 for £10 message me 07904371882
43.Ripples Waterlife, Shenstone. Malawi, Tanganyikan Cichlids. 24/08/18 Yes
West Midlands based aquatic retail centre. We have everything needed to keep freshwater fish happy and healthy, whether it be tropical or coldwater, aquarium or pond, we have all the necessary equipment needed to get you started, or keep you going. We have a great range of livestock and plants, and ... ...
44.Malawi Haps, Peacocks, Mbuna & Wilds NEW LIST 25/07/18 No
We are going to a well known malawi cichlid supplier in Germany this Friday. This week is the last week to send preorders. Please contact as soon as possible to express interest and for prices as we need to preorder with the supplier next week. There is no minimum order. Door to door del... ...
45.Kent rift cichlids Rift Valley cichlids import from Germany 03/07/18 Yes
Description: Hi, We have a wide range of high grade, German import, rare malawi/tanganyikan cichlids for sale. They are all either WC,SNZ or F1.All our fish came from cichlidenstadl,Mal-ta-vi,Aquahaus and aquatreff. Delivery service available with apc. £24 per box, max 9 small fish or 6 large fi... ...
46.Malawi Haps All Sizes 28/06/18 No
Malawi Haps for sale. All fish below are tank bred with newest stock listed first: Placidochromis Milomo VC10 Male 14cm Protomelas Annectens Male 14cm Lichnochromis Acuticeps Males and Females 12cm Lethrinops Red Cap Itungi Male 10cm Placidochromis Mdoka White Lips 12cm 2M 1F Di... ...
47.Looking Aulonocara Strawberry 14/06/18 No
Hi I'm looking to buy a nice Aulonocara Strawberry THANK YOU 07740166385
48.Malawi Fish - Haps, Peacocks, Mbuna 10/05/18 No
Malawi Fish for sale: Haps: Nimbochromis Fusco Males 16-18cm Exochromis Anagenys 12-14cm Tyrannochromis Macrostoma 16-18cm Fryeri Iceberg Male 14cm Placidochromis Gissel 14cm Males Placidochromis Mdoka White Lips 6-8cm Copadichromis Chrysonotus 6-8cm Tyrannochromis Nigriventer South 5-7... ...
49.Fully Revised Stock List - The Aquatic Store Bristol 09-05-2018 09/05/18 Yes
Tetras: Super Ringo Owando Tetra (Very Rare) Red Congo Tetra (Alestopetersius Brichardi) RARE Black Neon Tetra Yellow Neon Tetra Marble Hatchet Fish Giant Silver Hatchet Fish Cardinal Tetra (Super Condition) Red Phantom Tetra Black Phantom Tetra Red Eyed Tetra Flame Tetra Super Oran... ...
50.AQUA-SHACK::::High quality African rift lake cichlids 16/03/18 Yes
Aquashack Seaham County Durham Specialising in only the highest quality African rift lake cichlids. Fully licensed with 25 years fish keeping experience and almost 10 years as an importer/retailer. Aulonocara Mamalela 4cm £7.50e Aulonocara eureka 4-5cm £7.50e Aulonocara hansbaenchi 4-5... ...
What's better than getting new fish?? How about new fish with a discount. K&C are proud to announce a small initiative that hopefully everyone will benefit from. *** NEW CUSTOMERS *** 10% off your first purchase and as much free advice as you like. *** RECOMMEND A FRIEND *** If any of ... ...
52.MIDLANDS MALAWIS,Mbuna & Haps in Nottingham 07/11/17 Yes
We are fully council licenced breeders/importers with a selection of high quality Malawi Cichlids available that we have bred or imported. Most of our fish are bred from wild caught or F1 parents and a handful of tank bred fish. We are Eastwood Nottingham, M1 j26/j27 just up from Ikea. Delivery a... ...
53.Dandy Cichlids Malawi and Tanganyikan Cichlids UPDATED LIST 24/09/17 No
Dandy Cichlids is one if not the largest stockist and importer of high quality African Cichlids in the north of England. We are based in Peterlee County Durham. We ship fish all over the UK and also do personal delivery runs. If you are looking for the best African Cichlids in the hobby you are welc... ...
54.Dandy Cichlids NEW IMPORT FROM GERMANY NOW IN STOCK 24/09/17 No
Dandy Cichlids is one if not the largest stockist and importer of high quality African Cichlids in the north of England. We are based in Peterlee County Durham. We ship fish all over the UK and also do personal delivery runs. If you are looking for the best African Cichlids in the hobby you are welc... ...
Updated Stock list 15/09/2017 Corydoras/CW Numbers: CW028 Corydoras Super Schwartzi STUNNING XXL STORE FIRST Limited Corydoras Gold Lasers F1 XL NEW super condition C12 Corydoras Punctatus NICE CW009 Green lazer Corydoras SUPER CONDITION XL STORE FIRST Limited CW051 Corydoras sp VERY NICE... ...
56.Large Fish For Sale - Leicester 27/07/17 Yes
LARGE FISH FOR SALE. Wide selection of fish to choose from. All fishes have vibrant colours. They are all eating well and healthy. All Fish £10 each or 2 for £15....... All Fish £10 each or 2 for £15....... All Fish £10 each or 2 for £15....... Silver Dollar Jack Dems Large Malaw... ...
57.Large fish for sale - Leicester 25/07/17 Yes
LARGE FISH FOR SALE. Wide selection of fish to choose from. All fishes have vibrant colours. They are all eating well and healthy. All Fish £10 each or 2 for £15....... All Fish £10 each or 2 for £15....... All Fish £10 each or 2 for £15....... Parrots Silver Dollar Jack Dems Lar... ...
58.All fish for sale large and small. 22/07/17 No
LARGE FISH FOR SALE. Wide selection of fish to choose from. All fishes have vibrant colours. They are all eating well and All Fish £10 each or 2 for £15......All Fish £10 each or 2 for £15.....All Fish £10 each or 2 for £15.....All Fish £10 each or 2 for £15.....All Fish £10 each or 2 f... ...
59.Malawi Cichlids 2 inches - 3.5 inches Aulonocara peacocks African cichlids 21/07/17 Yes
Over 300 beautiful stunning fish, I have videos whatsapp me and i can send you some... 07956 948 123 Fed on quality foods and no issues, I have a nice clean healthy tank. 2" inch Cichlids 1 Fish for £7 5 Fish for £20 10 Fish for £35(£3.50 per fish) 20 Fish for £60(£3 per fish) 40 Fi... ...
60.Large fish for sale 13/07/17 No
LARGE FISH FOR SALE. Wide selection of fish to choose from. All fishes have vibrant colours. They are all eating well and All Fish £10 each or 2 for £15......All Fish £10 each or 2 for £15.....All Fish £10 each or 2 for £15.....All Fish £10 each or 2 for £15.....All Fish £10 each or 2 f... ...
61.LARGE FISH FOR SALE - All Fish £10 each 16/06/17 Yes
LARGE FISH FOR SALE. Wide selection of fish to choose from. All fishes have vibrant colours. They are all eating well and healthy. All Fish £10 each....... All Fish £10 each....... All Fish £10 each....... XXL Parrot x 1 XXXL Parrot x 1 XXL Green Terrors x 2 Army Loach x 2 XL Silver D... ...
62.LARGE FISH FOR SALE - Leicester 16/06/17 Yes
LARGE FISH FOR SALE. Wide selection of fish to choose from. All fishes have vibrant colours. They are all eating well and healthy. All Fish £10 each....... All Fish £10 each....... All Fish £10 each....... XXL Parrot x 1 XXXL Parrot x 1 XXL Green Terrors x 2 Army Loach x 2 XL Silver D... ...
63.Kent rift cichlids new arrivals from Cichlidenstadl Germany 08/06/17 Yes
Kent Rift Cichlids new arrivals Malawi Cichlids Aulonocara baenschi Benga 8-10cm £24 Aulonocara ethelwynnae 7-10cm £24 Aulonocara maleri Chidunga rocks 8-10cm £36 WC Aulonocara maylandi 8-10cm £24 nice Aulonocara spec.Eureka 9-11cm £24 Aulonocara spec. Fire fish 9-10cm £24 males A... ...
64.Lots of breeding Malawi up for grabs 01/06/17 No
All fish very healthy and fed on a varied diet. Fish age ranging from 14 - 20 months and sizes from 3 to 5 inch CYNOTILAPIA AFRA WHITE TOP LIKOMA F1 breeding pair  £30 PSEUDOTROPHEUS ELONGATUS MPANGA Breeding group 2.2 £40 Labidochromis caeruleus breeding pair  £20 Melanochromis ... ...
Updated stocklist 10.5.17 What's better than getting new fish?? How about new fish with a discount. K&C are proud to announce a small initiative that hopefully everyone will benefit from. *** NEW CUSTOMERS *** 10% off your first purchase and as much free advice as you like. *** RECOMM... ...
66.CICHLIDS FOR SALE - Leicester 15/05/17 Yes
CICHLIDS FOR SALE. XXL Parrot x 1 XXXL Parrot x 1 XXL Green Terrors x 2 Large Salvini x 2 Jack Dems x 2 Large Malawi selection Yellow Labs Aulonocara cichlids Tropheus cichlids Army Loach x 2 XL Silver Dollar x 1 XXL Silver Dollar x 1 XXXL Silver Dollar x 1 Wide selecti... ...
67.Breeding Group of Red Shoulder Peacocks 10/05/17 No
Selling my top quality breeding group aulonocara Hanbeshani red shoulder peacocks. Consists of 2 males and 7 females. All have breed several times and produces around 100+ fry every 1-2 months. Great quality group imported from best breeders in Germany. Asking for only £150...This is such a bargai... ...
68.Aulonocara OB ....Beautiful quality 08/05/17 Yes
Aulonocara OB. Beautiful vibrant colours, not to be mistaken with hormoned far eastern fish, or poorer quality washed out fish seen in most shops. 6-8cm £30 per pair
69.K&C Rift Valley Cichlids NorthWest 20/04/17 No
Updated stocklist 10.4.17 What's better than getting new fish?? How about new fish with a discount. K&C are proud to announce a small initiative that hopefully everyone will benefit from. *** NEW CUSTOMERS *** 10% off your first purchase and as much free advice as you like. *** REC... ...
70.Splash Tropicals Updated Stocklist 01/04/17 No
Full Stocklist Below Updated 01/04/2017 Splash Tropicals South Terrace The Green Southwick SR5 2AW Contact Ryan/Kelly on 07572554047 Email: splash.tropicals@hotmail.co.uk Opening Hours: Monday 10am-5pm Tuesday 10am-5pm Wednesday 10am-2pm Thursday CLOSED Friday 10am-5pm ... ...
71.Adult Aulonocara Firefish female. Doncaster 10/03/17 No
Free to good home.Nice pinky orange female around 10 cm in size. Collection from DN2. For more info call Vic on 07411413635.
72.Malawis Mbuna and Haps 08/03/17 Yes
Midlands malawis Largest selection,best quality & price in the Midlands Appointment or simply buy through the our website www.midlandsmalawis.co.uk We also have Facebook group Midlandsmalawis Upto date list Wild caught,F1 and tank bred fish available Mbuna Cynotilapia hara galereya ree... ...
73.Haps and Aulonocara for sale 12/02/17 No
Selling my group of all male haps and aulonocara all sourced from European breeders and around 2 years old.This is a nice settled group and ideally would like to sell all together they consist of Aulonocara Turkis,Maulauna,Maleri,Chilumba,Rubin red,Hansbenchi,,Usisya f1 Ngara,Jacobfribergi,Kandesis... ...
BASED IN WALKDEN, MANCHESTER *** NEW CUSTOMERS *** 10% off your first purchase and as much free advice as you like. *** RECOMMEND A FRIEND *** If any of our members recommend a friend your self and your friend will receive 10% off each of your purchases. (To qualify for this offer, both... ...
75.Parkers Aquatic Centre - Tropical Fish in Bristol, Full Stocklist 17/12/16 Yes
Latest Fish List - Updated 17/12/16 Current stock List: Inverts: Bamboo shrimp : few Yamoto shrimp: cherry shrimp: yellow fire shrimp: Assorted Crystal Shrimp: Large blue lobster Vampire crabs Tetra/ Characins: Black widow tetra Cardinal tetra Congo tetra Neon tetra Serpae tet... ...
76.Tonys African Cichlids - Most diverse range of qualityUK bred Malawi Cichlids Delivered to your door. Orders over £100 FREE COURIER 12/12/16 Yes
Disclaimer - All photos are OUR photos of OUR fish taken by US. :) The most diverse range of Malawi Cichlids in the UK which have been bred in our water. This makes them robust, hardy and easy to settle in. It makes the colour amazing, the vitality top notch and overall exceptional fish. Please c... ...
77.Splash Tropicals Updated Stocklist 04/12/16 No
Full Stocklist Below Updated 04/12/16 Splash Tropicals South Terrace The Green Southwick SR5 2AW Contact Ryan/Kelly on 07572554047 Email: splash.tropicals@hotmail.co.uk Facebook Business Link : https://www.facebook.com/SplashTropicals/ Opening Hours: Monday 10am-5pm Tuesda... ...
78.Malawi Cichlids - Haps and Peacocks (Aulonocara) (Haplochromis) 5-7 CM 01/10/16 Yes
I have a nice selection of Malawi Cichlids. These include Aulonocara and Haplochromis Cichlids. All fish are of high quality and have previously proven to colour up beautifully. The following fish are of current stock updated on 01/10/16. Aulonocara hansbaenschi Aulonocara jacobfreibergi ... ...
79.F1/Wild cichlids for sale or swap for tropheus 25/09/16 Yes
Hi selling the following: 10 F1 Metricalima Masoni Reef 2cm £4 each Breeding group of 4 stunning F1 Pseudotropheus Pelvic Mdoka 10cm £32 Breeding pair of Wild pelvic mdoka £30 Breeding pair of F1 Jalo reef 5-6cm £15 Breeding pair of F1 Aulonocara Baenshi Benga 5cm... ...
Aulonocara Jacobfreibergi - Eureka Red Peacock young for sale. All around 1-2 inch in size. Have both males & females available. Picture is of actual male juveniles showing their distinctive colour. £4 each or 3 for £10 Collection only from Kidderminster, Worcestershire. Please call... ...
81.Emporer aquatics rare Cichlids and Datnoid fish 31/08/16 No
DATNOIDS Siemese tiger fish (datnoids microlepis) (4-5cm) many barred tiger(datnoids polota) fish(4-5cm) CICHLIDS South American Peacock bass (Diamond/Azul/Golden/Monoculas/Orinocensis) (5cm) AFRICAN peacock cichlid (redneck/pink albino/purple line/demasoni/ yellow head/dragon blood/oran... ...
82.Malawi Haps and Peacocks Haplochromis & Alunocara Cichlids 29/08/16 Yes
I have many different Peacocks and Haplochromis for sale from my fish room. All fish are between 2 - 3.5 Inch and of high quality. Prices vary between £4 - £8 depending on the type of fish. Some fish will not have colors just yet due to their size. Aulonocara calico Aulonocara Fire Fish ... ...
83.Malawi Haps and Peacocks Haplochromis & Alunocara Cichlids 29/08/16 Yes
I have many different Peacocks and Haplochromis for sale from my fish room. All fish are between 2 - 3.5 Inch and of high quality. Prices vary between £4 - £8 depending on the type of fish. Some fish will not have colors just yet due to their size. Aulonocara calico Aulonocara Fire Fish ... ...
84.Wanted Otopharynx Lithobates, Aulonocara Red top Lwanda cichlids Male only 28/08/16 No
hi ive been searching for an otopharynx Lithobates and a aulonocara red top lwanda for a long time, can anyone help? if so please email me or ring me. thank you. tel 07932319277...email martstebbz@hotmail.com
85.Fish tank breeding set up for sale 04/08/16 No
I've decided to sell my up all my fish things. There's lots forvsale plz text for more information Juwel rio 180 tank lights internal filter heater air pump sand and stones great condition 200 ono 2 tier 4 foot tanks divided in to 5 comes with sand and a large air pump which runs both tanks... ...
86.Fry mbuna/aulonocara (Cambridge) 20/07/16 No
25-plus fry - Iodotropheus Sprengerae (rusties), £12 for all fry. 35-45 fry - Pseudotropheus Acei yellow tail fry. £15 for all fry. 11 fry - Aulonocara O/B fire. £8 for all fry. Text/Call 07973 515332 to collect in Cambridge, or can deliver to within 30 miles to Cambs, North West Essex, ... ...
87.Aulonocara O/B Fire, Jacobs, Protomelas Red Emp (Cambridge, can post) 19/07/16 Yes
Protomelas Red Empress (Pic 1) male 11cm £15 Aulonocara Jacobfreibergi Eureka (pic 3) three females only, 7cm £6 for all three Aulonocara O/B Fire 1m 1f pair (pic 2) £12 for pair, male 9cm, female 6cm Mbuna: Iodotropheus Sprengerae, 2m 1f, 8-7cm £10 for trio I'm in Cambridge. ... ...
88.Few surplus fish for sale 24/04/16 No
I have an all male hap and peacock tank and have a few surplus fish for sale Dolphin (female)10cm £8 Aulonocara Lwanda (female)7-8cm £6 Sulphur head (male)8-9cm £4 bullied by larger male but recovering well in separate tank If interested please text (shiftworker)I'll get back to you ASA... ...
89.New Stock 16/04/16 No
Butterfly Catfish Asian Bumblebee Catfish Hopolo Catfish Spotted Talking Catfish Walking Catfish ...................................... Candy Plec Snowball Plec Blue Phantom Plec Green Phantom Plec ...................................... Filament Barb Green Spot Puffer Royal Discus Ass... ...
90.New Stock 28/03/16 No
91.Tank bred Malawi and Tanganyika Cichlids for sale 27/03/16 Yes
Aulonocara usisya F1 4-5cm £6.00 each Aulonocara Eureka super red 8-10cm stunning and breeding. £25.00 pair Aulonocara undu reef blue neon breeding group, 1 wild male, 1 wild female, 4 unrelated f1 females, £60, breeding Cyrtocara moorii F2 5-9cm£7.00 Lethrinops rainbow tanzania F2 5-7cm£... ...
92.Tropheus Moori and Aulonocara for Sale 04/02/16 No
Aulonocara Firefish fry 1-2 inches 3 for 10£
93.malawi cichlids 30/01/16 Yes
Hi I have some great quality haps and peacocks for sale All around 2-6" Cyrtocara Moorii ( Dolphins ) Stunning Ob peacocks Aulonocara baenschi benga Aulonocara fire fish Aulonocara strawberry Copadichromis borlyi ( Kadango ) Nimbochromis livingstonii Placidochromis milomo ( super Vc10... ...
94.Quality Malawi Cichlids 03/12/15 Yes
New Tank Bred & F1 shipment has just landed at K&C Rift Valley Cichlids NorthWest Updated stocklist 29.11.15 *** WILDS *** NEW WILD LIST COMING SOON ;) **F1 & Tank bred** Aulonocara stuartgranti materi 8cm £32/pair Aulonocara eureka red 8-10cm £32/pair Cyrtocara moorii 6cm - WAS £... ...
95.very rare breeding group of f1 aulonocara walteri £150 27/11/15 No
Here I have for sale cheap due to unforseen circumstances my breeding group of f1 aulonocara walteri female holding as we speak fry will be included £150 they cost me alot more than this plz call or text 07887497180
96.Aulonocara sp. Lwanda male sold 31/10/15 Yes
After shutting a tank down and having a mixed mbuna and peacock tank my male Lwanda is the only peacock that's not happy so I have decided to sell him on, he is german bred bought from kent rift cichlids. I took him out my tank last week and he is currently in a hospital tank so he is easier to cat... ...
97.Stock list 31/10/15 Yes
stocklist Community Moscow blue guppy £5 pair Mixed guppy £1.50 10 for £12 Zebra danio xl £1 10 for £8 Black neon tetra large £1 10 for £8 Brochis splendens £5 Spotted headstanders £3 Harlequin rasbora £1 10 for £8 Rainbow platys £2 Rainbow hi fin platys xxl £2.50 Am... ...
98.Malawi Cichlid - Aulonocara Firefish 13/10/15 Yes
Hi I have for sale a Group of 3 of Aulonocara Firefish. size around 4-5 inches price 15 pound for a group pick up only from west london, hanwell thanks for looking
99.Haps and Peacocks 13/10/15 Yes
i have a whole stock of Haps and Peacocks for sale. All are either F1 or Pond raised. Top quality fish. Priced to sell at only £10 per fish. Includes breeding group of F1 Dolphins. Most others are also breeding pairs. Placidochromis electra (Black face) F1pair Nimbochromis venustus 3x M Aulo... ...
100.African Cichlid Breeder UK Based 30/09/15 Yes
Queens Aquatics are a U.K based Cichlid Supplier we breed all of our fish here in UK water so you're guaranteed that Cichlids from us are already acclimatised to the British waters. We source our stock from either F1 or Wild Caught where possible carefully making sure we don't breed with the same bl... ...
101.New malawi 29/09/15 Yes
Some nee Malawi Washington aquatics Sciaenochromis fryeri 4-5" £9.99 Sciaenochromis fryeri ice 4-5" £12 Pseudotropheus Red zebra 4-5" £7.99 cyrtocara moorii f1 4-5" 14.99 cyrtocara moorii tb. 5-6" £14.99 Aulonocara baensca benga 4" £8 Metriaclima sp. 'zebra chilum... ...
102.New stock list 25/08/15 Yes
Few awful pictures washington aquatics stock list community rainbow shiners £4 torpedo barbs £4 clown loach 2" £4 MEKONG RED FIN LAMPEYE KILLIS £2 sunset platys £2 saluwsi rock shrimp £4 medium Rock Shrimp xlarge £5.99 betta pugnax £3 cherry shrimp 1ea 10 for £8 ghost k... ...
103.Malawi Mbuna Aulonocara polit tangyanikan cheap Harlow essex 15/08/15 Yes
Stock list fish house £3 per fish 3" £4 4" £5 5" Not inc wilds.. Will do deals on lots. All fish German supplied need gone ASAP as moving house Elongatus mpanga 7cm x 14 Crabro 7cm x 8 F1 labs 6cm good quality x 20 Saulosi 7cm x 12 Aulonocara Lemon jake x 10 6cm Auri... ...
104.high quality and hand picked more a thausand cichlids 28/07/15 Yes
Live your tank with eye catching colours and different sizes of African cichlids including Frontosa, most amazing coloured peacocks, SP.44, Demasoni, Electra and much more which allows you to create a unique and a fascinating fish tank. More than a thousand exquisite high quality fishes are ... ...
105.5ft Malawi tank full set up £275 08/07/15 Yes
5ft juwel tank with loads of Malawi all breeding black sand,60kg ofrock and heater roughly 50 Malawi all decent size some 5". Apps 2000l filter Some of fish include Group of breeding moori dolphins x7 Red fin boryeli x 4 biggest is 5-6" Aulonocara x 15 colouring up nice Pair of white top afra... ...
106.Online Auction tonight 05/07/15 No
list for auction on Washington Aquatics tonight 8.00 700lh internal filter with uv and 100w heater 8.15 food pack ( 1 tub repashy, 100g flake, 100g daphnia, 100g catfish pellets, 100g sturgeon pellets, 5 packs of frozen food) 8.30 5 gold head compressicep 2" (Tanganyika cichlids) 8.45 10 ... ...
107.New Price List - Wholesale Aquatics - Please have a L@@K 03/07/15 Yes
***Updated*** Stock List 10% Off of website with Coupon AQUACLASS Delivery available Visit our website (Click on banner next to Adverts) or wholesale-aquatics.com **Pleco** L18 8-9cm £25 L146/148 Rubber nose £5 3x £12 L190 6-8cm £18 L201 5-6cm £20 Common Goldspot 8" £5 **O... ...
108.Copadichromis virginalis firecrest 22/06/15 Yes
Sciaenochromis fryeri OB Sciaenochromis fryeri albino Sciaenochromis fryeri snow white Otopharynx lithobates black orange Protomelas sp. "Spilonotus Tanzania" Protomelas taeniolatus fire blue Nimbochromis venustus Aulonocara jacobfreibergi "Eureka" Copadichromis virginalis firecrest x7 3 f... ...
109.Aulonocara stuartgranti blue neon undu reef fry and mylochromis epichorialis 21/06/15 No
These are not your normal standard poor quality thai fish.. Stunning F2 fry from Super High Quality German Source parents - photos given via whatsapp Aulonocara stuartgranti blue neon undu reef fry 2-3cm 10 for £30 Also have some super rare and the most stunning group ive ever owned... ... ...
110.Washington aquatics stocklist 19/06/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stocklist COMMUNITY Moscow black guppys £6 per pair Guppy males £2 (blondes, yellow leopard ,blue diamond , red and green snakeskin, german yellow tail and more ) Guppy females £1.50 (blondes, yellow leopard ,blue diamond , red and green snakeskin, german yellow tail a... ...
111.Around 70 3-6inch malawi cichilids £140 15/06/15 No
I have a mix of peacocks and mbuna for sale. All above 3 inchs most around 4-5 inches some bigger some smaller. Lots have been breeding. I am unsure of all names but I know that some are: yellow labs Aulonocara sp. 'OB', Cynotilapia afra 'Lumbila', Cyrtocara moorii, Melanochromis auratus A... ...
112.Malawi 11/06/15 Yes
07947578710 Ch40hsAulonocara ( peacocks) Maylandi slupher head Ob Rubin red Fire fish All around 2 inch Haps Dolphin Eye bitter Mbuna Demasoni Cobolts blue Cobolts Orange elongatus £5 each New stock Malawi for sale Cynotilapia jalo reef ... ...
113.African cichlid pre order list 30/05/15 Yes
Lots of high quality Africans available to oder, we also have a pre order list for Americans and some tropicals and plecs. Aulonocara Red Rubin 6-7 £8 Aulonocara stuartgranti Ngara F1 7-9 £11 Copadichromis azureus Mbenji F1 6-8 £7 Copidichromis trewavasae Ivory F1 8-10 £11 Cynotilapia Au... ...
114.Malawi for sale 26/05/15 No
Aulonncara ob pair £25 Aulonocara Ob male £10 Aulonocara nyassae male £10 Fryeri male £10 Taiwan reef male £10 Domidiochromis Compressicep pair £20 And more All about 3"-5"
115.Lake Malawi Imports - New Wild Malawi Cichlid Shipment 21/05/15 No
Hi This is a fully Licenced Importing company solely for the import of Wild Malawi Cichlids we hold the contract to Import from best or longest standing Exporting Company S.M.G based right on the lake! Please see the current list below of all obtainable fish from the newest shipment! Cynotila... ...
116.Malawis ,tangs and trops for sale 08/05/15 Yes
Malawis For Sale Aulonocara Baenschi 4-5 cm £4 each Aulonocara Blue Orchid 8cm + £10 each Aulonocara Calico OB 8cm £8 each Aulonocara Eureca Red 6cm £6 each Aulonocara Rubin Red 6cm £6 each Copadichromis Verdunji deep blue 5-6cm £6 each Haplochromis Cribensis 4-... ...
Stock list fish house Hi I have juvie and adult Malawi for sale here is the list.. Rack stand.... Left to right... Elongatus mpanga 7cm x 14 Crabro 7cm x 8 F1 labs 6cm good quality x 20 Saulosi 7cm x 12 Aulonocara Lemon jake x 10 6cm Aurifron nkanga bay juvie x 7 £5e 3 for... ...
New stock just in last week.... auloncara firefish (red) aulunocara eureka auloncara steveni hongi lab hongi srt nimbochromis venustus Nimbochromis livingstoni demasoni williamsi blue lips scienochromis fryeri p.s flavus pollit gold kawanga oto lithobates Oto black orange ... ...
119.Malawi cichlids 22/04/15 No
aulonocara sp yellow pair £12 Fire fish OB pair £25 2 spare male ob £10 each german red pair male just starting to colour £15 aulonocara nyassae male £10 lithobate male £10
120.Malawis for sale scotland 22/04/15 Yes
Here is an up to date Malawi stocklist. Mbuna F1 cynotilapia Afra lion lupingu - group of 5 @ 4-5 £40 F1 cynotilapia Afra iwera manda - 3-4 - £8 Cynotilapia Afra red top likoma 5-6 - £7.50 2 left Cynotilapia Afra yellow blaze 6-7 - £7.50 iodotropheus sprengerae 5-6 - £7 Labeotropheu... ...
121.Stunning aulonocara stuartgranti blue neon + mylochromis epichorialis 21/04/15 No
These are not your normal standard poor quality thai fish.. Stunning F2 fry from Super High Quality German Source parents - photos given via whatsapp Aulonocara stuartgranti blue neon undu reef fry 2-3cm 10 for £30 Also have some super rare and the most stunning group ive ever owned... ... ...
122.New stocklist. 08/04/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stockist discus red turquoise £25 blue snakeskin £25 snow white £25 odd balls / preds metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each silver arowana 9" £35 redtail catfish 3" £20each reed fish 12-15" £12eac... ...
123.Large beautiful Malawi males for sale ALL SOLD. 28/03/15 Yes
1 Protomelas Taeniolatus Red Empress 10cm in size.SOLD 1 Aulonocara Firefish male 12cm. 1 Labeotropheus Trewavasae Zimbabwe Rock 10cm. 1 Aulonocara Baenschi yellow 9cm. Good quality fish,healthy and peacefully living together in one tank. Unfortunately I need that tank for tropheus babies so all... ...
124.malawi cichlids for sale 27/03/15 Yes
malawi cichlids for sale yellow labs ,fire fish , pair of zebra obliquins ,various aulonocara, and mpanga £5 each size ranging from 3 to 5 inches fire fish fry 2 ins plus £2 each tel ; 07505147646
125.Different types of Peacock Cichlids Aulonocara + Blue Dolphins + Tretocephalus + Red Parrot 26/03/15 Yes
I have the following fish up for sale. 20X Five color nyassae-£4 each 20X Pink nyassae-£4 each 20X Living stone-£4 each 20X Johanni eastern-£4 each 20X Albino nyassae-£4 each 33X Tretocephalus-£4 each 18X Red parrot-£10 each 20X Blue Dolphin -£4 each ALL FISH ABOUT 2.5-3INCHES. ... ...
126.BARGIN PLEASE SEE Cynotilapia sp. hara gallireya reef and other bits 24/03/15 Yes
Hi all closing down tank as im immigrating I have 7 cynotilapia sp. hara gallireya reef for sale 2M & 5F which 1 is holding. there are breeding pair of aulonocara mbenji and breeding pair of aulonocara Ngara. also I have 3F bristlenose and 2 clown. the fish are all F1 and have beautiful colou... ...
127.Shield Aquatics Stocklist 13/03/15 No
Updated stocklist Trops - Mickey mouse platy Mickey mouse santa platy Gold comet platy Galaxy platy Neon swordtails Gold comet swordtails Red leopard mollys Marble mollys Lyretail mollys Green sailfin mollys Gold sailfin mollys Green cobra guppys King cobra guppys Flame guppys Yellow ... ...
128.Washington aquatics stocklist 05/03/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stockist odd balls / preds metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each silver arowana 4" £25 redtail catfish 3" £20each reed fish 12-15" £12each lesser spiny eel 4" £10each african butterfly fish £7.50 indian... ...
129.Aulonocara Red Rubin Fry For Sale 02/03/15 No
Rubin Red fry for sale. Parents are excellent quality. Pics available on request. About 1cm at the moment. 4 for £5. Collection in Galloway or can deliver locally for cost of fuel.
130.5 F2 Aulonocara chilumba blue £20 24/02/15 Yes
Selling 5 F2 Chilumba blue size 3cm No Time Wasters Thanks for looking Raz 07808544418
131.African Cichlids Sale - Closing down the tank. 10/02/15 No
Aulonocara jacobfreibergi "Eureka" - 6cm - £3 Socolofi Albino - 3-5cm - £2 Yellow Tail Acei - 4cm - £2 Fire Fish - 3cm - £2
132.Shield Aquatics Stocklist & Marine Supplies Now In Stock 06/02/15 No
New range of marine products now in stock. All Ocean Nutrition foods, seaweeds & accessories, Seachem additives, conditioners & salt etc. Also selection of Carribsea substrates and accesories including life rock, dry and live sands plus more to follow Updated stocklist Trops - Mickey m... ...
133.New stock list 03/02/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stockist odd balls metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each Lepisosteus spatula (aligator gar) 3-4" £15-£20each redtail catfish 3" £20each reed fish 12-15" £12each lesser spiny eel 4" £10each Community... ...
134.New stockist and Dry goods 03/02/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stockist odd balls metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each Lepisosteus spatula (aligator gar) 3-4" £15-£20each redtail catfish 3" £20each reed fish 12-15" £12each lesser spiny eel 4" £10each Community... ...
135.Aulonocara peacock cichlids 02/02/15 Yes
Young / mixed peacock cichlids, 2-3" Halesowen area. Im moving and all fish need new homes / open to offers. Please email if interested and I can send pictures Stugal@blueyonder.co.uk
136.WANTED: F1 Aulonocara Peacocks 12/01/15 No
Looking for some F1 high quality peacocks. around 1" at a reasonable price - no hybrids please. thanks
138.Top Quality Malawi Cichlids and Victorian Cichlids F1, F2 for sale 25/12/14 Yes
Hello everyone, I have many Malawi cichlid Adults and young species and aquarium accessories for sale too..... Photos for actual fish i have,,,,,,,, not internet photos. young:: F1 Makobe island (victorian cichlids) sold out F1 Mitraclima Jalo reef £6 each Hongi sweeden red top £5 e... ...
139.aulonocara fire fish ob 19/12/14 Yes
aulonocara fire fish ob for sale,2.5-3inch, 5 pounds each. Foto of father
140.New stockist. Few rare species on list 15/12/14 Yes
Washington aquatics New stockist Oddballs Fahaka puffer fish £15 each Opsarius pulchellus 3" groups of 5 £30 Sumatran neon blue gobys £6 each Mormyrus kannume 2" £15 each Rineloricaria similimis 3" £9.99 Community Rathbuni tetra £1.50. 10 for £12 Black neon tetra 10 for £8... ...
141.Emsworth Aquatics Availability List 09/12/14 Yes
AVAILABLITY LIST LIVEBEARERS Assorted Mollies £2.60ea Balloon Mollies £2.85ea Assorted Male Guppies £2.25ea or 4 for £8.76 Female Guppies £1.80ea or 6 for £10.20 Male Endlers £2.25ea or 4 for £8.80 Assorted Platys £2.50ea Assorted Swordtails £3.00ea CICHLIDS Gold Severum £6... ...
142.Selling all fishes, rocks and sand 05/12/14 No
Selling all fishes, rocks and sand for £300. Just Fishes £220 All fishes are breeding ! Collection from southampton Demasoni(8-10cm) x 9 - £7 each Acei Yellow Tail(13cm) x 2 - £20 breeding pair Melanochromis johannii(10cm) x 8 - £7 each Aulonocara Jacobfreibergi Eureka(13cm) x 2 ... ...
143.Top Quality Malawi Cichlids for Sale 30/11/14 Yes
i am a specialist breeder of wild caught cichlids from both lake Malawi and Tanganyika. I am based in West Wickam, Kent and have a purpose built fish house containing 49 tanks individually filtered and hold a council Fish license for trade. MBUNA – WILD CAUGHT Labeotropheus Trewavasae Chiof... ...
144.New stocklist 20/11/14 Yes
Washington aquatics brand new stocklist ne37 3bj free deliverys available. Community L018 Gold nugget plec £25 L400 Plec £20 Torpedo barbs 2" £5 each Bronze corys (xlarge) £3 each Kuhli loach £1 each Moscow blue guppy £2.50 each Lyretail sailfin Molly (large) £3 each Platys (xl... ...
145.New store open in South Shields 17/11/14 No
We are a new store in South Shields supplying freshwater fish and dry goods. Good selection dry goods including Fluval, Seachem, Ocean Nutrition, Tetra plus more Open 10 til 6 Monday to Saturday 12 til 4 Sunday Current stocklist Trops - Rainbow platy Blue neon platy Texas cichlid ... ...
146.Fluval Roma 240L 4 foot aquarium 16/11/14 Yes
Hi all This is our family show tank, which unfortunately has to go as we are soon to move house. It is a Fluval Roma 240 litre and 4 foot in length. The doors are reversible (black/silver) but the unit looks better in all black in my opinion. The doors are push shut/open operation which is great... ...
147.Malawis for sale. 15/11/14 No
Melanochromis auratus Labidochromis caeruleus electric yellow Cynotilapia axelrodi Labidochromis caeruleus lions cove Cyrtocara moorii ( Dolphin ) Protomelas sp. "Steveni Taiwan" (Taiwanee Reef) Otopharynx lithobates Pseudotropheus sp. "Elongatus Mphanga" All 1 ½ to 2 in... ...
148.Maidenhead Aquatics@Shirley Current Malawi Stock list (16/8/14) 14/11/14 Yes
Malawi cichlids currently for sale at Maidenhead Aquatics @ Shirley. For more information please visit and like our Facebook page. Check back often for stock updates and new deliveries. For Prices and sizes please phone the shop to ensure the fish that you are after are still available. Pictur... ...
149.Washington aquatics brand new stocklist 03/11/14 No
Washington aquatics brand new stocklist ne37 3bj free deliverys within 6 mile and orders over £30 within 15 mile geophagus surinamensis 10cm £15each geophagus balzini 8cm £10each salvini cichlids 14-15cm £15each cichla kelberi 4” £20each electric blue jack dempseys 1.5” £10each th... ...
150.Malawi Cichlids Scotland 14/10/14 Yes
Here is our current malawi, synodontis and pleco stocklist Mbuna Cynotilapia Afra Edwardi 5-6- £7 Cynotilapia Afra Red Top Likoma 7-8 - £8 2 pairs left Labeotropheus trewavasae manda 6-7 £9 Labeotropheus Trewavasae Red 6-7 - £8 4 left Labidochromis Caeruleus 4-5 £5 Labidochromis Caeruleu... ...
151.New stock list. Malawi tangs community oddballs. Predators 07/10/14 No
Washington aquatics new stocklist red frontosa 2” £8.99each haplochromis borleyi 3.5-4” £8each haplochromis ahli “hormone” 3.5-4” £8each albino yellow labs 4” £8each super vc-10 haps 4” £8each aulonocara nyassae “ob” 4” £10each (10 available ) aulonocara nyassae pi... ...
152.Adult Malawi and Aulonocara Cichlids for sale. Full tanks worth 04/09/14 Yes
Hi, I'm selling my collection of Adult (including some young) Malawis and Aulonocaras. They fill a 350ltr aquarium and are a mix of Yellow Labs with numerous youngsters, Ps. Acei x3 Various Aulonocaras, Red Zebras and others. Not sure about the rest! Sorry but the photos aren't great as the blight... ...
153.Rifts. 03/09/14 No
Hi I'm selling female peacocks/haps. 3 x 2.5 inch milomo. 3 x 2 inch Taiwan reef. 2 x 2 inch aulonocara steveni. 1 x 3 inch aulonocara marleri sunshine. 1 x 3 inch fryeri. 1 x 4 inch phenochilus. 1 x 3 inch copadichromis borleyi. 1 x 2 inch red empress. Offers on all. Swinton Manches... ...
154.Malawi Cichlids Scotland 29/08/14 No
New up to date stocklist with some cracking new arrivals; Mbuna Cynotilapia Afra Edwardi 5-6- £7 Cynotilapia Afra Red Top Likoma 5-6 - £7 Cynotilapia sp. Mbamba Luwino Reef 5-6 - £10 Labeotropheus trewavasae manda 4-5 £10 Labeotropheus Trewavasae Red 5-6 - £7 Labidochromis Caeruleus 3-... ...
155.Tropical fish (Malawi , big cichlids , community ) 04/08/14 Yes
new stocklist washington aquatics haplochromis morrii 4"+ £8each haplochromis obliquidens 3.5-4" £8 or £15 pair aulonocara baenschi (yellow peacock) males 5" £12 each haplochromis compressceps 4" £8 or £15 pair pseudotropheus crabo 4"+ £8 or £15 pair aulonocara jacobfreibergi 3" ... ...
156.Breeding trio of Aulonocara Fire OB SOLD 21/07/14 Yes
Breeding trio of Aulonocara Fire OB from Tony Rudd (old pic but male is in the bottom left of the pic), around 3 inch (one female currently holding) £30, Gosforth area Newcastle. TEXT JOE 07983718646 NOW SOLD
157.Young cichlids available mbuna madagascan west african 15/07/14 Yes
158.Washington aquatics new stock list 14/07/14 Yes
washington aquatics new stock list blue titanium flowerhorn 3-4" £45 bay snook cichlids 5-6" £15 redtail catfish 4" £20ea tiger shovelnose catfish 7" £20ea fire eels 10" £18ea long fin oscars 5" £12ea polleni cichlid 3" £6ea silver cichlids 4-5" £8ea green terrors 6-7" ... ...
159.Fish for sale - Malawis and Tanganikan cichlids 09/07/14 No
Hi i have for sale a selection of adult large Malawis and Tanganikan cichlids,for sale very cheaply as their a nice size,list as follows 2X PSDEOTROPHEUS ACEI YELLOW TAIL,MALE AND BELIEVED FEMALE 2X PSDEOTROPHEUS KINGSIZI,I MALE 1 FEMALE 1X LABEOTROPHEUS YELLOW LARGE MALE 1X METRICLIMA... ...
160.Malawi Cichlids Clear Out. Aulonocara pair. Pundamilia. Galleriya reef. Lab breeding group. Convict pair. Dolphins. Greshakei. 02/07/14 Yes
***Greshakei £2.50 1.5 -2 inch * * * Aulonocara jacobfreibergi eureka pair 4.5 inches £25 *** Dolphins 1.5 inches to 2 inch £5 * * * Pundamilia 1.5 inch male £5 *** Red zebra 1 inch £2 ***Yellow labs £1 Thank you
161.DANDY CICHLIDS UPDATED STOCK LIST 07/06/2014 07/06/14 Yes
Dandy Cichlids is now stocking tropical community fish Check out our facebook group for other fish and dry goods DANDY CICHLIDS IS A FULLY LICENSED AND REGISTERED AQUATIC BUSINESS for all stock lists fish and dry goods www.dandycichlids.co.uk Fish Stock List MALAWI / MB... ...
162.AULONOCARA FOR SALE 3-4\ 07/06/14 Yes
163.malawi set up - Everything £300 04/06/14 No
Included in the stock is all the stock. Mainly adult Malawi/Victoria haps, all adults, all fully or partially coloured. This includes among others: 6-7” stunning male venustus + female (proven breeders 2 adult male Taiwan reefs 4-5” 5” stunning blue dolphin 2 x male Python island haps ... ...
164.Cichlids & other for Sale 31/05/14 No
Looking to sale my cichlids as closing down aquarium. Will consider any reasonable/low offer as mostly interested that they move into a caring new home. Tropheus Duboisi - Yellow/Black - 2,5 inch Ice Blue Zebra Cichlid - Metriaclima Greshakei - 4 inch Metriaclima Zebra Mbuna - 4,5 inch Aulono... ...
165.various Malawi cichlids for sale Peterborough 27/05/14 No
I have various malawi & Tanganyikan cichlids for sale Stock list: Moori Dolphins 2" £6.00 Neolamprolongus tretocephalus 3" £9.00 Aulonocara Firefish 1.5" 4.50 Pseudotropheus elongatus chewere 2" £4.50 Labeotropheus trewavasae 1.5" £4.50 Sp44 2" £13.00 per trio Metriaclima estherae 2" ... ...
166.Full set up and malawi cichlids stock 21/05/14 No
Included in the stock is all the stock. Mainly adult Malawi/Victoria haps, all adults, all fully or partially coloured. This includes among others: 6-7” stunning male venustus + female (proven breeders 2 adult male Taiwan reefs 4-5” 5” stunning blue dolphin 2 x male Python island haps ... ...
167.Full set up(s) and stock £3500 21/05/14 No
For sale as full working set up £500: 5 foot aqua-one bow fronted tank (some scratches etc as reflected in price) on rock solid home made stand with home built sump (full system around 360 litres). Everything included. The lights need some wiring attention only which I will endeavour to get ro... ...
168.WANTED - Malawi Cichlids - Aulonocara Species 15/05/14 No
I'm looking for some nice Aulonocara malawi Cichlids. Mainly males of any species but especially fire fish and Rubin red. Don't mind adults, fry or breeding groups. Wanting them within 50miles of wellingborough Northants. Let me know what you have and how much. Thanks for looking
169.Malawi Haps for Sale 07/05/14 No
-Aulonocara Chilumba (Wild) £65 Pair -Aulonocara Mdoka/Ngara (Wild) £75 Pair -Aulonocara Usisya (Wild) £45 Male -Aulonocara Hansbaenschi Red Flush (Wild) £65 Pair -Aulonocara Korneliae Blue/Gold (Wild) £65 Pair -Aulonocara Baenschi Benga (F1) £20 Male -Aulonocara Maylandi (F1) £22 Male ... ...
170.African Cichlids 21/04/14 Yes
10 Moori 4 inch + £10 each or £90 for the group(sold pending collection), two females have hold but only one long term. 2 Vc10 4 inch + £15, 1 Venustus 4 inch £10, Male Lithobate 3.5 inch £10, 1 male Borleyi 8 inch £20, Fulloborni 3.5 inch £10, Aulonocara Ob male 3.5 inch £10. Pick up, Newbi... ...
I have loads of diffrent malawi cichlid pairs for sale which are all in a good healthy condition. the reason for selling these fish is due to my job and long hours i just dont have the time for them anymore. Protomelas taeniolatus male 5.5-6", female 4" (£25) Sciaenochromis fryeri male 5", fe... ...
172.juwel trigon 350 white full malawi set up swap for 5-6ft or 280 cash 20/04/14 Yes
Here we have my white juwel trigon 350 litre corner tank comes as a full malawi set yp with an aps 2000lph external canister filter 30kg of carabian sea black sand substrate, 75kg of limestone rocks,2 heaters, air pumptrio of yellow labs breeding,4 red zebra breeding, over 25 aulonocara juveniles f... ...
173.Maidenhead Aquatics Polhill - Kent 11/04/14 Yes
Stock list : Welcome here is a little list of what's currently available instore, please pay us a visit or call 01959 533519 'Like' our Facebook page - 'Maidenhead Aquatics Polhill Thanks- Shrimps Sunkist orange shrimp Cherry shrimp Crystal red shrimp Red rili shrimp - Sakura... ...
174.malawi cichlids for sale 08/04/14 Yes
pair of aulonocara usisya £40 breeding pair of aulonocara ngara flametail £40 quad of labidochromis nkhali £80 wild pair of hajomaylandi chizumulu £40 will sell cash or swap for L046 pleco :) long eaton, send me a text and ill get back to you
175.Breeding Groups and Malawi for SALE 08/03/14 Yes
F1 Breeding pair of white lips MALE 9inches FEMALE 6inches F1 pair of tanzania MALE 4 inches Female 3.5inches Breeding group 5 fuelleborni 3/m 2/f Breeding group 5 OB fuelleborni 2/m 3/f SOLD Group of F1 4 moori dolphins Breeding Pair of Aulonocara Baenschi Benga Breeding Pair of Placidochro... ...
176.Fur and Fins Blackwood 19/02/14 Yes
this weeks new fish list, happy to order/import fish upon request Assorted lg malawi 8-9cm £5.00 BOTIA-CLOWN LOACH 2.5" £4.00 Chromobotia macracanthus CICHLID-HERICHTHYS PEARSEI 1.5" £4.00 Herichthys pearsei EEL-FIRE 7"-8" £12.00 Mastacembelus erythrotaenia ... ...
177.Great malawi in stock 18/2/14 West yorkshire 18/02/14 Yes
Current list of fish available... Red empress 4-5cm £2.50 Johanni 3-4cm £2.50 Aulonocara Jacobsfriebergi 4-5cm £3 Kingsizey 3cm £3 these are going to be crackers really nice colour Yellow labs 3cm £2.50 Socolofi 4cm £3 Lithobates reverse trio 4cm £12 Breeding pair of Johanni £8 Sing... ...
178.Malawi cichlids for sale - F1 Jalo Reef / Firefish / Yellow Tail Acei / + MORE 11/02/14 No
I have a number of young Malawi cichlids for sale. F1 Jalo Reefs 1"+ £2.50 Yellow tail acei 1" £1.50 Aulonocara Firefish 1" £1.50 Mpanga/blue zebra 1cm+ £1 Blue dolphins/ahli 1cm+ £1 Yellow labs 1cm+ £1 All very healthy and growing fast Any questions please ask Located in... ...
179.various fish for sale 11/02/14 No
hi i have a few fish for sale starting with malawis breeding pair of ob zebras 2 yellow tailed acei 1 yellow lab male aulonocara i also have 2 catfish think they are feather fins i if you are interested please text or email me thanks sam
181.Mature Malawis for sale 04/02/14 No
Mature Malawis £50 the lot or will sell separately 2 x Zebra Melanchromis £8 each Yellow Lab £6 Lombardoi £6 2 x Yellow tail Aciechromis £8 each Peacock Aulonocara £8 Blue dolphin Haplochromis £7 Pelviachromis £5 For further details please feel free to get in contact.
182.Various Home Bred Malawis 29/01/14 Yes
Various Malawi for sale home bred: All around 3inch plus: Sulphur heads Electric blue peacocks Venustus Red empress Aulonocara nyassae Will have Copadichromis borleyi and f1 tropheus bemba soon. Redruth pick up or nation wide delivery.
183.WANTED Any size petrochromis sp red Bulu point. 25/01/14 No
WANTED .... ANY SIZE . PETROCHROMIS SP RED BULU POINT BETWEEN 1- 5 WANTED. THANKS. Have red Empress haps. and aulonocara hans baenshi peacocks for swap or sale . 07429452120
I am looking to match up my cichlids and selling the surplus.I would prefer collection and prepared to travel to pick up Wanted fish within reasonable distance of Nottingham. If you have the opposite sex to any fish listed and would like to swap then please get in touch. FOR SALE; 1 breeding pr ... ...
185.WANTED ,Looking for the following Malawi CYRTOCARA MOORI [DOLPHIN CICHLIDS ] 21/01/14 Yes
Aberdeen or shire area have to be 2"+ Also aulonocara male ob's , fire , benga etc Venustus male
186.Wild shipment of Malawi -New 21/01/14 Yes
Hi all I'm moving away for a few months and I've committed to a shipment of wilds that I've ordered before I got my new job handed to me The following fish will be arriving shortly These prices can change but hopefully I am somewhere near Aulonocara baenschi (Benga) Benga Aulonacara Y... ...
I'm looking to match up my cichlids and selling the surplus.I would prefer collection and prepared to travel to pick up "Wanted" fish within reasonable distance of Nottingham. If you have the opposite sex to any fish listed and would like to swap then please get in touch. FOR SALE; 1 b... ...
188.Large selection of Quality Malawi Cichlids Available 19/01/14 Yes
Kev's Rifts is located near Pontefract, West Yorkshire. Viewing of the fish is welcome - please call 07809749145 to book an appointment. List of fish available as of 31/12/2013 below; Aulonocara Rubin Red 5.5-7cm £8 each Females only Aulonocara Stuagranti Usisya 5-6cm £10 each F1 ... ...
The three group pic's in this ad are the actual fish for sale . DELIVERY TO YOUR DOOR AVAILABLE, £15.00 per order, or you are more than welcome to pick up yourself. , also you can click on the 1st web link at the bottom of this ad to see other malawi cichlds for sale and victorian cichlids... ...
190.Cichlids for Sale. Aulonocara, Ahli, Cuckoo, Bristlenose (PICTURES OF ALL) 16/01/14 Yes
BARGIN PRICES!! GOING FAST!! FIRST COME FIRST SERVE! 1x Male electric blue Ahli 6" - £5 1x Rusty 5.0" - £5 1x VC10 5.0" £3 1x Aulonocara Firefish Male 5.0" £5 2x Aulonocara Firefish Female 4.0" £5 each 1x Demosoni 3.0" £5 1x Aulonocara Apache Peacock 5.0" £5 1x Aulonocara Taiwan ... ...
191.Wanted: Aulonocara any considered 28/12/13 No
Hi I'm looking for some aulonocara for my peacock setup. Will consider anything from juveniles to adults, singles, pairs, trios. Must be able to ship, I will cover the shipping charges. Please get back to me with what you have, size and prices Cheers, Johnny
192.Malawi cichlid for sale (SOLD SOLD) 22/12/13 Yes
4 x Mdoka white lips very rare ( sex unknown all electric blue) 2 x Auloncare electric blue male and 1 female (breeding pair) 1 x Hap ahli electric blue, male 1 x Phenochilus Tanzania electric blue rare, male 1 x Aulonocara baenschi, male 1 x Aulonocara fire fish, male 1 x multi coloured cichl... ...
193.Malawi Cichlids - Adult fish for sale 18/12/13 Yes
Collection of Adult Malawi Cichlids. Ideal for established tank. ALL PRICED AT £5 per fish. To be sold individually or as entire collection for £45 2x Labidochromis caeruleus - Yellow Labs 1x Aulonocara usisya - Malawi Peacock (Male) 1x Aulonocara maylandi - Sulpher head 1x Metriaclim... ...
194.Aulonocara sp. Stuartgranti Maleri, adult group for sale....- 15/12/13 Yes
The very attractive and bright Peacock from Lake Malawi, Aulonocara sp. Stuartgranti Maleri The group consists of 5 fish, the male is european tank bred and the 4 females are wild caught. Give them time to settle in your tank and they should be breeding very soon after. Pictures with this adve... ...
195.Full African Cichlid Tank Seup 10/12/13 Yes
Full Malawi Cichlid Set Up Juwel Rio 180 Aquarium & Cabinet in Black Set up includes, Tank, cabinet, hood with 2 T5 lights, heater, twin outlet air pump with airstones, powerful Aqua one 1000 external canister filter with spray bar, large amount of natural slate, bog wood, live plants, coral sa... ...
198.Wanted Aulonocara/Peacock Cichlids 27/11/13 No
I am looking for some Aulonocara Cichlids to add to my tank. Looking for males at around 4 inches plus. If you have some available please contact me sigee13@gmail.com Thanks Simon
199.Fish for sale 12/11/13 Yes
Selling off remaining stock due to commitments at work. All fish are from Local breeders 2 Demasoni 1m 1f @ 2" 1 0b Fryeri (stunning male)@ 6" 1 ob aulonocara @5" 1 Pictus catfish @4" 1 yellow algae eater.@4" £25 can deliver in Hull area. Txt 07887994956
hi, please click on the 1st link at the bottom of this ad to see sizes and prices of these fish ,and many other malawi cichlids for sale , ,,,,,,,,,,,, Or if you would like to talk about your fish and ask for advice on your fish why not click on the 2nd link below to join african cichlid forum , ... ...

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