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Home :: Malawi, Tanganyikan & Victorian Cichlids

  Malawi Mbuna Aulonocara polit tangyanikan cheap Harlow essex

Description: Stock list fish house

£3 per fish 3"
£4 4"
£5 5"
Not inc wilds..

Will do deals on lots.

All fish German supplied need gone ASAP as moving house

Elongatus mpanga 7cm x 14
Crabro 7cm x 8
F1 labs 6cm good quality x 20
Saulosi 7cm x 12
Aulonocara Lemon jake x 10 6cm
Aurifron nkanga bay juvie x 7
Cyno jalo reef 5cm x 3
Moori dolphins 6cm x 6
Hongi Sweden 6cm x 9
Trewvese thumbi west. 7cm x 15
Demasoni 7cm x 6
Hongi 7cm x 5
Srt hongi 8cm x 4
Demasoni x 5 5cm
Dragon blood firefish x 4 5cm
Ps flavus x 15 5cm
Polit x 8 5cm
pundamillia nyererei x 5 5cm
Aurora x 10 5cm

Auloncara Steveni hongi f1. 8cm x 8
Scienochromis fryeri 8cm
F1 Placidochromis black face 9cm pair
Orange firefish 10cm
Ob calico 7cm pair
Oto lithobate 8cm female only
Alunocara maylandi 8cm
Aluncara lemon jake 8cm pair
Fire fish trio 1 m 2 f 5"

Crabro bumblebee pair 9cm
Hongi srt breeding group 8 10cm
Salousi 10cm males only
Ob Greyshaki 9cm male
Elongatus mpanga female 9cm
Chewere pair 1m 1 f 11cm
Tropheops yellow gular lone female wild
Elongatus ruchhi wild pair
1 daktari
Hadjo pombo wild pair and 3; f1 juvies
4 tropheops makokola wild
3 cyno hara f1
Chizmulu male 2 females wild

4 juvi synodontis
1 adult 6" upside down catfish
2 9" common plecs
2 6" sailfin plecs
1 12" large comon plec
1 6" humbug croaking catfish
30x lo333 Hypans £6e 2 for £10
2x lo46 zebra 1 1/2" £50e
Juvie bristlnose £3e 4 for £10

Top left...

Kenyi trio 8cm
Elongatus mpanga 5 pairs 8cm
Pulpican trio 8cm
Cyno hara pair 9cm
Aurifron nkhata bay x 6
4 x Ob estrae 6cm blotch
1 male1 female tank dominant chizmulu 9cm Wild

Demasoni x 8 5cm
Dragon blood firefish x 4 5cm
Ps flavus x 15 5cm
Polit x 8 5cm
pundamillia nyererei x 5 5cm
Aurora x 10 5cm
Williamsi blue lips 5cm 1 left


Breeding Groups sold as groups only..

Breeding group f1 hajomaylandi 2 m 4f 9cm

1 pair wild hayjomaylandi pombo rocks £25 pair

Auloncara cape McLear 8cm 1 male 5 females breeding group
£40 group

Breeding group of Trewvese thumbi point trio 1 mcat 4 female
£30 group.

Breeding group of salousi 5 males 10 females 3-1/2
£70 group.

Breeding group of 8 adult hongi srt
£50 group

Breeding group of aurifron nkhata bay. 2 m 4 f plus 30 juvies
£50 group

Breeding group wild hajomaylandi 2 male 2 female wilds £60 group

Bottom feeders....

4 juvi synodontis
1 adult 6" upside down catfish
2 9" common plecs
2 6" sailfin plecs
1 12" large comon plec
1 6" humbug croaking catfish
30x lo333 Hypans £6e 2 for £10
2x lo46 zebra 1 1/2" £50e
Juvie bristlnose £3e 4 for £10

Big haps...

Group of wild livingstoni 1 male 9" 3 females 6" 2 f1 females 4" 1 sub male f1 5"

£150 for group.

Placidochromis black face cape mccear. 1 male 1 female 7" £20 pair

Red fin boreryi kandago trio male 9" females 6" £40 trio

Fry growing on atm..

Trewvese thumbi west 10 plus
Salousi 50 plus
Socolofi 10 plus
Red fin borlyi 50 plus
Demasoni 10 plus
Aurifron nkhata bay 30 plus
Ob blotch 20 plus
Yellow labs 10 plus
Mpanga 20 plus

All fry above open to offers for the lot.

Tanganyikan stock...................

Neolamptalogus brichadi breeding group 1 m 5 f

Cyprochromis leptosoma breeding group 5 m 10 f

Wild Tropheus ikola breeding group 6 m 10f

group of Frontosa Burundi 2 f 6 m 9-11" x 8 £150 for group

Group of Frontosa Kigoma 1f 5m
9-10" £130 group

Almost all of these fish are German supplied other than the wilds and some I have bred..

Contact Information
Advertiser: owen gray
Telephone: 07729347436
Town: harlow
County: Essex

Advert stats: [Added or updated:15/08/15 Views: 2361]

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