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Home :: Malawi, Tanganyikan & Victorian Cichlids

  Malawi and Tanganyikan Cichlids

Description: Hi everyone, I have fish currently available contact me on 07802615628. Here is what I have...

Small to medium fish:

Cichlid Labidochromis Caeruleus - Yellow Lab :
4cm £5 each, 6 available
7cm to 10cm £10 each, 5 available
10+cm £15 each, 6 available

Aulonocara sp. Orange - Orange Peacock Cichlid:
3cm to 5cm £5 each, 25 available

Neolamprologus Brichardi - Fairy Cichlid:
4cm to 5cm £5 each, 5 available

Larger fish:

Cyrtocara moorii - Blue Dolphin Breeding pair available £100 :
5 to 6 inches large 12 to 15cm - £40 each 6 available

Purebred fish. I am always very careful to make sure they don't cross breed to maintain the species line. Kept in perfect water conditions, fish very healthy and eating daily. They are beautiful.

I have various sizes of fish available.

You can collect and come and see my amazing freshwater cichlid tanks and also my amazing reef system, so you can see where the fish have come from or I can deliver to you, just message with your location and I will give you an estimate of delivery cost.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Jamie Devine
Telephone: 07802615628
Town: Newcastle
County: Tyne & Wear

Advert stats: [Added or updated:02/07/23 Views: 849]

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