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Home :: Malawi, Tanganyikan & Victorian Cichlids

  Wet Pets Solihull have yet again another fantastic offer of 20 Malawi Haps and Aulonacaras for sale.

Wet Pets Solihull have yet again another fantastic offer of 20 Malawi Haps and Aulonacaras for sale.

Wet Pets Solihull have yet again another fantastic offer of 20 Malawi Haps and Aulonacaras for sale.

Wet Pets Solihull have yet again another fantastic offer of 20 Malawi Haps and Aulonacaras for sale.

Wet Pets Solihull have yet again another fantastic offer of 20 Malawi Haps and Aulonacaras for sale.

Wet Pets Solihull have yet again another fantastic offer of 20 Malawi Haps and Aulonacaras for sale.

Wet Pets Solihull have yet again another fantastic offer of 20 Malawi Haps and Aulonacaras for sale.

Wet Pets Solihull have yet again another fantastic offer of 20 Malawi Haps and Aulonacaras for sale.

Wet Pets Solihull have yet again another fantastic offer of 20 Malawi Haps and Aulonacaras for sale.

Wet Pets Solihull have yet again another fantastic offer of 20 Malawi Haps and Aulonacaras for sale.

Wet Pets Solihull have yet again another fantastic offer of 20 Malawi Haps and Aulonacaras for sale.

Wet Pets Solihull have yet again another fantastic offer of 20 Malawi Haps and Aulonacaras for sale.

Wet Pets Solihull have yet again another fantastic offer of 20 Malawi Haps and Aulonacaras for sale.

Wet Pets Solihull have yet again another fantastic offer of 20 Malawi Haps and Aulonacaras for sale.

Wet Pets Solihull have yet again another fantastic offer of 20 Malawi Haps and Aulonacaras for sale.

Wet Pets Solihull have yet again another fantastic offer of 20 Malawi Haps and Aulonacaras for sale.

Wet Pets Solihull have yet again another fantastic offer of 20 Malawi Haps and Aulonacaras for sale.

Wet Pets Solihull have yet again another fantastic offer of 20 Malawi Haps and Aulonacaras for sale.

Wet Pets Solihull have yet again another fantastic offer of 20 Malawi Haps and Aulonacaras for sale.

Wet Pets Solihull have yet again another fantastic offer of 20 Malawi Haps and Aulonacaras for sale.

Wet Pets Solihull have yet again another fantastic offer of 20 Malawi Haps and Aulonacaras for sale.

Wet Pets Solihull have yet again another fantastic offer of 20 Malawi Haps and Aulonacaras for sale.

Wet Pets Solihull have yet again another fantastic offer of 20 Malawi Haps and Aulonacaras for sale.

Wet Pets Solihull have yet again another fantastic offer of 20 Malawi Haps and Aulonacaras for sale.

Description: Hi. Due to the government guidelines because of the Covid 19 virus. We can now have one person at a time in the fish house and you would need to wear a mask please. Or I'm doing a click and collect take away service from the front door if you prefer to get some really nice fish this way.

You are welcome to pm on facebook or even whatshapp me on 07930883018 for an upto date lists and prices of the fish. I can also send you some upto date videos of the stunning fish that are in stock. I have hundreds of fantastic fish in stock.

After you have selected what ones you want. They will be bagged and ready for collection. This arrangement worked really well for everybody that came to us from all over the country for some amazing Malawi fish in the last lockdown. Thank you for your support.

Hi I am a home breeder of Malawi, Tanganyikan and Victorian Cichlids. We are a home run breeder/shop with a separate building to our house where we have over 40 tanks with some fantastic fish for sale.

Below is a new list of the Haps and Peacock in the great offer that I have running now. I only sell the best quality fish that are either bred by us with most of my breeding groups being wild or we make sure we buy the best quality in. There are some amazing breeds of fish in this offer with some of them being rarer ones. They are all a good size 4 - 5 cm or just over. I never sell fish less than an inch in size. The fish in the video are the actual fish that you will come and buy, so please take a look at the video and see the quality of fish I sell and you could have swimming very happily in your tanks.

We are offering 20 Aulonocara and haps all are a good size at between 3 - 5 cm. Some are showing fantastic colours already. The price will only be £90.00 for the 20 fish this a great price for the size and quality of fish you will be buying. These fish are great to fill your tank or to start a new set up off. I would not advise them to be put in with bigger fish though. If you do not want to buy 20 fish in one go you can buy 10 for £50 or they are £6.00 each.

Aulonocara Red Rubin Peacock 3 - 5 cm
Aulonacara Orange Blotch Peacock, stunning colours 3 - 5 cm
Aulonocara Regal blue stuartgranti mbenji peacock 3 - 5 cm
Aulonocara Baenschi 3 - 5 cm
Aulonocara Maylandi Sulphur Head 3 - 5 cm
Aulonocara Jacobfriebergi 3 - 5 cm
Aulonocara Pink Albino fire fish. 3 - 5 cm
Aulonocara Fire fish. 3 - 5 cm
Aulonocara Peacock-Gold Red Eye 3 - 5 cm
Aulonocara Peacock Dragon blood 3 - 5 cm
Cyrtocara moori Dolphins. 3/5 cm
Nimbochromis livingstoni 3/5 cm
Nimbochromus Venustus 3/5 cm
Copadichromis borleyi red fin 3 - 5 cm
Sciaenochromis fryeri/ahli 3 - 5 cm

Protomelas fenestratus "steveni tiger" 4-5 cm £7.00 each
Haplochromis milomo Super VC-10 hap 4 - 5 cm £7.00 each
Cyrtocara moori Dolphins. 4-5 cm £7.00 each

There could be fish that are not on the list and this list can change as we have more fish been bred daily. Here is a latest video I've done. Just copy and past the link to see it.
Please don't hesitate to call or email You are welcome to come and view the fish there is never any pressure to buy.

We have some good news asI can now take card payments to make things a bit easier for some of our customers.

Please take a look at my new facebook page and if you like what you see you can like the page. I have over 380 five star ratings and they are still growing with lots of happy customers. I also have 4 facebook groups with over 9000 very happy members and my groups grow more each day.

IF you want the best! come and buy the best :)
New postage details peeps please read them :)

We would always advise if you live close to us (Our location is B91 3FL, Solihull West, Midlands) its best to collect the fish in person. This way you can see the fish before you buy and have a chat, also I don’t always get chance to list all the fish I have in stock so you might get some extra stunners. Please feel free to make an appointment by email, whatsapp me text or call 07930883018 or 01217114453.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Kim
Telephone: 07930883018
Town: Solihull
County: West Midlands
Web Link: ...
Web Link: ...
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Advert stats: [Added or updated:27/05/21 Views: 2843]

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