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Home :: Malawi, Tanganyikan & Victorian Cichlids

  Wild shipment of Malawi -New

Description: Hi all

I'm moving away for a few months and I've committed to a shipment of wilds that I've ordered before I got my new job handed to me

The following fish will be arriving shortly

These prices can change but hopefully I am somewhere near

Aulonocara baenschi (Benga) Benga Aulonacara Yellow Regal Nkhomo Reef £38.00
Aulonocara stuartgranti (hansbaenschi) Red Flush Aulonocara Masinje £30.00
Aulonocara hueseri White Top Aulonocara Likoma £27.00
Aulonocara jacobfreibergi Trematocranus jacobfreibergi Makokola £60.00
Aulonocara korneliae Blue/Gold Aulonocara Chisumulu £30.00
Aulonocara stuartgranti SANGA SANGA Aulonocara Sanga £32.00
Aulonocara stuartgranti mbenji Blue Regal Aulonacara Mbenji £30.00
Aulonocara stuartgranti (Kande Is.) steveni Kande/Usisya type Aulonocara Kande Island £33.00
Aulonocara stuartgranti - Chilumba Chilumba Aulonocara Chilumba £30.00
Aulonocara stuartgranti - Usisya Usisya Aulonacara Usisya £30.00
Aulonocara stuartgranti - nkhata bay Nkhata Bay Aulonocara Nkhata Bay £30.00
Aulonocara sp. walteri Trematocranus sp. "walteri" Likoma £43.00
Aulonocara yellow collar - Mazinzi Reef Yellow Collar Aulonocara Chemwesi Rocks £43.00
Aulonocara maulana Aulonocara '500 Chitimba £39.00
Aulonocara maisoni chitimba Aulonocara chitimba Chitimba £39.00
Cynotilapia edwardi-type nkhata bay Edwardi type afra N/Bay £17.00
Cynotilapia afra white top likoma White Top Afra Likoma Likoma £17.00
Cynotilapia axelrodi Axelrodi Nkhata Bay Nkhata Bay £17.00
Cynotilapia afra red top likoma Red Top Afra Likoma Likoma £18.00
Cynotilapia red top chewere Red Top Afra Chewere (N.Chitande) Chewere £18.00
Cynotilapia mbamba red top nkhata bay Red Top Afra Nkhata Bay Nkhata Bay £17.00
Cynotilapia mbamba - yellow head afra see KONINGS VIDEO No 2 Mphanga Rocks £18.00
Labeotropheus fuelleborni Blue/Mbenji Blue fuelleborni Mbenji Mbenji £25.00
Labeotropheus fuelleborni ob female Orange Blotch fuellborni Mbenji f Mbenji £25.00
Melanochromis perileucos (B/W johanni) Likoma £18.00
Petrotilapia Giant Yellow - new reef £56.00
Petrotilapia sp. retrognathus Chisumulu tridentiger Chisumulu £45.00
Metriaclima barlowi mbenji Formerly "golden fuscoides" Mbenji £17.00
Pseudotropheus sp. elongatus chewere Chewere elongatus Chewere £25.00
Pseudotropheus sp. elongatus ruarwe (v. small) Ruarwe elongatus Ruarwe
Metriaclima greshakei Ice Blue zebra Makakola £20.00
Metriaclima hajomaylandi Prev. P."greberi" Chisumulu £18.00
Pseudotropheus kingsizei likoma Likoma £21.00
Metriaclima livingstonii + shell housing Ngara Ngara lanisticola shell dweller Ngara £20.00
Pseudo. minutus - type - ruarwe - new Nkhata Bay £23.00
Pseudotropheus polit - Lion's Cove Pseudo. polit Lions Cove £36.00
Tropheops Black Dorsal Luwala Reef Luwala Reef £20.00
Tropheops sp. makokola reef Tropheops makokola reef Makokola £21.00
Tropheops sp. OB makokola reef (Females) OB Tropheops makokola reef Makokola £23.00
Tropheops tropheops red fin usisya Nkhata Bay £17.00
Tropheops sp. red cheek Chisumulu Red cheek macropthalmus Likoma Likoma/Chisumulu £18.50
Tropheops weed Chilumba Bay Trophops "weed" Chilumba £19.00
Metriaclima zebra Nkhata/bay Nkhata Bay blue/black zebra Nkhata Bay £18.00
Metriaclima zebra chizumulu + ob females Chisumulu £23.00
Metriaclima fainzilberi mara rocks £23.00
Metriaclima zebra maisoni reef £23.00
Metriaclima sp. zebra chilumba BB Chil. B/Black yellow chin zebra Mphanga Rocks £21.00
Metriaclima long pelvic galilea reef (redtop) Red Top Zebra Galilea reef £18.00
Metriaclima callainos chitande + ob female £19.00
Metriaclima zebra gold Nk.Bay - Kawanga prev."mustardi" Nk/Bay(Kawanga) Kawanga £21.00
Metriaclima zebra gold lions cove zebra gold lions Masinje £23.00
Metriaclima mbenji formerly "Red Top Cobalt Mbenji" Mbenji £21.00
Metriaclima zebra mbenji ob female O/Blotch special zebra mbenji Mbenji £23.00
Metriaclima zebra mphanga red top Mphanga red top zebra Chilumba £18.00
Metriaclima Zebra Blue Jalo Jalo £23.00
Pseudotropheus zebra (blue) OB Jalo Reef Nkhomo Reef £26.00
Metriaclima zebra red dorsal yellow chin Eccles Red Top Zebra/Yellow Chin Eccles Reef £18.00
Otopharynx sp. auromarginatus margrette Margarette blotch Likoma £38.00
Copadichromis borleyi "kawanga" borleyi "kawanga" Kawanga £35.00
Copadichromis borleyi mbenji medium Borleyi Mbenji Mbenji £32.00
Copadichromis borleyi Jalo Reef £47.00
Copadichromis borleyi Kadango redfin standard Kadango Borleyi Red Fin Kadango £31.00
Placidochromis electra - blackface Liwani East coast electra Masinje £34.00
Protomelas fenestratus (chitimba thick bars) Steveni Thick Bars Chisumulu £31.00
Placidochromis johnstoni Likoma £35.00
Nimbochromis linni medium (General) £45.00
Nimbochromis linni large (General) £78.00
Nimbochromis livingstonii large Chisumulu £78.00
Protomelas similis Real similis no eggspots anal fin Likoma £36.00
Copadichromis mloto chisumulu Mloto ivory dorsal Chisumulu £35.00
Copadichromis trewavasae (mloto Likoma!) Copad. trewavasae (Konings) Likoma £35.00
Protomelas Spilopterus blue - Makokola Gaisi blue Makokola £53.00
Protomelas spilonotus - Mbenji island Haplochromis ovatus Mbenji £78.00
Protomelas taeniolatus (steveni tiger) Steveni tiger Chisumulu £31.00
Stigmatochromis woodi medium (General) £36.00
Stigmatochromis woodi large (General) £70.00
Lethrinops micrentodon makokola reef Lethrinops micrentodon makokola reef £67.00
Mastacembelus shiranus Malawi eel Maleri £45.00
Synodontis njassae Lake catfish Senga Bay £30.00

Contact Information
Advertiser: Daniel
Telephone: 07932 404503
Town: Enfield
County: London

Advert stats: [Added or updated:21/01/14 Views: 3508]

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