Washington aquatics stocklist
Moscow black guppys £6 per pair
Guppy males £2 (blondes, yellow leopard ,blue diamond , red and green snakeskin, german yellow tail and more )
Guppy females £1.50 (blondes, yellow leopard ,blue diamond , red and green snakeskin, german yellow tail and more )
Sailfin mollys (xlarge) £6 pair
Sailfin lyretail mollys (large) £6 pair (very nice)
Assorted swordtails £1.50
Milk wagtail swordtails £5 pair (stunning)
Assorted platys/ hi fin platys £2
Green panchax £2
Neon tetra (large) 10 for £7
Black neon tetra (large) 10 for £7
Diamond tetra £1.50
Xray tetra £1.50
Black phantom tetra £2
Beckford pencil fish 10 for £8
Harlequin rasbora 10 for £8
Cherry barbs 10 for £7
Odessa barbs £2 10 for £15
Tiger barbs , ghost tiger barbs , green tiger barbs £2 10 for £15
Threadfin rainbows £2
Neon blue dwarf gourami pairs £6
Neon red dwarf gourami pairs £6
German blue rams £4
Bolivian rams (very nice) £5
Electric blue ballon rams £9
Veiltail angels small £4
Veiltail angels medium £6
Platinum angels (very nice) £6
Gold alage eaters £3
Kribs £3
Kribs breeding pair xlarge £10
Albino kribs £4
Nigerian red male krib £5
Silver sharks £4
Hoplo catfish (xxlarge) £8
Dubawi catfish £4
Silver dollars £4
Orange aenus venezuala corydoras £4
Peppered corys £2.50
Long fin panda corys £4 (very nice)
Clown loach 2” £4
Clown loach 3” £6
Black paradise fish £4
Black ghost knife fish £8
Red tail black sharks £3
Black pearl killifish (stunning) £15 pair
Striped silver dollars (stunning) £75 group of 5
Thick barred silver dollars £12
Cherry shrimp £1
Amano shrimp £2
Rock shrimp £4 (filter feeders)
Nimbochromis fuscotaeniatus 4” £10
Fossochromis rostratus 3” £8
Aulonocara dragons blood 2” £8
Pseudotropheus kingsizei f1 pairs £18
Pseudotropheus sp maisoni reef 2” £10
Metriaclima estherae 2-3” (very good colours ) £4
Metriaclima estherae “yellow” 1.5” £3
Placidochromis milomo (vc-10) 3” £6
Pseudotropheus socolofi “albino” 2”+ £4
Pseudotropheus elongates 3” £5
Crytocara moori 2” £4
Labidichromis caeruleus 2-3” £4
Aulonocara nyassae ob 2.5-3” £6
Big tank of mixed Malawi £3 each
Synodontis petricola 3” £10
Synodontis pardalis £8
Tangs – frontosa 2” £8 mixed compressieps 2” £8
L200 pleco 4” £29.99
L173 pleco 1.75” £24.99
L128 pleco (xlarge) £39.99
L600 pleco 3” £34.99
Brown bristlenose plecs 2” £6 £10 pair
Xlarge Oscar £15
Small Oscars £6
Green terrors 5” £18
Salvini cichlids 5” £15
Black red pike cichlid ( 12” female) £60 (6” male £40)
Silver arowanas 8” £34.99
Giant gouramis 6” £14.99
Channa pulcra £19.99
Salvini cichlids £5
Pearlscale cichlids 4” £8
Contact Information Advertiser: Steve h Telephone: 0191 4194534
Town: Sunderland
County: Tyne & Wear
Advert stats: [Added or updated:19/06/15 Views: 2692]
