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Home :: Malawi, Tanganyikan & Victorian Cichlids

  Aulonocara baenschi and maylandi (sulphur head) - PRICE REDUCED

Aulonocara baenschi and maylandi (sulphur head) - PRICE REDUCED

Aulonocara baenschi and maylandi (sulphur head) - PRICE REDUCED

Aulonocara baenschi and maylandi (sulphur head) - PRICE REDUCED

Aulonocara baenschi and maylandi (sulphur head) - PRICE REDUCED

Description: I have five beautiful maylandi and five equally lovely baenschi to find a new home for.

The pictures show the beautiful colouration of these fish - the maylandi ranging from 7" to nearly 9" and really stunning. The baenschi are naturally smaller, the biggest boy being around 6".

I'm looking to move these fish on to a new home not least due to them needing to be in a display tank with greater stocking levels to help disperse their natural bully-boy tendencies. I have a sixth, smaller baenschi currently in the hospital tank for his own good who would be free.

Price reduced! All 11 fish for £100 ONO.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Owen
Telephone: 07783488375
Town: Reigate
County: Surrey

Advert stats: [Added or updated:13/02/23 Views: 1356]

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