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  Washington aquatics new stock list

Description: washington aquatics new stock list

blue titanium flowerhorn 3-4" £45
bay snook cichlids 5-6" £15
redtail catfish 4" £20ea
tiger shovelnose catfish 7" £20ea
fire eels 10" £18ea
long fin oscars 5" £12ea
polleni cichlid 3" £6ea
silver cichlids 4-5" £8ea
green terrors 6-7" £15ea
pearlscale cichlid (cichlasoma carpintis) 7" £10ea
pseudotropheus zebra snow white £15 a pair
haplochromis blue ahli "hormone" £10ea
aulonocara baenschi (red) 3-4" £8ea
super vc-10 haps 4-5" £8ea
venustus 4" £7 ea
cobalt blues 4" £7
red eye lemon swordtail £2ea
slender rainbows (melanotaenia splendida sp) £5ea
ass tinfoil barbs £4ea
silver sharks 4-5" £4ea
multi-colour guppys £1ea
red coral dwarf gourami £6 per pair
coral platys £1
bristlenose plecs £5ea
uara 3" £5ea
american flag cichlids £5 per pair
zebra danio xl 10 for £8
black angel fish £4ea
platinum green angel fish £8ea
bolivain rams £3ea
german blue rams £3ea £5 a pair
platinum green barbs £2ea
paradise fish £2ea
axolotlys £5ea
koi carp 3-4" £4ea
frozen foods all £1 each
tons of dry goods available

Contact Information
Advertiser: Steve h
Telephone: 0191 4194534
Town: Sunderland
County: Tyne & Wear

Advert stats: [Added or updated:14/07/14 Views: 3448]

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