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  Tropical fish (Malawi , big cichlids , community )

Description: new stocklist washington aquatics
haplochromis morrii 4"+ £8each
haplochromis obliquidens 3.5-4" £8 or £15 pair
aulonocara baenschi (yellow peacock) males 5" £12 each
haplochromis compressceps 4" £8 or £15 pair
pseudotropheus crabo 4"+ £8 or £15 pair
aulonocara jacobfreibergi 3" £8 or £15 pair
electric blue ahli albino 3" £10
rose queen cichlids 7-8" £20
cichlasoma synspilus (redheaded cichlid) 8-9inch £25
fire eels 9-10" £18
redtail catfish 4" £20
pinktail chalceus £8
tiger oscars £8
assorted discus £18
elephant nose fish 5" £15
torpedo barbs £5
veil tail angels large £8
electric blue ballon rams £12
lyretail mollys £1.50
blue moon hi fin platys £1.50
moscow blue guppys £6 per pair
rummynose tetra £1 or 10 for £9
clown loach 3" £4each or 3 for £10
platinum angels (stunning) med £7each
sterbai corydoras £3each
black ghost knife fish 12"(must see) £25
electric blue jack dempsey £15
peppermint crocodile fish 4" £12
red cambodian halfmoon fighter pairs £15
black orchid crowntail fighter pair £15
more due this week and plenty more in stock

Contact Information
Advertiser: Steve h
Telephone: 0191 4194534
Town: Sunderland
County: Tyne & Wear

Advert stats: [Added or updated:04/08/14 Views: 2756]

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