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  Maidenhead Aquatics Polhill - Kent

Description: Stock list :
Welcome here is a little list of what's currently available instore, please pay us a visit or call 01959 533519

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Sunkist orange shrimp
Cherry shrimp
Crystal red shrimp
Red rili shrimp - Sakura lazurite shrimp
Amano shrimp
Black and white crystal shrimp


Peckoltia vittata -( candy stripe pleco -) L015 3" +
Zebra plec L046 - Sold, more arriving in two weeks
Bristlenose ancistrus - all sizes available
Clown plec - 2-3"
Common plec - hypostomus plecostomus small and large sizes


Farlowella twig catfish - large
Cory schwartzi
Cory sterbai
Cory melanistus
Pepper Cory
Bronze Cory
Albino pepper Cory
Cory trilineatus
Rusty Cory

Loaches and sharks

Polkadot loach
Rosy loach
Coolie loach
Black coolie loach
Clown loach
Red fin loach
Yoyo loach
Horse faced loach
Red tail shark
Ruby shark
Albino shark
Silver shark

American and west African cichlids

Juwel cichlid
Convict cichlid
T-bar cichlid
Red hump geophagus
Threadfin acara
Pearl cichlid - geophagus
Bandit cichlid
Silver cichlid - Argentea
Bolivian ram
Dwarf ram - microgeophagus ramerizi
Ps Nicholsi - mouth brooder
Electric blue ram
Electric gold - blue ram
Nicaraguan cichlid

African cichlids
Pseudo flavus
Super red F1 red top hongi -
Yellow labs
Pseudotropheus red top ndumbi
Melanochromis chipokae
Pseudotropheus pearlmutt
Rusty cichlid
Pseudotropheus polit
Red aulonocara - blood red
Aulonocara jacobfriebergi
Nimbochromis venustus
Albino melanochromis auratus
Red zebra
Blue zebra
White top afra
OB zebra
Pseudotropheus socolofi
Pseudotropheus socolofi - Snow White
Sciaenochromis fryeri - blue ahli hap
Crytocara Moori - dolphin hap
Many more

Cyphotilapia frontosa
Yellow band tropheus

Tetra / rasbora etc

Flame tetra
Black widow tetra
Penguin tetra
Black neon tetra
Rummy nose tetra
Cardinal tetra
Neon tetra
X ray tetra
Glowlight tetra
Gold glow light tetra
Harlequin rasbora
Copper harlequin rasbora
Scissortail rasbora
Galaxy rasbora - celestial danio
Beckford pencil fish
Daisy's blue rice fish
Lamp eyes
Congo tetra
Rathfun Bloodfin tetra
Ember tetra
Black phantom tetra
Lemon tetra


Lake tebera (yellow rainbowfish)
Blue rainbowfish
Red rainbowfish
Red striped rainbowfish - Parkinson's rainbowfish
Thread fin rainbowfish
Forktail rainbowfish
Celebs rainbowfish.
Splendid rainbowfish

Koi angel
Zebra angel


Salt and pepper Platy
Variatus Platy
Red comet Platy
Sunset Platy
Blue Platy
Red top blue Platy
Mickey Mouse Platy

Saffron Molly
Black Molly
Dalmatian Molly
Silver Molly

Koi swordtail
White swordtail

Male guppy
Female guppy
Endler guppy
Black chin livebearer

Fancy goldfish

Red cap oranda
Panda moor
Calico moor
Calico oranda
Black moor
Chocolate oranda
Red & white ryukin

Temperate species
Zebra danio
Leopard danio
Gold zebra danio
Long fin zebra danio
Giant danio
Variatus Platy
Red line torpedo barb
Rosy bitterling
White Cloud Mountain minnow
Peppered Cory
Bronze Cory
Albino peppered Cory
Paradise fish

Huge amount more to follow very soon once updated

019599 533519

Contact Information
Advertiser: Dave
Telephone: 07801515934
Town: Kent
County: Kent

Advert stats: [Added or updated:11/04/14 Views: 4838]

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