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1.XXXL Congo Tetra 5 Inch Plus - only 12 left. MALE & Female avilable 26/02/25 Yes
XXXL Congo Tetra 5 inch plus. Very healthy. Eating well. £9each. Deals on multiple purchases. Collection only from south west London More pictures and videos available on request
ONLY FINS STOCK LIST POSTAGE AVAILABLE 18/2/25 PLECO: L240 Vampire L007 Vampire L172 Gold Vampire L081 Gold Nug L025 7 Pointer L190 Panaque L160 Spiny Monster L24 red fin cactus L333 King Tiger L004 Angelicus L168 butterfly 2M1F Trio L134 Leopard frog L397 alenquer tiger L3... ...
ONLY FINS STOCK LIST POSTAGE AVAILABLE 18/2/25 PLECO: L240 Vampire L007 Vampire L172 Gold Vampire L081 Gold Nug L025 7 Pointer L190 Panaque L160 Spiny Monster L24 red fin cactus L333 King Tiger L004 Angelicus L168 butterfly 2M1F Trio L134 Leopard frog L397 alenquer tiger L3... ...
4.Tropical Fish for sale - Tank breakdown 25/01/25 No
My son is selling his tropical fish and then tank & equipment to raise money for driving lessons. Here is a list of the fish that need to go first. Rusty pleco Super red bristlenose pleco Albino bristlenose pleco x2 Common bristlenose pleco xlots Pictus catfish x3 Koi angel Scissor tai... ...
5.RESERVED Around 90+ beautiful fish plus plants for £100 30/08/24 No
I'm moving house so I have to sell full fish stock of my 650 liters aquarium. All healthy, feeding on variety of foods and peacefully living together in my tank for last 6 months. I spent around £600 on them. Yo can have them for 100. There are; 18 congo tetras, 12m/6f 8-10cm in size. 12 deniso... ...
6.Free Fish 05/07/24 No
I have two Congo Tetras and an Opaline Gourami that I need to re-home. The Congo Tetras are 2 years old, and the Opaline Gourami is 3 years old. Staines based.
7.3 large male congo tetra 1 female congo tetra and 6 cherry barbs 16/06/24 Yes
Selling 3 large male congo around 3 inch maybe 4 in full colour and 6 cherry barbs also 1 female congo only selling due to making some spaceall nice fish and feed well photos available £20 for all
8.For sale cheap 05/06/24 No
As stated 8 assorted angels. 3big males. 9 cherry barbs. 6 Congo tetras. Also all sand from the 6 foot tank. Large big wood about 2 feet. Couple live plants All to go. Open to sensible offers or swap for malawi cichlids Based in Manchester pics upon request probably via wotsap
9.NETS auction 05/10/23 No
Nets charity auction this Sunday 8october in teams social club bensham this is a list of potential fish Apologies for the lateness of this Please read this first.. I have asked the 30+ sellers for a list of the potential fish there looking at bringing THIS Sunday 8th of October This list show... ...
10.Tropical fish 22/02/23 No
5 bala sharks 8 lemon tetra Male n female chocolate bristlenose 5 Congo tetra 1 geo 4 zebra loach
11.Tropical fish 21/02/23 No
5 bala sharks 8 lemon tetra Male n female chocolate bristlenose 5 Congo tetra 1 geo 4 zebra loach
12.Congo tetras 09/12/22 Yes
Young home bred Congo Tetras for sale £2.50 each. Collection only.
13.Tropical fish for sale 28/08/22 Yes
1x Rotkiel (red shoulder)severum 6” £20 1x Hoplo Catfish 6” £15 1x reed fish 12” £15 1x Congo Tetra 3”£10 Or £50 for the lot. All healthy adult fish from community Tank, which I’m downsizing from. All Sizes approximate. Collection only/bring a container of bags.
14.Fish 06/07/22 No
Black Ghost Knife around 7” Dennison barbs X4 around 10 cm fat fish Penguin tetra X3 Clown loach X2 Fire-mouth Cichlid Panchax X4 Odessa barbs X3 Congo Tetra X3 High Wycombe collection. (Msg for info)
15.Fish 05/07/22 No
Black Ghost Knife around 7” Dennison barbs X4 around 10 cm fat fish Penguin tetra X3 Clown loach X2 Fire-mouth Cichlid Panchax X4 Odessa barbs X3 Congo Tetra X3 High Wycombe collection. (Msg for info)
16.fish mania aquatics charity pond and aquatic auction 10/05/22 Yes
pond, tropical and aquatics auction to help raise money for Birmingham childrens hospital cardiac ward Hucknall Town Football Club Watnall Road, Hucknall Nottingham, NG15 6EY SUNDAY 15th MAY DOORS OPEN 10AM AUCTION STARTS 11AM ADULTS £1 ENTRY, UNDER 14’S FREE Koi Carp, Gold Fish ... ...
17.Community fish to clear. Tetras, rainbow fish 26/03/22 No
X16 rummy nose tetras £20 X9 dwarf neon rainbow fish breeding group (2m 7f) £25. Spawn regularly, around 1 Yr old. 2" in size. X5 female Congo tetra, have laid eggs recently. Around a year old and 2" long. £15 Collection only from Oldham. I will not post.
18.Tropical fish 21/03/22 No
Closing my tank down Fish for sale are 8-9 rainbow fish 5 big congo tetras Blue phantom pleco Green phantom pleco Blue psnique pleco Duper red make bristlenose Calico bristlenose Panda garr Two common plecs 5 cw28 corys (paid £25 each ) rare 10-12 mixed corys Loads of wood ect Pics on... ...
19.Tropical fish 20/03/22 No
Closing my tank down Fish for sale are 8-9 rainbow fish 5 big congo tetras Blue phantom pleco Green phantom pleco Blue psnique pleco Duper red make bristlenose Calico bristlenose Panda garr Two common plecs 5 cw28 corys (paid £25 each ) rare 10-12 mixed corys Loads of wood ect Pics on... ...
20.Flowerhorn looking to swap 14/01/22 Yes
I am looking to swap my flowerhorn for Royal plec, cat fish, Malawi cichlids, congo tetras or rainbows. To buy £50
21.Cherry shrimp and community fish 14/12/21 No
Lots of difrent comunity fish for sale guppy.. Molly. platy ..glow light tetra neon tetra.. emperor tetra ..cherry shrimps Cory cats.. endlers..congo tetra and loads more. Whattsap for more info thanks
22.Boesemani rainbow, Congo tetra, rasbora 31/10/21 Yes
I have the following fish for sale: Congo tetra x 2males (£3 each) Boesemani rainbow x 4 males and 2 females (£15 for all) Harlequin rasbora x 1 (£2) I am shutting down my tropical aquarium after 6 years of starting this lovely hobby. SMS only please as I can't pick up at work but I wi... ...
23.Two Female and One Male Adult Congo Tetra Free to Collect 01/04/21 Yes
Two Female and One Male Adult Congo Tetra available for Free. The only proviso is that you must catch them first with the minimum of disruption to their tankmates please. Thanks and kind regards Alan
24.7 discus 16/02/21 No
I have for sale 7 discus, 4 turqs adults 1 red cover adult 1 golden diamond 4 inch and 1 blue diamond 4 inch also my group of congo tetra are back up for sale
25.Group of xl congo tetra 27/12/20 Yes
18 extra large congo tetras stunning colours 50 pound takes them all 07788519418
26.Plecos 6ft fish tank 11/11/20 No
Breaking my six ft tank down and looking to sell my plecos and other tropical fish listed below. The tank will follow as soon as the fish have sold I can’t send them so please don’t ask but any other questions please call or text.. Plecos 2 x l202 2 x l075 L141 L128 L91 L160 L20... ...
27.Full tropical aquarium setup 11/07/20 Yes
Need everything gone ASAP as I’m moving Full price includes 4 jumbo Congo tetras 2 bristlenose plecos 1 female pineapple swordtail Fluval filter Heater Gravel with plant fertilizer Plants Drift wood 130 liter aquarium Don’t plan on selling the discus but willing to let ... ...
28.Tank and fish 11/04/20 Yes
I have for sale my 4ft by 18inch tall by 15inch deep fish tank for sale. This is a full tropical set up with led lights filter heater and. 8 large silver dollars 4 big rainbows (cost me £16 for 5 small ones) Penguin tetras Black neons Glowlight tetras Bronze and an albino Cory One small clo... ...
29.Congo tetras 22/09/19 Yes
(SOLD) I have five Congo tetras available, free to a good home. There are three males and two females, and they are approx 5cm. All the fish are in very good healthy condition and feeding well.
30.Three large angel Fish 13/07/19 Yes
Three large angel fish. Healthy and beautiful, only selling due to needing to sell our fish tank. Also available 2" congo tetra and 2" blue/yellow rainbow Collection or possible delivery in and around Reigate
31.2” Congo Tetra & Rainbow Fish 13/07/19 Yes
2" congo tetra and 2" blue/yellow rainbow fish Collection or possible delivery in and around Reigate
32.Complete Tropical Aquarium inc fish for sale 17/06/19 Yes
Tropical fish complete set up. Healthy tank and fish. Overall size of cabinet and tank is 136cm tall x 80cm wide x 42cm front to back. Tank size is 64cm tall x 80cm x 42cm - 165lt. Aquaone make with Aquis 1050 external filter that sits in the cupboard underneath the tank. fish include 3 Pearl goura... ...
33.Congo tetras 03/06/19 No
Five Congo tetras ( one albino ) approx 3" Excellent condition from an healthy tank. £25
34.Tropical fish, pelco, tetra, barb 11/02/19 Yes
Closing my tank need to rehome my fish The golden nuggets are beautiful and the colours on the tetras are amazing the pictures don’t do them justice. All fish are eating well and no new fish introduced in at least 6months. 1 common plec 1 bristlenose plec 2 gold nugget plecos 2 denison... ...
35.4ft Aquarium including fish, filters.... £300 05/09/18 Yes
For Sale is my 4ft x 1.5ft x 2ft Aquarium from ND Aquatics. Including cover and stand this measures: 129cm wide x 51cm Deep x 144cm high Included are Tank, Lights (T5 strips and LED block) Fluval FX5 filter, Fluval digital heater, Wave maker, all wod, rocks, gravel and plants (maybe 200+ plant... ...
36.Complete Tropical fish aquarium fish tank set up with live plants and fish 05/08/18 Yes
I am selling my stunning established tropical setup complete with fish, bog wood, plants, gravel, filtration and LED lighting. The aquarium is European brand Aquatlantis. Details of the tank are as follows: ELEGANCE- PLUS-100 181L Elegance Plus 100 Aquarium LED H2O, AQ-BB-2 Filter, 810L/H ... ...
37.Fully Revised Stock List - The Aquatic Store Bristol 09-05-2018 09/05/18 Yes
Tetras: Super Ringo Owando Tetra (Very Rare) Red Congo Tetra (Alestopetersius Brichardi) RARE Black Neon Tetra Yellow Neon Tetra Marble Hatchet Fish Giant Silver Hatchet Fish Cardinal Tetra (Super Condition) Red Phantom Tetra Black Phantom Tetra Red Eyed Tetra Flame Tetra Super Oran... ...
Updated Stock list 15/09/2017 Corydoras/CW Numbers: CW028 Corydoras Super Schwartzi STUNNING XXL STORE FIRST Limited Corydoras Gold Lasers F1 XL NEW super condition C12 Corydoras Punctatus NICE CW009 Green lazer Corydoras SUPER CONDITION XL STORE FIRST Limited CW051 Corydoras sp VERY NICE... ...
39.clearance sale 14/06/17 Yes
CLOSING DOWN SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO - 14/06/17, TROPICAL AMAZONAS AQUATICS - 5* Rated from over 130 reviews!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name (Size)...................................Price each, Discount price TETRAS, LIVEBEA... ...
40.Splash Tropicals Updated Stocklist 01/04/17 No
Full Stocklist Below Updated 01/04/2017 Splash Tropicals South Terrace The Green Southwick SR5 2AW Contact Ryan/Kelly on 07572554047 Email: splash.tropicals@hotmail.co.uk Opening Hours: Monday 10am-5pm Tuesday 10am-5pm Wednesday 10am-2pm Thursday CLOSED Friday 10am-5pm ... ...
41.Tank clear out - See full list in description 09/03/17 Yes
List of stock available: 1 Clown pleco 2.5" 1 Vittata pleco l204 3.5" 1 Normal pleco 4.5" 2 Golden zebra loaches 5-6" 3 Botia kubotai loach 3" 1 Silver shark 6" 2 Congo tetra male & female 3 Torpedo barbs 4-5" Will accept £80 for whole lot. Open to offers, collection only. S... ...
42.Longfin blue eye Congo Tetra 21/01/17 No
3x male and 3x female Long fin blue eye Congo tetra full grown. 50p each for collection. I also have some other tetra from the Congo. See my other adverts.
43.Yellow fin Congo tetra 21/01/17 No
3x male and 2x female Yellow Congo tetra full grown. 50p each for collection. I also have some other tetra from the Congo. See my other adverts.
44.Congo Tetra 21/01/17 No
3x male and 2x female Congo tetra full grown. 50p each for collection. I also have some other tetra from the Congo. See my other adverts.
45.pair of discus to swap 16/01/17 No
hi i ha have two discus to swap a tiffany yellow that is more orange and a diamond white these are what i have been told they are . want to swap for anything like breeding group of lemon or albino bristle nose & tetras of any kind ,or a good group of congo tetras or a enough fish to make a good deal... ...
46.Parkers Aquatic Centre - Tropical Fish in Bristol, Full Stocklist 17/12/16 Yes
Latest Fish List - Updated 17/12/16 Current stock List: Inverts: Bamboo shrimp : few Yamoto shrimp: cherry shrimp: yellow fire shrimp: Assorted Crystal Shrimp: Large blue lobster Vampire crabs Tetra/ Characins: Black widow tetra Cardinal tetra Congo tetra Neon tetra Serpae tet... ...
47.Tropical stock list 10/11/16 No
Bronze Cory £1.50 Peppered Cory £1.50 Albino cory £1.50 Rabaulti Cory £2.50 Emerald Cory £2.50 Sterbai corys £3.50 Julii Cory £3 Panda corys £6 large Upsidedown cat£4.50 Striped glass cat £2 Striped Dora cat £4 Featherfin cat £1.50 Hoplo cat £4 Banjo cat £8 alg... ...
Pair of XL pink Parrots £65. Texas Cichlid £15. Bosemani Rainbows (2.5") £7.50 Dwarf Neon/Red Honey Gouramis (2") £4, 3 For £10 Geophagus (3.5") £15 Large Plecs (10-15") £25-35 L Tin Foils (4") £15 XL Lionheads (5") £25 Mini Silver Dollars (2") £5 L264 Plec (4") -£POA ... ...
49.Going for a bargain 03/08/16 Yes
Sadly we are getting rid of our aquarium and have the fish/critters below for sale... 2 clownfish (mature) 3 corries About 10 mixed tetras (neon, rummy, glow light) 2 cherry shrimp 1 armoured shrimp (called Maurice) 3 Congo tetra 3 mature torpedo barbs (mature) 1 plec All fish/critters ... ...
50.Aqua one Aqua viz for sale 16/07/16 No
I have for sale a 130 ltr Aqua one Aqua viz tank and stand. Lovely fish tank cost over £800 only 5 moths ago, is a very stylish looking tank in shiny gloss black finish, has state of the art energy efficient led lighting. It also has a hidden intergrated back filter containing several chambers of m... ...
51.Free Fish for Good Home - Pleco, rainbow shark and 5 congo tetras 21/03/16 Yes
Hi, I have a large Pleco (around 25 cms in length) a rainbow shark and 5 congo tetras to give for free to a good home. They are all healthy (please see youtube link below) and would prefer for them to go to a 200+ litre tank. The Pleco and the rainbow shark are around 10 years old and the congo te... ...
52.Cichlids and communual fish 17/03/16 No
Updated stock list and prices for sale Hartlepool. 4 inch Blood red parrott £10 3 inch Tiger Oscar £5 3 inch Albino Convicts £3 each 2.5 inch Green Terrors £3 each 2.5 inch Jags £3 each 2 inch Jade Eye £2.50 each 1.5 inch young Ellioti £2 each 1 inch Blue Rams £1.50 each ... ...
53.5ft Rena 450 Aqualife Tank with fish for sale in Witney Oxon 15/02/16 No
Closing down a healthy, chemical free Rena 450 (450ltrs) Aqualife tank with FX6 and Eheim gear. Tank is used and has few marks but is still in good condition. Fish to be sold first with collection only. Ideally as job lot: 3 X large clown loach 3 X large pleco 3 X large discus ... ...
54.New stock list 11/12/15 Yes
stocklist. Delivery available Washington aquatics Asst. Male Betta £3 Super Red Cherry Shrimp £1.20 10 for £10 Bolivian rams £4 (very nice) Otto catfish £2.50 5 for £10 platinum angels £7.99 (stunning) harlequin lancer catfish 8” £44.99 copperband fron... ...
55.Stock list 31/10/15 Yes
stocklist Community Moscow blue guppy £5 pair Mixed guppy £1.50 10 for £12 Zebra danio xl £1 10 for £8 Black neon tetra large £1 10 for £8 Brochis splendens £5 Spotted headstanders £3 Harlequin rasbora £1 10 for £8 Rainbow platys £2 Rainbow hi fin platys xxl £2.50 Am... ...
56.Current Freshwater Stocklist Maidenhead Aquatics Coventry 17/10/15 No
Hi :) Here we have our current list of freshwater species available within store. We will be doing our best to keep it updated with any new deliveries. Please do not hesitate to call us for further enquiries. Feel free to like us on Facebook at Maidenhead Aquatics at Coventry. Live bearers; ... ...
57.Maidenhead Aquatics@Shirley Freshwater Stocklist 02/10/2015 03/10/15 Yes
Hi, here is a our current Freshwater stock-list over here at Maidenhead Shirley. Please do not hesitate to contact our friendly staff with any questions that you may have. We will be doing our best to update the stock-list when we have had new fish in. Feel free to follow us on Facebook: https:/... ...
58.Complete 6FT x 30in x 30in Freshwater setup. 29/09/15 Yes
ND Aquatics tank 6ft x 2.5ft x2.5ft 5 LED cool light spot lights Two Huge pieces of bogwood (cost £250) Loads of Plants including flowering water lily, also lots of assorted fish including, Odessa barbs, tetras, rainbow fish, gourami's, clown loachs, 10 nice congo tetra males and some nice torpe... ...
59.New stock list 25/08/15 Yes
Few awful pictures washington aquatics stock list community rainbow shiners £4 torpedo barbs £4 clown loach 2" £4 MEKONG RED FIN LAMPEYE KILLIS £2 sunset platys £2 saluwsi rock shrimp £4 medium Rock Shrimp xlarge £5.99 betta pugnax £3 cherry shrimp 1ea 10 for £8 ghost k... ...
60.Phenacogrammus aurantiacus 20/07/15 Yes
These stunning Congo tetras we have never seen before. Absolutely beautiful gold bodies with blue faces. At the time of this advert we have only 10 left.
61.Congo tetra just £1 each in birmingham 05/07/15 No
We have a good number of congo tetra available at the world of fish and pets for just £1 each they are around 1 inch in size. collection only from birmingham b26 3jr can contact anytime on 07588375791 can send photos if needed
62.current stocklist 05/06/15 No
current stocklist available for collection from fishrooms in linwood, renfrewshire. delivery available £13.50 per box LIVEBEARERS ASSORTED MALE GUPPY LARGE 1.20 ASSORTED FEMALE GUPPY LARGE 1.20 ASSORTED PLATY MEDIUM 1.50 ASSORTED MOLLY MEDIUM 1.50 ASSORTED SWORDTAILS X LARGE 1.50 BU... ...
63.5foot 2x2 discus tank with sump 26/04/15 Yes
Her is my 5 foot x 2 foot x 2 foot discus tank it has 2 number sumps in the bottom of the oak cabinet and has 20 discus sizes from 4" to 6" 14 Congo tetras and one 12" pleco which keeps the tank lovely and clean There is 2 pair of of reflection ads 1 pair of albino snake skin 1 ... ...
64.Peacock bass, bichir eels, eheim xlt1200 and more 11/04/15 Yes
I have an eheim xlt1200 still in its origjnal packaging and unused. If you know about these filters you will know theyre second to none and are an essential to a big aquarium with big fish. Also sale i have: - 5 peacock bass 6/7 inch £35 each or £150 for the lot. These are beautiful, healthy a... ...
65.eheim xlt1200, Bichir eels and community fish 10/04/15 No
I have an eheim xlt1200 still in its origjnal packaging and unused. If you know about these filters you will know theyre second to none and are an essential to a big aquarium with big fish. Also sale i have: - saddled birchir 8 inch £30 - birchir eel ornate dark green/ black 7 inch £30 If so... ...
66.bichir eel and eheim xlt external filter and community fish 10/04/15 Yes
Hi there, For sale i have: - saddled birchir 8 inch £30 - birchir eel ornate dark green/ black 7 inch £30 If someone wants both you can take 2 for £50. I also have a tank full of community fish up for grabs. Various gouramis, 6 inch red fin shark, 8 inch farlowella, 2x 3 inch slbino shark,... ...
67.275litre Fluval tank and cabinet, 2 external filters, Co2 unit, fish, plants etc.. 04/03/15 Yes
For sale is my 275 litre Fluval tank and Cabinet, it looks amazing and selling due to moving. The tank also comes with two external filters which are housed in the cabinet underneath, 1 x Fluval and 1 X Eheim Pro. The Tank has. jBl Co2 M602 unit to feed the plants , lots of bogwood including one lar... ...
68.Various fish and cichlids for sale 11/02/15 No
For sale Hartlepool updated list[ Various; 2 inch Dennisonii torpedo barbs £4 each 3 for £10 2 inch Knife fish £5 each 3 inch Bristlenose Plec £6 each 2 inch Hoplo Catfish £2.50 each 1.5 inch various Swordtails £1 each 1 inch Congo Tetra £1.50 each last 3 left small Cardinal ... ...
Bosemani Rainbows (2.5") £7.50 Dwarf Neon/Red Honey Gouramis (2") £4, 3 For £10 Geophagus (3.5") £15 Large Pleco (10-12") £25 L Tin Foils (4") £15 1 Pair of Piranhas (3") £35 XL Lionheads (5") £25 Mini Silver Dollars (2") £5 L264 Plec (4") -POA L66 Plec (2.5") -POA L... ...
70.New stock list 03/02/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stockist odd balls metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each Lepisosteus spatula (aligator gar) 3-4" £15-£20each redtail catfish 3" £20each reed fish 12-15" £12each lesser spiny eel 4" £10each Community... ...
71.New stockist and Dry goods 03/02/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stockist odd balls metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each Lepisosteus spatula (aligator gar) 3-4" £15-£20each redtail catfish 3" £20each reed fish 12-15" £12each lesser spiny eel 4" £10each Community... ...
NEW IN: 1 Pair of Piranhas (3") £35 XL Lionheads (5") £25 Mini Silver Dollars (2") £5 L264 Plec (4") -POA L66 Plec (2.5") -POA L7 Plec (2.5") -POA XXL Angels (Black/Yellow/Silvers) - £25 Hoplo Catfish (5") - £30 "Brilliant" Blue/Red Discus... ...
In stock currently we have.. NEW IN: Spotted Gar (6-8") £ 49 - Silver Arowana - £99 (Negotiable) Tin Foil Barbs (4-5inch) - £15.00 Haplochromis Electric Blue (3-4inch) - £10.95 each Large Black Shark (Around 8inches) - SOLD Oscars (Mix)(4-5inches) - £17.95 each - SOLD Green, Blu... ...
Welcome to our stocklist.. In stock currently we have.. NEW IN: Tin Foil Barbs (4-5inch) - £15.00 Haplochromis Electric Blue (3-4inch) - £10.95 each Large Black Shark (Around 8inches) - SOLD Oscars (Mix)(4-5inches) - £17.95 each Green, Blue and Pink Parrot Fish - £15.00 or 2 for £25.... ...
75.New stockist. Few rare species on list 15/12/14 Yes
Washington aquatics New stockist Oddballs Fahaka puffer fish £15 each Opsarius pulchellus 3" groups of 5 £30 Sumatran neon blue gobys £6 each Mormyrus kannume 2" £15 each Rineloricaria similimis 3" £9.99 Community Rathbuni tetra £1.50. 10 for £12 Black neon tetra 10 for £8... ...
76.Fish Stocklist: 10/12/14 10/12/14 Yes
FISH STOCK LIST: 10/12/14: COLD WATER FISH: Zebra Danio £1.25 Each or 5 for £5 Leopard Danio £1.25 Each or 5 for £5 Yellow Comet £2.99 Each or 3 for £7 Goldfish £2.99 Each or 3 for £7 Weather Loach £2.99 Each or 3 for £7 TROPICAL FISH: Neon Tetra 99p Each or 6 for £5 ... ...
77.Emsworth Aquatics Availability List 09/12/14 Yes
AVAILABLITY LIST LIVEBEARERS Assorted Mollies £2.60ea Balloon Mollies £2.85ea Assorted Male Guppies £2.25ea or 4 for £8.76 Female Guppies £1.80ea or 6 for £10.20 Male Endlers £2.25ea or 4 for £8.80 Assorted Platys £2.50ea Assorted Swordtails £3.00ea CICHLIDS Gold Severum £6... ...
78.6" Galaxy Plec for sale & others 10/08/14 Yes
Closing down my tropical tank, various fish for sale, see below: - 6" galaxy plec. Nice and chunky example, good markings, very healthy - £45 - 4" Blue Phantom Plec - 3.5" Green Phantom Plec - 4x Debauwi catfish (African black and silver glass catfish family) - Gabon... ...
79.Fish sale sale sale 22/07/14 No
Do you have nothing to do why not pop on over and have a look at our great selection of tropical fish all welcome and have the following for sale and in stock now.... Buenos aires £2.00 Serpae tetra £1.50 Neon tetra £1.00 Long fin danios £1.00 Long fin barbs £2.00 Bolivian rams £2.00 ... ...
TROPICAL SPECIALS DANDY CICHLIDS ARE NOW STOCKING TROPICAL COMMUNITY FISH MORE SPECIES COMING SOON !!!! Large Male Guppies £1.50 each Large Female Guppy £1.20 each Large Mollies £1.50 each Large Swordtails £1.50 each Platies £1.20 each Khuli Loach £1.50 mix and match any 10 for ... ...
81.120 FishPod full aquarium setup only £350 18/06/14 No
120 litre FishPod aquarium for sale. Only 8/9 months old but just don't have the time for it now. Very good condition. Comes with tank and stand complete as it is. Asking £350 the lot but open to sensible offers. Includes a large interpet heater, an Interpet PF3 filter pump and an Aqua Air AP3 a... ...
82.Cichlids for sale 04/06/14 Yes
Female Jag cichlid, 8" £10 Texas cichlid 4" £5 2 x Jack Dempseys 6" £10 each Green severum 7" £10 2 x acaras 6" £15 for both 2 x bocourti cichlids 7" £10 each 5 x Congo tetras £10
83.Maidenhead Aquatics Polhill - Kent 11/04/14 Yes
Stock list : Welcome here is a little list of what's currently available instore, please pay us a visit or call 01959 533519 'Like' our Facebook page - 'Maidenhead Aquatics Polhill Thanks- Shrimps Sunkist orange shrimp Cherry shrimp Crystal red shrimp Red rili shrimp - Sakura... ...
84.Fish for sale 27/03/14 Yes
washington aquatics stocklist sulgrave , ne37 3bj livestock corydoras julii £3each or 4 for £10 congo tetra £3 each or 4 for £10 firemouth cichlids £3.50each kribs pairs £5 veil tail angels £7 or 2 for £12 venustus malawi (stunning) 2-3 inch 2 for £15 featherfin synodontis 2 inch... ...
85.QUALITYFISHONLINE - We sell quality tropical and cold water fish, we now have new inverts 17/03/14 Yes
GO TO QUALITYFISHONLINE TO PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW!! Find us on facebook: www.facebook.com/qualityfishonline FISH LIST: Black Angel 2.90 Ghost Angel 4.90 Koi Angel 2.90 Leopard Angel 5.00 Marble Angel 3.00 Zebra - Sm 2.50 Zebra Angel - Lge 12.00 Crab - Red Claw... ...
86.L128, L090, Bristlenose Pleco, Congo Tetra, Spotted Climbing Perch 24/02/14 No
Various fish for sale as I have to sell the tank. All the fish are healthy and feeding and have had between 1-2 years. L128 Blue Phantom Pleco 7" £45 L090 Papa Pleco 7" £40 Adult Male Bristlenose £10 Adult Albino Male Bristlenose £10 8 Congo Tetra (5 male, 3 female) 3" £20 for the group ... ...
87.Various tropical fish 05/02/14 Yes
2 breeding pairs large angels, £25 pair 2 large angels £10 2 boseman rainbows £10 4 large silver sharks £20 1 large plec £5 1 3" catfish ? £5 3 congo tetras £10 + assorted platties, neons free, or all fish for £90. Aquarium 5ftx3ftx2ft & cabinet, tetratec external filter, air pump, h... ...
89.Double Aquarium System complete setup with livestock & stand 24/11/13 Yes
I have a two aquariums setup as a center piece in our living room. One is 300ltr the other 180ltr. I'm looking to sell as we're planning to move house. 300ltr tank measures 3ft x 2ft x 2ft inches. 180ltr tank measures 4ft x 1ft x 1.5ft The stand is a custom build two-tier stand with the ... ...
90.full boyu tropical fish tank with fish 07/11/13 Yes
collection huddersfield wanting 300 ONO but may also be open to sensible offers lovely full tropical fish tank set up with Boyu tank, stand, under gravel filter, heater and fish 3 angel fish 3 congo tetras 2 cichlids and 1 large plec.07979 149193
91.birchirs, eels, catfish, discus, malawi and many more 07/11/13 Yes
Manchester Fish Price List 9th September 2013 All sizes are approximate, and all fish are subject to availability Strictly by appointment Eels Green eels (peacock) 4" £10.00 Birchir Endilcheri (polypetrus) 6-7" £20.00 Gars Rocket gar 3-4" £8.00 3 for £20 Tiger fish Indo ... ...
92.Juwel rio 180 17/10/13 Yes
Juwel rio 180 few scratches but good solid display tank includes heater pump t5 lights fish and decor. 1 betta 3 congo tetra 4 sterbai corys 1 large snake skin gourami around 5" 1 male krib and several other mixed tetra Will consider breaking tank down and selling without fish or as a whole m... ...
93.Juwel Vision 260 (complete set up ) 13/09/13 Yes
Juwel vision 260 in excellent condition (everything included!!!!!!) A few minor scratches on glass hardly noticeable when filled Includes - 260lt bow fronted tank and stand in walnut - numerous plants - large tree root ornament - approx 5kg of rock - sand - internal juwel filter, pump and he... ...
All sizes are approximate, and all fish are subject to availability Strictly by appointment Eels Green eels (peacock) 4" £10.00 Red fire eels 5" £8.00 Birchir Endilcheri (polypetrus) 6-7" £20.00 Gars Rocket gar 3-4" £8... ...
95.tank closure 27/08/13 No
Hi i am closing my tank down and have some fish for sale. send me a txt if you are interested in any. Open to offers 2x large red spotted severums 2x large gold severums 1x sailfin plec 1x clown loach 1x pakistani loach 2x ellioti cichlid 2x small sajica cichlid 2x large silver sharks ... ...
96.fish stock list 23/08/13 No
FISH STOCK LIST: ……………………………………………………………………… TROPICAL FISH: Leopard Danio £1.25 Zebra Danio £1.25 Neon Tetra 99p Glowlight Tetra £1.29 Rummy Nose Tetra £1.29 Black Widow Tetra £1.49 Cardinal Tetra £1.29 Congo Tetra £3.49 ... ...
97. SOLD Juwel Vision black bow-front160L tank - with stand and fish - £135 ono 02/08/13 Yes
***SOLD*** I am having to sell both my 160L JUWEL tropical fish tanks, complete with contents, because I can no longer maintain them properly due to lack of time. This tank is bow-fronted, 940mm x 320-420mm x 540mm high. The matching cabinet underneath is 810mm wide, 330mm deep and 730mm high. ... ...
98.tropical fish for sale 02/07/13 Yes
Communal stock list: 5x Male dragon tail guppies £2.50 each 3x Breeding pairs of blue cobra guppies £4.50 each pair 2x Male blue cobra guppies £2.50 each 1x Red tuxedo male guppy £2.50 3x Assorted male guppies £2.00 each 7x Assorted female guppies £1.50 each 3x Surpae tetra £3.00 each ... ...
99.5.5ft aquarium for sale, including fish, filter, lights etc. 13/06/13 Yes
I've got a whole set up for sale, which i'm preferably going to sell together Livestock- 1x Breeding PAIR Nicaraguan Cichlid, Male 6", Female 4.5"/" (Babies have been born this week) 1x Unproven PAIR Threadfin Eartheaters, Both 4"/5" 1x Red Head Tapajos, 4" ... ...
100.Congo Tetra for free 25/05/13 No
I got 7 of Congo Tetra that i have no tank for them. If anyone want to adopt please contact. Pick up only Clapham London.
101.tropical & cold water fish plus mucles and shrimp etc 03/05/13 Yes
PLEASE PM US, SEE IN STORE OR CALL FOR PRICES ……………………………………………………………………… SHRIMP & MUSCLES Scribbled Muscle 2.5cm Rili – Sakura Shrimp Red Cherry – fire Shrimp Red Pinokio Shrimp Red Skunk Shrimp ………………………... ...
102.fish for sale 02/05/13 No
x 4 congo tetras 2m/2f..£10.00..must go together x 6 yellow barbs..£8.00 x 6 phantom tetras 3m/3f £8.00 x 1 pair yellow/gold gourami lovely...£6.00 X 4 powder blue dwarf gourami bachelor group.£6.00 x 1 blue opaline (f).£3.00 x 16 neon tetras £ 1.00 each or all for £14.00 x 3 flying ... ...
103.TROPICAL FISHES FOR SALE - Congo Tetras, Ruby Barbs, Guppys & South American Cichlid 25/03/13 Yes
TROPICAL FISH FOR SALE THEY ARE ALL HEALTHY AND IN GOOD SHAPE. NEED TO RE-HOME THEM ASAP. A YOUNG SOUTH AMERICAN CICHLIDS - £4 5cm - 6cm Approx . Will Grow Upto 3-5 Inches, Colours And Marking Will Develop More As They Grow. Not Sure Of Exact Breed. 4 GUPPY FRY LEFT – 65p EACH OR ALL 4 ... ...
104.South American Cichlids AND MORE... 25/03/13 Yes
TROPICAL FISH FOR SALE THEY ARE ALL HEALTHY AND IN GOOD SHAPE. NEED TO RE-HOME THEM ASAP. A YOUNG SOUTH AMERICAN CICHLIDS - £4 5cm - 6cm Approx . Will Grow Upto 3-5 Inches, Colours And Marking Will Develop More As They Grow. Not Sure Of Exact Breed. 3 RUBY BARBS - £2 EACH OR ALL 3 FOR £... ...
FISH STOCKLIST: COLDWATER FISH: Blackmoor Red Cap Oranda Sarassa Comet Calico Shubunkins Red and White Goldfish White Goldfish GoldFish Yellow comets Black comets Red Cap White Goldfish Ghost Goldfish Calico Ryukin ......................................................... ...
106.Collection of large fish for sale, cheap. 18/02/13 No
I have a collection of large tropical fish for sale; 3x Aussie rainbows med/lge 2x Congo tetras xlg 2x black widows lge 3x silver tip tetras 1x tinfoil barb lge 1x corydoras lge 1x plec xlg And a selection of tetras. £50 the lot. Call or text Simon on 07817475705.
107.Complete set up with fish - 300 ONO 07/02/13 Yes
I am giving up fish keeping and have available my West African biotope tank, to a good, knowledgeable home. The set up includes: * 3' x 15" x 18" tank (35 gallons) * Sideboard (rustic pine) the tank was custom made to fit the furniture * Custom made pine hood * eHeim external filter * heat... ...
108.Congo tetras 13/12/12 No
I have a shoal of 11 congo tetras, approx 2-3", 9 females, 2 males. £40.
109.Selling various fish inc clown loach, barbs and rope fish 17/11/12 No
Du to a house move I have to sell off the fish from my large tank I have a large shoel of clown loaches which range from 2"-7"- prob have around 40 of them- these are my pride and joy but can only Keep some so selling around 20 Need to be viewed to see their stunning quality. Other fish for sal... ...
110.very large 7ft tank and fish may split 17/11/12 No
this is my pride and joy hundreds of pounds of fish and equipment over 30 clown loaches 8 large silver sharks firetrack eels numerous catfish fx5 filter 2 luminaire light units also large trickle system sump god the list is endless im having real health problems only reason for sale theres lot more ... ...
111.SOLD Tropical fish for sale in Birmingham SOLD SOLD 28/10/12 No
SOLD hi I am selling my tropical fish: need them gone asap make me a sensible offer. 4 x large male Congo tetras long fins beautiful fish 2 x Blue Guppies males 3 x Emperor Tetras goodgood size beautiful 5 x Rummy nose tetras 5 x Pyjamas Tetras 1 x Bronze Cory large 4 red eye red tai... ...
112.Various Tropical Fish for sale 23/10/12 No
Hi, I am selling my remaining fish, I have as follows: - 6 Silver Dollars (3 different varieties) Tropheus 2 large (one is 6 inches, one is 5 inches) black and white catfish (I forget the name) 3 Congo Tetras Small White Cichlid Plec Leopard Frog Plec Cherry barb These are for collec... ...
113.Aqua One 850b Aquarium with extras (£190) 200 Litre tank 23/10/12 Yes
Hi, I am upgrading my aquarium to a marine tank therefore I'm selling my entire set up. I have the following: - Aqua One 850b tank (200 litres) Original cabinet Tetratex EX1200 external filter Aquael 200w slimline heater Eheim Aquaball 60 internal filter A simple air pump (believe it's F... ...
114.2 oscars and one Congo Tetra 25/08/12 Yes
selling because i want tochange the type of fish i got in my tank open to senseble offers x
115.JEWEL TRIGON 190 19/06/12 Yes
JEWEL TRIGON 190 AQUARIUM I am selling my Jewel trigon 190 tank. Comes complete with fish. List of fish. Shoal of Congo Tetra – 12 3 Synodontis upside down catfish 2 Bristle-nosed catfish Pair of kribensis £190 ono
116.7 Foot Aquarium 02/06/12 No
7ft long by 2ft high by 18 inches wide Comes with light, heater, and a fluval FX5 filter There is also a large quantity of fish 20+ x Angels,6 x Red headed Topajos (stunning),6 x blockheads,6 x Congo tetras,5 x Hoplosternum catfish, and 6 Giant Danios.There are others too many to mention. I am as... ...
117.Various For Sale 27/04/12 No
Hi I have the following for sale 7 extra large Congo Tetra's (4male 3Female) 4 or 5 Giant Danios 5 Black widows 3 white widows there may be a couple of other fish that i will chuck in as well I am looking for 30 pounds for the lot,you would pay more than this for the congo tetras alone in your... ...
LONDON AREA. 07886347745
119.tropical fish for sale 20/01/12 Yes
I have a few tropical fish for sale which have either out grown my tank or being moved for room for my discus, all in good health. 1x 4 inch Golden nugget plec - £20 4x 3 inch white tiger angels - £6 each the four for £20 4x 2 inch congo tetra (2Male 2F) £15 for the four 7x boesemani rainb... ...
120.Amwell Aquatics Epping Tropical Freshwater Stocklist: 05/01/12 05/01/12 No
* = New in Stock Tetras **NEW** Sunshine Neon Tetra - Pacheirodon innesi*** X-Ray Tetra – Pristella maxillaris Glass Bloodfin Tetra – Prionobrama filigera January Tetra - Hemigrammus hyanuary* Purple Emperor tetra - Inpaichthys Kerri "super blue" Kerri Tetra - Inpaichthys Kerri Bleed... ...
PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS ALSO FOR SALE ELSEWHERE AND THUS MAY BE REMOVED AT ANY TIME. I realise that this is irritating but I do not want to lose too much money on this....sorry! -------------------------- I get bored when reading long listings but making this short but it will be tough....so... ...
122.fluval roma 90 fluval u3 filter, 4 congo tetra, 1 corydora 23/09/11 No
hi i have a fluval roma 90 tank and cabinet in beech colour. have had tank about 2 years and havent ever kept much in it. ichanged the filter to a fluval u3, lot more filtration. comes with air pump, 4 congo tetra, 1 corydora, bogwood, sand and ornament. pick up in he rhondda open to sensible offe... ...
123.6 x Adult Congo Tetras For Sale £15 (REDUCED ) 09/08/11 Yes
***MUST GO BEFORE FRIDAY****HAVE OTHER FISH TOO FOR SALE**** Beautiful full sized Congo Tetras. Very colourful, perfect health from well established tank.
124.lots of tropical fish for sale take a look 04/08/11 No
hi im selling most of my fish out of my 4ft tank an starting again so here is what im selling........ forsale : 2 butterfly fish £7.50 each...........large red-blue-bosami rainbows £5 each.........4 large congo tetra`s £25.......2 large sucking yellow loaches £6 each......2 large green suckin... ...
125.Shoots Cobham Aquatic Department 07/07/11 No
We have a variety of fish which can be delivered to anywhere within a 20 mile radius otherwise we can send them by live courier. And postage nation wide availible! some of the basic variety as followed Tetras: Black Neon Tetras Neon Tetras Cardinal Tetras Rummy Nose Tetras Scissor Tail ... ...
126.young fish for sale 07/07/11 No
for sale young cross bred malawi cichlids just over 1 inch , young brown bn plecs 1 inch long ,adult congo tetras 1 albino male 7 norm female all £1 each cheaper if bought in bulk i also have a violet snakehead 6 inchs long £10 ono pick up only can not deliver call mark on 07884257762
127.4 Fish for sale - Red Fin Shark, Blue Gourami, Congo Tetra and L Number Plec 30/06/11 Yes
For sale are the fish listed in the description. This is due to downsizing my tropical tank and converting my larger tank to marine (unfair to keep these mid to large size fish in anything less than the current tank size 125L). All fish are around 2" in length and healthy. £2.00 each or all 4 for ... ...
128.6 x Adult Congo Tetras 22/06/11 No
Hi I have 6 amazing Congo Tetra's. These are great schooling fish and they are currently living in peace with my Oscar and JD's. There colours are the best I have ever seen. I paid 40quid for these from Maidenhead Aquatics. Really great silvery rainbow colours on them. Looking for £30
129.Juwel Rio 400, External Filter APS 2000 + Extras 16/06/11 No
Hi, I have for sale, probably the best condition Rio 400 in the country! I bought a AllPondSolution External Filter for it and removed the internal one. The filter does 2000 lph and has a spray bar. I have also fitted some blue led lights to add a moonlight effect in the evening. The tan... ...
130.Various Tropical Fish For Sale - Cheshire 16/05/11 No
I have the following available for sale, so if anyone is interested in any please make me an offer. All are happy and healthy. 6 x Pepper Cory Doras £12 1 x Unknown Cory Dora Free but ideally needs to go with the Peppers 4 x Congo Tetra £8 5 x Danios (pearl I think) £5 3 x Harlequins £2... ...
131.WANTED: Female Green Terror (Gold Saum) 14/05/11 No
I have a 8" male and I'm after a female for a breeding project. I'm in the Herts/Essex/North London area. Will pay good. Could exchange for nice 6" Tiger oscar, or I also have 6 full grown Congo Tetras which cost me £40.
133.CONGO TETRAS 23/04/11 No
4 congo tetras 2 male and 2 female having a clearout as i just want to have a few large fish. £10
135.Aqua One - Aqua Style AR 980 plus Beech Cabinet 01/02/11 Yes
Aquarium purchased less than six months ago, still under warranty. Sale to include 3D background, twin heaters, internal filters, lighting, gravel, plants, air pump with air curtain, piece of bog wood and nine Congo Tetras. Tank and cabinet are immaculate. No sctatches or water damage. Sale due to l... ...
136.Various fish for sale 20/01/11 No
We have various tropical fish available as listed below. 4 barbs £1 each - GONE 2 congo tetra's £2.50 each - GONE 1 common pleco 6" £5 2 large blue gourami 2.5" £3 each 1 large snake skin gourami 4" £4 1 angel fish £5 1 reed fish 7.5" £7 1 pim pictus catfish 3" £12 2 clown loaches... ...
137.Tropical Fish Delivered to Your Door (for £9.95) Jan 17th 18/01/11 Yes
We can combine postage costs on multiple items ordered. Payment: We would require payment from the following methods: Paypal or postal order. Paypal is the most efficient and safest way. Please find below a list of fish availability and size:FISH BARBS Checker Barb 1.5cm Cherry Barb... ...
138.wanted plecs ,catfish,others 23/12/10 No
specially clown loaches catfishes large red tail black shark congo tetras phone me plez i will collect and good home large tank im in east lothian but will travel 07826630648
139.Jewel Aquatics will deliver fish to your door for £9.95 per box. 20/12/10 Yes
Example 25 Neon tetras for £15.95 + £9.95 (postage)= £25.90 We can combine postage costs on multiple items ordered. Payment: We would require payment from the following methods: Paypal or postal order. Paypal is the most efficient and safest way. Alternatively, postal orders can be sent... ...
140.amwell aquatics stock list for week 08/10/10 14/10/10 Yes
new amwell aquatics stock list from 08/10/10 Snakeheads. channa orientalis , channa sp. platinium , channa bleheri blue , channa maruliodes, channa aurantimaculata. Catfish. shovelnose , tiger shovelnose cross redtail , tiffany whiptail , sturisoma aureum. L - numbers. l14 - sun... ...
141.2 x Congo Tetra [FREE TO GOOD HOME DE15] 02/09/10 Yes
Hi, Iam willing to give away my 2 Congo tetra's for free to a good home as it as iam making room for other fish. They are in excellent condition, very healthy and are approx. 2.5 inches. Iam in the DE15 area, Nr. Burton-Upon-Trent, please e-mail me to arrange pick-up. Picture of one of them... ...
142.Aquarium and Equipment and fish must go 01/08/10 No
Fish tank for sale. Will sell items separate or as whole kit. Fluval 405 external filter - £50 Second external filter - £50 Arcadia over head lighting unit £100 (retail £230) Tank = 41inch long by 18inch wide by 18inch high (including heater + bog wood+stones+sand substrate+internal fi... ...
143.Discounted Mail Order Tropical And Marine fish 07/07/10 Yes
Mail order Tropical and Marine fish at genuine discount prices I am able to offer a mail order / collection service for tropical and marine fish which come direct to my fish house from breeders in Israel and the UK. We specalise in Tropical fish / Marine fish / Discus / Rare angelfish / L... ...
144.Tropical Fish Collection For Sale 23/04/10 Yes
I am selling my complete tropical fish collection either whole on in parts, listed below; 6 x 3" Clown Loach = £5 each 3 x 1.5" Clown Loach = £2 each 8 x upto 5" shaol of Tinfoil Barbs = £5 each 2 x 3" Firemouth Cichlids = £4 each 4 x 3" Barrilius (Spotted) = £4 each 4 x 2" Congo Tetra ... ...
145.Moving House 24/03/10 No
Hi, I am moving house and unable to take my wonderful setup with me. I have the following for sale - All of which are in A1 condition, very healthy and very well looked after. 3 Parrot Fish - Largest is 5" and about 6 months older than the other 2 which are roughly 4-4.5" S... ...
146.Jewel Rio 180 03/02/10 Yes
I am reluctantly selling my Jewel Rio 180 tank complete with around 20 fish. The tank includes the filter, lighting, air pump, bogwood, gravel, plastic plants, heater etc etc the list goes on. The fish include, 2x pakistani Loaches, 1x Polka dot Loach, 1x featherfin Catfish, 1x Common Plec, 2x Khu... ...
147.Juwel Trigon 350 and tropical fish for sale 28/12/09 Yes
Due to a move I am downsizing my tanks and selling my Juwel Trigon 350 corner tank in beach and some of my fish. The tank is about 2 years old with new lights, flaps and internal pump fitted 3 months ago. The fish currently in the tank includes: 10 x cherry shrimp 5 x singapore shrimp 20 x... ...
148.Selection of mature and healthy tropical fish 09/11/09 No
I am moving house and therefore stripping out my tank and selling 3 Clown loaches 3 Congo tetra 1 Redfin Shark 1 Bristlenose 3 Filter shrimps All fish are healthy, mature and have been well looked after. I am looking for £25 for the whole lot. buyer will need to collect.
149.congo tetras 26/10/09 Yes
I'm selling a group of 13 congo tetra. These are a fantastic shoaling fish they vary in size from 1 inch to 2 and 1/4 they need to go be for the weekend I'm in guildford, I can deliver for a price to be arranged but would prefer a collection. offers will be accepted if reasonable email m... ...
150.Rena Aqualife 2 Meter Tank with Beech Effect Cabinet. 12/10/09 Yes
Rena Aquarium which holds approximately 619litres comes complete with 2 x 300watt heaters and external filter (Catalogue picture shown for illustration purposes only). Please call for further info. £600 Also available with aquarium at an extra cost 2 Piece extra large sunken galleon ornament ... ...
151.Collection of Large tropical fish. 06/10/09 No
For sale is the following collection of large tropical fish. 4 x Clown loach 4 x Congo tetras 4 x Scissor tails 4 x Bolivian rams 2 x Senegal Bichirs 2 x featherfin catfish 1 x Flagtail catfish All fish in excellent condition, collection only £150 ono.
152.Ark Aquatics @ Canterbury Stocklist Update 05/10/09 No
Ark Aquatics @ Canterbury Latest Oddball Stocklist If you haven't been down before, come and check out Kents biggest fish house with 550 tanks. You Won't be disappointed! postcode:CT4 7HF Wallago Leerii £29.95 Channa Pleuropthalma 8.95 5/£40 Channa Pulchra £39.95 3/£100 12” Parachrom... ...
153.Various All-Glass Tanks Wirral/Manc/Sheffield 21/07/09 Yes
It's time to rationalise my tanks, I effectively have 9 full ones spread over my student house, my mother's house and my father's house, plus a few in storage. The fish are all fish I have been suprised with through one way or another (bred/saved/someone else bought as a 'suprise') nexcept the L003,... ...
154.Juwel Rio 180 Tropical Fish Tank 08/06/09 No
Experience the fascination of aquariums from a different perspective. The Vision aquariums bring a new dimension to fish keeping. The stunning curved front glass will offer unrivalled views of the underwater world. A Vision Aquarium from JUWEL Aquarium is equipped with: T8 unit including tubes... ...
155.For Sale: 180Litre Aquarium and Fish 17/05/09 Yes
180 Litre Tropical Aquarium. Equipment Included: 1 Fluval U3 Filter, 1 Tetratec ASP50 Airpump, 1 tronic 100w heater Fish Included: 2 Very Large Clown Loaches,2 Juvenile Clown Loaches, 2 Honey Gourami Large, 2 Kissing Gourami(Medium), 2 Dwarf Gourami(Medium), 2 Unknown small catfish type fish, ... ...
156.Shrimp (will post) Cichlids, tetras, gourami, breeding pairs, rainbow fish, loaches, catfish and more for sale!!! 17/04/09 Yes
I have great selection of fish for sale due to relocation: 50x Cherry shrimp (still young, 1-1.5 cm) £25 or £33 incl postage 2x Red rainbows (beautiful, 12cm, deep red)- £14 for two 2x Banded rainbows (healthy pair, spawn continuously in my community tank, 12cm)- £12 pair SOLD 2x Gold goura... ...
157.4x2x2 complete tropical setup 08/04/09 Yes
It's a Juwel Rio 300, in black. Just under 4x2x2. Comes with cabinet underneath as well. It comes as a complete setup, including a well established community of mostly gouramis, tetras and catfish. complete list to follow. Also included is: Lots of rocks Mopani Wood Planted Bogwo... ...
158.Great choice of Tropical Fish, Marine Fish & Coldwater Fish HOME DELIVERY 03/12/08 Yes
Lots to choose from at Bridge of Marnoch Water Gardens, near Huntly Aberdeenshire. Visitors welcome. SPECIALISTS AT DELIVERY TO YOUR DOORSTEP. We always have 1000's of fish on stock. Probably the biggest selection of fish in North East Scotland. We don't just sell the bread & butter range. ... ...
159.Rena 5ft tank (480l) - Complete Set-Up for sale 11/07/08 Yes
This is a Rena 5ft tank,approx 480L for sale. It includes the beech stand which was bought with the tank. Complete set up includes 2 external filters (fluval 404 & 405), 1 undergravel heater cable, 2 heaters, a bottled CO2 system and an airpump. Also if required a selection of tropical fish (clown ... ...
160.Captive bred tropical fish 07/07/08 No
Due to recent breeding success i have the following available for sale Large Congo tetras £1.50 each Medium sized kribs £1.40 Silver tip tetras 40p Red male fighters £3.00 red female fighters £1.50 Simpsonicthys constaniae £5.00 a trio Epiplatys dageti monroviae £4.00 a trio Northobran... ...
161.Complete [Stocked] Tropical Aquarium 01/05/08 No
For Sale: Rena 1.5 metre Tank on Black Ash Cupboard Stand with 2 Heaters, 2 Fluval 304 Filters, Twin Lightining with new tubes, Nice Gravel, Rocks and Large Bog-wood all well maintained. Tank is very mature, established about 7 years with no fish losses for many years. Stock list is as follows :- Ze... ...
162.fish house closer please make offers.tanks/fish/uvs and stock from wholesale 28/04/08 No
hi there due 2 alot of time wasters im re advertising my setup. 2x7x20x20 foot tanks diveded in two 2-3-2 with back hole . 7x13x13 with centre hole . 6x2x18 with external filters and uv breading unit home made with 8/9 tanks but can add 30 more small tank in the unit,5foot tall 4foot wide and 14... ...
163.fish tank 06/08/07 No
30*15*15 fish tank comes with twin light hood,internal filter,heater,ornaments and gravel this fish tank is in very good cond & comes with a selection of fish .lg angel .lg silver shark .6 barbs . 6 minows .congo tetra .lg spotted catfish .med chocolate doradid (plec) pick up from barr... ...
164.Congo Tetras 24/07/07 No
3 beautiful Congo Tetra's, Selling due to our tank been sold. Will accept £13 each or £35 for all three.
165.Fish for Sale in Northampton 13/05/07 Yes
Loads of beautiful fish for sale. They are listed below. Pics pics can be seen on nury.co.uk. Buyers must collect from Northampton - NN2 7HF. Happy to answer any questions. All reasonable offers will be considered. Thanks! Gourami - Snakeskin/x2/4-6”/£5ea Gourami - Blue Opaline/x2/4”/£4e... ...
166.Scissor Tail Rasbora Congo Tetra 06/05/07 No
I have for sale 6 Scissor tail Rasboras and 3 congo tetras. I got them with the tank I recently purchased and are not what I want. 10 pounds for the lot or best offer. The rasboras are 2 to 3 inches and the congos are around 2 inches long. Very healthy. I also have 1 free black phantom tetra. email ... ...
167.Tanks For Sale 14/06/06 No
48” x 13” x 16” Tank Setup With Stand, Lights & Pump = £60 48” x 12” x 17” Fish Tank With Cabinet, Lights, Pump & Fish. Fish are, 1 Gourami, 2 Rainbow Sharks, 4 Glass Cats, 5 Congo Tetra, 8 Tiger Barbs, Plus, Guppies, Platys, Corys, Tetras & Neons = £100, No Offers. 48” x 13”... ...
168.30inx18inx12in Tank, also 24inx12inx12in Tank, with lights, Fluval 104 and Fluval 2+, 2 heaterstats 04/05/06 No
I am selling the following 30in x 18in x 12in Tropical fish tank, with cabinet. Tank was made bespoke, along with associated cabinet in black Ash. 24in x 12in x 12in Tropical fish tank, with light hood, and black ash stand. 2 heaterstats 1 Fluval 104 external filter 1 Fluval 2+ internal ... ...
169.TANK FOR SALE 11/03/06 Yes
1 tank 48"x24"x15", 10mm glass, with overtank luminaire, 3 tubes (1 moonlight),cover glass, Eheim 2217+ external filter, heater, rena airpump, lots of lrg bogwood, food,treatments,accessories etc, plus fish to include:- 1x black ghost knifefish 8" 1x common pleco 8" 1x marbled headstander 2x s... ...
170.3 TRUE ALTUM ANGELFISH 10/01/06 Yes
171.small fish tank for sale great condition best for biginners 08/11/05 No
i have advertized this tank for sale before but i have been disturbed by fraudsters, one going by the name of willy_bagio@yahoo.com, look out for him, i have had this fish tank for just under a year and i am selling because i wish to persue the hobbie further and buy a bigger tank. the tank is in ex... ...
172.Group of Congo Tetra 10/05/05 Yes
I'm selling a group of 10 congo tetra. These are a fantastic shoaling fish that look even better the older they get! Two of the group are about 3" to 4" which would normally sell in shops for around £10 - £15 each. I've included a few pics of these, but they're a bit tricky to get to stay in ... ...
173.Congo Tetras 09/01/05 Yes
Juvenile Congo Tetras stunning finnage these fish enhance any tank. £3.99 we are in Houghton County Durham.
174.Info 07/09/03 No
If anyone has any info on breeding congo tetras and Boeseman's rainbow and Salmon red rainbow would you please email me thanks a lot.

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