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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  4x2x2 complete tropical setup

Description: It's a Juwel Rio 300, in black. Just under 4x2x2.

Comes with cabinet underneath as well.

It comes as a complete setup, including a well established community of mostly gouramis, tetras and catfish. complete list to follow.

Also included is:

Lots of rocks
Mopani Wood
Planted Bogwood
Live Plants
All the small pots of fish food we have left
2 x 600g tubs of king british catfish pellets one over half full, and one unopened
Air pump
Heater and Filter (inbuilt)
And whatever else I find that I'm not going to use elsewhere..

Fish are (I think I've got them all)
3x Wild Type Angel Fish
2 Moonlight Gouramis
2 Pink Kissing Gouramis
3 Golden Gouramis (1.2)
1 Male Congo Tetra
6 Cardinal Tetras
1 Black Ghost Knife Fish
2/3 emperor tetras
1 Feather Finned Catfish (Synodontis eupterus)
1 Upside Down Catfish (Synodontis nigriventis)
1 Hybrid Catfish (Believed to be S. eupterus x S. multipunctatus)
1 Talking Catfish / Striped Raphael
1 Gibbiceps
1 Bolivian Ram
2 albino corys
4 schwartz corys
3 adolfi corys

This is COLLECTION ONLY! We have a small car, so it won't fit in.
Fish will be well packaged for transport.

This is a hard decision, I love this tank, and have been keeping tropicalfishforthe last 8 years... so it's not going to be easy to let it go!

Asking for £500 for the lot. At this stage, I am not willing to split it down.

Would make a great display tank for a big enough room.

Contact Information
Advertiser: sami
Telephone: 07796491648
Town: Mansfield
County: Nottinghamshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:08/04/09 Views: 2560]

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