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Home :: Discus

  pair of discus to swap

Description: hi i ha have two discus to swap a tiffany yellow that is more orange and a diamond white these are what i have been told they are . want to swap for anything like breeding group of lemon or albino bristle nose & tetras of any kind ,or a good group of congo tetras or a enough fish to make a good deal to swap to go into a 6 foot tank full of bog wood so more soft water . will consider swapping for nice angel fish allso .they are kept in hma water at the minute ,i just don't have the time to care for them at the minute a change in circumstance has led to not changing water as much as they deserve so want some thing less fussy , i can send photo's if you want or give me a ring with what ever you have will consider all overs a breeding group of small L numbres or something of the like allso . they was in a group of six but have bullied the others so i am left wit just these two they have had eggs in the past but not hathced any becouse of water perameters & tank mates i think .just give me a ring n have a chat . thanks nige

Contact Information
Advertiser: nige stansfield
Telephone: 07963 118541
Town: Boston
County: Lincolnshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:16/01/17 Views: 1757]

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