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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  120 FishPod full aquarium setup only £350

Description: 120 litre FishPod aquarium for sale. Only 8/9 months old but just don't have the time for it now. Very good condition. Comes with tank and stand complete as it is. Asking £350 the lot but open to sensible offers.

Includes a large interpet heater, an Interpet PF3 filter pump and an Aqua Air AP3 air pump (dual outlet) with airline tubing and air stones.

Ornaments include 2x bog log, 5 large coloured stones, a medium sized shipwreck and 6 glow in the dark pebbles.

Fish include 2x large veil tailed angelfish, albino cory, fowler's cory, black cory, orange lasered cory, 5x blackline tetra, 3x Congo tetra, 3x flame tetra, 3x x-ray tetra, 3x Buenos Aires tetra, 5/6x various platys, 1x large bristlenose pleco, 1x plecolita brevis, 2 x longnose snails.

Also includes 5x various live plants and everything seen in the pictures including nets, treatments etc. (all opened but in date bottles!)

Please contact me on for more details and for pictures.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Sarah
Town: Highbridge
County: Somerset

Advert stats: [Added or updated:18/06/14 Views: 1446]

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