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  Tropical stock list

Description: Bronze Cory £1.50
Peppered Cory £1.50
Albino cory £1.50
Rabaulti Cory £2.50
Emerald Cory £2.50
Sterbai corys £3.50
Julii Cory £3
Panda corys £6 large

Upsidedown cat£4.50
Striped glass cat £2
Striped Dora cat £4
Featherfin cat £1.50
Hoplo cat £4
Banjo cat £8

algae eaters £1.50

Clown £6
L168 £15
L201 £18
L387 £18.50
L239 £20
L091 £25
L235 £20
Baby bristle nose £3

Assorted Malawi from £4
Yellow tail acei £4.50
Yellow labs £4.50
Albino yellow labs £4.50
Johanni £4.50
Crabo £5
Moori dolphins £8
Blotch Peacock £10

Green terror £6
Midas cichlid £5
Neon blue acara £4.50
Pearl geophagus £5.50
Geophagus tapajos £10
Longfin Oscar £10
Parrot fish £14
Red spotted severum £15
Red shoulder severum £10
Gold severum £8

Pearl gourami £3
Snakeskin gourami £3
Honey gourami £2
Kissing gourami £3.50
Dwarf gourami£4
Croaking gourami £1

Platys £1.50
Guppys £1

Khulli loach £1
Sucking loach £2
Zebra loach £3
Red tail zebra loach £4
Clown loach £4

Rainbow shark £3
Red tail shark £2.50
Albino redfin shark £2.50
Silver shark £3.50

Barred spiney eel £7
Zigzag spiney eel £7
Peacock eel £9
Black ghost knife £7.50

Endlicheri bichir £10
Delhizi bichir £12.50
Pearl arowana £60
Teacup rays £60

American flag fish £2.50
Congo tetra £2.50
Hatchet fish £2
Emperor tetra £1
Rummy nose tetra £1
Siamese fighters from £5

Phantom tetra
Neon tetra
Black neons
All £1 or 5/ £4.

Discus £18.50

Checker barb £1
Black ruby barb £2
Rosy barbs £2.50
Torpedo barbs £12 good size

Blue rainbow £3.50
Bosemani rainbow £3.50
Red rainbow £3.50
Parkinsons rainbow £3.50

Bolivian rams £3.50
Angels £2.50
Keyhole cichlid £3

Black bar dollars £12
Banded leporinus £7
Uaru £10

Mississippi map turtle £18.50

Zebra nerite snail £1
Assasin snail £1
Wood shrimp £5

Cheers Dean

Contact Information
Advertiser: Dean
Telephone: 07977976601
Town: Derby
County: Derbyshire
Web Link:

Advert stats: [Added or updated:10/11/16 Views: 2372]

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