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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Complete Tropical fish aquarium fish tank set up with live plants and fish

Complete Tropical fish aquarium fish tank set up with live plants and fish

Description: I am selling my stunning established tropical setup complete with fish, bog wood, plants, gravel, filtration and LED lighting.

The aquarium is European brand Aquatlantis. Details of the tank are as follows:

ELEGANCE- PLUS-100 181L Elegance Plus 100 Aquarium
LED H2O, AQ-BB-2 Filter, 810L/H Pump, 200w Heater
TANK DIMENSIONS 1022 x 404 x 600mm CABINET DIMENIONS 1022 x 404 x 830 mm

It is in a white high gloss finish with push-opening catches on the doors. The lid has lifting flaps on either side and a slide-close feeding hatch. These are currently selling new for for £449.99.

The tank has an internal filter and LED lighting with the correct spectrum for growing live plants. There is also a 35w 1400lph external canister filter with built in UV filtration (the bulb is due to be replaced as they need replacing every 6 months - these are only a few pounds). Please note that this filter does not run silent. It is running Eheim substraat pro - this is a superior quality bio filtration medium. The glass has the odd tiny scratch to the glass as with any used tank.

The tank is fitted with a removable black background. It has a dark grey sand substrate to show off the colours of the fish most effectively. It is landscaped with bog wood and planted with an attractive collection of live plants - these also help keep the water quality high. The heating has been upgraded to a TMC V2 therm digital heater. There is also 'hobby' brand bladed magnetic tank scraper.

The fish include:
rainbow kribensis
denison barbs
blue rainbow fish
congo tetra
cherry barbs
cardinal tetras
redtail shark

They are a beautiful collection!

There are some other bits and pieces, too, like filter wool, net, food etc.

You will need you own tap safe or a water filtration system. I have been using a plumbed in-line filtration system, which I am listing separately. I am also selling a smaller tank (I used it when moving the main tank and kept in case I needed an emergency or hospital tank) in a separate listing. Please message me if you are interested in buying these items in addition to this setup.

Please ensure that you can transport all of these items (I have one lidded bucket that some of the fish could be moved in). The tank is heavy and large. Collection only - two people will be needed.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Sally Barnes
Telephone: 07875348822
Town: Uckfield
County: Sussex

Advert stats: [Added or updated:05/08/18 Views: 1620]

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