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Tropical Fish Aquariums & Equipment Marine Fish & Inverts Malawi Tanganyikan Discus Cichlids
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1.Superfish ‘Home 110’ Fish Tank Aquarium 03/03/25 No
For sale is my fish tank Contains the following - super fish 110 complete with led lights 12 months old - fluval 307 6 months old - fluval t digital heater 6 months old - fluval a402 air pump - caribsea cichlid pro substrate - seachem cichlid buffers - digital ph tester - comes wi... ...
2.Various Mbuna juveniles always available... Bedfordshire 16/02/25 Yes
Home breeder of Malawi cichlids, Mbuna for over 30 years.. Good selection of fish that you won't see in shops and at a very good price. List to be updated as more fish become available.... Metriaclima Callainos Nhkata Bay OB females and males. Metriaclima Estherae Minos Reef, with OB females ... ...
3.40+ adult malawi mbuna cichlids 2-6inch 2 giant hap/peacocks 19/01/25 Yes
40 plus fish. Real photos. Lots of variety and many stunners. Price is start at 10 pounds for one unless you buy group. Range of healthy adult mbuna fish and a few others that have been living well together. Red top hongi, various Metriaclima e g pseudotropheus, estherea, blue afras, yello... ...
4.Pseudotropheus/ Chindongo Saulosi 11/12/24 Yes
Sub adult male and 2 proven females. These cichlids are prolific breeders when they settle in, which is brilliant to watch. £30 and pick up only from S35 9YW. Any questions text me on 07892897124.
5.various mbuna job lot 25/11/24 No
4 x Pseudotropheus sp. Williamsi blue lips 2m 2f, dominant male 4.5"+ 4 x Pseudotropheus elegans 'Yellow Tail acei' 2.5" 2 x Pseudotropheus elegans 'white Tail acei' 2.5" 1 x Labidochromis chisumulae male 2" 5 x Chindongo saulosi 1m 3" 4f 2" £80 whatsapp 0747... ...
6.Tank shut down 26/07/24 No
1x fully grown female strawberry peacock 1x fully grown female red rubin peacock 1x fully grown male yellow lab 1x fully grown male pseudotropheus lombardoi Around 15 young fry biggest males around 2inch Collection kirkby in ashfield not looking for money just want gone
Any fish considered, looking to establish a large group. Can travel to collect. Just message / WhatsApp me on 07951236829, Steve
Any fish considered, looking to establish a large group. Can travel to collect. Just message / WhatsApp me on 07951236829, Steve
9.Pseudotropheus cyaneorhabdos, Maingano Island 21/01/24 Yes
Pseudotropheus cyaneorhabdos aka Maingano for sale. Adults at £5.00 each. Up to 20 available. Fantastic colours. Can mix with Tropheus cichlids or other Mbuna. Make excellent community fish. Videos available. Local shops sell these at £16 each!
10.African tank closing down 29/01/23 Yes
Hi Ii have approx 100 fish in this 1000L aquarium. I’m closing it down to venture into marine so all must go. Tropheus I will only sell in groups so please don’t offer to buy 1 or 2. Open to offers, collection only in Pontefract. Text me on 07877243057 Tropheus Ikola x12 Tropheus duboisi... ...
11.Wild Malawi Cichlids 02/08/22 Yes
Current Wild Stock list: Imported recently. All out of Qt. -Metriaclima Fainzilberi Magunga OB females 1:2 £30ea -Metriaclima Fainzilberi RT Lundo OB/O females 1:2 £30ea -Metriaclima Zebra Dwarf Manda OB females 1:2 £26ea -Metriaclima Zebra Likoma OB/O females 1:3 £26ea O £28 -... ...
12.Tropical fish malawi lake cichlids 23/03/22 No
Platy's Guppies Green terror Fire mouth Angel fish ( 5 different types ) Barbs ( 4 different types ) Yo yo loach Zebra loach Rainbow shark Red tail shark Albino shark Paradaise fish ( 3 different types ) Gourami ( 5 different types ) Gold bristolnose Super red bristol... ...
13.Mbuna / Haps assortment 12/11/21 Yes
Hi, I have approx 25 fish, mostly mbuna with a few Haps. Need to move my large tank and restock so these need to be rehomed. Looking for £75 for the lot. I have: Pseudotropheus Crabro, large male Melanochromis Vermiverous Metriaclima Estherae Red Zebra Metriaclima Estherae Blue Zebra Met... ...
14.Mbuna Cichlids 28/10/21 No
Metriaclima cobalt blue 2m Labeotropheus trewavasae OB 1 male 1f trewavasae chilumba 1m Labeotropheus trew. O morph 1m labeotropheus fuelleborni ob 1m 1f Labidochromis hongi sun flower (rare, imported from Germany) 1m 2f Williamsi Blu lips 1m 1f pseudotropheus saulosi 1m 3f 2 juvenile saluos... ...
15.Adult Breeding Pairs of Pseudotropheus Crabro 05/10/21 No
I have 3 pairs of these Pseudotropheus Crabro to move on . These are surplus to my requirements now as I have grown them on since fry and it is now time to part with some. Kept at 26c and PH8.Feeding well on flake,pellets and fresh food. Spawning regularly in my main tank but few survive due to p... ...
16.Demasoni wanted 01/08/21 No
On the look out for some pseudotropheus demasoni in co durham area , email with details cash waiting
17.I have lots of breeding groups of pure bred stunning Malawi Cichlids for sale. 27/05/21 Yes
Mbuna Breeding groups. They all breed regularly. Massive adult breeding group of Pseudotropheus crabro group Metriaclima Zebra Fenzbreli Maison reef group Melanochromis Interuptus group Pseudotropheus Yellow tail acei group Labidochromis Yellow labs group Labidochromis Perlmutt group Mayla... ...
18.Adult mbuna for sale 08/02/21 Yes
Hi all. I have 8 Malawi Mbuna(mainly males) for sale: 1 x Pseudotropheus socolofi (powder blue) around 10cm 4 x Cynotilapia afra cobue 1 male around 6-7 cm rest around 5cm( 1 female) 1 x Black Acei around 7cm 1 x Yellow Lab around 6 cm 1 x female I think is Saulosi around 6-7cm All for £3... ...
19.Juvenile Mbuna for sale - Pseudotropheus Elongatus Mpanga 17/01/21 Yes
6 months old, approx 5 to 6cm in length, over 20 available. £4 each, or 3 for £10, further discount on larger numbers. Ring for details if interested, I'm in Harrogate. Mike
20.Wet Pets Solihull Have stunning Malawi Juvies for sale some rarer ones and a good size a must see li 01/12/20 Yes
Hi all. I am an enthusiastic hobbyist breeder/seller of Malawi, Tanganyikan and Victorian Cichlids. I have a pet license and I have been keeping these amazing rift fish for over 20 years. Below is a list of new fish I have ready for collection. Most of the fish on the list will be £7.00 ea... ...
21.Wet Pets Solihull Have stunning Malawi Juvies for sale some rarer ones and a good size a must see li 24/11/20 Yes
Hi. Due to the government guidelines because of the Covid 19 virus. We can't have people in the fish house at the moment till the lockdown is over. So we are doing a click and collect take away service from the front door at the moment till further notice. You are welcome to pm on facebook or even w... ...
22.New list below for the 20 x 3-5 cm Mbuna for £65 or 10 of the fish listed below for just £40.00. 03/11/20 Yes
Hi. Due to the government guidelines because of the Covid 19 virus. We can't have people in the fish house at the moment till the lockdown is over. So we are doing a click and collect take away service from the front door at the moment till further notice. You are welcome to pm on facebook or even w... ...
23.24 Mbuna nice fish not hybrids (Sheffield) 22/09/20 Yes
Wild Metriaclima Msobo Ngwazi (1 male  ...1 female..) both 3.5 inch.. 2 x Pseudotropheus Saulosi ( 2 female) 2.5 inch.. ..tb 4 x PseudotropheusSocolofi (F1....1m 3f) Males 3.5 inch Females 3 inch PseudotropheusFlavus  F1 (1male.. 3.5 inch) 2 Tropheops chulumba orange 2.5 ... ...
24.SHEFFIELD Full malawi MBUNA 300 litre set up inc cabinet £380 ...25 x fish 24/08/20 Yes
Wild Metriaclima Msobo Ngwazi (1 male ...1 female..) both 3.5 inch.. 3 x Pseudotropheus Saulosi (1 male 2 female) 2.5 inch.. ..tb 4 x Pseudotropheus Socolofi (F1....1m 3f) Males 3.5 inch Females 3 inch Pseudotropheus Flavus (1male.. 3.5 inch) 3 Tropheops chulumba orange 2.5 inche... ...
25.300 litre set up inc cabinet - SHEFFIELD Full malawi MBUNA 24/08/20 No
Txt 07792539580..Ricky 300 litre inc cabinet & spare hood.. 3d background & filter heater cover.. External 2000 lph filter Heater coral gravel also ocean rock. (Bogwood & 2 lemon bristlenose not included) Wild Metriaclima Msobo Ngwazi (1 male ...1 female..) both 3.5 inch.. 3 x Pseudot... ...
26.Pseudotropheus Saulosi breeding colony for sale SOLD 23/07/20 Yes
For sale is my breeding colony of P. Saulosi, 10 fish in total. 4 confirmed males and 5 females, 1 suspected 5th male. Breed regularly and males have stunning colours. Bargain £5 per fish or £40 for the group. For £50 I'll also throw in a catfish, loach and 2 flying foxes currently living happ... ...
27.12 X (Dwarf Cichlid) 1 X Pseudotropheus (Female Malawi) 1 X Sunrise Platy & Food 28/04/20 Yes
12 Dwarf Cichlids (Apistogramma regani males and females I believe) 1 Female Malawi Cichlid 1 Sunburst Platy Two bags of different sized cichlid fish food Only £25 Collect from Price House, Liberator Place, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 7BP
28.Malawi Cichlids for sale (over 40 fish) Preston (PR1) 10/02/20 Yes
Malawi cichlids for sale, I have over 40 in the tank. I am looking for a quick sale and therefore selling all together for £200. Will not sell individual fish. I am selling them because I require the funds for another project. Please see the photos and the your tube link here: https://youtu.be/... ...
29.Malawi fish 24/04/19 Yes
FishFish for sale Breeding pairs/groups White tail acie Yellow tail acie(itungi) Black mask mjembi Mjembi Barlow Blue zebras Yellow labs Tropheops yellow cheek(female just spat) Kingsizei Memba deep Elongatus blue mbenji Perileucus likoma Black margin Jalo reef Pseudotropheus int... ...
30.Full set up including over 30 Malawi Chiclids 16/04/19 Yes
35 assorted Chiclids including aprrox the following 5 x Metriaclima greshakei (ice blue cichlid) 7 x Labidochromis Coureleeus 1 x Red Tail Plec (25cm long) 3 x Synodontis pretend upside down catfish 3 x assorted cichlids 3 x black and blue and yellow striped 3 x Aulonocara hansbaenschi... ...
31.Big View 400 LITRE Tank, Full set up including over 30 Malawi Chiclids 16/04/19 Yes
This is a complete set up. There are 2 filters, 1 in the lid and an external filter which is only 6 months old and includes ultra violet filtering. 35 assorted Chiclids including aprrox the following 5 x Metriaclima greshakei (ice blue cichlid) 7 x Labidochromis Coureleeus 1 x Red Tail... ...
32.Wanted: female Pseudotropheus johannii 12/01/19 No
I have 2 males, looking for females, if anyone has any?
33.Pseudotropheus Acei F1 2inch ( 5-6cm ) £ 8 each 4inch (10cm) £12 each The fish are very well loo 03/12/18 No
Pseudotropheus Acei F1 2inch ( 5-6cm ) £ 8 each 4inch (10cm) £12 each The fish are very well looked after and great care. tel 07740166385 Bradford
34.Malawi Juveniles for sale 17/11/18 Yes
I have the following for sale; TB (F2) Melanochromis Cyaneorhabdos Maingano – 5/6cm £4 (3 for £10) TB (F2) Cynotilapia Afra Lion Cove Sanga – 4/5cm £4 (3 for £10) TB Cynotilapia Afra Cobue – 4/5cm £4 (3 for £10) TB (F3) Tropheops Elongatus Kumwera 5/6cm £4 TB (F2) Tropheops Aurora ... ...
35.Ripples Waterlife, Shenstone. Malawi, Tanganyikan Cichlids. 24/08/18 Yes
West Midlands based aquatic retail centre. We have everything needed to keep freshwater fish happy and healthy, whether it be tropical or coldwater, aquarium or pond, we have all the necessary equipment needed to get you started, or keep you going. We have a great range of livestock and plants, and ... ...
36.Pseudotropheus sp. "Williamsi North" blue lips Cichlid 26/07/18 No
Hi im looking to source female pseudotropheus sp. "Williamsi North" blue lips large adults. Thanks
37.Malawi Haps, Peacocks, Mbuna & Wilds NEW LIST 25/07/18 No
We are going to a well known malawi cichlid supplier in Germany this Friday. This week is the last week to send preorders. Please contact as soon as possible to express interest and for prices as we need to preorder with the supplier next week. There is no minimum order. Door to door del... ...
38.Cichlid Tank Shutdown 13/07/18 Yes
Everything must go.Stock includes Frontosa Kigoma male Annecten male Red Empress male:2females Borleyi Kandango male:2females Saulosi male:2females Metriaclima Fainzilberi male:2females Metriaclima Pyrsonotos Nakatenga male Tropheops Yellow Mauvex5 Tropheops Yellow Hongi juvenilesx20 Litho... ...
39.Kent rift cichlids Rift Valley cichlids import from Germany 03/07/18 Yes
Description: Hi, We have a wide range of high grade, German import, rare malawi/tanganyikan cichlids for sale. They are all either WC,SNZ or F1.All our fish came from cichlidenstadl,Mal-ta-vi,Aquahaus and aquatreff. Delivery service available with apc. £24 per box, max 9 small fish or 6 large fi... ...
40.Malawi Mbuna Cichlids 14/06/18 No
Mixed group of mbuna cichlids. £3 each or £5 for large ones. Loads to choose from including Yellow Tail Acei White Tail Acei Pseudotropheus Crabro
41.Fully Revised Stock List - The Aquatic Store Bristol 09-05-2018 09/05/18 Yes
Tetras: Super Ringo Owando Tetra (Very Rare) Red Congo Tetra (Alestopetersius Brichardi) RARE Black Neon Tetra Yellow Neon Tetra Marble Hatchet Fish Giant Silver Hatchet Fish Cardinal Tetra (Super Condition) Red Phantom Tetra Black Phantom Tetra Red Eyed Tetra Flame Tetra Super Oran... ...
42.AQUA-SHACK::::High quality African rift lake cichlids 16/03/18 Yes
Aquashack Seaham County Durham Specialising in only the highest quality African rift lake cichlids. Fully licensed with 25 years fish keeping experience and almost 10 years as an importer/retailer. Aulonocara Mamalela 4cm £7.50e Aulonocara eureka 4-5cm £7.50e Aulonocara hansbaenchi 4-5... ...
43.malawi mbuna adults now in stock at j2o cichlids 05/03/18 Yes
loads of malawi mbuna now in stock at j2o cichlids pseudotropheus elongatus chewere wild caught golden kawanga F1 pseudotropheus polit lions cove yellow labs greshakei yellow tail acei red zebra pseudotropheus elongatus pseudotropheus elongatus mphanga elongatus ornatus melanochromis aura... ...
What's better than getting new fish?? How about new fish with a discount. K&C are proud to announce a small initiative that hopefully everyone will benefit from. *** NEW CUSTOMERS *** 10% off your first purchase and as much free advice as you like. *** RECOMMEND A FRIEND *** If any of ... ...
45.Acei Yellow tail, C Moori (Cambridge) 13/01/18 Yes
Pseudotropheus Acei Yellow Tail 8cm £5 6-4cm 15 for £38, 12 for £33, 8 for £25, 4 for £16 Pictured is father of the fish Crytocara Moori male 12cm £14 Aul. Baenschi Benga male TB 9cm £8 SOLD Nyassachromis Microcephalus 6-8cm £14 for trio SOLD Placidochromis Phenochilus Md... ...
46.Around 15 fish all a couple of inches Pseudotropheus interruptus Labeotropheus trewavasae chilumba 06/12/17 No
Around 15 fish all a couple of inches Pseudotropheus interruptus Labeotropheus trewavasae chilumba Labeotropheus trewavasae thumbi west mat ob clown loach £30 Oldham Manchester
47.MIDLANDS MALAWIS,Mbuna & Haps in Nottingham 07/11/17 Yes
We are fully council licenced breeders/importers with a selection of high quality Malawi Cichlids available that we have bred or imported. Most of our fish are bred from wild caught or F1 parents and a handful of tank bred fish. We are Eastwood Nottingham, M1 j26/j27 just up from Ikea. Delivery a... ...
48.Malawi Cichlids For Sale 04/11/17 Yes
Pseudotropheus Elongatus Mpanga (TB) 4-5cm £2.00 (6 for £10.00) Cynotilapia Lion Cove Sanga (F2) 2.5 -3cm £3.00 (x 6) Cynotilapia Hara Gallireya Reef (F2) 2.5-3cm £3.00 (x 2) Melanochromis Johanni (F2) 5-6cm £3.00 (x 4) Pseudotropheus Acei Ngara (TB) 5-6cm £2.00 (x 6) All imag... ...
49.Juwel Trigon 350 01/10/17 No
Jewel trigon 350 corner tank excellent condition X 2 Eheim 2217 X 2 Hydor 300w  in line heaters X 4 superfish led lights £575 for the whole set up Pm if interested as shutting down tank Collection LE5 Malawi Cichlids                                   ... ...
50.Closing down tank 25/09/17 No
Malawi Cichlids                                         Msobo Magunga Elongatus Mpanga Elongatus gold bar Pseudotropheus saulosi Zebra Long Pelvic Hara Gallireya Reef Zebra Gold Kawanga. Trewavasae 'thumbi west' m/cat Elongatus chailosi Yellow Tail Ac... ...
51.Dandy Cichlids Malawi and Tanganyikan Cichlids UPDATED LIST 24/09/17 No
Dandy Cichlids is one if not the largest stockist and importer of high quality African Cichlids in the north of England. We are based in Peterlee County Durham. We ship fish all over the UK and also do personal delivery runs. If you are looking for the best African Cichlids in the hobby you are welc... ...
52.Dandy Cichlids NEW IMPORT FROM GERMANY NOW IN STOCK 24/09/17 No
Dandy Cichlids is one if not the largest stockist and importer of high quality African Cichlids in the north of England. We are based in Peterlee County Durham. We ship fish all over the UK and also do personal delivery runs. If you are looking for the best African Cichlids in the hobby you are welc... ...
53.Kent rift cichlids new arrivals from Cichlidenstadl Germany 08/06/17 Yes
Kent Rift Cichlids new arrivals Malawi Cichlids Aulonocara baenschi Benga 8-10cm £24 Aulonocara ethelwynnae 7-10cm £24 Aulonocara maleri Chidunga rocks 8-10cm £36 WC Aulonocara maylandi 8-10cm £24 nice Aulonocara spec.Eureka 9-11cm £24 Aulonocara spec. Fire fish 9-10cm £24 males A... ...
54.Lots of breeding Malawi up for grabs 01/06/17 No
All fish very healthy and fed on a varied diet. Fish age ranging from 14 - 20 months and sizes from 3 to 5 inch CYNOTILAPIA AFRA WHITE TOP LIKOMA F1 breeding pair  £30 PSEUDOTROPHEUS ELONGATUS MPANGA Breeding group 2.2 £40 Labidochromis caeruleus breeding pair  £20 Melanochromis ... ...
Updated stocklist 10.5.17 What's better than getting new fish?? How about new fish with a discount. K&C are proud to announce a small initiative that hopefully everyone will benefit from. *** NEW CUSTOMERS *** 10% off your first purchase and as much free advice as you like. *** RECOMM... ...
56.For sale mbuna cichlids 14/05/17 No
For sale mbuna cichlids. I have 2 metriaclima zebra dolphin mandas £20, trio of yellow tailed aceis , 2 pulpican £20, pair of breeding pimelodus pictus catfish f 5 1/2" and m 4 1/2" for £35, a breeding trio of mbenje at £30, a breeding pair of mbenje at £20, pair of socolofi appx 4-4 1/2" ... ...
57.K&C Rift Valley Cichlids NorthWest 20/04/17 No
Updated stocklist 10.4.17 What's better than getting new fish?? How about new fish with a discount. K&C are proud to announce a small initiative that hopefully everyone will benefit from. *** NEW CUSTOMERS *** 10% off your first purchase and as much free advice as you like. *** REC... ...
58.Malawis Mbuna and Haps 08/03/17 Yes
Midlands malawis Largest selection,best quality & price in the Midlands Appointment or simply buy through the our website www.midlandsmalawis.co.uk We also have Facebook group Midlandsmalawis Upto date list Wild caught,F1 and tank bred fish available Mbuna Cynotilapia hara galereya ree... ...
59.Zebra Cichlid Maylandia (Pseudotropheus) zebra mbuna 01/03/17 No
i have a tank full of these and they just keep breeding. so i need to thin out the numbers a bit. the tank is 5 ft and well established and the fish range from juvenile to fully grown. the fully grown are around 3 years old. £5 each for juveniles(if you can catch them) £10 each fully grown
60.Various African Mbuna Cardiff 26/02/17 No
For sale quality Malawi Mbuna species, the list below is what is currently available Pseudotropheus saulosi TB from F2, Pseudotropheus Acei Ngara F2 Pseudotropheus elongates Mphanga Various prices starting from £7, reductions on groups. For more information and viewing call 07... ...
61.F1 Pseudotropheus elongatus chewere: £4 each or 3 for £10 02/02/17 Yes
I currently have 30 F1 chewere for sale. They are 5cm. The male and female from which they are bred are both wild caught. My male is a great example of the species and is shown in the picture. They are mbuna from Lake Malawi and are cichlids. If you are interested in buying some of... ...
BASED IN WALKDEN, MANCHESTER *** NEW CUSTOMERS *** 10% off your first purchase and as much free advice as you like. *** RECOMMEND A FRIEND *** If any of our members recommend a friend your self and your friend will receive 10% off each of your purchases. (To qualify for this offer, both... ...
63.Parkers Aquatic Centre - Tropical Fish in Bristol, Full Stocklist 17/12/16 Yes
Latest Fish List - Updated 17/12/16 Current stock List: Inverts: Bamboo shrimp : few Yamoto shrimp: cherry shrimp: yellow fire shrimp: Assorted Crystal Shrimp: Large blue lobster Vampire crabs Tetra/ Characins: Black widow tetra Cardinal tetra Congo tetra Neon tetra Serpae tet... ...
64.Tonys African Cichlids - Most diverse range of qualityUK bred Malawi Cichlids Delivered to your door. Orders over £100 FREE COURIER 12/12/16 Yes
Disclaimer - All photos are OUR photos of OUR fish taken by US. :) The most diverse range of Malawi Cichlids in the UK which have been bred in our water. This makes them robust, hardy and easy to settle in. It makes the colour amazing, the vitality top notch and overall exceptional fish. Please c... ...
65.Magic Malawis 02/12/16 Yes
For sale in jan 2017 Pseudotropheus elongatus neon spot 5.99 pound Get your orders in to avoid dissappointment at maxjayeuk@outlook.com or call or txt 07706269171. We at Magic Malawi's aim to buy the best and all fish are qurantines for 7-14 days and we use paypal for secure transactions for ... ...
AFRICAN LAKE MALAWI CICHLIDS (MBUNA) Rock dwelling cichlids. FORSALE:- Pseudotropheus SAULOSI 2-4cm £5:00 EACH. Pseudotropheus sp. elongatus MPANGA 3-5cm 3 fish for £10:00. Metriaclima zebra chilumba MAISON REEF 3-6cm £5:00 EACH. Metriaclima zebra GOLD KAWANGA 2-3-cm £5:00 EA... ...
67.Mbuna 04/10/16 No
Due to closing down my tank. I'm selling all my fish. All MBUNA £160 There's about £200s worth of fish. Iv itemised them as follows but I'm wanting to sell as a job lot so I'm not left with any for when the tank goes. Most of them are from: K&C rift valley. Kevs rifts Tony's Afric... ...
68.More malawis 02/10/16 No
Hi all im very interested in any pure breed malawis across sussex who can deliver.Any pet shops or private breeder that can post fish threw apc can contact me by email at maxjayeuk@outlook.com. At more malawis will make an offer on any fish from juviniles to adults.I want people to know we aim to bu... ...
69.F1/Wild cichlids for sale or swap for tropheus 25/09/16 Yes
Hi selling the following: 10 F1 Metricalima Masoni Reef 2cm £4 each Breeding group of 4 stunning F1 Pseudotropheus Pelvic Mdoka 10cm £32 Breeding pair of Wild pelvic mdoka £30 Breeding pair of F1 Jalo reef 5-6cm £15 Breeding pair of F1 Aulonocara Baenshi Benga 5cm... ...
70.Southampton - F1 Metriaclima sp. Msobo magunga, F1 Luwino Reef & Pseudotropheus Acei Itungi 17/09/16 No
F1 Metriaclima sp. "Msobo" magunga 4 to 5cm £10 each. 2 likely males and 5 likely females available. SOLD F1 Metriaclima zebra Luwino Reef 4 to 5 cm £9 each. Difficult to sex at present, but colouring up well and around 20 available. 10 SOLD TB Pseudotropheus Acei "Itungi" 3 to 5cm £6 e... ...
71.Pseudotropheus williamsi blue lips 17/08/16 No
Selling my group of blue lips due to going back to just haps and peacocks. 5 all together. X3 5inch maybe a little bigger x2 4 inch. No time wasters please £90 please text 07977787072
72.Wild and f1 groups for sale 24/07/16 No
As above, I'm moving on some groups to make way for new wilds. For sale are: 2 f1 ob metriaclima mbenji females 8cm - £15 2m 2f f1 metriaclima long pelvic mdoka 8-10cm - £30 1m 2f f1 pseudotropheus polit 6-7cm £25 Wild pair metriaclima chailosi chitande 8cm - £30 4 pond raised metriacl... ...
73.Fry mbuna/aulonocara (Cambridge) 20/07/16 No
25-plus fry - Iodotropheus Sprengerae (rusties), £12 for all fry. 35-45 fry - Pseudotropheus Acei yellow tail fry. £15 for all fry. 11 fry - Aulonocara O/B fire. £8 for all fry. Text/Call 07973 515332 to collect in Cambridge, or can deliver to within 30 miles to Cambs, North West Essex, ... ...
74.1st quality Malawi juveniles THE CHEAPEST 28/06/16 Yes
I have for sale beautiful healthy malawi juveniles size 1.5 inch and more: - pseudotropheus socolofi albino - lodotropheus sprengerae 'rusty' - labidochromis caraleus DUE TO HOUSE MOVE! GRAB A BARGAIN!!!: Price: £1.5/each. If ordered more than 10 - £1/each I have 7 tanks with Tangany... ...
75.Juvenile Malawi for sale. Lowest price 13/06/16 Yes
I have for sale beautiful healthy malawi juveniles size inch and more: - pseudotropheus socolofi albino - lodotropheus sprengerae 'rusty' - labidochromis caraleus Price: £2/each. Minimum 5 fish order. I have 7 tanks with Tanganyika and Malawi only. Based in Earls Barton/Northants ... ...
76.mbuna, haps and peacocks for sale. from one inch to three inch. 20/05/16 No
various quality juveniles: labeotropheus trewavasae chilumba with OB females. labeotropheus trewavasae mphanga with OB females. pseudotropheus flavus dwarf. lodotropheus sperengerae. rustys. williamsoni blue lips. albino red top grasheki. ob peacocks. cyrtocara moori dolphins. prices star... ...
77.pseudotropheus saulosi £5 19/05/16 No
For sale I have two young saulosi males at about 2-2.5" of size. Healthy and eating well (as greedy as they are :) ) If you have any questions email, text or call. Thanks
Have load off F1 afra hara & blue lips with few afra cobue load other types growing but the 3 listed are ready now afra hara/cobue are Google pics to show what they like the blue lips are my breeding male £5 each or 5 for £20 afra cobue are 3 for £12 collection near Colchester Essex ... ...
79.Various malawi fry for sale 09/05/16 Yes
I have for sale beautiful healthy fry size inch plus: - pseudotropheus socolofi albino - lodotropheus sprengerae 'rusty' - labidochromis caraleus Price depends on quantity. £2.5-£3/each I have 7 tanks with Tanganyika and Malawi only. Based in Earls Barton/Northants contact: info@... ...
80.Tank bred Malawi and Tanganyika Cichlids for sale 27/03/16 Yes
Aulonocara usisya F1 4-5cm £6.00 each Aulonocara Eureka super red 8-10cm stunning and breeding. £25.00 pair Aulonocara undu reef blue neon breeding group, 1 wild male, 1 wild female, 4 unrelated f1 females, £60, breeding Cyrtocara moorii F2 5-9cm£7.00 Lethrinops rainbow tanzania F2 5-7cm£... ...
81.Mbuna 21/03/16 No
List of what i have in - F1 zebra gold kawanga £25 pair F1 metriaclima msobo hetropictus lundu island £20 pair F1 pseudotropheus membe deep unsexed £5 each F1 patricki chindunga pair £20 F1 lawsi nkhata bay (rare) £30 trio Wilds- Barlowi chindunga male £20 Tropheops minos reef femal... ...
82.WILD pseudotropheus ndumbi gold likoma group 1m 5f 14/03/16 Yes
Wild pseudotropheus ndumbi gold likoma group for sale males are purple with black barring and the females a golden yellow similar to pseudotropheus salousi. 1male 5 females. Collection Edinburgh
83.Pseudotropheus elongatus chailosi chitande Trio wc/f1 14/03/16 Yes
I have a wild pair with another F1 female, I bought these to start a breeding group but have now changed my plans, grab a bargain I paid top dollar and postage. collection from Croydon £30 for the group!!
84.Saulosi, neon spot and f1 yellow lab adults for sale 07/03/16 No
Due to adding new groups and males to my existing breeding groups I am now moving on my adult pseudotropheus saulosi fully grown male which has produced a lot of quality fry over the last year or so... I try to change my males every 12-18 months to add a new blood line and have just collected 3 new ... ...
85.Pseudotropheus Saulosi Wanted 25/02/16 No
I'm looking for a group /6-8/, young or adult,of Saulosi in Lincoln area
86.WANTED - group of Pseudotropheus demasoni 17/02/16 No
Still looking and can travel to collect the right group either at weekends or any time this week as I am on holiday. Please let me know if you have any within a reasonable distance from Southampton, or if you could post.
87.Malawi breeding pairs, trios and groups. 11/02/16 Yes
Wild group tropheops red fin kakusa 1m & 4f £50. Pseudotropheus elongatus mpanga 2m 3f £50 W/c male F1 females and male. BREEDING F1 male cynotiapia cobue £10. F1 melanochromis parrelles £5 each. Copadichromis red fin borleyi pair male just starting to colour  £15 Metriaclima Nkhata bay... ...
88.Malawi breeding pairs, trios and groups. 11/02/16 Yes
Wild group tropheops red fin kakusa 1m & 4f £50. Pseudotropheus elongatus mpanga 2m 3f £50 W/c male, one W/c female and rest are F1.BREEDING F1 male cynotiapia cobue £10. F1 melanochromis parrelles £5 each. Copadichromis red fin borleyi pair male just starting to colour  £15 Metriaclima ... ...
89.K&C Rift Valley Cichlids NorthWest 29/01/16 Yes
Updated stocklist 23.1.16 *** WILDS *** Cynotilapia zebroides red top likoma (all reserved) Cynotilapia Zebroides Charo - £20ea Cynotilapia sp. Lion's Cove - (all reserved) Labidochromis Chisumulae Chizumulu - £24ea Metriaclima zebra mbenji + OB Females Mbenji - £24ea Orange female - £... ...
90.Labidochromis Honghi, Labidochromis Caeruleus & Pseudotropheus Salousi (coral) 26/01/16 Yes
I am selling my lemon, Honghi and Salousi juveniles. £3 each collection only from SY16. Pictures are of adults of the species advertised.(internet photos)(photos of the juveniles an be provided on request) May swap for Placidochromis Mhenochilus mdoka. Any other reasonable swaps considered. (p... ...
91.Pseudotropheus Saulosi 19/12/15 No
Young Saulosi's,Dwarf Mbuna, Malawi Cichlid . 1.5-2 inch, £2 each.
Size 2" £4ea or 3 for £10 Elongatus Ornatus Albino Greshakei Whitetail Acei Johanni Cobalt Blue Zebra Obliquiden Yellow Lab Red Top Greshakei Dolphins Lab Pearlmutt Ps. Salousi Mix Peacock 3" 2 for £10 Pseudotropheus aurora 4-5cm £4.00ea Pseudotropheus elongatus "Neon sp... ...
93.Stunning Malawi Cichlids 17/12/15 Yes
Currently have the following for sale Collection from Rochdale, OL165BD Size 2" £4ea or 3 for £10 Elongatus Ornatus Albino Greshakei Whitetail Acei Johanni Cobalt Blue Zebra Obliquiden Yellow Lab Red Top Greshakei Dolphins Lab Pearlmutt Ps. Salousi Mix Peacock 3" 2 for £10... ...
94.Quality Malawi Cichlids 03/12/15 Yes
New Tank Bred & F1 shipment has just landed at K&C Rift Valley Cichlids NorthWest Updated stocklist 29.11.15 *** WILDS *** NEW WILD LIST COMING SOON ;) **F1 & Tank bred** Aulonocara stuartgranti materi 8cm £32/pair Aulonocara eureka red 8-10cm £32/pair Cyrtocara moorii 6cm - WAS £... ...
96.Fish Stock List 01/12/15 01/12/15 Yes
COLD & TEMPERATE FISH: Black Comet £2.49 Each or 3 for £6 Black Moor £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Blue Oranda £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Assorted Fantail £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 White Fantail £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Sucking loach £1.79 Each Gold Sucking Loach £2.49 White Cloud Minnow £1... ...
97.FISH STOCK LIST 27/11/15 27/11/15 No
COLD & TEMPERATE FISH: Black Comet £2.49 Each or 3 for £6 Black Moor £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Blue Oranda £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Assorted Fantail £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 White Fantail £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Sucking loach £1.79 Each Gold Sucking Loach £2.49 Each White Cloud M... ...
98.Breeding Groups For Sale 21/11/15 No
All Adult breeding groups collection Queens Hills, Norwich, Norfolk can arrange delivery to most parts of the U.K for an additional cost. Mbuna Metriaclima Greshakei 1M 2F £40 Labidochromis Sp. Hongi (Super Red Top) 1M 3F £70 F1 Pseudotropheus Williamsi North 1M 4F £100 Pseudotropheus Elon... ...
99.Large selection of Malawi and Tanganyikan cichlids 18/11/15 No
Tropheus : - bemba orange - firecracker Labidochromis perlmutt Labidochromis chisumulae interruptus Red top labs Pseudotropheus demasoni Pseudotropheus elongates chewere Peacocks : - Calicos - Reds - Sulphur heads - Red shouldered - Freibergs - Yellows Haps: - Red empress ... ...
100.Breeding groups - Top quality mbuna 04/11/15 No
Reluctant sale of some of my breeding groups to make room for new breeding projects... My fish have been carefully chosen by some of the leading breeders/importers over the years so you can be sure of the quality. 1m 2f F1 Labidochromis caeruleus ruarwe (yellow labs) - £20 3" pair F1 petrot... ...
101.Malawi Mbuna 19/10/15 No
Looking to buy some malawi Mbuna but not to expensive only start maximum £3/4 fishe. Labidochromis caeruleus (Nkhata Bay) Metriaclima estherae (Blue) Metriaclima estherae (Red) Metriaclima greshakei (Albino) Metriaclima sp. "Membe Deep" Metriaclima sp. "Msobo" Metriaclim... ...
102.Malawi 15/10/15 Yes
Loads Malawi for sale 7ft tank of various sizes from fry to 7 inch Prices from £5 Peacocks Marbles Aulunacara baenschi benga Aulunacara burgandy Metriuclima aurora Red top hong I Lab Aurelius Pandamilla Nyerere Aulunacara sunset Sciaenochromis fryeri. Snow Sciaenochromis frye... ...
103.K&C Rift Valley Cichlids NorthWest 13/10/15 Yes
Please get in contact to arrange a viewing of our stunning Malawi Cichlids we currently have to offer. We look forward to hearing from you :) Updated stocklist 11.10.15 **WILD** Melanochromis kaskazini 'northern blue' - £20ea Metriaclima zebra higga reef 'sunrise' - £22ea Pseudotro... ...
104.K&C Rift Valley Cichlids NorthWest 12/10/15 No
Please get in contact to arrange a viewing of our stunning Malawi Cichlids we currently have to offer. We look forward to hearing from you :) Updated stocklist 11.10.15 **WILD** Melanochromis kaskazini 'northern blue' - £20ea Metriaclima zebra higga reef 'sunrise' - £22ea Pseudotro... ...
105.Malawi cichlids for sale 02/10/15 Yes
I have the following malawi's for sale Adults juveniles and fry Cynotilapia chinyankwazi Cynotilapia afra mbamba Cynotilapia afra cobue Pseudotropheus kingsizei lupingu Pseudotropheus elongatus neon spot Pseudotropheus elongatus likoma island Pseudotropheus flavus Pseudotropheus acei Met... ...
106.African Cichlid Breeder UK Based 30/09/15 Yes
Queens Aquatics are a U.K based Cichlid Supplier we breed all of our fish here in UK water so you're guaranteed that Cichlids from us are already acclimatised to the British waters. We source our stock from either F1 or Wild Caught where possible carefully making sure we don't breed with the same bl... ...
107.New malawi 29/09/15 Yes
Some nee Malawi Washington aquatics Sciaenochromis fryeri 4-5" £9.99 Sciaenochromis fryeri ice 4-5" £12 Pseudotropheus Red zebra 4-5" £7.99 cyrtocara moorii f1 4-5" 14.99 cyrtocara moorii tb. 5-6" £14.99 Aulonocara baensca benga 4" £8 Metriaclima sp. 'zebra chilum... ...
108.Rift Lake Cichlids in Bristol - Parkers Aquatics Stocklist 20th September 20/09/15 Yes
Mbuna: Pseudotropheus hajomaylandi 'chismulu' Abactochromis labrosus "Chismulu" F1 - Extremely rare Cynotilapia Zebroides 'Jalo Reef' F1 - 2 Left Labidochromis hongi Labidochromis sp. yellow Melanochromis auratus albino Melanochromis johanni "red" Melanochromis maingano Pseudtropheus crabr... ...
109.New stock list 25/08/15 Yes
Few awful pictures washington aquatics stock list community rainbow shiners £4 torpedo barbs £4 clown loach 2" £4 MEKONG RED FIN LAMPEYE KILLIS £2 sunset platys £2 saluwsi rock shrimp £4 medium Rock Shrimp xlarge £5.99 betta pugnax £3 cherry shrimp 1ea 10 for £8 ghost k... ...
110.Pseudotropheus polit from F1 unrelated parents 09/08/15 No
As above, I have just ten Pseudotropheus polit remaining from unrelated f1 parents. 1-1.5" in size £3 each or all ten for £25. (Definitely two males in the group) Pics to be sent at your request.
111.Stunning Mbuna breeding pairs for sale 09/08/15 Yes
As above I am reluctantly moving on some breeding groups I've had for a while now, including: F1 metriaclima zebra gold Kawanga 3 pairs to be sold as a group only £70 Elongatus neon spot pair @ 3" £20 (SOLD) F1 labidochromis caeruleus ruarwe (yellow labs) £35 2 pairs TB pair pseudotropheus... ...
112.Pseudotropheus saulosi 1 n half inches group of 12 �20pound 02/08/15 Yes
Pseudotropheus saulosi 1 n half inches group of 12 �20pound thats less the �1.80 a fish bargain only selling as going to royal pythons instead colletion s11(as dont drive) scott 07927928305 pics what there will look like
113.high quality and hand picked more a thausand cichlids 28/07/15 Yes
Live your tank with eye catching colours and different sizes of African cichlids including Frontosa, most amazing coloured peacocks, SP.44, Demasoni, Electra and much more which allows you to create a unique and a fascinating fish tank. More than a thousand exquisite high quality fishes are ... ...
115.Malawi cichlids 13/07/15 Yes
Juvenile Malawi cichlids for sale pseudotropheus acei Itungi and metriaclima zebra ob between 4/6 cm £3 each or 10 for £20 will do same deal on a mix of both. Priced to clear need the room over 50 of each type left anyone interested in a job lot get intouch will do deal on what's left
116.New Price List - Wholesale Aquatics - Please have a L@@K 03/07/15 Yes
***Updated*** Stock List 10% Off of website with Coupon AQUACLASS Delivery available Visit our website (Click on banner next to Adverts) or wholesale-aquatics.com **Pleco** L18 8-9cm £25 L146/148 Rubber nose £5 3x £12 L190 6-8cm £18 L201 5-6cm £20 Common Goldspot 8" £5 **O... ...
117.Updated Stock List Wholesale Aquatics 30/06/15 No
**New Plecos Added** L201 - £20 (7-8cm) L190 - £20 (7-8cm) UK Pre 12 Next day Delivery Available - £15 Aquidens meta £5 Geophagus surnamensis £7 3x £15 Longnosed Elephant 10cm £10 Butterfly fish £5 Longear Sun fish £5 Dwarf Puffer Fish £2.50 Black Ghost Knife 3" £6 Zebr... ...
118.F1 pseudotropheus polit and cynotilapia sp. hara 22/06/15 No
As above, I am now selling 1 male polit at 3" and 1 male hara at almost 4". Polit male £10 Hara male £10 or £15 if brought together I also have a lot of fry and juvies growing on of: Labidochromis srt hongi Pseudotropheus polit Pseudotropheus Saulosi Cynotilapia sp hara Labidochromis... ...
119.Malawi and victorian ciclids for sale(London) 20/06/15 No
Hi I have the following ciclids for sale: 3 pundamillia nayere 1 male 2 females 7 zebra obliquiden 3 otorphonix lithobates yellow blaze 2 male 1 female 1otorphonix lithobate black and orange dorsal male 3 metraclima chilumba maison reef male 1 red top hongi 2 cynotilapia mbamba knakata ... ...
120.Washington aquatics stocklist 19/06/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stocklist COMMUNITY Moscow black guppys £6 per pair Guppy males £2 (blondes, yellow leopard ,blue diamond , red and green snakeskin, german yellow tail and more ) Guppy females £1.50 (blondes, yellow leopard ,blue diamond , red and green snakeskin, german yellow tail a... ...
121.Updated Stock List 18/06/15 Yes
**New Plecos Added** L18 Gold Nugget Pleco (Wild) 8-9 cm L66 King Tiger Pleco (Wild) 8-9 cm **New in stock** Firefish & OB Peacock 5-6cm £5.99 Ea UK Pre 12 Next day Delivery Available - £15 Aquidens meta £5 Geophagus surnamensis £7 3x£15 Longnosed Elephant 10cm £10 Butterfly fis... ...
122.African cichlid pre order list 30/05/15 Yes
Lots of high quality Africans available to oder, we also have a pre order list for Americans and some tropicals and plecs. Aulonocara Red Rubin 6-7 £8 Aulonocara stuartgranti Ngara F1 7-9 £11 Copadichromis azureus Mbenji F1 6-8 £7 Copidichromis trewavasae Ivory F1 8-10 £11 Cynotilapia Au... ...
123.Malawi breeding pairs and groups. Victorians + 30/05/15 Yes
I am selling up my Malawi's and can offer the following breeding groups and pairs. Mdoka white lips >6" £120 breeding group x7 Protomelas red empress >7" £100 group of 8 labeotropheus trewavasae Thumbi west 4" £20 pair pseudotropheus elongatus chewere 3" £15 pair These are large... ...
124.Lake Malawi Imports - New Wild Malawi Cichlid Shipment 21/05/15 No
Hi This is a fully Licenced Importing company solely for the import of Wild Malawi Cichlids we hold the contract to Import from best or longest standing Exporting Company S.M.G based right on the lake! Please see the current list below of all obtainable fish from the newest shipment! Cynotila... ...
125.African Malawi Cichlids Breeding Pairs, Adults & Young for sale - Mid Sussex 15/05/15 Yes
I am based in Mid - Sussex and am a hobbyist breeder of Lake Malawi Cichlids. I have been keeping cichlids for more than 10 years. Due to a forthcoming operation I will not be able to maintain my Mbuna for at least 18 months. I have 12 stand alone tanks all over the house with at least 300 Mala... ...
126.Malawis ,tangs and trops for sale 08/05/15 Yes
Malawis For Sale Aulonocara Baenschi 4-5 cm £4 each Aulonocara Blue Orchid 8cm + £10 each Aulonocara Calico OB 8cm £8 each Aulonocara Eureca Red 6cm £6 each Aulonocara Rubin Red 6cm £6 each Copadichromis Verdunji deep blue 5-6cm £6 each Haplochromis Cribensis 4-... ...
127.Around 40 Mbuna Malawi chichlids in Aqua One setup 27/04/15 No
Around 40 Mbuna Malawi chichlids Cynotilapia (afra white top) + (afra (cobue) Labidochromis (caeruleus) + (Kimpuma) Pseudotropheus (saulosi) + (Acei) Iodotropheus (sperengerae) All of above are in: Aqua One aquarium (200 ltrs) Light oak unit T5 lighting system 1x T5 Blue reef bu... ...
New stock just in last week.... auloncara firefish (red) aulunocara eureka auloncara steveni hongi lab hongi srt nimbochromis venustus Nimbochromis livingstoni demasoni williamsi blue lips scienochromis fryeri p.s flavus pollit gold kawanga oto lithobates Oto black orange ... ...
129.Pseudotropheus demasoni and elongatus wanted 24/04/15 No
Pseudotropheus demasoni and elongatus wanted!!
130.Malawis for sale scotland 22/04/15 Yes
Here is an up to date Malawi stocklist. Mbuna F1 cynotilapia Afra lion lupingu - group of 5 @ 4-5 £40 F1 cynotilapia Afra iwera manda - 3-4 - £8 Cynotilapia Afra red top likoma 5-6 - £7.50 2 left Cynotilapia Afra yellow blaze 6-7 - £7.50 iodotropheus sprengerae 5-6 - £7 Labeotropheu... ...
131.New stocklist. 08/04/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stockist discus red turquoise £25 blue snakeskin £25 snow white £25 odd balls / preds metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each silver arowana 9" £35 redtail catfish 3" £20each reed fish 12-15" £12eac... ...
132.Tank breds for sale 30/03/15 Yes
Crytocara Moori Dolphins 2" £4 Cynotilapia Axelrodi 2-3" £7 Labeotrohpheus Trewavasae Thumbi West - Two groups 1M 3F £20 Labidochromis Hongi 3.5" £8 Labidochromis Super Red Top Hongi £20 pair Metriacliama Aurora 3" £8 Metriaclima sp Elongatus Bee 5-6" (German tank bred) 2 pairs ... ...
133.Special Easter Price F1 - Pseudotropheus Zebra Long Pelvic Mdoka 30/03/15 Yes
These are a bargain at £6 each, reduced for Easter. Contact Mike Bonnick, 07721 007762.
134.F1 Mbuna for sale 21/03/15 Yes
Labidochromis Caeruleus Ruarwe 1.5″ £7.00 Metriaclima Estherae Minos Reef 5" plus £15 each Metriaclima Hajomaylandi Chizumulu 2" £5.00 and 3" £7.50 Pseudotropheus Elongatus Long Pelvic Galaria (Males Only) 4-5″ £15 Pseudotropheus Elongatus Msimbwe 3″ £7.50 1 female l... ...
135.Easter Special Price 18/03/15 No
I am a hobbiest/breeder of malawi with 49 individually filtered tanks. MBUNA – F1 - Labidochromis Caeruleus Ruarwe 1.5" £3; £5 2" £7.50 Metriaclima Estherae Minos Reef 5" plus £10 Metriaclima Hajomaylandi Chizumulu 2" £4 and 3" £6 Pseudotropheus Elongatus Chewere 1-1.5" £3 ... ...
136.Pseudotropheus crabro, pair. 15/03/15 Yes
Hello. Got a pair of Crabro. 1 male 1 Female. Need re homing. £10 to whoever can collect. Or id swap for other Malawi ? Please get in touch with any questions or offers. Thanks
137.Shield Aquatics Stocklist 13/03/15 No
Updated stocklist Trops - Mickey mouse platy Mickey mouse santa platy Gold comet platy Galaxy platy Neon swordtails Gold comet swordtails Red leopard mollys Marble mollys Lyretail mollys Green sailfin mollys Gold sailfin mollys Green cobra guppys King cobra guppys Flame guppys Yellow ... ...
138.Washington aquatics stocklist 05/03/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stockist odd balls / preds metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each silver arowana 4" £25 redtail catfish 3" £20each reed fish 12-15" £12each lesser spiny eel 4" £10each african butterfly fish £7.50 indian... ...
139.Malawi Breeding Groups for sale SW London 18/02/15 Yes
Hi all, Due to potentially moving house in a few months I am reluctantly putting my beloved collection of african cichlids up for sale. I've built up a collection of some good quality fish in the 2 years I've had the tank and will be really sad to see these go! I would prefer to sell them off as ... ...
140.New stock list 03/02/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stockist odd balls metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each Lepisosteus spatula (aligator gar) 3-4" £15-£20each redtail catfish 3" £20each reed fish 12-15" £12each lesser spiny eel 4" £10each Community... ...
141.New stockist and Dry goods 03/02/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stockist odd balls metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each Lepisosteus spatula (aligator gar) 3-4" £15-£20each redtail catfish 3" £20each reed fish 12-15" £12each lesser spiny eel 4" £10each Community... ...
142.Romsey World Of Water: New Tropical Livestock 02/02/15 02/02/15 Yes
Hey Guys! This is our new tropical livestock list. If you have any queries, would like photos or would like to reserve something, please feel free to give us a call on: 01794515923 Red head angelfish £7.99 2 For £14.00 Orange blotch peacock £7.99 2 For £14.00 Pseudotropheus Lombardoi... ...
143.wild caught malawi 28/01/15 Yes
Hi there for sale are the following malawi 4 x labidochromis hongi 2m 2f £100(wild) 4 x labeotropheus trewavasae manda 2m 2 ob females (wild) Breeding group of 5 pseudotropheus red top ndumbi (wild caught £125 No offers All fish came from ricky ward Please contact lewis on 077845... ...
144.Cichlids for sale 22/01/15 Yes
I'm going to planted tank so I'm selling what's left in my tank. The video is the original tank. Jacobfreigi Eureka - males and females - 8-10cm - 7£ each. Copadichromis azureus - male - 13cm - £8 Pseudotropheus socolofi (Albino) - Snow white - 6-7cm - £4 each Demasonies x 5 - males... ...
145.various malawi for sale 15/01/15 No
146.Wild Caught & F1 Malawis ( Mike Bonnick ) new links added 13/01/15 Yes
i am a specialist breeder of wild caught cichlids from both lake Malawi and Tanganyika. I am based in West Wickam, Kent and have a purpose built fish house containing 49 tanks individually filtered and hold a council Fish license for trade. The following wild caught Malawis' are in stock and ar... ...
147.Group of Pseudotropheus Crabro (bumble bee cichlids) 03/01/15 No
This is a group of 5 fish. 2 males and 3 females. Te dominant Male is about 5/6" long and is jet black (showing his dominance). I've had lots of fry from these fish which can be seen. Looking for £40 for the group Ono Would consider a swap for the right breedinf trio/pair of haps or peacocks. ... ...
149.Breeding groups and juvies for sale 02/01/15 No
I now have various adult breeding groups for sale due to stocking tanks with new wild caught fish. For sale are: 1m 3f red top hongi 4" male 3" females £30 4 blue dolphin 2m 2f all over 3" £30 6 unsexed maisoni reef 4-5cm £40 1m 4f makobe island male 3" females upto 2" £25 1" juvies: ... ...
150.Romsey World Of Water: Full Tropical Livestock 21/12/14 21/12/14 Yes
Hey Guys! This is our full tropical livestock list. If you have any queries, would like photos or would like to reserve something, please feel free to give us a call on: 01794515923. Tetras Silver Tip Tetra £1.99 6 For £10.00 Diamond Tetra £1.99 6 For £10.00 Glowlight Tetra ... ...
151.Pseudotropheus Saulosi - Cheshire - £25 for 10 16/12/14 Yes
I am an amateur Mbuna breeder based in Cheshire with approx. 25no Pseudotropheus Saulosi fry for sale. These fish look fantastic in either a species only tank or as addition to an existing Mbuna display tank due to the fact that both sexes are very colourful. These are from 4 batches of fry wi... ...
152.Emsworth Aquatics Availability List 09/12/14 Yes
AVAILABLITY LIST LIVEBEARERS Assorted Mollies £2.60ea Balloon Mollies £2.85ea Assorted Male Guppies £2.25ea or 4 for £8.76 Female Guppies £1.80ea or 6 for £10.20 Male Endlers £2.25ea or 4 for £8.80 Assorted Platys £2.50ea Assorted Swordtails £3.00ea CICHLIDS Gold Severum £6... ...
153.Selling all fishes, rocks and sand 05/12/14 No
Selling all fishes, rocks and sand for £300. Just Fishes £220 All fishes are breeding ! Collection from southampton Demasoni(8-10cm) x 9 - £7 each Acei Yellow Tail(13cm) x 2 - £20 breeding pair Melanochromis johannii(10cm) x 8 - £7 each Aulonocara Jacobfreibergi Eureka(13cm) x 2 ... ...
154.Malawi cichlids 02/12/14 Yes
I am a London based breeder of various Malawi cichlids and Thanganyika cichlids. My hobby has developed to enable me to ensure quality, healthy fish and good price. For sale very rare and stunning, Labidochromis Hongi Sweden frys 1 cm 15 available. Picture of the parents. Pseudotropheus Saul... ...
155.Top Quality Malawi Cichlids for Sale 30/11/14 Yes
i am a specialist breeder of wild caught cichlids from both lake Malawi and Tanganyika. I am based in West Wickam, Kent and have a purpose built fish house containing 49 tanks individually filtered and hold a council Fish license for trade. MBUNA – WILD CAUGHT Labeotropheus Trewavasae Chiof... ...
156.Pseudotropheus Elongatus Mpanga ( Sold ) 30/11/14 Yes
For sale stunning Elongatus Mpanga 2cm size, 10 for £20 collections London. Beautiful colour! 07543664965 Mat
157.Pseudotropheus Polit ( SOLD ) 24/11/14 Yes
For sale stunning Ps Polit 1cm size, £2.50 each or 13 available collections London Beautiful colour! 07543664965 Mat Will have more soon!!!
158.New stocklist 20/11/14 Yes
Washington aquatics brand new stocklist ne37 3bj free deliverys available. Community L018 Gold nugget plec £25 L400 Plec £20 Torpedo barbs 2" £5 each Bronze corys (xlarge) £3 each Kuhli loach £1 each Moscow blue guppy £2.50 each Lyretail sailfin Molly (large) £3 each Platys (xl... ...
159.Pseudotropheus Saulosi Coral Red 19/11/14 Yes
For sale stunning,Pseudotropheus Saulosi Coral Red sub adults around 2 to 3 inches size, a trio for £12. a male and 2 females or 2 males and one female. These are a line bred variant of Ps. Saulosi with BRIGHT orange females and young. Males are blue and black. Collection from London. sw9 9af Beau... ...
160.CICHLIDS FOR SALE 17/11/14 No
Hi i have for sale Cynotilapia afra, Jalo £7.50 Cynotilapia afra, Red Top Likoma £7.50 Iodotropheus spriengerae £6 Labeotropheus trewavasae, Thumbi West RED TOP £18 pair Labidochromis hongi Sweden £13 Rare Pseudotropheus flavus Chyniankwazi £8 All f1 fish and looking very nice P... ...
161.Malawis for sale. 15/11/14 No
Melanochromis auratus Labidochromis caeruleus electric yellow Cynotilapia axelrodi Labidochromis caeruleus lions cove Cyrtocara moorii ( Dolphin ) Protomelas sp. "Steveni Taiwan" (Taiwanee Reef) Otopharynx lithobates Pseudotropheus sp. "Elongatus Mphanga" All 1 ½ to 2 in... ...
162.Maidenhead Aquatics@Shirley Current Malawi Stock list (16/8/14) 14/11/14 Yes
Malawi cichlids currently for sale at Maidenhead Aquatics @ Shirley. For more information please visit and like our Facebook page. Check back often for stock updates and new deliveries. For Prices and sizes please phone the shop to ensure the fish that you are after are still available. Pictur... ...
163.coming in this week in Oxfordshire Yarnton, including Peacock bass 2 for £20 09/11/14 Yes
Due in this week at Yarnton pet and Aquatics. Catfish Clown Pleco £9.99 Synodontis decorus £9.99 Synodontis Multipunctatus £14.99 Redtail catfish £24.99 Tiger shovelnose 6cm £14.99 Rare Parauchenipterus galeatus Leticia £24.99 Cichlids Green severum £4.99 Peacock bass P.ocellaris ... ...
164.Washington aquatics brand new stocklist 03/11/14 No
Washington aquatics brand new stocklist ne37 3bj free deliverys within 6 mile and orders over £30 within 15 mile geophagus surinamensis 10cm £15each geophagus balzini 8cm £10each salvini cichlids 14-15cm £15each cichla kelberi 4” £20each electric blue jack dempseys 1.5” £10each th... ...
165.Malawi Cichlids Scotland 14/10/14 Yes
Here is our current malawi, synodontis and pleco stocklist Mbuna Cynotilapia Afra Edwardi 5-6- £7 Cynotilapia Afra Red Top Likoma 7-8 - £8 2 pairs left Labeotropheus trewavasae manda 6-7 £9 Labeotropheus Trewavasae Red 6-7 - £8 4 left Labidochromis Caeruleus 4-5 £5 Labidochromis Caeruleu... ...
166.Tropical fish for sale 10/09/14 Yes
Altotamprologus calvus 3” £13each Altolamprologus compressiceps gold 2.5”-3” £12each Cyphlontilapia frontosa 2” £7.50each Copidochromis azureus F1 3-4” £10each Labidochromis hongi red top 3” £8each Pseudotropheus flavus around 3” £8each Thorichthys ellioti 4” £6each kr... ...
167.Malawi mbuna 01/09/14 Yes
K&C Rift Valley Cichlids NorthWest located at walkden, Salford have some stunning F1 and TB Fish currently in stock please check our stock list for availability and prices. F1 &TB Cynotilapia sp. hara gallireya reef £3.50 F1 Melanochromis dialeptos £3.00 TB Pseudothropheus elongatus mphanga... ...
168.Malawi Cichlids for sale 31/08/14 Yes
Afra lions Sanga 5cm+ £3 each Also I have for sale 1 x adult male Afra Hara 1 x adult male Afra Minos reef Afra Cobue 3cm to 6cm Labridochromis Mbamber 4cm to 6cm Auloncara Baenschi 5cm+ Pseudotropheus Flavus 4cm I also have some fry of the following that I would be willing to sell t... ...
169.Socolofi Albino, Demasoni 30/08/14 Yes
Pseudotropheus Socolofi Albino (Snow white) - 3-4cm - £3 each Pseudotropheus Demasoni - 2cm - £2 each
170.Malawi Cichlids Scotland 29/08/14 No
New up to date stocklist with some cracking new arrivals; Mbuna Cynotilapia Afra Edwardi 5-6- £7 Cynotilapia Afra Red Top Likoma 5-6 - £7 Cynotilapia sp. Mbamba Luwino Reef 5-6 - £10 Labeotropheus trewavasae manda 4-5 £10 Labeotropheus Trewavasae Red 5-6 - £7 Labidochromis Caeruleus 3-... ...
171.Malawi cichlids for sale FRYS AND JUVENILES Bargain price(South East London 26/08/14 Yes
I am a London based (hobby breeder) of various Malawi cichlids who has passion for looking after cichlids.I have a tank full of the following mixture, METRIACLIMA GRESHAKEI, LABIDOCHROMIS HONGI, LABIDOCHROMIS CAERULEUS, ELONGATUS MPANGA, PSEUDOTROPHEUS SAULOSI.Size is 2 to 4cm healthy and feeding we... ...
172.Tropical fish (Malawi , big cichlids , community ) 04/08/14 Yes
new stocklist washington aquatics haplochromis morrii 4"+ £8each haplochromis obliquidens 3.5-4" £8 or £15 pair aulonocara baenschi (yellow peacock) males 5" £12 each haplochromis compressceps 4" £8 or £15 pair pseudotropheus crabo 4"+ £8 or £15 pair aulonocara jacobfreibergi 3" ... ...
173.Adult Breeding Malawi Mbuna for Sale 01/08/14 Yes
Here's a list off the fish I have for sale Breeding Group Coral reds. 2 males 2 female. All 2.5 inch plus. £20 Breeding Pair F1 Thumbi west red top 1 male 1 female 3 inch plus £20 for the pair 2 x F1 Aurora male 2.5 inch £7each Ob zebra female 2.5 inch £6 Red zebra 2.5 inc... ...
174.Elongatus Neon Spot for sale - breeding lot approx 12 fish of different sizes 23/07/14 Yes
Pseudotropheus elongatus neon spot for sale, proven breeding lots, approx 12 fish of varying sizes. £2.50 per adult fish, smaller fish less. Happy to go as full lot of break up. Collection from Shiney row area of Sunderland. email m.nanson@andreamcbeth.co.uk or txt 07940008452 if interested a... ...
175.Pseudotropheus Elongatus Mphanga 3 for £10 Croydon 17/07/14 No
I have for sale Some Pseudotropheus sp. "Elongatus Mphanga" juveniles 3 for £10 showing great colour, around 2" Collection from Croydon Any questions please feel free to ask
176.Young cichlids available mbuna madagascan west african 15/07/14 Yes
177.Washington aquatics new stock list 14/07/14 Yes
washington aquatics new stock list blue titanium flowerhorn 3-4" £45 bay snook cichlids 5-6" £15 redtail catfish 4" £20ea tiger shovelnose catfish 7" £20ea fire eels 10" £18ea long fin oscars 5" £12ea polleni cichlid 3" £6ea silver cichlids 4-5" £8ea green terrors 6-7" ... ...
178.Malawi. South Americans. Community 30/06/14 Yes
new stocklist l046 zebra plec 9cm (males) £150 l260 queen arabasque pleco 2.5" £25 (1 left) bay snook cichlid 4" £20 green terrors 6" £15 pearl cichlids 3-4" £7 silver arrowana 6" £30 cyprichromis leptosoma 3.5" £15 haplochromis blue ahli "hormone" 4" £12 pseudotropheus el... ...
179.Pseudotropheus Socolofi powder blue (sold) 21/06/14 Yes
For sale Pseudotropheus socolofi, size around 2cm plus £2 each. 7 available, thanks for looking. Collection London 07543664965. Mat (SOLD SOLD) WILL HAVE MORE SOON.
180.Mbuna for sale 09/06/14 No
Description: I have the following fish which due to work circumstances i have to let go. 2 x Pseudotropheus Ndumbi Super Red Top 1 male 1 female. 4 x Labidochromis Super Red Top Hongi 2 male 2 female. 4 x Pseudotropheus saulosi coral red 2 male 2 female. 2 x cynotilapia afra edwardi nkhata b... ...
181.Pseudotropheus Acei fry for sale 08/06/14 No
I have 15 Blue Acei for sale, about 4 months old, pretty fish. £10 for 5 or £25 for all of them. chris@hofmanns.co.uk
182.DANDY CICHLIDS UPDATED STOCK LIST 07/06/2014 07/06/14 Yes
Dandy Cichlids is now stocking tropical community fish Check out our facebook group for other fish and dry goods DANDY CICHLIDS IS A FULLY LICENSED AND REGISTERED AQUATIC BUSINESS for all stock lists fish and dry goods www.dandycichlids.co.uk Fish Stock List MALAWI / MB... ...
183.WANTED: Pseudotropheus saulosi Adults or fry 02/06/14 No
As title says, I'm looking for a group of Pseudotropheus saulosi. I don't mind what size, how many or what sex they are just after quite a few. I don't want the coral red variety. Let me know what you have, I can collect or I don't mind them being delivered. Thanks for looking
184.various Malawi cichlids for sale Peterborough 27/05/14 No
I have various malawi & Tanganyikan cichlids for sale Stock list: Moori Dolphins 2" £6.00 Neolamprolongus tretocephalus 3" £9.00 Aulonocara Firefish 1.5" 4.50 Pseudotropheus elongatus chewere 2" £4.50 Labeotropheus trewavasae 1.5" £4.50 Sp44 2" £13.00 per trio Metriaclima estherae 2" ... ...
185.Pseudotropheus demasoni cichlids 13/05/14 Yes
I have for sale 10 cichlids, they are £5 each or 5 for £18.. There is more cichlids however only 10 at a saleable size so if you want more they would be ready soon.
186.lake malawi cichlids 27/04/14 No
Hello i have the following malawi cichlids 4 sale pseudotropheus membe deep 1m 4 f male 3 inches females 2.5 to 3.5 £6 each sold Pseudotropheus sp.'elongatus neon spot' 3 2inch unsure sex £4 each sold cynotilapia afra cobue male 2.5 inches female 2 inches £10 pair sold labidochromis nkhata ... ...
187.Melonchromis/Yellow Labs/Pseudotropheus Cichlids 1.5-2 inches 3 for £10 26/04/14 Yes
Hi all, I have for sale quite a substantial amount of Melonchromis,Yellow Lab and Pseudotropheus Cichlids available that are from the various females In my adult tank (pic 1) these are now in my 125ltr tank (pic2) and are coming on beautifully as the pics show size varying from 1.5"-2",currently bei... ...
I have loads of diffrent malawi cichlid pairs for sale which are all in a good healthy condition. the reason for selling these fish is due to my job and long hours i just dont have the time for them anymore. Protomelas taeniolatus male 5.5-6", female 4" (£25) Sciaenochromis fryeri male 5", fe... ...
189.Pseudotropheus demasoni for sale 20/04/14 Yes
For sale a number of demasonis, would say around 20. These are for sale at £2.50 each. Have a nice breeding paid of demasonis so will continue to have stoke of these for future sales.
190.Quick sale needed-£80 -Full African cichlid (Tank, fish and Acessories) 16/04/14 Yes
Juwel Lido 120 Aquarium with stand and black slate aquarium background. 13 Cichlids and 1 pleco as listed below. Superb aquarium with some wear to the background but otherwise very good condition. Selling as moving abroad. Sold with built in filter, heater and lighting and all accessories to set u... ...
191.Maidenhead Aquatics Polhill - Kent 11/04/14 Yes
Stock list : Welcome here is a little list of what's currently available instore, please pay us a visit or call 01959 533519 'Like' our Facebook page - 'Maidenhead Aquatics Polhill Thanks- Shrimps Sunkist orange shrimp Cherry shrimp Crystal red shrimp Red rili shrimp - Sakura... ...
192.Malawi Cichlids for sale 03/03/14 Yes
Auloncara Baenschi 3cm £2.50 each Metriaclima Cyneausmarginatus Nkhoma reef 3cm £2.50 each (pic of stunning father) Pseudotropheus mpanga 4-5cm £2.50 each (pic of stunning father) sold Ready soon Afra Cobue Afra lions sanga Pseudotropheus Flavus
193.Adult pseudotropheus Mpanga for sale (sold) 24/02/14 No
I have too many male pseudotropheus Mpanga so I'm selling two 4inch males for £6 each or both for £10 or swap for adult female of good quality.
194.pseudotropheus mpanga £3 each 19/02/14 No
I have for sale around 15 -20 ranging from 3 inches to 5 inches for pickup in bolton area. Willing to discount if someone will take the lot
196.socolofi albino,azureus and acei for sale 07/02/14 Yes
I'm selling the following fishes 4 x Pseudotropheus socolofi albino (11 cm) all male £6 each 2 x black acei (7 cm) £4 each 1 x copadichromis azureus (14 cm) male £10 Collection from Southampton
197.Pseudotropheus Sp. Acei Itungi (Tanzania Black Acei) 22/01/14 Yes
I am selling some very rare Acei Itungi juveniles from lake Malawi, they are about 3 to 4 cm and starting to colour up, they are F1 from wild parents. These Malawis are very hard to find and I dont know anyone else selling them. I am selling them for £3 each Hurry only a few left. So rare that t... ...
198.Wild shipment of Malawi -New 21/01/14 Yes
Hi all I'm moving away for a few months and I've committed to a shipment of wilds that I've ordered before I got my new job handed to me The following fish will be arriving shortly These prices can change but hopefully I am somewhere near Aulonocara baenschi (Benga) Benga Aulonacara Y... ...
199.Large selection of Quality Malawi Cichlids Available 19/01/14 Yes
Kev's Rifts is located near Pontefract, West Yorkshire. Viewing of the fish is welcome - please call 07809749145 to book an appointment. List of fish available as of 31/12/2013 below; Aulonocara Rubin Red 5.5-7cm £8 each Females only Aulonocara Stuagranti Usisya 5-6cm £10 each F1 ... ...
200.Pseudotropheus Saulosi fry (2-3 cm) 05/01/14 Yes
£2 each Currently being fed on crushed spirulina flake Preston

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