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Home :: Malawi, Tanganyikan & Victorian Cichlids

  Saulosi, neon spot and f1 yellow lab adults for sale

Description: Due to adding new groups and males to my existing breeding groups I am now moving on my adult pseudotropheus saulosi fully grown male which has produced a lot of quality fry over the last year or so... I try to change my males every 12-18 months to add a new blood line and have just collected 3 new males...

I am also moving on my adult pair of pseudotropheus elongatus neon spot that are 3-4" and have produced a lot of quality young...

I am also moving on my 2 F1 yellow labs that came from Mike and Dawn bonnick... I had a group of 8 and out of the two that are left, one is an absolute stunner of a male, the other would need venting but looks like a female. Yellow labs are very common in the hobby but these are not your typical washed out rubbish from your local fish shop.

I can send pics via whatsapp.

Male saulosi: £10 (Fully grown chunky male)
Neon spot pair: £15
Yellow lab pair: £20

If all brought together I will take £35.


Contact Information
Advertiser: Jim
Telephone: 07713858995
Town: Chessington
County: Surrey

Advert stats: [Added or updated:07/03/16 Views: 1802]

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