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Home :: Malawi, Tanganyikan & Victorian Cichlids

  For sale mbuna cichlids

Description: For sale mbuna cichlids. I have 2 metriaclima zebra dolphin mandas £20, trio of yellow tailed aceis , 2 pulpican £20, pair of breeding pimelodus pictus catfish f 5 1/2" and m 4 1/2" for £35, a breeding trio of mbenje at £30, a breeding pair of mbenje at £20, pair of socolofi appx 4-4 1/2" £20, breeding trio of metriaclima aurora likoma at £25, pair of zebra gold kawanga female is mkat £20, 2 pairs of yellow labs £20 a pair, group of around 6 super red top hongi with male around 4" £25, think i have 5 afra cobue male starting to colour up now £30, a pair of petrochromis mauve yellow magunga £20, trio of blue lips £35, pair of blue lips £25, pair of frontosa male 5-6" female around 4" £40, 4 greshakei large male around 6" 2 others at 4" and an albino at 3 1/2-4" for £40. 2 synodontis catfish at around9" at £25 each, 1 male black white tailed acei £6, 1 bumblebee at 4 1/2" for £10, wild pair of pseudotropheus chewere male is appx 5 1/2" and f appx 4" stunning fish £40 the pair. Plus others and juvies. Selling up everything 6 tanks in all. All complete ste ups 5' down to 1' and an fx6 and an fx5 which needs a new impellar and plastic pipe inside otherwise it works fine. Dave 07772 161227

Contact Information
Advertiser: Dave
Telephone: 07772161227
Town: Braintree
County: Essex

Advert stats: [Added or updated:14/05/17 Views: 1642]

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