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Home :: Malawi, Tanganyikan & Victorian Cichlids

  Malawi Breeding Groups for sale SW London

Description: Hi all,

Due to potentially moving house in a few months I am reluctantly putting my beloved collection of african cichlids up for sale. I've built up a collection of some good quality fish in the 2 years I've had the tank and will be really sad to see these go! I would prefer to sell them off as breeding groups as some of them have taken a long time to build mating relationships together.

Pseudotropheus Acei (Luwala)
1 Male (4.5 inches) 2 Females (4 inches)
First up these guys have been in the tank for the longest and have grown into really nicely coloured Acei. They are also F1s (Their parents were wild) and breed approximately every 1-2 months yielding consistently around 30-40 fry from each brood.
£30 for the group

Metriaclima Sp. Lime Nkhomo Reef
2 Males (3 inches) 2 Females (2 inches)
Sold to me by mistake as Rusties, I have cared for them none the less. These guys are very very rare and not much is known about them, but they like to stay small and are quite peaceful. They go from a brown to lime green colour depending on what mood they're in. Breed once every 2 months and yield about 15 fry.
£30 for the group

Pseudotropheus Saulosi (Coral Reef)
2 males 4 females 3 unk sex (all 2-3 inches)
The dominant male is the big boss of the tank and is also in my opinion the most beautiful. This species is also endangered in the wild so would be good to have if you fancy a bit of conservation! They are still growing but are having lots of fun and breeding at least once a month yielding about 10-15 fry each time. They like to be in large groups in the wild.
£55 for group

Pseudotropheus Acei (Itungi)
3 males 4 females (All between 2.5-3.5 inches)
Exactly the same species as the first guys but due to being from another location in the wild they are black with white edges on fins and a yellow tail. Relatively rare to find and I think the black colour makes a unusual contrast to the other malawis. Some of them are still growing but like the Saulosi they are one of the most prolific breeders in the tank yielding 20-30 fry per brood every month.
£55 for the group

Fish can be collected from Tooting (CR4 3LG) or I can deliver in my car to a London address as long as you cover my petrol

Any questions feel free to contact me

Contact Information
Advertiser: James
Telephone: 07956319414
Town: Tooting
County: London

Advert stats: [Added or updated:18/02/15 Views: 2417]

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