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1.Gold laser corydoras £12 each or 3 for £30 19/02/25 No
I have 6+ gold lasers at around 4cm ready to be sold. Collection near Brighton
2.Sterbais corydoras and orange Venezuelans £4 each of 3 for £10 19/02/25 No
I currently have 5 steroids and 4 Venezuelans for sale that are ready to go now. Please message me if interested or to see more pictures. Pickup only from near Brighton area.
3.FREE Adult Golden Angelfish - London 30/01/25 Yes
1 x Rescued 4" adult golden angelfish needs new home. Took it in for a friend who could no longer keep it, but I don't have a suitable tank for it long term. Very active and eats well - flake, granulate, algae wafer. It has some lasting fin damage from past sickness - fins did not fully regrow... ...
4.Brochis Pantanalensis C005 - F1, UK bred from wilds corydoras 24/01/25 No
Brochis Pantanalensis C005 - F1, UK bred from wilds 4.5-5cm sexable 7 fish for £150 12 fish for £250 18 fish for £350 50 fish for £900 Collection from Brighton only, or delivery within reasonable distance in south east.
5.Corydoras wanted 23/01/25 No
I am looking for any Corydoras in Leicester/Loughborough area 07890559304
6.Green laser corydoras,approx 3cm cory, cories.Gold corydoras approx 3cm 17/01/25 No
Green laser corydoras £10 each.approx 3cm . Gold laser corydoras £10 Each.approx 3cm .If you buy 10 I'll add 2 free of charge, Young fish bred in my small fish room in local tap water treated with tetra aquasafe.Collection. PE4 Werrington ,Peterborough.Please text if interested
7.Maidenhead Aquatics @ Ashtead - Tropical List 04/12/24 - UPDATED 04/12/24 Yes
A warm tropical welcome from Maidenhead Aquatics at Ashtead, Surrey, just off of Junction 9 the M25. We guarantee to blow you away with our extensive collection of rare and unusual tropical fish, some of which you will never have seen before! Here is our current extensive Freshwater Tropical stock l... ...
8.C121 CORDORAS 01/12/24 No
I have some C121 CORYDORAS £10 each. THESE ARE f1s Collection or posting available. Based in West London. Pm if interested.
9.Wanted corydoras 30/11/24 No
I'm wanting green or orange lazers corydoras young so can get few pairs out of them no silly over the odds prices want ten if price is right would take ten
10.Juvenile bronze corydoras 14/11/24 Yes
Hi I have 100+ juvenile bronze corydoras for sale there all £1 each or 15 for £10 Message me if interested. Thank you.
11.Corydoras Venezuelanus Orange Bronze Cory Catfish 15/10/24 No
Corydoras Venezuelanus Orange Bronze Cory Catfish got 12 of these loverly fish nice colour collection le3 area £3 each or £30 for the group of 12
12.Corydoras / Plecos / Rasbora - Fish room closure 15/09/24 No
Longfin Albino Corydoras 6 £3 Each Venezuelan Black Corydoras 4 £5 Each Corydoras Julii Trilineatus 5 £3 Each Albino Bronze Corydoras 12 £3 Each Sterbai Corydoras 14 £4 Each ... ...
13.9 wild green laser corydora breeding group 03/09/24 No
9 WILD CAUGHT from Peru breeding group of rare corydoras. I am asking £190 reduced from £220. Please contact me on whatsapp
14.RESERVED Around 90+ beautiful fish plus plants for £100 30/08/24 No
I'm moving house so I have to sell full fish stock of my 650 liters aquarium. All healthy, feeding on variety of foods and peacefully living together in my tank for last 6 months. I spent around £600 on them. Yo can have them for 100. There are; 18 congo tetras, 12m/6f 8-10cm in size. 12 deniso... ...
15.Juwel Rio 350 - full tank setup sale 09/08/24 No
For sale is my Juwel Rio 4ft aquarium in dark wood finish. The tank has a blue background. The tank is approximately four years old and in great condition. Ideally, I would like for it to be sold as a whole set up with livestock and plants. The price for everything, including livestock and... ...
16.Juwel Rio 350 4ft fish tank and livestock 03/08/24 No
For sale is my Juwel Rio 4ft aquarium in dark wood finish. The tank has a blue background. The tank is approximately four years old and in great condition. Ideally, I would like for it to be sold as a whole set up with livestock and plants. The price for everything, including livestock and... ...
17.Community fish for sale. 26/07/24 No
I am shutting down one of my aquariums and have the following fish to rehome. 5x Panda Barbs - £5 for alll. 8 x Glowlight Danios - £5 for alll 8 x Harlequin Rasbora - £3 for all. 6 x Bleeding Heart Tetra - £5 for all. 6 Siamese Algae eaters - £5 for all. 3 x Sicyopterus Goby - £5 ... ...
18.Nets auction 23 june 16/06/24 No
ROUGH LIST!!!!! 1 week to go, 23rd of June N.E.T.S. Aquatics Auction I have asked sellers to look round there tanks and fish rooms. I haven't got everyone's list. But here's a start. Please remember this list isn't guaranteed it's merely there to show the selection possibly available at these e... ...
19.Corydoras BLack Schultzei group of 10 05/04/24 Yes
Group of 10 black Schultzeii for for sale £ 20.00 Collection only from Welwyn Herts Delivery considered for cost of petrol No Post
20.Sterbai Corydoras Oldham - Young healthy fish 15/02/24 Yes
Home bred sterbai corydoras. 2-3cm and colouring up lovely. £4.50 per fish or X6 for £25. Super active and healthy fish from disease free tank. Collection only from Oldham.
21.South American tank closure 30/01/24 No
Closing down my wild Altum Angel tank. x5 wild altums from finest aquatics in widness. Roughly 6-7months old. Receipt to prove wild.eating anything and everything , very healthy young fish Wanting to start a marine tank so everything must go, also have the following Dicrossus maculatus x2 ***... ...
22.L046 zebra pleco and others 29/01/24 No
Adult male L046 zebra pleco. 2.5" Adult male L066 king tiger pleco. 6" Adult female bristle nose pleco. 5" Around 8 adult Adolfi corydoras Selling as a group as I need to close down my fish tank. I do not want to split. Collection only from Exmouth, Devon. Buyer to bring bags/... ...
23.Group of 6 Corydoras Adolfoi 15/01/24 Yes
I have For Sale A group of Six Corydoras Adolfoi collection only on these please,,,,,price is £50 for the group of Six All are around 5cm in Size and are True adolfoi Not duplicareus collection from County Durham Area,
24.Corydoras BLack Schultzei 06/12/23 No
I have a number of young Corydoras BLack Schultzei Adult £ 5.00 each
25.Corydoras Similis 06/12/23 Yes
I have a number of Corydoras Simimlis Adult for Sale £5.00 each
26.Corydoras Davidsandsi 06/12/23 Yes
I have a number of young Corydoras Davidsandsi £ 5.00 each
27.Gold Laser Corydoras 10/11/23 Yes
I have for sale a breeding group of 11 wild caught Gold Lasers. £220.00 Rochester, Kent
28.Closing tank down Central and south american cichlids for sale , open to offers 16/10/23 No
4xHerotilapia multispinosa / 2x firemouth / 1xTexas/ 4xAmatitlania Nanolutea 2 breeding pairs /4x Neets / 4 or5 xThorichthys aureus/3xThorichthys pasionis/1x Red shark / 3xCryptoheros cutteri / 1x Geophagus Abalios/2x red shoulder severum / Sterba corydoras and a few different cory species not sure... ...
29.NETS auction 05/10/23 No
Nets charity auction this Sunday 8october in teams social club bensham this is a list of potential fish Apologies for the lateness of this Please read this first.. I have asked the 30+ sellers for a list of the potential fish there looking at bringing THIS Sunday 8th of October This list show... ...
30.Green laser corydoras £8 13/07/23 No
I have 3 maybe 4 green laser corys for sale. Had them about 1 year so they’re decent sized. Wanting to shut a few aquariums down so letting them go. £8 each Collection s21. Message or WhatsApp preferred due to shift work. 07929720712 Thanks
31.corydoras cw 009 green laser 21/06/23 No
I have for sale young green laser cory around the 1 inch mark, 13 weeks old and ready to go. From fry they've been fed on walter worm, mico worms , brine shrimp , grindle worm, cory tabs and flake food. Bred from 3 different blood lines. I have a number of different fish need growing on space... ...
32.NETS auction 25 June 21/06/23 No
!check out the list of fish provisionally booked for this Sundays auction Plecos and catfish L-015 pleco Super red pleco Synodontis eupterus Brochis splendens Cory napoensis Cory panda white Cory sodalis Cory Trilineatus Cory elegans Cory barbatus Green lazer cory Red lazer cory ... ...
33.Sterbia Corydora 12/06/23 No
I have some home bred sterbai corydoras (juveniles) for sale £5 each or 6 for £25 Pickup only from Ellesmere port area ch66 Txt me for any info on 07534063349 (Richie)
34.Community fish 29/04/23 No
Looking for corydoras, mollies and other community fish, don't mind baby ones as I have a tank set up for them too.
35.WANTED- looking for corydoras vulcan (cw111) 15/04/23 No
looking for cw111 corydoras if you are selling or know anybody selling please feel free to message me. thanks Tom.
36.Corydoras Duplicareus 29/03/23 Yes
Corydoras Duplicareus for sale £5.00 each Based Welwyn Herts Please for futher inforamtion e-mail nino_castellano@btinternet.com ************ Collection only *********
37.Corydoras duplicareus X8 14/01/23 Yes
C. duplicareus X8, all fish are a good size and healthy. https://www.seriouslyfish.com/species/corydoras-duplicareus/ £40 for all 8 fish
38.Free to collector - tropical fish 19/11/22 No
4 x angel fish 4 x corydoras 2 x Siamese flying fox 3 x bristlenose plecos Collection from Shaftesbury, Dorset. Will need to bring suitable water tight container .
39.94L complete planted tank £90 15/11/22 Yes
A lush underwater garden with 10 guppies, 10 mollies, 3 corydoras and a bristlesnose pleco. Tank is Kent Marine BioReef 94L with sump/ filter at the back. With some posh filter media. I also have lots of variety of food to go with it. Please get in touch on 07577567764 for more info. Col... ...
40.Medaka rice fish many strains available look in description for full list. 09/11/22 Yes
Small breeder specialising in various medaka strains, corydoras and other common aquarium fish. I am based in Aylesbury collection is preferred but can offer delivery in and around area. If you are not local and are interested delivery can be possible on larger orders If interested please message... ...
41.Corydoras Duplicareus wanted 30/07/22 No
Hi folks, I’m looking for 3-4 Corydoras Duplicareus - adults or youngsters. My tank is down to 3 through natural attrition :-(
42.Full set-up, 2 x 5 foot tanks in unit with fish, plants and equipment £100 Castleford West Yorkshire 13/07/22 Yes
Two 5 ft tanks Housed in custom made 2 inch box sectioned plastic coated steel unit, with wood panelling and hood. Top tank: L5ft W 18ins D 2ft. Has Aqua One 2450 UV-C external filter unit. Heater Light. Fish: 2 x Reed Fish, 1 x African butterfly Fish, 6 x Poptellla Tetra 1 x Flying Fox, 1 x ... ...
43.Various fish for Sale - Please see ad 11/07/22 Yes
Hi I have various Fish for Sale from my Breeding Projects, I'm a hobbyist breeder, not a business, all sales go back into supporting my hobby, my fish & shrimp are kept to the highest standard, so rest assured you'll be getting high quality well looked after fish & shrimp, not mass produced ... ...
44.Steel-blue Killifish (Fundulopanchax gardneri) £6 Per Pair 01/07/22 Yes
For sale are pairs of these killifish (Fundulopanchax gardneri). The males are very colourful as seen in the pictures, with the females being relatively plain, although both are equally personable. Lovely fish to have and a great breeding project, have had them breed without any real attempt. Have h... ...
45.Albino Corydoras and Corydoras nanus Juveniles £2.50 each or 6 for £10 01/07/22 Yes
Have hatched all these myself, the Bronze Albino Cory's (Corydoras aeneus) from between 15/12/21 to 21/1/22 and they're around 1 inch. Adults get quite big for corydoras with my females being around 3 inches. The Corydoras nanus are a smaller variety and are just shy of an inch at the moment and... ...
46.4 x adult discus “wild type” red/orange £200 5-6 inches 27/06/22 Yes
Beautiful specimens Kept in standard tap water. No HMA or water softener. Possible pair-they have been cleaning a particular spot on the wood and won’t let any other fish anywhere near! Cash on collection. Around 50 jumbo cardinals and 9 XL Corydoras available too Fell free to call... ...
47.Tank wanted/swaps Leeds, West Yorkshire 25/06/22 No
Hi everyone, I am looking to upgrade my fish tank. I currently have a Fluval Roma 200L with original stand and hood. The T8 lighting unit works. However, I have swapped the T8 tubes for 2 Retrofit LEDs installed in the unit. The tank itself has no leaks, but there are a couple of scratches on the... ...
48.Sterbai breeding group £60 30/05/22 No
Corydoras sterbai breeding group. 10 adult fish, not sure of male to female ratio. Collection only. Email for more details.
49.Free Fish 17/05/22 No
3 Panda Corydoras, 5 Ember Tetras and some assassin snails free to good home. Due to change of job.
50.fish mania aquatics charity pond and aquatic auction 10/05/22 Yes
pond, tropical and aquatics auction to help raise money for Birmingham childrens hospital cardiac ward Hucknall Town Football Club Watnall Road, Hucknall Nottingham, NG15 6EY SUNDAY 15th MAY DOORS OPEN 10AM AUCTION STARTS 11AM ADULTS £1 ENTRY, UNDER 14’S FREE Koi Carp, Gold Fish ... ...
Hi have some home bred fish for sale Bronze Corydoras - 20-40mm - £2 each Red Cherry Shrimp - minimum 20-25mm - 15 for £10 Guppies - 20 - 40mm - £1 Can possibly deliver if local otherwise pickup only from BS24 Email only as had problems with publicly posting number before R.COSTIGAN... ...
L081 GOLDEN NUGGETT PLECO 3" 3" £25.00 ea L075 PECKOLTIA SABAJI 3" 3" £25.00 ea L398 PANAQOLUS TANKAI 3" £20.00 CHUBBY PLECO 3" £15.00 L015 CANDY STRIPE PLECO 3" £20.00 L067 GOLD SEAM PLECO 3" £20.00 ea GREEN CORYDORAS £2.50 ea 5 x £10.00 STERB... ...
53.£25 for all x4 large angel fish x3 corydoras and pearl gourami 16/02/22 Yes
Need these going as soon as possible, angel fish are quite large, 3 small corydoras also and a pearl gourami all for 25, preferably today may be able to deliver. Thanks
54.Corydoras Adolfoi 31/01/22 No
Hi looking to buy a group of corydoras Adolfi(No Duplicaterus)to go with Exsiting group, please message me if you have some for sale with price,cheers.
55.Corydoras Adolfi 31/01/22 No
Hi looking to buy a group of corydoras Adolfi(No Duplicaterus)to go with Exsiting group, please message me if you have some for sale with price,cheers.
56.Angelfish, sterbai corys, albino/common bristlenoses, longfin/shortfin swordtails, platies 10/12/21 No
Angelfish Sterbai corydoras Albino/common bristlenoses Longfin/shortfin swordtails (various colours) Platies(various colours) Baby goldfish Please message me on 07825986330
57.Orange Venezuelan Cory 29/11/21 Yes
Hi everyone, I have a breeding group of 6 Orange Venezuelan Corydoras. Young adults, they just started laying eggs a couple of weeks ago. I am not interested in breeding them so if anyone interested please text me. Collection from Coventry.
58.Sterbai Corydoras Durham/Newcastle Area 01/11/21 No
Sterbai Corydoras Available 1” + size £6 each 10 for £50 20 for £80 For enquires: 07525716772
59.Pygmy Corydoras (Pygmaeus) 01/11/21 Yes
Pygmy Corydoras available 1-1.5cm £3.50 each. £30 for 10 £50 for 20 Willing to trade for L numbers/other Corydoras/CPD
60.Gold laser corydoras 29/10/21 No
5 adult gold lasers 1 julii Cory 2 mountain minnows 2 tetras 1 red claw crab 2 Blue dream shrimp .. Tank is 3ft clear seal has approx 30 marimo balls a bunch of Ricia moss some Phoenix moss 3 x big wood 2 air driven filters a fluval light that has lighting storm functions and a 200w heater 1 mechan... ...
61.Gold laser corydoras 28/10/21 No
5 adult gold lasers 1 julii Cory 2 mountain minnows 2 tetras 1 red claw crab 2 Blue dream shrimp .. Tank is 3ft clear seal has approx 30 marimo balls a bunch of Ricia moss some Phoenix moss 3 x big wood 2 air driven filters a fluval light that has lighting storm functions and a 200w heater 1 mechan... ...
62.Angel fish and Corydoras for sale 25/10/21 Yes
Platinum Angelfish (PA)- £4 each Breeding pair PA (very good parents) £10 pr Emperor tetras 6 for £5 (adults) All corydoras are a good size Pick M23 5 minutes from Manchester Airport. paulharrison1@msn.com
63.L397 females and corydoras concolor females wanted 02/10/21 No
Hi I am stil looking to buy 2 female L397 and 2 female Corydoras concolor, both adult sized. or if anyone knows anyone who is breeding the above. based in Ayrshire, Scotland. May travel if reasonable distance. Thanks
64.5ft Aquarium Plus Contents £300 25/09/21 Yes
JUWEL RIO 400 We have owned this tank from new, and is in very good condition. Has 2 twin light fittings - one may need replacing or repairing, could just be bulbs to be fair I have an led light bar running on it instead, the other is fine. The sale includes a massive piece of bog wood and all cont... ...
65.Corydoras rare CW155 CW127, Rasbora, Rummy nose 09/09/21 Yes
Rare Corydoras 2 x CW155 5 X CW127 5 X Rasbora 7 x Rummy nose The Cw155 are aprox £150 each as adults, The CW127 are £45 each as adults from a surplyer I'm not. The Corydoras was a breeding program £££ These are young adults. £250 no offers Collection from E16 1EN
66.WANTED Corydoras / Aspidoras Breeding Groups or Adults 26/08/21 No
Wanted Corydoras / Aspidoras / Scleromystax breeding groups, adults or young adults. Willing to travel fairly long distances depending on what you have. Please call me on 07957 284420.
67.Trigon 350 Corner Aquarium- Full Tropical Setup 18/08/21 Yes
Juwel Trigon 350 Corner Fish Tank Aquarium - full set up - inc. Aquasky lights. Good used condition. Full set up - buyer to disassemble and transport. Fluval Trigon 350 tank and stand Eheim Heater, Air pump and stones Eheim filter -and allPond solutions filters - both fully established with to... ...
68.Wild caught Corydoras Gossei 11/08/21 No
Group of 10 adult wild caught Corydoras Gossei for sale. Change of circumstances forces sale £100 Thanks Stu
69.Corydoras Eques adult group 9 fish 23/07/21 Yes
I purchased 9 Corydoras Eques last month from a breeder. I have decided to focus my attention on breeding my pleco groups and Malawi Mbuna. These fish are stunning and good size. I am selling them on for less than I paid. Priced to sell at £140 for all. Also have Orange Venezuelanus x3 (£10 for 3)... ...
70.6 x corydoras metea f1 (bandit corys) 05/07/21 Yes
6x corydoras metea f1 breeding group £30
71.ALL SOLD Sterbai Corydoras, Emerald Corys, Blue Emperor Tetras £45 10/06/21 Yes
For sale 5 x fully grown young sterbai corys for £20 7 x 5cm in size, almost fully grown green emerald corys also known as brochis splendens for £30 7 x large blue Emperor Tetra for £5. Or £45 for all. All of them are very nice, healthy and well feeding. Perfect company for Angels, Discus,... ...
72.Corydoras 03/05/21 Yes
For sale orange laser corydoras around 2cm 5 for £20
73.Jewel Rio 450l LED Aquarium & Cabinet Complete Set up with Fish 30/04/21 Yes
I am selling my Jewel Rio 450l LED Aquarium & Cabinet Complete Set up with Fish. I bought this in October 2020 and love it but now coming out of lockdown I no longer have time to maintain it. Complete set up. Tank Cabinet Light Air Stone Heater Filter Sand Stones Wood Real Plants ... ...
74.Fish tank 80L, fish, natural plants and all accessory 24/03/21 Yes
Fish tank: • Tetra Starter Line LED 80L Aquarium, with internal filter • Natural Driftwood Branches Aquarium Decoration Assorted Size, Small, (3) • NYMPHAEA RUBRA Red Tiger Zenkeri Lotus - plant tropical fish tank • Aquarium Plant "Anubias nana" • Collection of Aquatic Plants Fis... ...
75.Fluval osaka 155 £200 21/03/21 Yes
Hi I have a fluval osaka 155 with external filter uv light ro unit 3 large discus 2 green phantoms 2 blue phantoms 2 large clown loach 2 King tigers 1 Royal plec 2 bronze corydoras 1 khuli loach need gone a.s.a.p
76.Corydoras 12/03/21 Yes
Home bred juvenile corydoras orange laser cross albino or bronze
77.Looking for CW111 Corydoras 14/02/21 No
Looking for CW111 Corydoras and Gold laser Corydoras for sale, pm if anyone has it
78.CORYDORAS .... what is available pref around cornwall or with postage 15/01/21 No
gold laser green laser ,adolfoi,davidsansi,etc no peppered or bronze etc nice but to common
79.Corydoras Barbatus 4 Sale Ayrshire. 08/01/21 No
30 Corydoras Barbatus 4 Sale 10 months old, near adult size. (Private breeder) Ayrshire. 10 pounds each. bargain. also adult Blue moscow guppys 10 pounds a pair. Corydoras Napoensis 6 pounds each.
80.180l juwel rio full setup with fish 06/01/21 No
180l juwel rio fluval 206 w/spray bar heater fluval plant 3.0 light (medium) lots of plants 5 pearl gourami ~20 cardinal tetra 12 glowlight tetra 8 bronze corydoras 1 bristlenose plec amano shrimp offers
81.Gold laser corydoras 05/01/21 No
I am looking for one or two females gold laser corydoras adults 07960910343
82.Corydoras 05/01/21 No
Lovely selection of mixed orange laser, bronze and albino corydoras lovely looking juveniles collection from St Albans or I am happy to deliver.  Message me for pics or details.
83.corydoras adolfoi 04/01/21 No
looking for corydoras adolfoi any rare corydoras please text or whatsapp (London) 07464896622
84.corydoras 04/01/21 No
i am looking for corydoras around south east London/lewisham please? i need 6to10. 07464896622
85.WANTED 30/12/20 No
wanted corydoras eversi c065s,,,,,,would need postage 07876224504
86.For sale 28/12/20 Yes
AquaMode 900 175 litre aquarium inclusive of rocks, plants, 3 large angels, 3 Colombian Redfin tetras, 2 Corydoras, large sailfin plec and small plec plus 2 neon tetras. JBL CristalProfi E901 external pump plus all water conditioners etc. Offers please
87.Sale 06/12/20 Yes
X1 silver angel fish.palm sized £10. X3 false julli corydoras £15. X4 Green lazer corydoras £10 X4 4" flying foxes £15. X3 pineapple swordtails £3 X1 borneo plec £5 X1 4" clown loach £10
88.Bronze Corydoras Aneus 03/12/20 Yes
Beautiful home bred Bronze Corydoras. 6 for £10. 07974313112. South Wales
89.Wanted - Corydoras 20/11/20 No
I’m looking for a shoal of corydoras, something different to the species usually found in shops, eg CW158 or similar (S Devon area please)
90.Corydoras 11/11/20 Yes
Cw28 super szawrts all adult size 11 in total these are 5cm+ in size £25 each Telephone 07554690094
91.CW010 Orange Laser Corydoras 04/11/20 No
Looking for one or two adult female CW010 Orange Laser Corydoras if anyone has any, please.
92.2 X White Cloud Mountain Minnows,1X Peppered Corydoras Catfish 04/11/20 No
FREE TO GOOD HOME Shutting down tank so new home required ASAP.
93.Various tropical fish for sale 27/10/20 Yes
Neon yellow/sunset platy £2.50 a pair Black red guppy £2.50 a pair Neon dwarf rainbows 6 for £5 Neon tetra 6 for £5 corydoras venazualen £2.50 each Corydoras panda £2.50 each Corydoras sterbai £2.50 each Albino bristlenose plec £2 each Collection Middlesbrough local delivery a... ...
94.Juwel Rio 180, £300 Excellent Condition, Full Set Up inc Fish + many many many extras 19/10/20 Yes
For Sale £300:- Juwel Rio 180l + Cabinet Fluval 307 Filter Fluval Spray Bar Fluval 300 E Series Heater Aquael Led T5 Retrofit Tubes Juwel Digital Thermometer 500lph Powerhead 3x Dual Air Pumps 2x Quad Air Pumps Fish Inc :- 1x L190 Royal Panaque - Approx. 8-10cm 4x Anglefish Approx. 7... ...
95.corydoras wotroi 17/09/20 Yes
6 large wotroi £75 Seaford Please call 07850558778
96.Corydoras 04/09/20 No
Looking for breeding groups off Corydoras No brown or albinos Willing to travel for the rite ones
97.Tropical fish for sale 02/09/20 Yes
After long years I have to shutdown my tropical fish tank. I have some nice adults fish for sale. Red Rainbow fish x 13, £3 each Torpedo barbs x 2, £5 each Angel fish x 1, £5 Various corydoras x 4, £2 each Rummy nose tetra x 1, £1 Dwarf sucker x 2, £1 each Madagascan Rainbow fish x 4,... ...
98.Wanted - Corydoras habrosus 10/08/20 No
Does anyone know of anywhere around Nottingham that has any Corydoras habrosus (Salt & Pepper Corys) for sale?
99.Discus ,Altum ,corydoras,pleco ,geophegus ,potomotrygon. 18/07/20 No
South America Acarichthys heckelii ALBINO 1,5- 3" - 27£each Corydoras pulcher WF 2.5-2,8" - 25£ each. Corydoras duplicareus 1.5" - 12£ each. Corydoras axelerodi 1.5" -6£ each Corydoras delphax 2"- 8£ Corydoras rabinae 2" -13£ Geophagus wi... ...
Looking for juveniles Geophagus (especially red head tapajos) and Severum (especially rotkeil and green severum), near Bromley. Also looking for any adult/large corydoras. Please message me at 07949492322.
101.Breading group of 8 sterbai corydoras £45 12/05/20 No
Fully grown healthy fish spawning every week for me due to limited space the are now for sale any questions just ask andy
102.Manchester Aquatic Supplies - Stock List 11/03/20 Yes
Fish Foods : 50g Algae Wafers 50g Mini Wafers 50g Fry Growth Flake 50g Spirulina Granules 50g Colour Tablets 50g Prima Granules 50g High Protein £2 each or all 7 for £12 Shrimp Foods : 50g Snowflake 25g Bee Pollen 25g Carrot Flakes 25g Spirulina Powder £2.50 each or all 4 for ... ...
103.South American Cichlids, Corydoras, Tetra ect 15/02/20 No
Hello, Unfortunately I am having to downsize my beloved tank due to moving out from my parents and into a rented property. The collection of fish below are for only serious buyers as some of the fish aren't as common in the trade; all fish are wild caught. Pictures are available on request or vi... ...
104.Fish auction 19 February 2020 Castleford Aquarist Society 13/02/20 Yes
Starts 7.30pm Albion Street WMC Albion Street Castleford WF10 1EN See the Facebook page for details Plenty of lots! There will be plenty of plecs, Corydoras, livebearers and food and equipment. Below is just a small sample of fish that will be offered for sale..
105.pleco and Corydoras wanted 21/01/20 No
hi i am looking for adults pleco would be happy with small one for the right price l002 l046 l066 l134 l173b l201 l236 l264 l333 l397 l401 Corydoras Trilineatus Sterbai panda peppered Black Venezuelan Orange fin Julii Green laser Gold Laser Cory (CW010) Blue Spotted Co... ...
106.Albino Corys 26/11/19 Yes
6 Adult albino corydoras’s for sale, message me if interested... +44 7517 165344 Around loddon way, For collection only If interested message me for more details. Email: bl.skyinternet.1@gmail.com
107.corydoras duplicareus 29/08/19 Yes
I have some young coryadoras duplicareus for sale @ £ 3.00 each for further details phone 01207 284253
108.Catfish, livebearers 24/08/19 No
Corydoras metae 6 for £20 Corydoras Aeneus £2 each Corydoras Napoensis 6 for £20 Corydoras Elegans adults 4 for £25 Scleromystax Barbatus young £7 each
109.Bettas, corys, endlers, tetras 23/08/19 Yes
I have for sale - blue Male betta - pink and blue female betta - 4 neon tetra - 2 peppered corydoras - 2 sterbai corydoras - 15 endler from baby to full grown They all live in my 240 litre aquarium and get along great, there is no fighting, no one has a specific territory they all come and... ...
110.Complete Tropical Aquarium inc fish for sale 17/06/19 Yes
Tropical fish complete set up. Healthy tank and fish. Overall size of cabinet and tank is 136cm tall x 80cm wide x 42cm front to back. Tank size is 64cm tall x 80cm x 42cm - 165lt. Aquaone make with Aquis 1050 external filter that sits in the cupboard underneath the tank. fish include 3 Pearl goura... ...
111.Adolfoi Corydoras 18/05/19 Yes
Available soon. From my wild caught parents. I will not be selling any others after these five as I will be just adding them to my group. 5 for £40 Photo is of 3 of the adults. Kept in treated tap water at 25 degrees. TDS 125 PH 6.4 KH 4 Postage is available for £16.00 by royal mail sp... ...
112.Stunning discus forsale as closing down tank 13/05/19 Yes
I have some stunning adult chens discus forsale also 16 nice size corydoras as closing down tank medway kent area call me 07449985903 for info
113.Corys 20/04/19 Yes
Young corydoras Schultzi Around 1 inch plus £1.50 each
114.Home Bred Corydoras And Aspidoras 23/03/19 Yes
All bred in my fish house I have several species available, all are young fish between 1-2" in size so they are probably not sexable. C.Venezuelanus £3 each C.gryphus £3 each Aspidoras sp. CW126 £3 each Collection is from Southport, Merseyside. Sorry no posting. Picture is of ... ...
115.ill health causes us to close small fish house 16/03/19 Yes
have various things to sell due to the close down of a small fish house some things are brand new but others are in excellent condition.can send photos if needed. eheim professional 3e 7000filler-2078with fittings £150.00 tetratec ex 1200 filter with media £50.00 vectar 600 ultraviolet light £... ...
116.NOW SOLD-7-8 inches Sorubim lima(Duckbill shovel nose catfish) and 4 inches Yellow Acara(A.matae)for sale in Leeds--ono £50 for both or make me an offer 21/01/19 Yes
Currently for sale as tank getting to crowdy excellent condition Sorubim lima Duckbill shovel nose catfish £40 and Yellow Acara(Aequidens mate) £25. Both fish are wild caught. Must go asap. Easiest way to contact me is via mobile 07894712156 Pick up only from LS16 or can deliver within... ...
117.ALL SOLD--10 x Corydoras catfish breeding groups(arcuatus,sterbae-breeders,elegans) for sale-£40 for a lot--Leeds 17/01/19 Yes
Currently for sale: 3 x Corydoras arcuatus £5 each or 3 for £12 4 x Corydoras elegans £5 each or 4 for £18 3 x Corydoras sterbae £10 each or 3 for £25(proven breeding trio) Or all 10 for £50 Pick up only from LS16 or can deliver within 10 miles radius from my home address 1 m... ...
118.Fish tank full set up 13/01/19 Yes
Hi. I have a Juwel 180 aquarium for sale together with a cabinet. Includes Eheim heater, Eheim internal filter 2012, TetraTec EX800 external filter, original Juwel LED lighting, many plants and fish. Guppies, sword-tail, gourami. A lot of corydoras: about 10 panda, leopard, albino, bronze. A lot of ... ...
119.FOR SALE 2 Fully grown 7 inch Adult Blue Diamond DISCUS £60 each near Manchester 13/12/18 Yes
X 2 Blue diamond Discus adults approx 7 inches for sale Kept in treated tap water (not RO) for past 2 years Fed on beef heart and discus pellet £60 each They have never been agressive and are always at the front of the tank- beautiful. May consider swaps for other colour discus, ste... ...
120.Tropical Fish Tank £10.00 06/12/18 Yes
TTropical fish tank (52.5x32x38) 63 Litre £10.00 I've used this aquarium for a number of years breeding a variety of fish, from angel fish, various type of corydoras, swordtails, ancistrus,etc. . Because I am closing my fish house I have ... ...
121.Coloured Atlas of Minature Catfish 04/12/18 Yes
Book on keeping all species of Corydoras / Brochis and Aspidoras by Dr. Warren E. Burgess Hard Back book in Very Good Condition with 220 pages. Great book on successfully keeping all aspects of minature armoured catfish. £15
122.Corydoras book 04/12/18 Yes
Great book on successfully keeping Corydoras by Werner Seub / Dahne Verla Hard Back book in Very Good condition with 218 pages £15
123.Aquarium and Equipment 26/11/18 Yes
This tank has only been running for 2 months so everything is brand new. Includes- Aquarium equipment - gravel cleaner, interpet PF1 filter/plain filter foam x1, Eheim jager heater 75W, glass thermometer, fish net, Plant tweezers/scissors, API test kit, Hagen Nutrafin test(KH/GH),Carbon ... ...
124.Corydoras, Snails, Shrimps, Tetras, Aquarium and much much more 26/11/18 Yes
This tank has only been running for 2 months so everything is brand new. Includes- Livestock- Cardinal tetras x6, Corydoras- Albino, Bronze, Sterbia, Napoensis. Amano shrimp x2. Assassin snails x2 All very healthy. Aquarium equipment - gravel cleaner, interpet PF1 filter/plain filter foam ... ...
125.NOW SOLD---4 x 3.5 inch Satanoperca jurupari £12 each or £40 for all 4 in Leeds 21/11/18 Yes
Currently for sale 4 Satanoperca jurupari as tank getting to crowdy. Also I'm moving towards breeding projects and don't have enough tanks to fit them in. Excellent condition. Must go asap. Pick from LS16 or can deliver within 10 miles radius 1 mile=£1 Easiest way to contact me is via mob... ...
126.True Eques and super Schwartzi Corydoras 09/11/18 Yes
Some very nice true eques and super swartzhi available. All feeding well and doing what they should. Schwartzi - £24.90 or 3 For £68 Eques - £21.90 or 3 For £60
127.Corydoras Groups for Sale 01/11/18 No
Scleromystax kronei x 6 (breeding group) £100 Scleromystax barbatus x 6 (breeding group) £100 Corydoras rabauti x 8 (breeding group) £60 Corydoras Matae x 6 (breeding group) £50 Brochis splendens 5 adult £30 Corydoras (C134) x 4 (breeding group) £40 Corydoras Albino Sterbai x8 (breeding ... ...
129.Peru Gold Stripe Corydoras rare 25/09/18 Yes
stunning group of 6 gold stripe corys!! bargain price of 45 pounds for the 6, will not split! collection East Hull or delivery considered
130.Complete setup Theiling 250 litre 15/09/18 Yes
Theiling 250 litre German made aquarium. Probably the most impressive tank I have ever owned exceptional craftsmanship and finish. The hood is fill stainless, without visible welds, it has arms to hold up the hood when cleaning etc. The frame is fully stainless steel, finished with bevelled beech s... ...
131.Maidenhead Aquatics @ Melksham - Catfish, Cichlids and other rarities. 24/08/18 24/08/18 Yes
We specialize in South American catfish here at Maidenhead Aquatics @ Melksham. We have a dedicated soft water system which holds mainly wild caught South American species. Please call the shop on 01225 700167 or visit our Facebook page to enquire about pricing and availability as our stocks do c... ...
132.Pepper Corys 27/07/18 No
5 or 6 friendly little Peppered Corydoras free to a good home. They are a couple of years old and have always lived in a room temp (unheated) tank since babies. Also, two White Cloud Mountain Minnows. I have had great fun with these little fishes, but am having to move somewhere I can't take th... ...
133.I want to buy CLOWN PLECO or sterbai corydoras or any algae eater 21/07/18 Yes
Hi. I want to buy CLOWN PLECO or sterbai corydoras or any algae eater. I am from Bradford but collection available if not far away 07740166385
134.Ripples Waterlife, Shenstone. Plecs, Corys, and unusual species 11/07/18 Yes
We are based in South Staffs, just south of the city of Lichfield. We have about 170 stock tanks covering all types of tropical, temperate, and coldwater fish, shrimps, fighting fish, African cichlids, and discus. We pride ourselves on the quality and range of our fish, the cleanliness of our tanks,... ...
135.Castleford Catfish and Loach specialist auction and show 8 July 2018 02/07/18 Yes
Come along to this great event. Show some fish and/or buy/sell some catfish and loach related items! Some unusual fish will be available and on show! Some of the fish coming to Castleford on 8 July, the country's only catfish and loach auction and show (loads more, this is just a snapshot) Coryd... ...
136.Fish For Sale Apistos, Plecos, Corydoras INC Panda, Weitzmani, Duplicareus 16/06/18 No
Call or Text : 07478256883 For questions, orders or pictures Corydoras: 24 Panda Cories @£2ea 12 Duplicareus Cories @£5ea 5 Weitzmani Cories @£12ea 20 Albino Cories @£1.50 Mollies: Black Molly Adult Pair £5 Black Molly Juvies £2 Black Molly Family (20+Fish) £25 Plecos: Adul... ...
137.Fully Revised Stock List - The Aquatic Store Bristol 09-05-2018 09/05/18 Yes
Tetras: Super Ringo Owando Tetra (Very Rare) Red Congo Tetra (Alestopetersius Brichardi) RARE Black Neon Tetra Yellow Neon Tetra Marble Hatchet Fish Giant Silver Hatchet Fish Cardinal Tetra (Super Condition) Red Phantom Tetra Black Phantom Tetra Red Eyed Tetra Flame Tetra Super Oran... ...
138.Corydoras Sterbai F1 05/05/18 No
I have a number of these for sale. Available at 10 for £30.
139.WANTED Sterbai Corydoras 05/05/18 No
Hi, looking for Sterbai Corydoras, at a reasonable price, willing to collect from Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, North London or Cambridgeshire. Alternatively near Birmingham. Thanks
140.Panda corydoras 01/05/18 No
I have to sell panda corydoras. They have a few weeks. £ 2.5 each. Contact by email please.
141.corydoras book 15/04/18 No
wanted corydoras book title Breeding Corydoradinae Catfish by A M Fuller second edition. If anyone has a copy of this book they no longer require I would very much like to purchase it at your price.please phone me Dell Mills 01579 320346.
142.Fish For Sale Rare and Different Corydoras INC Concolor, Loxozonus, Davidsandsi 11/04/18 No
6x Corydoras Schultzei - £3.00 each 9x Corydoras Metae - £6.00 each 19x Corydoras Panda - £4.00 each 14x Corydoras Davidsandsi - £10.00 each 6x Corydoras Arcuatus - £6.50 each 6x Corydoras Melanotaenia - £6.00 each 12x Corydoras Atropersonatus - £8.00 each 10x Corydoras Concolor - £10... ...
144.Corydoras Eques adult group 09/03/18 Yes
Group of 10x Adult Corydoras Eques, Males and females. Very hard for me to source around London when I was looking for them and paid a lot more than what I’m asking for them! £200 for all 10. Send me an email if interested and I send over more photos. Cocobetta@outlook.com
145.Juwel Rio 180 Full setup including fish 28/02/18 No
I am selling my fish tank due to a change around at home. It is a full setup including fish. What you get: Juwel Rio 180 fish tank and stand. ( Few light scratches on glass but otherwise excellent condition) Internal filter and heater. Standard Juwel ones APS external filter All decor as s... ...
146.General planted fish tank equipment, products & fish 25/02/18 Yes
EQUIPEMENT • Pro JBL Scape Test Lap £90 o NO3 x 2 o PO4 x 3 o FE x 2 o MG x 3 o K,H x 3 o G-H x 2 • Seachem Flourish excel 4 Litre £45 • Seachem Aqua vitro Fe Propel 4 Litre £60 • Seachem Aqua Vitro N. Senthesis 1 Litre £15 • Seachem Aqua Vitro P. Activate 3 Litre £36 or 1 ... ...
147.Bronze Corydoras 08/02/18 Yes
hi I have to sell Bronze Corydoras. They have a few weeks. £ 2 each. If you have any questions, please contact me by email.
148.2 x aquariums c/w fish (1 × Tropical, 1 × CW) 13/01/18 No
I have 2 × aquariums with fish, as follows: Small tropical tank with filter, heater, ornaments, 3 x salt & pepper Corydoras (parents & baby), 2 x Harlequin Rasboro, 1 x Guppy & 2 x tiny little red fish. Medium coldwater tank with filter, accessories, 5 x African Bearded Corydoras, 1 x large Orang... ...
149.Complete set up, 2ft 6 aquarium etc . 13/01/18 Yes
Bow front fish tank, fish, equipment, plants, wood etc at this time NOT looking to split, want to sell as complete set up. 82cm long, 40cm high, 12cm front to back of bow front with lights including blue LEDS and timers. Includes new fluval internal filter and also includes heater stat. Lots of fis... ...
150.Captive bred Corydoras sterbai 17/11/17 Yes
Captive bred Sterba's Corydoras (spawned 21 August) for sale - c. c. 2.5 cm long. £2 each
151.225g Tropical,Cichlid,Catfish,Fish Food BRINE SHRIMP ARTEMIA PELLET £5.37 12/10/17 Yes
152.Corydoras Gold Laser CW010 in stock @ The Aquatic Store Bristol 01.10.17 01/10/17 Yes
We have a group of 12 F1 tank bred Corydoras Gold Laser available. Plenty of females in the mix to make the ideal breeding project. These are super colourful, active, relatively easy to care for and great community fish. Not often available at this size and condition. Feeding well on all... ...
153.Huge selection of Corydoras Catfish in stock @ The Aquatic Store Bristol 01.10.17 01/10/17 Yes
Here at The Aquatic Store Bristol we pride ourselves on providing a huge selection of Corydoras Catfish. Including many Wild and F1 fish, rare CW numbers and even unusual Brochis and Scleromystax species. Current stock available include: Corydoras/CW Numbers: CW028 Corydoras Super Schwartzi ... ...
154.Corydoras Super Schwartzi CW028 in stock @ The Aquatic Store Bristol 01.10.17 18/09/17 Yes
We have a group of 3 super size CW028 available. These are rarely seen with only 25 registered keepers on Planet Catfish. Greedily accepting all types of commercial foods. Just 3 available at £29.99 each 3 for £75 With more available to order. The Aquatic Store 28 North Street Bed... ...
155.Robin Hood Aquarists (Nottingham) Autumn Auction Sunday 17th September 2017 17/09/17 Yes
The Robin Hood Aquarists Society will be holding an auction of fish, plants and equipment on Sunday 17th September 2017 at the Highbank Community Centre, Farnborough Road, Clifton, Nottingham, NG11 9DG. Doors open 10.30am and Auction starts 11am. Refreshments will be available throughout the ... ...
156.Siamese Betta Crowntail Fighter fish. Male and female. Can swap for 8 Corydoras. 07/09/17 Yes
Hi For sale beautiful Siamese Betta Crowntail Fighter fish pair. £25 or £15 each. Offers welcome. Can swap for 8 corydoras. Text only please. Cheers.
157.corydoras sterbai 04/09/17 Yes
I have young corydoras sterbai for sale @ £2.00 each please ring 01207 284253 for futher details
Updated Stock list 15/09/2017 Corydoras/CW Numbers: CW028 Corydoras Super Schwartzi STUNNING XXL STORE FIRST Limited Corydoras Gold Lasers F1 XL NEW super condition C12 Corydoras Punctatus NICE CW009 Green lazer Corydoras SUPER CONDITION XL STORE FIRST Limited CW051 Corydoras sp VERY NICE... ...
159.Electric Blue Acaras. South American Cichlid 09/08/17 Yes
approx 35mm - 40mm £3 each or 10 for £20. .. £10 for 4. Growing quickly. These make stunning fish which grow to about 4 inches. Electric Blue Acara are actually peaceful cichlids for their size I have them with corydoras, plecs, angel fish,rams and clown loach CLICK Youtube link for short vi... ...
160.clearance sale 14/06/17 Yes
CLOSING DOWN SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO - 14/06/17, TROPICAL AMAZONAS AQUATICS - 5* Rated from over 130 reviews!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name (Size)...................................Price each, Discount price TETRAS, LIVEBEA... ...
162.TOMORROW Robin Hood Aquarists Nottingham Spring Auction Sunday April 9th 2017 08/04/17 Yes
The Robin Hood Aquarists will be holding an auction of fish, plants and equipment on Sunday 9th April 2017 at the Highbank Community Centre, Farnborough Road, Clifton, Nottingham, NG11 9DG. Doors open 10.30am and Auction starts 11am. ***PLEASE NOTE*** earlier start time. Refreshments will be a... ...
163.Gold laser cory C-010 06/04/17 Yes
3-4cm gorgeous gold laser corydoras. £18 each or 3 for £45 Please contact us for further details; 01344 875031
164.angel fish, 4 corydoras catfish. pair red jewels 02/04/17 Yes
got 9 angel fish, pair red jewels cichlids 4 corydoras catfish £50 for the lot ring for detail 07732284534
165.fishtank & stand 02/04/17 Yes
good condition fishtank & stand in black with silver trim used but good condition including filter heater &lighting all ornaments plants fish app including 9 angel fish of red jewel cichlids 4 corydoras catfish £200ovno 07732 284534 will sell fish seperate
166.CORYDORAS WANTED 31/03/17 No
Hi, I'm looking for some corys for my tank. Let me know what you have. Thanks.
167.Fluval Roma 125L complete hjgh-tech tropical setup - £150 10/03/17 No
For sale is a complete setup consisting of: Fluval Roma 125 Fluval 302 External Filter External (inline) heater JBL Pressurised CO2 system with solenoid Inline CO2 Diffuser Two LED tank lights, one of which changes colour Various food, medications, water conditioners, water hardeners, test st... ...
168.Complete Freshwater Aquarium Setup 25/02/17 Yes
Juwel Rio 400 with cabinet- 5ft tank includes t5 light unit and LED unit and night light. External filter 2x ehiem Jager heaters Various Freshwater plants Sand/gravel/rocks Fish Food Various accessories Please note:wood not included in sale Fish Harlequin rasboras x25ish Sterbia Coryd... ...
169.Six Discus in Vision 180 Full Setup 12/01/17 Yes
Six 4-5" discus of different strains, Six corydoras adolfoi, Five cardinal tetras, One otocinclus, male fighter and whip tail catfish. I'm selling my discus setup because I'm moving and I can't keep pets at my new property. It includes: Juwel Vision 180 Black tank and stand, Newa 350 Kanis... ...
170.Parkers Aquatic Centre - Tropical Fish in Bristol, Full Stocklist 17/12/16 Yes
Latest Fish List - Updated 17/12/16 Current stock List: Inverts: Bamboo shrimp : few Yamoto shrimp: cherry shrimp: yellow fire shrimp: Assorted Crystal Shrimp: Large blue lobster Vampire crabs Tetra/ Characins: Black widow tetra Cardinal tetra Congo tetra Neon tetra Serpae tet... ...
171.Rare fish for sale, clearing my fish house.... 26/11/16 No
Hey guys, I'm changing my fish house round so have the following are available for sale.... Psuedohemiodon apithanos (chameleon whiptails) X 2 @ £50ea Super red ancistrus juvies X 2 @£10ea Corydoras Gossei X 4 - £20 for the group L102 (True inspector) X 4 (poss 5) Aphyosemion Australe pair... ...
172.Corydoras at Maidenhead Aquatics @ Stapleton 17/09/16 Yes
Maidenhead Aquatics @ Stapleton current Corydoras stock We are situated within Woodlands Garden Centre on Ashby Road and in close proximity to Hinckley, Coalville, Nuneaton, Loughborough, Lutterworth, Atherstone, Tamworth, Leicester. Bronze cory (Corydoras aeneus) £4.00 each, 3 for £10.00 ... ...
173.Wanted corydoras adolfoi 04/09/16 Yes
Hi i am looking for corydoras adolfoi, in hull Thanks
174.Fish tank 3ft hight 04/09/16 No
For sale a beautiful amazon theme fish tank a rare piece on the market 4ft long ,3 ft hight . must be seen to fully appreciated. What you get in the price; LIVE STOCK 2 PAIRS OF APISTOGRAMMA RIO MAMORE PLUS ONE SPAIR FEMALE 15 RUMMY NOSE TETRAS 8 GREEN NEON TETRAS 20 LARGE AMANO SHRIMP... ...
Pair of XL pink Parrots £65. Texas Cichlid £15. Bosemani Rainbows (2.5") £7.50 Dwarf Neon/Red Honey Gouramis (2") £4, 3 For £10 Geophagus (3.5") £15 Large Plecs (10-15") £25-35 L Tin Foils (4") £15 XL Lionheads (5") £25 Mini Silver Dollars (2") £5 L264 Plec (4") -£POA ... ...
176.Fish List 01/06/16 No
Tropical Stocklist Black Ghost knife Fish 8" Fire Eel x2 15-16" Fire Eel x1 18-20" Albino Silver Arowana (Beautiful) 10" Rhombo Barb Half Moon Female Fighters Polypterus ornatipinnis 5" Pipefish - Black Line Corydoras Sterbai Galaxy rasbora Emerald Dwarf Rasbora Chilli rasbora Swar... ...
177.Stock List 26/03/16 No
Pentazona barb Golden Barb Tiger barb Cherry barb White cloud L/Fin Dwarf gourami Ancistrus orange and black LDA16 Long Fin Titanic Plec L273 Hypancistrus L270 Hypaancistrus L264 Leporacanthicus Pleco Corydoras schultzei albino Whiptail cat Apistogramma cacatuoides Triple Red Apistogra... ...
Wanted Black Corydoras please e-mail with how many you have available and price willing to travel a reasonable distance thank you
179.5ft Rena 450 Aqualife Tank with fish for sale in Witney Oxon 15/02/16 No
Closing down a healthy, chemical free Rena 450 (450ltrs) Aqualife tank with FX6 and Eheim gear. Tank is used and has few marks but is still in good condition. Fish to be sold first with collection only. Ideally as job lot: 3 X large clown loach 3 X large pleco 3 X large discus ... ...
180.SOLD SOLD Tanganyikan Cichlids - all fish and equipment must go 11/02/16 No
I m shutting down my 4 tanks, all fish must go: 2 Male Furcifer Kigoma 5" each. 1 Male Furcifer Kigoma 3.5" each. 3 Females Furcifer Kigoma 5" each. 6 Ablino neon Cyprichromis leptosoma 4" each. 5 neon Cyprichromis leptosoma 4" each. 2 Alt. Compressiceps Mutondwe "Gold Head" 2". 5 A... ...
181.Job lot Fully Equipped 30L Planted Dennerle Nano Cube Aquarium inc fish & accessories £350 30/01/16 No
Job lot!!! Fully Equipped 30L Planted Dennerle Nano Cube Aquarium with fish and extra tank & accessories £350 As much as this pains me to do and say, Im selling my beloved Aquarium. Ive owed it for several years now and it’s gone through many phases, designs & layouts as Aquascaping was one... ...
182.Green laser corydoras CW009 £6 each 15/01/16 No
Green laser corys for sale. 1-1 1/2 inch. £6 each. Collection from Dalton-in-Furness or may be able to deliver around Preston area in a couple of weeks. Please text or click make contact.
183.Wanted Longfins Albino corydoras 27/12/15 No
Looking for a group of Longfin corydoras.
184.Fluval Aquarium 53 litre. 13/12/15 No
Well established tropical aquarium. Complete with Fluval 205 external canister filter which is extremely quiet !! Really nice cabinet which houses the filter. Currently housing 1x pair of Dwarf Gourami, 7x Venezualan Black Corydoras, 2x Clown Corydoras. Plus several other small fish. £299. ... ...
185.Selling my young corydoras 12/12/15 Yes
Hi there, I have around 25 young beautiful bronze corydoras that are born in my flat. They are around 3-4cm and cost 2£ each. They are to collect in Birmingham Edgbaston and I can provide bags for transport. I also have cobra, Moscow,red young guppies. Any questions drop me a text;)
186.New stock list 11/12/15 Yes
stocklist. Delivery available Washington aquatics Asst. Male Betta £3 Super Red Cherry Shrimp £1.20 10 for £10 Bolivian rams £4 (very nice) Otto catfish £2.50 5 for £10 platinum angels £7.99 (stunning) harlequin lancer catfish 8” £44.99 copperband fron... ...
187.Corydoras Barbatus 16/11/15 No
Wanted corydoras barbatus male,I have 4 female Barbatus ready to spawn but no male,if you have a spare male would you please contact me.
188.Huge selection of fish related books 16/11/15 No
After selling all my tanks etc i have left over a huge selection of fish keeping related books for sale. I tried where possible to get a book on most of the species I kept over the years so some are specific to a certain species and some are general fishkeeping books. All are in excellent conditio... ...
189.corydoras for sale Derby 07/11/15 Yes
Long fin panda corys £5 Sterbai £3 Julii £3 Emerald £3 (Brochis) Albino bronze £2 Hi fin peppered £2 Bronze £1.50 loads more fish available too contact me for full stock list and prices Collect from Derby De23 8bq 07977 976601 Cheers Dean
190.Stock list 31/10/15 Yes
stocklist Community Moscow blue guppy £5 pair Mixed guppy £1.50 10 for £12 Zebra danio xl £1 10 for £8 Black neon tetra large £1 10 for £8 Brochis splendens £5 Spotted headstanders £3 Harlequin rasbora £1 10 for £8 Rainbow platys £2 Rainbow hi fin platys xxl £2.50 Am... ...
191.Corydoras CW009 Green lasers wanted 18/10/15 No
Wanted urgently, to continue breeding programme, would prefer fems if sexable, may take a cpl of males and fish from different locations if poss,i live in gtr manc/lancs area regards
192.Current Freshwater Stocklist Maidenhead Aquatics Coventry 17/10/15 No
Hi :) Here we have our current list of freshwater species available within store. We will be doing our best to keep it updated with any new deliveries. Please do not hesitate to call us for further enquiries. Feel free to like us on Facebook at Maidenhead Aquatics at Coventry. Live bearers; ... ...
193.Some new stock 29/09/15 Yes
new stock (full list to follow) torpedo barbs £4 male bettas £4 panda corys £3.50 clarius catfish 2" £6 glowlight danios £1.50 10 for £12 chocolate gouramis £4 neon blue dwarf gouramis £6 pair cardinal tetra £1 10 for £8 neon tetra 10 for £6 male guppys (300+ to choose ... ...
194.UPDATED Robin Hood Aquarists Nottingham Autumn Auction 20th September 2015 20/09/15 No
The Robin Hood Aquarists are holding their Autumn Auction on Sunday 20th September 2015 at the usual venue of the Highbank Community Centre, Farnborough Road, Clifton, Nottingham. NG11 9DG. Doors open and booking in from 11.30am and the auction starts at 12 noon. Refreshments will be available th... ...
195.New stock list 25/08/15 Yes
Few awful pictures washington aquatics stock list community rainbow shiners £4 torpedo barbs £4 clown loach 2" £4 MEKONG RED FIN LAMPEYE KILLIS £2 sunset platys £2 saluwsi rock shrimp £4 medium Rock Shrimp xlarge £5.99 betta pugnax £3 cherry shrimp 1ea 10 for £8 ghost k... ...
196.New Freshwater stock for both Tropical and Cold water fish at Jessy Aqarium 22/08/15 No
Cold water Gold weather loach Weather loach Assorted Bubble Eye Blue Oranda Chocolate Oranda Lionhead Ranchu Hong Kong Plec Yellow and Black Goldfish Black Comet Goldfish Red and Black Fantails Red Cap Oranda Shubunkins Assorted Fantails (3-4cm, 5-6cm and 8-10cm) Tropical Rainbow Cr... ...
197.Various rare tropical and marine fish for sale 12/08/15 No
Do to unfortunate circumstances I may have to move on most of my stock very quickly so I am just testing the water incase I do Potentially for sale: Freshwater 10x Peru altums Rio nannay 3-4inches £100 9 x cw009 green laser corydoras £120 5 x threadfin acara 3-4 inches £40 Pair of Apisto... ...
198.Marine fish and rare tropical for sale 12/08/15 No
Do to unfortunate circumstances I may have to move on most of my stock very quickly so I am just testing the water in case I do. Potentially for sale: Marine Pecock Wrasse £10 Spotted Madarins x2 £25 ea Torpedo goby x2 £10 ea Goldstreak Blenny £10 Freshwater 10x Peru altums Rio nann... ...
hi I have a group of c121 corys wild unsure of sex but should get good mix for pics please clic on the ebay link.

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