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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Job lot Fully Equipped 30L Planted Dennerle Nano Cube Aquarium inc fish & accessories £350

Description: Job lot!!! Fully Equipped 30L Planted Dennerle Nano Cube Aquarium with fish and extra tank & accessories £350

As much as this pains me to do and say, Im selling my beloved Aquarium. Ive owed it for several years now and it’s gone through many phases, designs & layouts as Aquascaping was one of favourite hobbies and marine life one of my favourite interests. But this road has to come an end for the time being.

The tank is styled to resemble a jungle habitat, with the shorter plants in the foreground and the taller in the back surrounding a Mountain shaped Dragon stone rock covered in java moss which sits on top of large piece of drift wood and a natural looking polyester resin rock cave, which behind I have a clay pleco cave some and more drift wood, this is also the location where I place my catappa leaves to degrade.

I initially brought the tank to breed red cherry shrimp which I was successful at and the tank still has a thriving colony to this day, but overtime i decided to also add some fish. This is a planted tank and has several different varieties of beautiful plants and fish which I’ll list.


3 Bristlenose Plecos (sex: 1 male, 2 females /// size: about 2.2 inches long on average, had since babies)

1 Siamese algae eater (sex: unknown /// size: about 1.3 inches long)

3 Julli Corydoras (sex: Atleast one male & female the third was brought at another date so not sure of the sex // size: about 1 inch on average)

1 Amber tetra

1 Kitty Tetra

1 Danio Tinwini


Cherry Red Shrimp “Pride of the tank”
(Males and Females, adults and babies, The exact amounts been unknown for years due to their size and numbers, Ive have more than I can count, They just thrive in my tank and breed like guppies. /// The Last time shrimp swap I did to introduce new genetics into tank was about 2 years ago)

Malaysian Trumpet Snail (Does very well, high numbers can become a problem if left unmaintained, I have to manually remove some every now and then)

Assassin snails (4 adults, but they’ve been laying eggs for the past few months and Ive seen afew babies around so the true numbers are unknown)

Other Life:::

Freshwater Limpet (Not a lot but present)

Submerged Plants:::

Nymphaea ‘lotus’

Vallisneria spiralis ‘Tiger’

Aponogeton ‘crispus red’

Echinodorus ‘Green Chamaleon’

Echinodorus ‘ozelot green’

Cryptocoryne beckettii ‘petchii’

Hygrophila corymbosa ‘kompakt’

Hygrophila polysperma ‘dwarf hygro’

Alternanthera Reineckii

Hygrophila Pinnatifida

Java Moss

Floating Plants:::

Amazon Frogbit

Dwarf Water Lettuce


Ada Aqua soil Amazonia

Top Gravel:::

Dennerle Shrimp Gravel, Sulawesi Black


Dennerle Nano Amazon Day 11watts x2


All Pond Solutions 600IF Aquarium Internal Filter

Also Included:::

I will also be selling all my accessories and fish food which ive accumulated over the years. (Pictures show some)

1 Glass Beetle CO2 Spiral Bubble Counter ///
1 Glass Co2 Bubble Counter ///
2 Glass Co2 Non Return Check Valves ///
1 Aquarium CO2 Spiral Glass Diffuser (Broken) ///
Glass C02 Drop Checker ///

Aquarium Co2 Proof Plastic Clear Tubing ///
Suction Cups ///
Left over Dried Yeast and Sugar ready to use for some homemade DIY Co2 ///
API Freshwater Master Test Kit (Tests, pH (6.0 – 7.6), High pH (7.4 – 8.8), Ammonia, Nitrite & Nitrate)///

-Premium 5 Piece 11 Inch Stainless Steel Aquarium Aquascaping Kit///
-TNC Complete Aquarium Plant nutrient (1/2 Full) ///
-Fish Net & Shrimp Net ///
-Water Siphoning Tubing ///
-API Stress Coat Water Conditioner 118ml (Near New) ///
-Plant Aquascaping netting ///
-JBL Sansibar Black Aquarium Sand (1/2 Full)///
-Aquarium Filter Wool Roll///

-Large Skull Mountain Cave Ornament ///
-Ancient Ruin Tunnel Head Ornament 13cm ///
-Rock Tunnel Ornament ///
-Dragon Stone Rocks ///
-Drift Wood Pieces///
-4” Clay Pleco Cave///

-1 SERA Fil 60 Internal Filter FULLY WORKING + 2 No longer working ///
-4 replacement Filter Carbon ///
-1 Siporax Mini ///
-1 Filter Sponge///

-7 GRADE A+ GIANT Catappa Indian Almond Leaves ///
-6 Aquarian advanced nutrition 200g each (4 unopened)///
-2 Tetramin Fish Food 200g (Unopened) ///
-Tropical Fish Food pellets, Shrimp, Earthworm & Catfish/Pleco pellets (Hardly Used) ///
-Hikari Algae Wafers 82g (1/3 left) ///
-Hikari Sinking Wafers 110g ( 1/3 left) ///
-Aquadip frozen fish food 5 in 1, Bloodworm small, Glassworm, Black mosquito larvae, Daphnia, Artemia “Brine shrimp” (Almost Finished) ///

-1 60x30cm Empty Tank with Lid ///

-2x Medium/large Storage containers, 1 litter Plastic Jug & A Plastic Bowl ///

-Plus some etc bits and bobs that I forgot to photo e.g a 10ml plastic test tube, filter nozzle brush, etc

The tank is pretty low tech and is easy to take care of (although a c02 kit will be sold in this lot), I do weekly 30-40% water changes, pruning, dead leaf removal, Filter clean and a glass whip down if any algae’s built up, I also add a liquid plant fertiliser.

My Tap water pH is about 7.5 so my tank is kept around that pH level but the tank water will usually dip alittle a night or so after a water change.

This Tank can also provide money making opportunities, as ive sold Cherry Red Shrimp, Amazon Frogbit, Dwarf Water Lettuce & Malaysian Trumpet Snails in the past without affecting my own population levels.

The reason im selling is due to a sudden life style change and I just wont have the time to enjoy it and maintain it anymore. Ive have it for many years and I would seriously keep it if I could, but hopefully Ill be back at it one day.


The Url I added is to a video that I uploaded on youtube so you can get a idea of what your buying, the tank as it is now will be towards the end of the video but I hope you’ll watch the whole thing as it shows part of progress of my tank from the first day I brought it until now.


So that’s finally it.


Many Thanks for looking and il be looking forward to hearing from you.


Contact Information
Advertiser: Jerome
Telephone: 07947655463
County: London
Web Link: ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:30/01/16 Views: 2416]

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