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  Robin Hood Aquarists (Nottingham) Autumn Auction Sunday 17th September 2017

Robin Hood Aquarists (Nottingham) Autumn Auction Sunday 17th September 2017

Robin Hood Aquarists (Nottingham) Autumn Auction Sunday 17th September 2017

Robin Hood Aquarists (Nottingham) Autumn Auction Sunday 17th September 2017

Robin Hood Aquarists (Nottingham) Autumn Auction Sunday 17th September 2017

Description: The Robin Hood Aquarists Society will be holding an auction of fish, plants and equipment on Sunday 17th September 2017 at the
Highbank Community Centre, Farnborough Road, Clifton, Nottingham, NG11 9DG.

Doors open 10.30am and Auction starts 11am.

Refreshments will be available throughout the day and a licensed bar has been applied for.

The auction will have a raffle and raffle tickets will be on sale throughout the day. The raffle will be drawn at the end of the auction.

Many thanks to our sponsors King British, Waterlife and API who have kindly donated prizes!

Phil will be there with the Fishphilosophy stand.

Admission to the auction is free. We look forward to seeing you there.

PLEASE NOTE: Smoking is strictly prohibited within the building and this includes E-cigarettes. Also it is now council policy that no dogs are permitted in the building.

For further details, including booking an auction lot, please contact


Please Note : Auction Lots can only be booked from 12 midnight on 17th August 2017.

We're also on Facebook, go to!/groups/524581947558898/

We have been notified by sellers of the items below that will hopefully be at the auction.

***PLEASE NOTE*** There are no guarantees that these items will definitely be available as unforeseen circumstances before the day cannot be accounted for.

Also, this is certainly not a full list of what will be available, it's only what we know of so far and many sellers do not notify us what they intend to bring along. It's not just a fish and plant auction, there will also be various items of second hand equipment available along with live food cultures. If you are coming for anything specific on the list, let us know and we will try to ascertain from the seller if the item is at risk of not being there and let them know that someone is interested in that item.

The items listed below have been declared by only 6 sellers, we currently have lots from 20 individual sellers in total booked in for the auction. So there will be much, much more at the auction than what is on this list.


Glowlight Danios
Calico London Shubunkin
Calico Veiltail Goldfish
Black Bar Endlers
Peacock Endlers
Jaguar Catfish
Snakeskin guppies
Brown Bristlenose Ancistrus
Albino Bristlenose
Calico Bristlenose
Super Red Bristlenose
Longfin Albino Ancistrus
Corydoras sterbai
Highfin peppered corydoras
Black Schulzei corydoras
Albino bronze corydoras
Neon swordtails
Red swordtails
Red cherry shrimp
Assassin snails
Sexed pair super red Ancistrus
Sexed pair of calico Ancistrus
Red Ramshorn snails
Adult bronze Corydoras
Adult Corydoras sterbai
Adult albino Corydoras
L066 plec
Blue Endlers
Xiphophorus montezumae
Green Swordtails
Red Swordtails
Black Chin Livebearers Girardinius metallicus
Black Mollies (freshwater reared)
Albino Bristlenose cats
Ilyodon xantusi
Corydoras sterbai albino
Longfin Albino Ancistrus
L144 Ancistrus
Marble Ancistrus
Xiphophorus milleri
Starlight Plec pair
Berlin swordtails
Splash tetras
Pygmaeus swordtails
Odessa barbs
Pearl danios
Hoplo catfish
Schultzi Cory
Black Cory
Bronze Cory
Albino peppered Cory
Scleromystax Barbatus
Neon Rosey barbs
Dalmatian mollies
Emporer tetras
Banded barbs
Dragon tailed guppies
Egyptian mouth brooders
White Cloud Mountain minnow
Silver tipped tetras
Blue rainbowfish
Neon tetras
Tiger Endlers
Red lizard whiptail catfish
Glowlight tetras
Sailfin mollies
Corydoras sterbai
Corydoras pygmaeus
Corydoras aeneus
Black Corydoras schultzi
Skiffia multipunctata
Skiffia francesae
Xenotoca eiseni
White Bottom Sword Guppies

Aquarium Grown Plants

Congo Fern Bolbitis Heudelotii on rock
Fine Leaf Fern Ceratopteris Siliquosa
Ludwigia Sp. 'Dark Orange'
Red Marbled Tropical Lotus Lilly
Green Marbled Tropical Lotus Lilly
Anubias barteri
Indian Fern
Giant Vallis
Amazon Frogbit
Riccia fluitans

Other Items

Microworm cultures
Walterworm cultures
Bananaworm cultures
Whiteworm cultures

Contact Information
Advertiser: Matt
County: Nottinghamshire
Web Link:

Advert stats: [Added or updated:17/09/17 Views: 2179]

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