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  Corydoras at Maidenhead Aquatics @ Stapleton

Description: Maidenhead Aquatics @ Stapleton current Corydoras stock

We are situated within Woodlands Garden Centre on Ashby Road and in close proximity to Hinckley, Coalville, Nuneaton, Loughborough, Lutterworth, Atherstone, Tamworth, Leicester.

Bronze cory (Corydoras aeneus) £4.00 each, 3 for £10.00
Albino cory (Corydoras aeneus 'albino') £4.00 each, 3 for £10.00
Panda cory (Corydoras panda) £5.50 each, 3 for £12.00
Elegans cory (Corydoras elegans) £5.50 each, 3 for £12.00
Masked cory (Corydoras metae) £5.50 each, 3 for £15.00
Skunk cory (Corydoras arcuatus) £5.50 each, 3 for £15.00
Network cory (Corydoras reticulatus) £6.50 each, 3 for £18.00
False network cory (Corydoras sodalis) £5.50 each, 3 for £15.00
Pygmy cory (Corydoras pygmaeus) £3.50 each, 3 for £9.00
Slant bar cory (Corydoras loxozonus) £7.50 each, 3 for £20.00
Napo cory (Corydoras napoensis) £4.50 each, 3 for £12.00
Rusty cory (Corydoras rabauti) £5.50 each, 3 for £15.00
Agassiz’s cory (Corydoras agassizii) £5.50 each, 3 for £12.00
False julii cory (Corydoras trilineatus) £5.50 each, 3 for £15.00
Smudge spot cory (Corydoras similis) £8.50 each, 3 for £24.00
Sterbai cory (Corydoras sterbai) £6.50 each, 3 for £18.00
Northern long nose cory (Corydoras septentrionalis) £4.50 each, 3 for £12.00

Stock list and prices current to 17/09/2016

Please note: Livestock is for collection only.

We would advise customers to phone for stock availability before travelling to our store to avoid disappointment.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to phone our friendly staff on 01455 293352.

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Maidenhead Aquatics @ Stapleton
Woodlands Nursery,
Ashby Road,
Tel: 01455 293352

Contact Information
Advertiser: MA@Stapleton
Telephone: 01455 293352
Town: Stapleton, Hinckley
County: Leicestershire
Web Link:

Advert stats: [Added or updated:17/09/16 Views: 1987]

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