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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Tropical Fish Tank £10.00

Description: TTropical fish tank
63 Litre

I've used this aquarium for a number of years breeding a variety of fish, from angel fish, various type of corydoras, swordtails, ancistrus,etc. . Because I am closing my fish house I have got 10 of these (identical) available. These tanks can be useful for fish breeders or for fish keepers. If you are interested I have got a large amount of equipment that I am going to advertise when I have taken the relevant photos. Please do ask if you are interested, or look at my other auction items on eBay. The tanks are completely watertight. I have been using them for a number of years and, in fact, I was using these tanks until just over a month ago but now, due to other commitments, I don't have enough time to care for my fish as I would like so I'm trying to reduce my stock and equipment.

In addition to these I have a number of other tanks of varying sizes for sale - some tanks for breeding fry and others for raising them.
As the tanks are very heavy, it is for collection only. (You can pay on collection if that is more convenient) However, if you live too far away, I am prepared to send it by post or courier service, but I think this would be extremely expensive for you.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Nino Castellano
Telephone: 01438 840247
Town: Welwyn
County: Hertfordshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:06/12/18 Views: 2261]

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