Theiling 250 litre German made aquarium. Probably the most impressive tank I have ever owned exceptional craftsmanship and finish.
The hood is fill stainless, without visible welds, it has arms to hold up the hood when cleaning etc. The frame is fully stainless steel, finished with bevelled beech sides and doors, and the base matches the hood. The cabinet itself has remote controlled lighting, multi colors and effects around the base and bottom of the glass.
The aquarium is fully planted with bog wood, 3 species of plants and quality aquatic soil and substrate. It's been fully established for a few years now.
The glass is in excellent condition and every item operates as it should.
The tank is currently stocked as a discus tank. The inhabitants are as follows.
5 x discus
1 x wild caught royal plec L110 lovely specimen 5 inches long.
1 x albino bristlenosed catfish 6 inches long.
3 x pakistan loach
3 x corydoras.
All fish in excellent condition, 2 of the discus are rescue fish and unfortunately must of had a bad start as they are stunted. The other 3 are perfect.
I would like to sell the fish with the aquarium so this will reflect on the price.
Included with the aquarium is as follows...
2 x led aquarium hood lights, 60watt and 30watt incorporated within hood.
RCD protected multi points, 5x timers included running lights etc.
5 x heaters various sizes, main aquarium 500watt digital, external controller and quartz protected glass.
Ink bird pro digital thermostat, excellent item which controls 2 x heaters independently of heater control.
1 x high flow brand new 3 stage filter for heavy metal and chlorine removal.
1 x 2500 lph external filter with uv.
1 x fluval 305 external filter.
2 x wavemakers
1 x power head
1 x aquarium pump air stones and venturies, loads of tube.
2 x digital thermometers.
1 x digital ppm tester.
1 x digital PH tester
Co2 automatic solonoid system new bottle. With bubble counter, and drop color counter. Ceramic defuser.
Numerous spares ranging from impellers to filter quick locks.
Everything included for cleaning, buckets, hoses, siphon heads, glass cleaning internal and external, 25 litre containers with lids x5.
Lots of medication for various things ranging from aquarium salt to disease treatment. All contained within hanging bag.
To much fish food to list..frozen, flake, pellet very high quality food.
There really is everything you could ask for, and no doubt I have missed a few items. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
New job forces sale, as anyone who keeps fish knows they have time and care to get the most out of them.
Thanks for reading..
Contact Information Advertiser: Dan goodbody Town: 07548603848
County: Kent
Advert stats: [Added or updated:15/09/18 Views: 1406]
