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1.Looking for new homes 05/03/25 No
Hi there .. I have couple different types fish looking for new waters if anyone interested I'll list below. 1 medium angelfish 1 female kribensis cichlid Silver dollar Large green phantom l200 Bristlenose plecos All available too go asap .. Inbox me for pictures & prices ... ...
2.Tropical Fish Breeding 27/12/24 No
Selling 20+ fish, prefer if you take all. Marble Angel fish breeding Pair 5 inches stunning Pearl Gourami Trichopodus leerii - large size - 4/5 inches - Stunning. Gold Gourami Trichogaster Trichopterus large size - 4 inches Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami Tichogaster Lalius - large si... ...
3.Maidenhead Aquatics @ Ashtead - Tropical List 04/12/24 - UPDATED 04/12/24 Yes
A warm tropical welcome from Maidenhead Aquatics at Ashtead, Surrey, just off of Junction 9 the M25. We guarantee to blow you away with our extensive collection of rare and unusual tropical fish, some of which you will never have seen before! Here is our current extensive Freshwater Tropical stock l... ...
4.Male kribensis 20/11/24 No
Male kribensis for sale ready to breed if that's what your looking for or just a colourful fish to add to your tank around 3 inches 10 pounds
5.Rainbow Kribensis breeding age and juveniles 14/11/24 Yes
Breeding male Rainbow Kribensis available near Cardiff Airport. Also unrelated juveniles of various ages. Open to offers on adult male and size dependent on the juveniles but will do deals for multiples. Cheers
6.35 Kribensis including Breeding Pairs. 12/06/24 Yes
Less than half the cost of stores. 35 Kribensis for sale, hatched between February and May 2023, the gender split is about 50-50. Looking to sell the whole group for £50. Warrington, Cheshire based. Could deliver for fuel cost in addition. Fish aren't fully coloured up, easy to breed, can be... ...
7.Kribensis For Sale 20/05/24 Yes
8.FREE breeding pair Kribensis - Penarth, Cardiff 05/03/24 Yes
FREE breeding pair Kribensis Pair and last batch of young fry can be seen in the pics. Just the parents up for grabs. No longer needed as I am now plan to keep other fish. All FREE for the first person to collect from CF64 area Please contact via phone/SMS, I dont always see the em... ...
9.NETS auction 05/10/23 No
Nets charity auction this Sunday 8october in teams social club bensham this is a list of potential fish Apologies for the lateness of this Please read this first.. I have asked the 30+ sellers for a list of the potential fish there looking at bringing THIS Sunday 8th of October This list show... ...
10.Kribensis 12/07/23 Yes
Hi all I currently have roughly 47 kribensis babies of varough.Verious ages and maturity needed rehoming asap. Beautiful colours coming through.They are very curious and lovely to watch If interested,I'm in the southside of Glasgow in Blantyre near Hamilton so please get in touch My email is dav... ...
11.NETS auction 25 June 21/06/23 No
!check out the list of fish provisionally booked for this Sundays auction Plecos and catfish L-015 pleco Super red pleco Synodontis eupterus Brochis splendens Cory napoensis Cory panda white Cory sodalis Cory Trilineatus Cory elegans Cory barbatus Green lazer cory Red lazer cory ... ...
12.Aqua one Oakstyle 230L Tank + Clown Loach, Angel Fish, Silver Sharks for sale - North Manchester 22/03/23 No
5x Clown Loach (2-3 inch up to 4-5 inch) £60 2x Silver Sharks (7-8 inch) £15 1x Yoyo loach (4-5 inch) £10 5x Angel Fish (Medium sized) £15 2x Common Plec (1 is tiny, other is 4 inches) £5 1x Kribensis £85 if take all. Will also be selling the tank. Aqua one oakstyle 230L Comes wi... ...
14.Kribensis breeding pairs available 21/03/22 Yes
I have 3 prolific adult breeding pairs of P. Kribensis (West African) available for pickup in E. Sussex. £10/pair. I am also interested in trading for any of these cichlids: Blue Angel P. Taeniatus P. Subocellatus Apistogramma Cactoides Honduran Red Points Christmas Ellioti Firemouth R... ...
15.Beautiful, bespoke tropical aquarium, 220 litre, 27/02/22 Yes
Beautiful, bespoke tropical aquarium, 220 litre, complete with cabinet, fish, plants, external filter, CO2 cylinder, and all accessories. We have had it from new. 5 years old and it has never been moved. Perfect. Sadly a change of circumstances forces sale. Bespoke Clear Seal tank and cabinet. 2x ... ...
16.Kribensis breeding pair to rehome for free 14/01/22 Yes
Hi im looking to rehome for free a breeding pair of kribensis and fry if possible, the fish are in good health and the fry are around three weeks old,if interested please get in touch. Kind regards Peter Elliott
17.Nichols Mouthbrooder, 22/12/21 Yes
Breeding groups of Pseudocrenilabrus Nicholsi cichlids for sale (1 male and 3 females) £50 or £15 each. Males are 5-8cm and females 3-4cm in length. Females have started brooding, so it’s time for them to find new homes. The parents have been kept in a community tank with Angels, Platies, Kr... ...
18.Full Set Up 120Litres including Fish 20/09/21 Yes
I am reluctantly selling my 120litre aquarium with all inhabitants.. *Tank & Cabinet *Hood & Light *Filter *2 heaters *1 Bristlenose Pleco *8 Kribensis including a breeding pair *A breeding pair of Electric Blue Acaras *2 pieces of bogwood *Various medications, food and some ex... ...
19.Trigon 350 Corner Aquarium- Full Tropical Setup 18/08/21 Yes
Juwel Trigon 350 Corner Fish Tank Aquarium - full set up - inc. Aquasky lights. Good used condition. Full set up - buyer to disassemble and transport. Fluval Trigon 350 tank and stand Eheim Heater, Air pump and stones Eheim filter -and allPond solutions filters - both fully established with to... ...
20.Kribensis mature males and babies available FREE 28/04/21 Yes
Kribensis Cichlid mature males and Kribensis babies available FREE Norwich NR13 Brundall
21.Kribensis breeding pair available FREE 28/04/21 Yes
A beautiful pair of Kribensis Cichlids, have already had one batch of fry now starting to get ready for another. Available free from Norwich Brundall
22.free Kribensis 29/03/21 Yes
my pair of Kribensis had babies and wasnt expecting them to surive now looking to rehome as many as i can as they causing issues in my tank. over 15 free if you can collect mid wales , ceredigion, ponterwyd
23.kribensis 26/03/21 No
Description: Young kribs for sale growing nicely 6 for £10 pick up only from todmorden. Phone carol on 07723065656
24.Young Kribensis 06/03/21 Yes
Bred at home. I have 15 x 3cm young Kribs hoping for a new home. Parent reared for a period, now growing out in a 575 litre tank. Photos are examples of some of them. £3 each or 4 for £10. They eat flake, pellets, brine shrimp, daphnia, bloodworm etc. Will have been free swimming 4 months on Frida... ...
25.Kribensis P. 29/12/20 Yes
Free to new home Took in this pair of kribs from a fiend but now they need a permanent home. Collection only from Portsmouth PO1 area.
26.kribensis 04/07/20 Yes
I have several Kribensis cichlids that I would like to sell. They have bred in my tank and I think there are too many. If anyone is interested I am in South Devon PL21 0re
27.Kribensis for sale, £3 each 27/06/20 No
Beautiful fish, about 2.5cm long. They are very active and healthy. Will upload photos tomorrow! Collection only from Leighton Buzzard please, using social distancing.
28.Odd cichlids left offers 25/05/20 No
Hi I have a kribensis female and a Nigerian red wild Male and three young Geophagus red head cichlids just odd fish I have left over
29.Kribs/ Kribensis wanted 22/04/20 No
I am looking for kribensis, either breeding pairs for sale, adult females or juvenile/ fry. Willing to cover delivery costs for right fish Cheers, Josh
30.Large Complete Aquarium Fish tank including fish / gravel / plants Full setup 07/01/20 Yes
Large Glass fish tank with stand and base. Also includes 2 x Drift Wood, pots, plants, fish, gravel, CristalProfi greenling pump and light with day / night / colour changing season mode with remote. Harmonious tank including 2 x Blood Parrot cichlids, 3 x Penguin Tetra, A couple of Kribensis 1x ma... ...
31.Kribensis group 21/11/19 No
I am selling a lovely group of 10+ kribensis,they are beautiful, healthy fish with great colour. A mix of male and female in the group to form your own community or breeding groups. Don't miss a bargain at £20 for the entire group. Collection only from Runcorn, Cheshire
32.ALL SOLD--- Lower price-NOW ON EBAY--Bargain--Must go asap-Various Cichlids(Geophagus/Kribs/Acara)& Catfishes(Plecs) for sale in Leeds 27/10/19 Yes
Search eBay under: bargincornertom Tanks are getting bit crowdy so I had to make decision to get rid of some of my beloved collection: -Geophagus red head Tapajos 5 inches proven breeding pair---starting bid £29.99 -Hypostomus L231 5 inches pair---£20 -Kribensis proven breeding pair... ...
33.Tanganyikan fish and more 17/10/19 Yes
I am breaking down my tank due to a house move, I have : 6x brichardi (maybe more) 2x lemon cichlid 2x different type of Julie 1x calvus (stunning) 2x large silver flying fox 1 x red African kribensis All to go together.. £60 the lot (payed £38 for the calvus alone!)
34.ND Aquatics 4x2x2 with Eheim 2180 thermo filter (1 year old) 17/10/19 Yes
£600 JOB LOT I’m selling an ND aquatics 4x2x2 tank with grey cabinet (few scratches) on opti-white front. Also selling Eheim 2180 thermo filter (1 year old) Livestock 4 keyhole cichlids Dozens on kribensis 30 odd Cardinal terras 10+ Serpae Tetra 8+ Corys 6 Siamese algae eaters ... ...
35.FINISHING ON EBAY TONIGHT---Proven breeding pair of Kribensis(Pelvicachromis pulcher) red Cichlid + 10 youngsters (1inch) in Leeds- £20 for a lot for quick sale 01/10/19 Yes
Proven breeding pair for sale(youngsters for sale as well) Youngsters to view. Must go asap as changing into new project. £10 for them. Easiest way to contact me is via mobile 07894712156 Pick up from LS16 Please see my other fish for sale Thanks for looking
36.Mbuna cichlids forsale. 03/09/19 No
Lake Malawi Mbuna Cichlids, Bristlenose Catfish and Kribensis Available and sizes Cobue 2-3 cm Mpanga 2-4cm Electric yellow labs 2-3 cm Jalo reef 4cm Blue eyed lemon bristlenose 2-4 cm Brown bristlenose 2-4 cm Auratus 2-4 cm Trewavasae 2-4 cm Kribensis 2-4 cm at £3.50 each Endlers £... ...
37.Rainbow Kribensis Cichlids (Pelvicachromis pulcher) Juveniles 25/06/19 Yes
I have 18 beautiful 3.5 month old Rainbow Kribensis Cichlids (Pelvicachromis pulcher)ready to be rehomed. They are just starting to colour and have been raised with quality food. £5 for all of them or .50 each. If you're interested contact me by either phone or mail. Tel: 07379071336 Email... ...
38.Pair of Kribensis available (GONE) 05/05/19 Yes
I have a male/female pair of Kribensis available, free of change to a good home. Both fish are approx 4-5cm in length and are in very good condition. Ideally they can be collect from Raunds area.
39.Shutting down two large aquariums. Fish & equip for sale 30/03/19 No
Shutting down a 4' and a 5' aquariums. 5 Rainbows. 1 Speckled,1 Panda3 Albino,8 Sterbai Cories. 1 Otto. 2 Plec. 2 Flying Fox. 1 Golden Ram. 1 Rainbow Shark. 30 Kribensis. " Ehiem external filters suitable for afore mentioned aquarium(1 with integral heater. 1 inline heater. 2 heater/thermostat.Vari... ...
40.Apristogramma kribensis For Sale 04/02/19 Yes
I have 15 x 6month (approx) JUVENILE apristogramma kribensis for sale beautiful colours just started to get there purple BELLIES and those distinctive yellow fins. £6 EACH OR 2 FOR £10.00 OR ALL 15 FISH FOR £75.00 COLLECTION ONLY WATFORD 07752468841 dan
41.Complete Tropical fish aquarium fish tank set up with live plants and fish 05/08/18 Yes
I am selling my stunning established tropical setup complete with fish, bog wood, plants, gravel, filtration and LED lighting. The aquarium is European brand Aquatlantis. Details of the tank are as follows: ELEGANCE- PLUS-100 181L Elegance Plus 100 Aquarium LED H2O, AQ-BB-2 Filter, 810L/H ... ...
42.various tropical fish for sale inc shark , convicts, rainbow see desc 22/07/18 No
hi, need to do some thinning in my tanks so i have the following for sale: bala(silver shark) approx 8 inches adult £10 rainbow cichlid approx 4-5inch £5 lace catfish large ( type unknown) £5 kribensis ( adults males) £2 each marbled convicts (young adults 1-2 inch) £2.50 prov... ...
43.Malawi Cichlids 16/07/18 Yes
Cichlids DN6 area Collection only 07713 154 980 Livingstoni £6 Apache (Sulfurhead) Peacock £5 Kenyi £4 White Tail Acei £5 Red Top Hongi £5 OB Peacocks £7.50 (SOLD) Venustus £5 Zebra Obliquedens £6 Red Zebra £4 OB Zebra £3 Blue Dolphins £5 Albino Ice Blue £4 Ice Blue £4 B... ...
44.Ripples Waterlife, Shenstone. Plecs, Corys, and unusual species 11/07/18 Yes
We are based in South Staffs, just south of the city of Lichfield. We have about 170 stock tanks covering all types of tropical, temperate, and coldwater fish, shrimps, fighting fish, African cichlids, and discus. We pride ourselves on the quality and range of our fish, the cleanliness of our tanks,... ...
45.Kribensis free to a good home 27/05/18 No
I have 4 adult male and 2 adult female Kribensis. Take 1 or all free to a good home
46.Fully Revised Stock List - The Aquatic Store Bristol 09-05-2018 09/05/18 Yes
Tetras: Super Ringo Owando Tetra (Very Rare) Red Congo Tetra (Alestopetersius Brichardi) RARE Black Neon Tetra Yellow Neon Tetra Marble Hatchet Fish Giant Silver Hatchet Fish Cardinal Tetra (Super Condition) Red Phantom Tetra Black Phantom Tetra Red Eyed Tetra Flame Tetra Super Oran... ...
47.Kribs for sale 25/04/18 Yes
I have some home bred Kribensis Cichlid for sale. i have about 30 if not more to sell. selling them at £2 each, mixture of males and females but mainly females (i think) **text or email only as i dont answer unknown numbers** Collection only Blackpool FY4
48.130 litre Tall Fish Tank & Fish, £100.00 REDUCED 07/04/18 No
Tall Aqua One Curved Glass Aquarium tank- sorry,unable to upload photo. Dimensions approx. 72h x 62w x 39d with curved glass corners. The hinged hood allows plenty of room to feed the fish and easy access for maintenance In the top are 2 independent long light bulbs, a built in trickle filter, wa... ...
49.Baby Kribensis for sale 28/02/18 No
Beautiful baby kribensis cichlids for sale in Weston super-mare buyer must collect from the Worle area. Kept in a 60L holding tank at the mo! No diseases and all are very healthy. £3 each 2 for £5 6 for £12
50.Breeding pair of kribensis (FREE) 20/02/18 No
breeding pair of Kribs they have had young many times. I need to free up some space in my tank free to who ever collects. please get in touch on 07881379862
51.2 Kribensis free to a good home 30/01/18 No
I have two kribs that are in need of a good home as they are bullying my Angel fish. Free pick up.
52.Kribensis 26/01/18 Yes
For sale young healthy adult kribensis. Very easy to look after. Easy and fun to breed. They are 2 - 3 inches long and ready to pair up. £2 each. West Ealing. London. 07986537054. Pick up only. Geoff.
54.kribensis 06/12/17 No
looking for some tank bred kribensis young or adult can collect
55.Kribensis fry 27/11/17 No
Around 20-25 kribensis fry between 2/3 cm perfect healthy little fish plus the dad of the fry. Preferably to be sold all together for £25 pictures available on request via email.
56.Young adult kribensis - cambridgeshire - £1 each 22/10/17 No
Young adult kribs males and females. Good colouration and ready to form breeding pairs £1 each. Discount available for bulk purchases.
57.Ocellated Kribensis Fry for sale, aswell as a healthy and young spawning pair with great colour 23/09/17 No
Ocellated Kribensis Fry for sale, aswell as a healthy and young spawning pair with great colour. Delivery and postage considered, though preferably collection. Please contact me by call or text on 07964049162 or by email at billy.edwards.create@hotmail.co.uk for more information, thanks.
58.Kribensis 10/09/17 Yes
I've got a fry of kribensis fish babies 3 month old of 20. 1£ each
Updated Stock list 15/09/2017 Corydoras/CW Numbers: CW028 Corydoras Super Schwartzi STUNNING XXL STORE FIRST Limited Corydoras Gold Lasers F1 XL NEW super condition C12 Corydoras Punctatus NICE CW009 Green lazer Corydoras SUPER CONDITION XL STORE FIRST Limited CW051 Corydoras sp VERY NICE... ...
60.Various fish for rehoming. 15/08/17 No
Closing down my tank so the following fish need to go to permanent homes in suitable sized aquarium. This has not been a easy decision as many of the fish I've had a long time. They are: 2 x large parrot fish 3 x Angel Fish 1 x Striped Headstander Breeding pair of Kribensis ( not to be homed in... ...
61.Kribensis and bristlenose plecs for sale 2 pound each 23/06/17 Yes
The kribs are 3 months old the plecs are only 1 month all feeding well on flake
62.Last stock of cummunity fish. Must Go. ellesmere port 30/05/17 No
below is the last stock we have left, so all must go. prices are per fish, deals may be possible on larger groups. Albino tiger barbs x4 £1ea Rosy barbs x5 £2ea Asst Male guppies x15 £1ea Glowlight tetras x15 £1ea Bleeding heart tetras x10 £2ea Kribensis x50 £1ea Angelfish Pearl... ...
63.Emigrating - Good Quality Fish or Sale 15/05/17 No
2 x pimelodus pictus (6 inches long) - £10 each 3 x Kribensis (amazing colours, mature, including a breeding paid) - £4 each 15 x Black Neons - £10 the lot 4 x Golden Loach - £3 each 3 x Clown Loaches £5 each All are from an established setup. I'm loathed to take apart the tank but emigr... ...
65.Splash Tropicals Updated Stocklist 01/04/17 No
Full Stocklist Below Updated 01/04/2017 Splash Tropicals South Terrace The Green Southwick SR5 2AW Contact Ryan/Kelly on 07572554047 Email: splash.tropicals@hotmail.co.uk Opening Hours: Monday 10am-5pm Tuesday 10am-5pm Wednesday 10am-2pm Thursday CLOSED Friday 10am-5pm ... ...
66.Adult Breeding pairs of Kribensis Cichlids 27/02/17 Yes
Very colourful breeding pairs of Kribensis. Normal tropical tank, not hard water Cichlids. Juveniles also available. Very easy to breed. Nieces and Nephews love watching the parents protecting the baby fish. Changing the tank to a Koi tank in the next few weeks,so all fish will need to go. 10 mins s... ...
67.Parkers Aquatic Centre - Tropical Fish in Bristol, Full Stocklist 17/12/16 Yes
Latest Fish List - Updated 17/12/16 Current stock List: Inverts: Bamboo shrimp : few Yamoto shrimp: cherry shrimp: yellow fire shrimp: Assorted Crystal Shrimp: Large blue lobster Vampire crabs Tetra/ Characins: Black widow tetra Cardinal tetra Congo tetra Neon tetra Serpae tet... ...
68.Cichlids and Tropical Fish 05/10/16 No
Selling up Large X - Ray Tetra 10 for £5 Jewel Cichlid £4 Large A breeding pair for 1 spot Jewel Cichlid £15 Livingstoni Medium £3 Blue Acara Cichlid (m) £4 Firemouth Cichlid (m) £3 Jack Dempsey Cichlid (m) £5 Kribensis Cichlid (m) £3 Synspilum Cichlid (m) £7 Texas Cichlid (m) ... ...
69.Kribensis 22/07/16 Yes
I am selling kribs, £5 per pair or three pairs for £10. Buyer collect please.
70.Albino Kribensis 18/07/16 Yes
Hiya, I have around 24 albino kribensis, born in February so around 5 months old. They're all feeding well on flake and frozen. I'm selling for £2 each or can do a deal for 6 for £10. Can also email me on g_rabone@hotmail.com
71.young kribensis 10/07/16 No
lots of young kribs for sale
72.The Ark Outpost New Arrivals 08/07/16 Yes
New Arrivals 8/7/2016 Large Columbia Order Expected In A Fortnight Tiger Barbs £3.50 Assorted Angelfish £4.99 Neon Tetra £1.00 Black Neon Tetra (Jumbo) £1.50 Honey Gourami £3.95 Lace Gourami £4.95 Albino Kribensis £4.95 Gold Rams £5.95 Silver Arowana £25 Stunning Guppy Stra... ...
73.Kribensis, free to a good home 10/06/16 Yes
I have a breeding pair of kribensis who are happily breeding in my community tank and doing an excellent job in protecting and rearing a dozen or so fry in a batch, protecting them from much larger cichlids. In good health and feeding well, around 12 available now 2cm, collect or local delivery (For... ...
74.Breeding pair of Pelvicachromis Pulcher (Kribensis) 10/05/16 Yes
Bought at the start of the year and successfully had some fry but my tank is just too small and they end up fighting and as they are starting to breed again I want to avoid them getting too rough with each other and not having anywhere to go.
75.kribensis dwarf cichild fry 10/05/16 Yes
Kribensis fry for sale from my proven pair 1cm to 2cm long. £2 each. text on 07562679996.
76.Kribensis juvenile and parents for sale 09/05/16 Yes
Parents (approx. 2") £10 Young ( 2cm) £2 each (Born in January 2016) Collection only from Braintree, Essex. Please come with your own container as we can not provide them. The fry have had a good raising alongside their parents, being fed infusoria and newly hatched brine shrimp from... ...
77.Fish to rehome Kribs Fairy Cichlids COLLECTION ONLY | E7 London 19/03/16 Yes
EDIT: All Guppies and the Loach are now booked, just the Cichlids left! After years of joy, we are saddened to be given no choice but to rehome all our fishes from 4 tanks due to moving houses (unfortunately impossible to re-set up tanks there). This means we have to say goodbye to yet anothe... ...
78.5 adult Kribensis cichlids -Paisley 09/01/16 No
5 adult kribensis cichlids, 3 females and 2 males, tank bred. Fish are in a well established, disease-free tank. £2.00 each. Must collect Sat/Sun, Paisley.
79.RED kribensis WANTED 13/12/15 No
looking for some of these kribs in durham / teeside area please contact with details
80.Fish Stock List 01/12/15 01/12/15 Yes
COLD & TEMPERATE FISH: Black Comet £2.49 Each or 3 for £6 Black Moor £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Blue Oranda £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Assorted Fantail £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 White Fantail £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Sucking loach £1.79 Each Gold Sucking Loach £2.49 White Cloud Minnow £1... ...
81.FISH STOCK LIST 27/11/15 27/11/15 No
COLD & TEMPERATE FISH: Black Comet £2.49 Each or 3 for £6 Black Moor £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Blue Oranda £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Assorted Fantail £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 White Fantail £3.99 Each or 3 for £10 Sucking loach £1.79 Each Gold Sucking Loach £2.49 Each White Cloud M... ...
82.Lots of south african Malawi and lake Victorian cichlids 28/10/15 No
Victorians Ruti island Yellow belly Albert Rock kribensis Burtoni Crimima tide Mbuna-- Flavus Neon spot Afra mphanga rock Afra yellow blaze Afra cobue Afra white top Afra red top chewere White labs Super red top hongi Trewassae marmalade Kingsizie pulcan Elongateus chewere ... ...
83.4 rock kribensis 27/10/15 No
4 rock kribensis for sale, 2 male and 2 female, around 1.5 - 2.5 inches
84.4ft Tropical Fish Tank +Cabinet. 330lt. Mature Planted tank. Complete set up inc fish+plants 26/10/15 Yes
Buying a Marine set up so sadly having to sell my much loved Tropical Freshwater tank. This is a complete set up with tank, cabinet, fish, plants, multiple planted bogwoods, filtration, lighting, heater, pumps. The tank was bought in January 2014 so has been set up for nearly 2 years and has a... ...
85.Current Freshwater Stocklist Maidenhead Aquatics Coventry 17/10/15 No
Hi :) Here we have our current list of freshwater species available within store. We will be doing our best to keep it updated with any new deliveries. Please do not hesitate to call us for further enquiries. Feel free to like us on Facebook at Maidenhead Aquatics at Coventry. Live bearers; ... ...
86.Maidenhead Aquatics@Shirley Freshwater Stocklist 02/10/2015 03/10/15 Yes
Hi, here is a our current Freshwater stock-list over here at Maidenhead Shirley. Please do not hesitate to contact our friendly staff with any questions that you may have. We will be doing our best to update the stock-list when we have had new fish in. Feel free to follow us on Facebook: https:/... ...
87.African Cichlid Breeder UK Based 30/09/15 Yes
Queens Aquatics are a U.K based Cichlid Supplier we breed all of our fish here in UK water so you're guaranteed that Cichlids from us are already acclimatised to the British waters. We source our stock from either F1 or Wild Caught where possible carefully making sure we don't breed with the same bl... ...
88.UPDATED Robin Hood Aquarists Nottingham Autumn Auction 20th September 2015 20/09/15 No
The Robin Hood Aquarists are holding their Autumn Auction on Sunday 20th September 2015 at the usual venue of the Highbank Community Centre, Farnborough Road, Clifton, Nottingham. NG11 9DG. Doors open and booking in from 11.30am and the auction starts at 12 noon. Refreshments will be available th... ...
89.Kribensis 27/08/15 No
Juvenile Kribensis ranging from 20mm-40mm in size 50p each. Collection only
90.Kribensis Cichlids (Home Bred) 21/08/15 No
I Have 20+ beautiful (home bred) Kribensis Cichlids for sale. There are fully mature fish, males and females. Also, about a dozen juveniles. £6 per pair for the mature fish £4 per pair for the youngsters.
91.Asst Tropical fish/plecs 15/08/15 No
3x large torpedo barb £20 5x dwarf neon rainbowfish £20 3x bosman rainbowfish £15 2x lake katubu rainbowfish £10 1x green bulldo plec £10 1x l015 clown plec £10 1x Breeding pair Albino kribensis £10 1x Breeding pair of Kribs 1x albino 1x normal £10 100x baby kribenis 3cm £50 the lot... ...
92.Tropical fish for sale 31/07/15 No
Various angels large £5 each Brown bristle nose cat fish good size £4 each Albino bristle nose cat fish good size £4 each Kribensis cichlids £3 each Marble mollies £1.50p each Guppys £1 each Large yellow labs £4 each Large albino Corey's £3 each Large bronze Corey's £3 each La... ...
93.Kribensis 26/07/15 No
Hi Guys Ive got about 300 Kribensis for sale There is a mix of Standard Kribensis and Albino kribensis, Im open to offers on bulk if anyone is interested. 6 for £10 15 for £20 30 for £30 Collection from Arnold ,Nottingham
94.Kribensis Pair 13/07/15 No
Large healthy kribensis pair for sale. £10 - Collection from Portsmouth.
95.Kribensis for Sale 04/07/15 No
My Kribensis Chichlids have bred. I have an entire 'brood' of around 30 fry. Currently free swimming, and being looked after well by the parents. very small in size. If anybody would like to purchase one, some, or all of them, please get in contact! Open to offers £
96.current stocklist 05/06/15 No
current stocklist available for collection from fishrooms in linwood, renfrewshire. delivery available £13.50 per box LIVEBEARERS ASSORTED MALE GUPPY LARGE 1.20 ASSORTED FEMALE GUPPY LARGE 1.20 ASSORTED PLATY MEDIUM 1.50 ASSORTED MOLLY MEDIUM 1.50 ASSORTED SWORDTAILS X LARGE 1.50 BU... ...
97.Juwel lido 120 - complete aquarium set up plus fish 29/04/15 Yes
Juwel lido 120 - complete aquarium set up plus fish Included accessories :- Fluval u4 filter plus media Juwel heater Rena 100 airpump plus airstone Gravel 5 Plants Both lights are fully working Included Fish :- 2 ancistrus plecs 2 denison barbs (1 medium 1 small) 1 rain... ...
98.Shield Aquatics Stocklist 13/03/15 No
Updated stocklist Trops - Mickey mouse platy Mickey mouse santa platy Gold comet platy Galaxy platy Neon swordtails Gold comet swordtails Red leopard mollys Marble mollys Lyretail mollys Green sailfin mollys Gold sailfin mollys Green cobra guppys King cobra guppys Flame guppys Yellow ... ...
99.F1 KRIBENSIS FOR SALE 10/03/15 Yes
Excellent quality F1 Kribensis from wild caught parents. Having sold some already I have transferred some larger adults from my big tank that are also for sale. I have just over 20 left in total. Smaller Kribs £1.25 each or 5 for £5. Larger adult Kribs £2 each. Kribs have excellent colour (see ph... ...
100.Shield Aquatics Stocklist & Marine Supplies Now In Stock 06/02/15 No
New range of marine products now in stock. All Ocean Nutrition foods, seaweeds & accessories, Seachem additives, conditioners & salt etc. Also selection of Carribsea substrates and accesories including life rock, dry and live sands plus more to follow Updated stocklist Trops - Mickey m... ...
101.baby kribensis 12/01/15 No
Young kribensis 2 months old free to good home about 100 to 150 left ring 01282415998
102.Fish Stocklist: 10/12/14 10/12/14 Yes
FISH STOCK LIST: 10/12/14: COLD WATER FISH: Zebra Danio £1.25 Each or 5 for £5 Leopard Danio £1.25 Each or 5 for £5 Yellow Comet £2.99 Each or 3 for £7 Goldfish £2.99 Each or 3 for £7 Weather Loach £2.99 Each or 3 for £7 TROPICAL FISH: Neon Tetra 99p Each or 6 for £5 ... ...
103.Kribensis Cichlid £2 09/12/14 Yes
Kribensis babies for sale. Approx 3 months old and between 1 -3cm long. The common Kribensis Cichlid (Krib) is considered a great beginner cichlid because it can tolerate a range of water conditions and is one of the most popular of the cichlids. Kribensis Cichlids stay on the small side, reachi... ...
104.Emsworth Aquatics Availability List 09/12/14 Yes
AVAILABLITY LIST LIVEBEARERS Assorted Mollies £2.60ea Balloon Mollies £2.85ea Assorted Male Guppies £2.25ea or 4 for £8.76 Female Guppies £1.80ea or 6 for £10.20 Male Endlers £2.25ea or 4 for £8.80 Assorted Platys £2.50ea Assorted Swordtails £3.00ea CICHLIDS Gold Severum £6... ...
105.Clifton Aquatics - Tropical Fish Shop, London SE26 29/11/14 No
Clifton Aquatics 90 Sydenham Road London Sydenham SE26 5JX Please see below for our current stock list and new fish are added frequently Stingrays Silver and Pearl Arowana Wolf Fish Piranha Large Severams True Parrot Parrots Green Terror Red Terror Jags Flowerhorns Pike Cichlid... ...
106.New store open in South Shields 17/11/14 No
We are a new store in South Shields supplying freshwater fish and dry goods. Good selection dry goods including Fluval, Seachem, Ocean Nutrition, Tetra plus more Open 10 til 6 Monday to Saturday 12 til 4 Sunday Current stocklist Trops - Rainbow platy Blue neon platy Texas cichlid ... ...
Clifton Aquatics has opened in Sydenham, London. We are a family run shop selling tropical and coldwater fish. Address is: 90 Sydenham Road London SYdenham Se26 5JX Open mon -sat 10-5.30 Sun 10-2 Closed on wednesdays We have a good selection of tropical fish and hopefully something to... ...
108.Tropical fish for sale 10/09/14 Yes
Altotamprologus calvus 3” £13each Altolamprologus compressiceps gold 2.5”-3” £12each Cyphlontilapia frontosa 2” £7.50each Copidochromis azureus F1 3-4” £10each Labidochromis hongi red top 3” £8each Pseudotropheus flavus around 3” £8each Thorichthys ellioti 4” £6each kr... ...
109.Tropical fish from community tank for sale 03/09/14 Yes
After several years of successful tropical fish keeping I am planning to switch to marine so am selling my existing fish. Complete list of fish is as follows: 3x Denison (Red Line Torpedo) Barbs 1x very large silver and orange angel fish 2x smaller black marble angel fish 4x boeseman's r... ...
110.Aquarium, Stand and Filter FINAL PRICE DROP 03/09/14 Yes
Description of item for sale.... Aquarium and cabinet Age....4 years Condition.... aquarium and cabinet - excellent, Glass - a few scratches Reason for Sale.... making room Quantity.... 1 Sale Price.... £55 Location.... OL2 8ED Delivery or Collection.... Collection Advertised Elsewhere? (Ye... ...
111.Juwel Vision 180 aquarium on custom made cabinet 26/08/14 Yes
After several years of successful tropical fish keeping I am planning to switch to marine so am selling my existing set up. This consists of a Juwel Vision 180 tank in excellent used condition with an Eheim Ecco-Pro filter in a custom built and very strong cabinet. The tank includes a very expen... ...
112.3 clown loach,3 angel,3 kribs and 2 honey gnaurami £20 21/08/14 Yes
Hi for sale due to closing down tank. Lovely fish in great health. 3 clown loach 1 at abt 3 inchs,2 at abt 1 1/2 inch. 3 medium angel fish abt 3 inch from top to bottom. 2 big honey gnaurami 3 inch. 4 lovely colour kribensis. Any questions dont hesitate. Cash on collection. Buyer to bring buckets. A... ...
113.1 Kribensis Cichlid full size £5 nice colour pick up blackburn 10/08/14 Yes
Full size adult cichlid, needs to go as it is a bit feisty towards my angel fish. £5 Regards Faz
Our stock list and prices of what we have in at the moment are as followed.. Special orders can be made, as long as deposit is paid. Tropical Fish: JUST IN: 2 large Male Frontosa (Around 7inches and 9inches) - £60.00 each or £100.00 the pair. Topaz Puffer Fish (Around 5inches) - BACK IN ... ...
115.Rock Kribensis 14/06/14 No
I have A trio of female rock kribs for sale as sadly I have lost my male they are £20 for the trio collection only from witham essex :-)
116.breeding pair of kribensis 09/05/14 Yes
For Sale: lovely breeding pair of kribensis,(pelvichromis pulcher).Currently in my community tank. They have bred three times since December but due to the other fish have only raised one or two fry successfully. £10.00 the pair. Will need to collect from Portsmouth. please text or e-mail Vic ... ...
117.QUALITYFISHONLINE - We sell quality tropical and cold water fish, we now have new inverts 17/03/14 Yes
GO TO QUALITYFISHONLINE TO PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW!! Find us on facebook: www.facebook.com/qualityfishonline FISH LIST: Black Angel 2.90 Ghost Angel 4.90 Koi Angel 2.90 Leopard Angel 5.00 Marble Angel 3.00 Zebra - Sm 2.50 Zebra Angel - Lge 12.00 Crab - Red Claw... ...
118.fish for sale 16/02/14 No
geophagus surminesis x2 4inches paid £12.95 each tin fiol barbs x3 4 inches paid £7.95 each kribensis x4 2inches + paid £4.95 each pimledella cat fish x3 4-5 inches £10.95 each pim pictus x2 3-4 inches £7.95 each rustys plec x1 5 inches £21 royal plec x1 5 inches £32.95 white fin ... ...
119.Pelvicachromis pulcher 04/01/14 Yes
One proven pair of P. pulcher (kribensis) for sale. They have bred several times. Male is wild, female is F1. Free collection from Ilford.
120.African / Malawi Cichlids 28/12/13 Yes
I am closing down my African cichlid tank. I am unsure of quite a few of the names but if you know your stuff you can probably tell from the pictures. There is one yellow lab. Quite a few kribensis. The rest i dont know. There are four big ones, six medium and five small approx. I know some... ...
121.Kribs for sale - Derby 28/12/13 No
I have around 30 (wish they'd stop moving for long enough in order to count!)young adult Kribensis for sale, all showing great colour and ranging from 1 inch to 2 inches in size. £1 each or offers for a numbered purchased. 07584 031020. Cheers, Ian
122.LOADS of community fish for sale 22/12/13 No
Loads of tropical fish for sale: 2 x Kribensis 3" (pair) £3 1 x red tail black shark 3" £3 1 x white/orange Angel 3" £5 2 x bristlenose (m+f) 3" £5 4 x bristlenose 2" £2.50 1 x common plec 3" £2.50 2 x neetroplus 2+3" (m+f) £3 8 x firemouth cichlid 1"+ £2 8 x keyhole cichlid 1" ... ...
123.90Ltr tank + Tropical Fish 18/12/13 No
Hi there, I am selling my 90Ltr rectangular tank + various tropical fish due to lack of time to commit. There are Corys, glowlight tetras, red finned shark, black shark, rainbow shark, Common Plec, glass catfish, mollys, shrimp, kribensis, gourami, betta etc... It also comes with decorations such as... ...
124.£25 - FS 14 Cichlids 12x Red Jewels, 1xKribensis, 1xRainbow 3xPlecs 17/12/13 Yes
£25 - FS 14 Cichlids 12x Red Jewels, 1xKribensis, 1xRainbow 3xPlecs The Parents and 10 Super Red Cichlids that i have kept from birth and 1 krib, 1 rainbow cichlid and 3 plecs im closing down my fish tanks so all must go. Contact Mark markransom@sky.com 07746139120
125.£25 Gold Spot Chinese Snakehead Aprox 6" - BUXTON 17/12/13 Yes
£25 Gold Spot Chinese Snakehead Aprox 6" - BUXTON Closing Down my Tanks so the Gold Spot Snakehead has too go. He is eating well on bloodworm and pellets and has fantastic colouration currently in a 4ft tank with 12 Red Jewel Cichlids 3 Plecs a Kribensis and Rainbow Cichlid. Con... ...
126.Various African Malawi Cichlids 15/12/13 Yes
I am closing down my African cichlid tank. I am unsure of quite a few of the names but if you know your stuff you can probably tell from the pictures. There is one yellow lab. Quite a few kribensis. The rest i dont know. There are four big ones, six medium and five small approx. I know some... ...
127.Loads of tropical fish for sale - allsorts. 30/11/13 No
Fish I have for sale are as follows: COMMUNITY FISH Guppies £1 Mollies £1 Swordtails £1 Young Platys 50p Young Guppies 50p 1 x Neon Tetra 50p 2 x Zebra Danios 50p 23 x Kribensis 1 inch £1 4 x Bristlenose Plec 3.5 inch £6 1 x Algae Eater 1 inch £1 1 x Venezuelan Corydora £4 1 x... ...
128.52 red bellie kribensis 27/11/13 No
£2.50 each. All feeding well and shifting sand the rest of the time. Colouring up lovely. Hatched 12/7/13. Would consider swap for breeding pair of cichlids. Message with wot you got.
129.Various African Malawi Cichlids 25/11/13 Yes
I am closing down my African cichlid tank. I am unsure of quite a few of the names but if you know your stuff you can probably tell from the pictures. There is one yellow lab. Quite a few kribensis. The rest i dont know. There are five big ones, six medium and five small approx. I know some... ...
I AM CLOSING ALL OF MY TANKS DOWN TO CHANGE OVER TO REPTILES . I HAVE FOR SALE FOUR FOOT BOW FRONT TANK AND STAND. 120 ONO AQUA ONE 620 T TANK AND STAND. pond filters one brand new 80 ono wave maker heaters etc loads of fish including some rare plecos catfish kribensis golden rams... ...
132.30-40 Kribensis for sale 23/10/13 No
I have around 40 Kribensis for sale . I would like to sell all of them in one lot for £30 but would consider smaller amounts for £1 per fish.
133.tropical fish for sale 28/09/13 No
Wide range of tropical fish for sale, community and non comunity; malawi cichlids, corys, red tailed sharks, ruby sharks normal and albino, angelfish, kribensis, zebra danios, mollies, platys and soon to be more, txt me for more info or to come and view
134.Fluval Osaka 155 w/ Walnut Cabinet £250 O.V.N.O 25/09/13 Yes
Fluval Osaka 155L w/ Walnut Cabinet Here i have my lovely Fluval Osaka 155 litre tropical tank. Ive owned this for approximately a year or so. This is an absolutely stunning fish tank it really stands out from the old traditional rectangular square edged tanks of years gone by. The front 3 ... ...
135.kribensis wanted 25/09/13 No
hi im looking for a pair or more kribensis in nottingham can collect dave.bignall@hotmail.co.uk
136.TOMORROW Robin Hood Aquarists Nottingham Autumn Auction Sunday September 22nd 2013 21/09/13 No
Hi Robin Hood Aquarists are holding their autumn auction on Sunday 22nd September 2013 at the usual venue of the Highbank Community Centre, Farnborough Road, Clifton, Nottingham. NG11 9DG. Booking in from 11.30am, auction starts at 12:00noon - PLEASE NOTE EARLIER START TIME. Refreshments w... ...
137.Shutting down tank - Fish bundle for sale £30 21/09/13 Yes
Hi there I am looking to re-home my entire stock of community fish as I am closing the tank down. I am offering the following fish as a job lot: 3 x Angelfish approx 4 inch in size tip to tip (2 x koi and 1x marble) 2 x Clown Loach approx 2-3 inch size (terrific fish and great snail hunters... ...
138.Tropical Fish for Sale. 12/09/13 No
For Sale. Ancistrus Albino - Various size's £1 Ancistrus Brown - Various Size's £1 Kribensis £1 each Jewel Cichlids £1 each Green Terror Juveniles 50p each Red Rainbows £5 pair. Swordtails Orange Sold Out. Swordtails Black - Sold Out. Yellow Labs Adults - Sold Out Collection Only. Plea... ...
139.Various tropical fish for sale 08/09/13 Yes
We have danios, cherry barbs, male endler guppies and also kribebsis. All tank bred and growing well! Endlers 4 for £4. Danios and barbs £1 each or 4 for 3. Kribensis approx 1 inch £2 each or 3 for £5. Adult małe bristlenose also for sale £7.
140.Breeding Kribensis for sale 28/08/13 No
I am selling my breeding pair of Kribensis, have produced young twice before £8 for the pair Pick up only, Worthing.
141.various large tropical fish for sale 24/08/13 No
Various tropical fish for sale including, very large walking catfish, Large bumblebee catfish, 3 large silver dollars, albino shark, synodontis catfish, 3 small black widow tetras, kribensis, please text for details, 07946168603 thanks
142.fish stock list 23/08/13 No
FISH STOCK LIST: ……………………………………………………………………… TROPICAL FISH: Leopard Danio £1.25 Zebra Danio £1.25 Neon Tetra 99p Glowlight Tetra £1.29 Rummy Nose Tetra £1.29 Black Widow Tetra £1.49 Cardinal Tetra £1.29 Congo Tetra £3.49 ... ...
143.Pair of breeding kribensis for sale. 01/08/13 No
144.kribensis breeding pair 27/07/13 No
Pair of breeding kribensis for sale. £10.00 St Austell 01726 890881 or 07542 630085
145.baby kribensis for sale 27/07/13 No
Lots of kribensis for sale. Fish are now a month old And away from parents in fry tank. All fish feeding well well and ready to go. £1.50 each or 5 for £5.00. ST AUSTELL AREA. Call for 01726 890881 or 07542 630085 for details.
146.Rare L number plecs and other tropical fish REDUCED 26/07/13 Yes
this weeks fish collection S9 will deliver for fuel open to sensible offers on all fish L235 Anthrax plec £25 L027 ROYAL PANAQUE £16 L170 BUTTERFLY PLEC £16 L148 SPOTTED BULLDOG PLEC £10 L002 TIGER PLEC £15 L059A MARBLE PLEC £8 panda coryoras £2.00 albino corydoras £2.00 bronze cor... ...
147.List of fish for sale 13/07/13 Yes
Breeding trio of bronze corydoras £10 Breeding pair of angel fish £15 4 firemouth cichlids around 2 inch (2m 2f) £15 Breeding pair super red kribensis £10 Breeding pair kribensis £5 Breeding pair of pink convicts £5 I have bags for transportation, must collect from calverton ... ...
148.lounge room lizards & aquatics 03/07/13 Yes
Giant Gourami in stock now !!! red belly piranha Oscars Tiger & Albino Parrot fish red & orange Mixed Malawi's Kribensis Jewel Cichlids Mixed Cichlids Tinfoil Barbs Silver Sharks Big Plecs Adult Bristlenose Plec Ghost Knife Fish Mixed live Plants and planted wood Cory Catfis... ...
149.Kribensis fish to give away 01/07/13 No
I currently have 8 Kribensis fish in my tropical tank that I would like to give away. I am renovating the tank and after several years of Kribs I would like to try some other fish. The Kribs have all been bred in the tank and grown on. There are currently three generations. Due to the fish having ... ...
150.various fish for sale 25/06/13 No
I have various fish for sale: 3 firemouth cichlids 3-4" £4 each 2 paci loaches 4.5" £3.50 each 1 pictus catfish 5" £6 1 silver shark 3" £2 10 kribensis 1" £1.50 each 1 red tail black shark 4" £4 1 red fin black shark 2" £3 3 L002 tiger pleco 1" ... ...
151.young kribensis for sale 16/06/13 Yes
Young kribs for sale £2 each growing fast and eaten anything given.
152.AT AQUATICS 14/05/13 Yes
AT AQUATICS 133 Elmbridge Road Great Barr Birmingham B44 8AG 0121 356 8554 Stocking A good range of coldwater, Tropical and Large Tropical Fish. We have a good variety of all ranges of fish. Also stocking little and large unusual's from baby shrimp, frogs and lobsters to arowanas, piran... ...
153.tropical & cold water fish plus mucles and shrimp etc 03/05/13 Yes
PLEASE PM US, SEE IN STORE OR CALL FOR PRICES ……………………………………………………………………… SHRIMP & MUSCLES Scribbled Muscle 2.5cm Rili – Sakura Shrimp Red Cherry – fire Shrimp Red Pinokio Shrimp Red Skunk Shrimp ………………………... ...
154.for sale 23/04/13 No
Aqua One AR980 50 gallon fish tank compleate with pump/heater/built in filters/rocks/sand coral sand/silk plants/two nets/one breeding pair of Kribensis/small air pump.reason for this sale turning garage back into a work shop.
155.FISH FOR SALE 19/04/13 No
156.kribensis for sale nuneaton 17/04/13 Yes
Kribensis for sale these are dwarf chilids can be aggressive when breeding egg layers both parents care for fry very nice colourful fish have about 10 ready for main tanks £2 each collection nuneaton also smaller fry
157.Large male Pelviachromis Pulcher Kribensis (kribs) £3 smaller £1 27/03/13 No
Hi, I have several Kribensis for sale, they range in size from 6cm to 2 cm. My tank is overloaded with them and I am thinning them out so I can stock other species along side. They have lived with Bristle nosed Plecos for over a year. The 5 larger ones are £3 and the smaller ones are £1. Loc... ...
158.various tropical fish for sale 15/03/13 Yes
various tropical fish for sale. 3x4in shark catfish £5each,1x5.5in shark catfish £7,1xbutterfly £4,5x3in opaline gourami £2.50each,3x3in moonlight gourami £2.50 each,1x4in firemouth £3,3x3in kribensis £2.50 each,mixed plecs3-7in £3-£7each,3xzebra loach £2.50each,4xmixed corydora £2.50 eac... ...
159.Kribensis Chichlid (Pelvicachromis pulcher) Babies for sale 10/03/13 Yes
I have about 19 baby krone for sale, currently in a 120ltr tank, living with the dad, and a few other fish, very peaceful, and very healthy. They hatched last August so are about 7 months old, £2 a fish:)
FISH STOCKLIST: COLDWATER FISH: Blackmoor Red Cap Oranda Sarassa Comet Calico Shubunkins Red and White Goldfish White Goldfish GoldFish Yellow comets Black comets Red Cap White Goldfish Ghost Goldfish Calico Ryukin ......................................................... ...
161.Community tropical fish 02/02/13 Yes
2 parrot fish 2 silver sharks 2 silver dollars 3 tinfoil barbs 4 rosy barbs 3 Aurelius barbs 2 plecos 1 kribensis All fish are healthy and most are fully grown. Only selling as selling my tank to move house All offers considered 07580984253 James
162.Baby Kribensis about 5 weeks old 28/01/13 Yes
For sale are some baby kribensis fish about 15mm long. I have about 30-40 and are selling for 50p each or the lot for £20. Colection from Plymouth SW..
163.Job Lot Established Aquarium and Fish 16/01/13 Yes
Selling due to house move. 50 litre tank with stand. Filter, air pump, black gravel, ornaments, live moss and artificial plants. New bulb fitted two months ago. The following fish settled together in community for over twelve months: One large gold gourami One large blue gourami Two leopard dan... ...
164.Tank shut down 01/01/13 Yes
Shutting my plasma tank down and have some nice large fish for sale Plasma tank and stank with light £250 Ono size is 4ftx4ftx18inches wide and 6ft tall on stand 460 ltrs 50+ kilos of ocean rock £1 a kilo Blue granite rock £1 a kilo Nice pieces of bog wood £50 lot 4 Lrg silver dollars ... ...
165.Small aquarium/nano tank 22.5lt (5gals)on matching stand 14/12/12 Yes
Small aquarium/nano tank complete with matching stand Gravel Internal Filter Heater LED lighing Live Plants Young pair of Kribensis £75.00 ovno
166.Young Kribensis. 18/11/12 Yes
For sale adolescent Kribensis P.Pulcher approx 1.5-2inches just starting to colour up. £1.50 ea about 40 available Albino Kribensis about the same size £1.50 ea about 20 available. Collection from nr King's Lynn.
167.Juvenile Kribensis 03/11/12 No
I have 6 juve kribensis for sale. All healthy. Looking for £10 for all. Just getting their colours, but I can't tell sex yet
168.Young Kribensis for sale.... 28/10/12 Yes
Adolescent Kribensis for sale, just colouring up approx 1.5-2 inches long. £1.50 each. Collection from Nr King's Lynn
169.SUPER RED KRIB S - Pelvicachromis pulcher - Kribensis 24/10/12 Yes
I have for sale over 100 kribs, Juvenile 3 months old (1" +) upto adults. . . (Mum's are super red variant and dad was a large specimen ALMOST 4'' great body shape and colours). . . . STUNNING FISH. . . EVEN AS JUVENILES. . . PRICES FROM £2.50 UPTO £25.00 FOR A LARGE MALE 3 1/2'' PLUS A B... ...
170.fish for sale 16/10/12 No
Breaking down my tank for sale i have 2 red panchax 1 small angel fish 2 small clown loach 4-6 glowlight tetras 5 ember tetras 5 neons 1 really small kribensis 1 bronze corydoras 3 pentazona barbs Will take £15 for the lot can deliver locally if needed call matt on 07792141051
171.KRIBS & MOLLY FISH FOR SALE - 2 FOR £4 16/10/12 No
http://www.petcaregt.com/fishcare/freshwaterfishbreeds/mollyfish.html ^^^BASICS ON MOLLIES^^^ http://www.petcaregt.com/fishcare/freshwaterfishbreeds/kribensis.html ^^^BASICS ON KRIBS^^^
172.check out our new fish price list 12/10/12 No
Please take a minute to have a look at our fish price list thankyou, Gold fish from £2 Clown loaches over 2 £7 Black widows £1,50 Neons ` £1 Kribensis £1.50 small £1 Guppies 31 Endlers £1.20 Plattys £1.75 Titanium blue Angels £3 Koi angels £2 Blushi... ...
173.Tropical Fish For Sale 10/10/12 No
I have for sale a tiger oscar 8",a tinfoil barb 8", a parrot fish 5",a common pleco 12" and a kribensis 4" plus a 2 piece viking ship ornament & a 2 piece warship ornament. Also for sale 2x FX LED remote controlled lights. Open to sensible offers, will sell separatly.... ...
174.kribensis fish - 7 or 8 07/10/12 Yes
I am selling some of my fish as my tank is getting a little crowded! Here are 7 (possibly 8) kribensis fish, or more commonly known as kribs. They are a good size approx 1-1" inch. These are fairly peaceful fish that have got some lovely yellow markings, the pics are of the actual fish. C... ...
175.SWAP WANTED Nigerian red (Pelvicachromis taeniatus) 05/09/12 Yes
Hi all thanks for checking out our ad, we have 1 Male and a 1 Female Nigerian red Kribensis that are brother and sister, we would like to swap ONE for another unrelated nigerian red, either male or female no preference which. They are almost a year old, very active, healthy, lovely markings and col... ...
176.young Super red Kribensis for sale 03/09/12 Yes
We have around 100 mature young super red kribensis for sale, males and females taken from different parents so they are great breeding stock with no chance of inbreeding. All are around 9 months old, sexually mature and can be sexed with ease. These are young fish NOT FRY. We will sell for ¢G1.5... ...
177.kribensis 30/08/12 No
pair of breedig kribs getting rid as im changing my setup £5 the pair txt me on 07515176088 if interested
178.Maple Aquatics Dereham Norfolk 27/07/12 Yes
We have a wide range of tropical coldwater and a section of marine fish. We have everything you may need for your aquarium and pond. Vision 180 Tank and stand in Black £150 Fluval FX5 £175 Tropical fish in stock Neons, Cardinals, Guppies, Mollies, Platties, Clown Loach, Angel Fish, Fight... ...
179.Breeding pair Of Kribs (Kribensis) For Sale 05/07/12 Yes
hello all, i have a very nice, very healthy pair of breeding kribs, i have had them for 3 months and they've spawned 3 time (once a month) and i am upgrading my tank and getting fish that done mix with my kribs, i am looking to sell them as i dont want to give such a nice pair away for nothing i d... ...
180.Full set up 04/07/12 No
Juwel 400 aquarium, 5ft. Black cabinet. Tetratec 1200 external filter. Digital heater, air pump. Large shipwreck, rocks, gravel, two large conch shells. Approx 64 malawi cichlids. Males and females. Blue dolphins, males 5ins, yellow labs, males 5ins. Firefish males 5ins. Blue alhis males 5ins. K... ...
181.Kribensis for sale 03/07/12 No
I've got around 30 7 week old kribensis fry for sale in around 3-4 months time .... get your orders in now as these will go very quickly! £2.50 each or cheaper if buying more than 5 fry.
182.JEWEL TRIGON 190 19/06/12 Yes
JEWEL TRIGON 190 AQUARIUM I am selling my Jewel trigon 190 tank. Comes complete with fish. List of fish. Shoal of Congo Tetra – 12 3 Synodontis upside down catfish 2 Bristle-nosed catfish Pair of kribensis £190 ono
183.Quality tropical fish for sale 14/05/12 No
L168 Butterfly plec £20 L136 Gold spot plec £35 L191 Royal plec £35 L235 Anthrax plec £40 Gold plec £8 Otocinclus £1.50 Albino bristle nose catfish £6 Bristlenose catfish £6 Farowella £6.50 Cory melenstis £4.50 Cory sterbai £6.50 Rams, Gold and standard £6 Assorted angels £4... ...
FOR SALE!!! 1x leapord danio 1x gold danio &2x zebra danio£5, common plec(4-5") £4, 2x albino corydoras£2, 1x male kribensis£3.50, 1xwhite molly£1.50, 2xclown loaches£10 1x golden gourami £4, 4x black neons £4 and few other random fish couple of rasbora and couple of glowlights etc.... ...
GRAND REOPENING OF OUR NEW FISH HOUSE CHEAPEST TROPICAL FISH IN THE MIDLANDS.... Frozen food ONLY £1.10 per pack XL Koi Angelfish XL BLack Marble Angelfish Assorted sm/Med Angelfish Firemouth Cichlids Red Jewel Cichlids Red Tigerskin Oscars Red Melon Discus Silver Dollars Assorted l... ...
186.tropical fish for sale 13/04/12 No
ý2 x silver dollar 5/6 inch 8 pound each 2 for 14 4 x corries £3 each 3 x bristlenose plecs £4 each around 2 inch plecs depending on size 8-12 inch 2 x clown barb £2 each golden algue eater £2 couple of gold fish £6 for four 2 x swan mussels £3 each 25x blind cave fish £2 eac... ...
187.Large Corner diamond shape tank + Equipment 02/04/12 Yes
Having moving house ive had to downsize - so have my Corner 5 sided tank is up for sale Diamond shaped Unfortunately doesnt come with the stand, as suffered water damage so became unusable when we moved it but comes with the original lid parts, which are 4 pieces but ideally needs replacing whe... ...
188.bristlenose, platys and kribensis 02/04/12 Yes
I have a number of bristlenose Several juvenile males 2-3inch £2.50 each Bred from albino x albino carrier female Also smaller fry unsexed £1 each Will also have later date possibly longfin albinos as got a batch recently hatched I have around 7-8 juvenile Kribensis, some well upto half ad... ...
189.kribensis 30/03/12 No
1 adult male 1 adult femail and 1 juvanile not sexed changing my tank so need to sell theese really nice fish great coulous and very healthy. please make an offer as not sure what they are worth
190.kribensis 02/03/12 No
hello getting rid of all my kribensis as going to marine i have a breeding pair £25 20-35 young 1-2inches longs £1 each interested text me 07944265606 can take pics if needed will swop for marine stuff !!
191.Wanted - 4ft tank 27/02/12 No
Hi, I'm looking for an empty fish tank with the dimensions: length = 4ft (no longer) depth = 12-16 inches, height = 18-20 inches + Needs to be a suitable height for adult angelfish. The tank must have a hood and lights and be in good condition as it's going to be in a living room (no scratches/c... ...
192.Mixed Cichlids 10/02/12 Yes
I have 2 male Pseudotropheus Elongatus Usisya. Looking for £5.00 each for them or both for £9.00. I have a adult male Aulonocara Kandeense, approximately 3-4 inch long. Looking for £10.00. I have about 60 small kribensis for sale at 50p each. Or a reasonable offer for them all, as I need th... ...
193.Breeding pair of kribensis 05/02/12 No
Im reluctantly looking for a new home for my pair of kribs. They are breeding non stop and I no longer want to keep a second tank running for the young. £5 for the pair.
194.London- £25- Kribensis cichlids 29/01/12 No
£25- I'm selling 4 baby Kribensis mix. gender, size appr. 2" Kribensis (Pelvicachromis pulcher) are dwarf African cichlids. They are colorful, peaceful fish (except at breeding time) and they can even be kept in a community tank. I WILL ALSO DELIVER FISH FREE TO A HOME ADDRESS WITHIN LONDO... ...
195.London-£30- Tropical fish- African/ malawi cichlids 29/01/12 No
£30- I'm selling 4 baby african cichlids upright stripes, mixed gender and one baby neon yellow malawi cichlid with a black sripe on top of his top fin. Sizes- 1.5" Warning these will grow to a large size and can be aggressive/territorial to other non aggressive fish! ... ...
196.Tripical fish- African/malawi cichlids 29/01/12 No
£30- I'm selling 4 baby african cichlids upright stripes, mixed gender and one baby neon yellow malawi cichlid with a black sripe on top of his top fin. Sizes- 1.5" Warning these will grow to a large size and can be aggressive/territorial to other non aggressive fish! ... ...
197.Kribs, Shrimps, Bristlenose and a Plec 28/01/12 No
I am thinning out my tanks to make way for babies so have the following fish for sale. 1 x Pakistani Loach ( I believe this is what it is) @ £1.00 Baby Common Kribensis (lots)@ 30p each. 2 x Shrimp @ 75p each. 1 x Common Bristlenose Male 4 inch @ £7.00 1 x Common Plec appx 4-5inch @ £5.00... ...
198.Mixed fish for sale 21/01/12 No
I am thinning out my tanks to make way for babies so have the following fish for sale. 1 x Common Plec about 4-5 inch £10.00 Appx 10 Albino Bristlenose (apx 1.5 inch)@ £1.00 each 1 x Pakistani Loach ( I believe this is what it is) @ £1.00 Baby Common Kribensis (lots)@ 50p each. 2 x Shrimp... ...
199.Mixed fish for sale 21/01/12 No
I am thinning out my tanks to make way for babies so have the following fish for sale. 1 x Common Plec about 4-5 inch £10.00 Appx 10 Albino Bristlenose (apx 1.5 inch)@ £1.00 each Baby Common Kribensis (lots)@ 50p each. 1 x Common Bristlenose Male 4 inch @ £8.00 Or willing to swap for spo... ...
200.Pair of Kribs.........FREE TO GOOD HOME ........ (SOLD)....... 11/01/12 Yes
hi i have 2 Kribensis. One is larger that the other and both seem perfectly healthy. I was givin them a while back by a friend. Not sure of the sex but think the larger one is male. Free to a good home.

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