New Arrivals 8/7/2016
Large Columbia Order Expected In A Fortnight
Tiger Barbs £3.50
Assorted Angelfish £4.99
Neon Tetra £1.00
Black Neon Tetra (Jumbo) £1.50
Honey Gourami £3.95
Lace Gourami £4.95
Albino Kribensis £4.95
Gold Rams £5.95
Silver Arowana £25
Stunning Guppy Strains
Flame £2
Blue Mosaic Guppy £2
Golden Head £2
Neon Firetail £2
Normal Stocklist
P. Hystrix Ray £145
P. Magdalanae Ray £95
P. Laticeps Ray £95
Some Pairs Due In Next Week
3.5" Super Red Turk £30
2.5-3" White Diamond £25-30
3" Assorted £20
L181 Breeding Group 2M 3F £100
L201 Breeding Group 2M 2F £100
L129 Columbian Zebra £20
L190 Royal Panaque £28
Pygmy Cories 3.50
Green Cories £4
Wyckii Catfish £25
Pair G. Brasiliensis £20
Pair G. steindachneri £35
Pair Texas x Vieja £25
Red Jewel Cichlids £5
Albino Oscars £5
Jack Demspey £7
H. Notatus Severum £35
Jumbo Cardinal £1.75
Red Eye Tetra £1.25
Columbian Gold Tetra £1.25
Rummi Nose £1.50
Congo £2
Bunched Plants £2 Bunch
Plants and Moss on Wood £11.99
Bogwood £7.99-11.99
We Import and Fully Quarantine All Our Fish
Anything Particular You Ordering, Please Get In Touch And We Can See What We Can Do
The Ark Outpost
Contact Information Advertiser: Martin Raynes Telephone: 07875084173
Town: Stoke
County: Staffordshire
Advert stats: [Added or updated:08/07/16 Views: 2922]
