EDIT: All Guppies and the Loach are now booked, just the Cichlids left!
After years of joy, we are saddened to be given no choice but to rehome all our fishes from 4 tanks due to moving houses (unfortunately impossible to re-set up tanks there).
This means we have to say goodbye to yet another generation of Guppies, the Neolamprologus brichardi parents and their adolescent fry, the mother Kribensis and her kids, and the always adorable Kuhlii Loach nicknamed Larry.
Overall, the fish we're to part ways with are:
approx. 15 Guppies of different ages, some of the gold variant
1 adult female Kribensis - she is quite aggressive!
3 young Kribs, including one male that is significantly larger than his siblings
2 Fairy Cichlids - a matched pair that we have bred in the past. The male has a slightly damaged jaw but the injury is mechanical not genetic as evidenced by the children
7 young Fairies, from 3 broods overall but all are over 1 year old now but not of full size
1 Kuhlii Loach - hides away for most of the time, appearances usually signify bad weather ahead
- You do not have to take all the fish, in fact we are 100% fine if you only take the individuals off one species, or only the fry, selected specimens etc.
- Please do not use the guppies as food fish... we won't send them to inevitable death
- The gene pool of our Guppies is in a reasonable form, from time to time we were introducing new males to prevent too much inbreeding.
- Please note the fry of the cichlids are siblings and therefore should not be bred together
- Please don't keep the parents and the fry together with the cichlids, as there is a risk parents will end up aggressive towards them
- Please ensure all the cichlids have a tank large enough, especially N. brichardi; these will also need alkaline water pH and lots of rocks and a sandy substrate. The opposite goes for Kribs, which need acidic water conditions and like roots and a lot of plants. All cichlids love to have hiding spots.
- Needless to say, only the Guppies and the Loach are community tank fish. Cichlids are best for a species tank and should never be kept with other fish that we offer - that includes Kribs x Fairies - that's a total no-no!
- Your tank must be equipped with basic items like a filter, lighting, thermometer and a water heater (Guppies are the only one that might do without it). Pretty much everything a tank needs. Plants are a great idea too, but N. brichardi are ones that will do well without.
- We are much cheaper than at shops - they want £3 for ONE guppy for example!!
- £5 per 1 cichlid adult (so Brichardi pair for £10)
- £3 per 1 cichlid adolescent, still £9 for Krib fry, but £20 for all Fairy fry
Due to having a large amount of decor and plants, we are open to give bits of it away with the fish for free :)
We live in London, Forest Gate E7, not far from the railway station. It would serve as the meet-up point. As live pets, the fish are collection-only. Ideally, we'd like you to see the fish so you know what you are buying. All the decor will be removed prior to make capture easier, but we may catch them before your arrival if you only request so. Please have some kind of a bag ready to transport the fish, a towel would also be a good idea, but we can provide the plastic bag itself as we have plenty. Don't worry if you live on another side of London, from experience we know fish handle transporting quite well, even a 2h car journey.
If you have any questions, inquiries etc. do not hesitate to email us. Emails will be checked very often so you won't need to worry about it being missed. For mobile, please use text only, but email is still preferred.
All fish need to go; if some won't find a home in 2 weeks, we will have to give them away to the pet shop.
Contact Information Advertiser: Alisha Telephone: 07511805716
Town: Forest Gate E7
County: London
Advert stats: [Added or updated:19/03/16 Views: 1723]
