Robin Hood Aquarists are holding their autumn auction on Sunday 22nd September 2013 at the usual venue of the Highbank Community Centre, Farnborough Road, Clifton, Nottingham. NG11 9DG.
Booking in from 11.30am, auction starts at 12:00noon - PLEASE NOTE EARLIER START TIME.
Refreshments will be available throughout the day and a licensed bar has been applied for.
Admission free.
Contact Clive by e-mail rhaqua@hotmail.co.uk for more details or to book a lot or visit http://www.robinhoodaquarists.co.uk/events.htm.
We're also on Facebook, go to https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/524581947558898/
Tim Addis from TA Aquaculture will be present with his stand.
We have been notified by sellers of the items below that will hopefully be at the auction. There are no guarantees that these items will definitely be available as unforeseen circumstances cannot be accounted for.
Also, this is certainly not a full list of what will be available, it's only what we know of so far, so check back regularly, as this list will be updated with more items in the run up to the day. It's not just a fish and plant auction, there will also be various items of second hand equipment available along with live food cultures.
The items listed below have only been declared by 6 sellers, we currently have lots from 15 individual sellers in total booked in for the auction.
Assorted guppies
Snakeskin guppies
Xiphophorus milleri Catemaco
Red & Black bristlenose
Brown bristlenose
Gold albino bristlenose
Bronze corydoras
Platies various colours
Daisy's Ricefish Oryzias woworae
Pelviachromis taeniatus Nigerian Red males
Marble Angelfish
Gold Marble Angelfish
Girardinius metallicus Black Chin
Black Bar Endlers
Tiger Endlers
Swordtails various colours
Ameca splendens
Double sword guppies
Comet platies
Angel fish
Pentazona barbs
Odessa barbs
Cherry barbs
Dwarf gourami
Cardinal tetras
Flame tetras
Glowlight tetras
Sliver tipped tetras
Blue Kerri tetras
Breeding pair of splash tetras
Harlequin rasbora
Espi rasbora
Jumbo show size beckfordi pencils
Spotted headstanders
Panda corydoras
Albino bronze corydoras
Peppered corydoras
Hoplo catfish
Peacock gobies
Rhinogobius Sp
Dwarf neon rainbows
Madagascan rainbows
Fundulopanchax gardneri jos plateau fish and eggs
Marisa rotula ( giant rams horn snails)
Apple snails
Red rams horn snails
2 large Clown Loaches
3 large Humbug cats
Kribensis breeding pair
Brown bristlenose
Neon tetras
Gold marble angels
Albino corydoras
Various Swordtails ranging reds to green
Cherry shrimps
Corydoras sterbai
Pair 5" Leopard Bushfish Ctenopoma acutirostre
Trio Aurilius barbs
Tropical Aquarium Grown Plants
Java moss
Indian Fern grown floating and planted
Java Fern
Pink Veined Hygrophilia
Mandevilla splendens prolific red flowering plant
Other Items
Microworm cultures
Walterworm cultures
Discus Book - Eberhard Schulze
Contact Information Advertiser: Matt County: Nottinghamshire
Web Link: http://www.robinhoodaquarists.co.uk/even ...
Advert stats: [Added or updated:21/09/13 Views: 3067]