Our stock list and prices of what we have in at the moment are as followed..
Special orders can be made, as long as deposit is paid.
Tropical Fish:
2 large Male Frontosa (Around 7inches and 9inches) - £60.00 each or £100.00 the pair.
Topaz Puffer Fish (Around 5inches) - BACK IN STOCK £35.00
Parrot Fish, Blood Red (Around 5inches) - £25.00
Albino Tiger Oscar (Around 5inches) - £18.50
Asian Sun Catfish (Around 8-10inches)SOLD
Fire Eel (Around 17-18inches)- £40.00
Large Garfish (Around 11-12inches) - SOLD
Red Oscar (Around 3-4inch) - £12.00
Female Siamese Betta Fish - £5.95
Male Crowntail Siamese Betta Fish - £6.95
Male Lyretail Siamese Betta Fish - £7.95
Male Halfmoon Siamese Betta Fish - £15.00
Male Elephant Ear Siamese Betta Fish - £15.00
Geophagus - £12.50
Vampire Crabs - £8.95
Bolivian Rams - £7.95
Electric Blue Rams - £11.95
Balloon Rams - £8.95
Assorted Corys - £4.95
Blue Botias - £7.95
Silver Dollars - £4.95
Small Sterlet (Cold Water) - £15.00
Large Sterlet (Cold Water) - £30.00
Candy Stripe Plecos L015 - SOLD
Golden Nugget Plecos L018 - £29.99
Silver Arowana (1Foot Long, 12 inches) - £100.00
Snakeheads (One at 8-10 inches, and the Blue Phantom at 7-9inches) £45.00 each
Red Snakeheads (All at around 4 inches) - £7.50 or 2 for £12.50
Birchirs (All around 8 inches) £45.00 each
Red Belly Piranha (Around the 10 inch mark) £20.00 each
Marble Moray Eel (Around 12-14 inches) - £30.00
Albino Oscars (Around 3 inches) £7.50 each
Green Severums (Around 2.5 inches) £8.95 each
Yellow Belly Terrapins (Around the 8inch mark) £25.00 each
Yellow Belly Terrapins Babies (Around 2-3 inches) £22.50 each or 2 for £40.00
Map Turtles Babies (Around 2-3 inches) £22.50 each or 2 for £40.00
Red Tail Catfish (Around 4inches) £22.50 each
Large Texas Cichlid (Around 8inches) SOLD
Assorted colours of Parrot Fish (Around 3-4inches) £15.00 each or 2 for £25,00
Tattooed Parrot Fish (Around 5 inches) SOLD
Small Gouramis (Around 3 inches) £4.00 each or 3 for £10.00
Large Gouramis (Around 5 inches) £12.50 each or 2 for £20.00
Dwarf Neon Gouramis (Around 2.5 inches) £6.00 each or 2 for £10.00
Medium Angel Fish (Around 3 inches) £6.00 each or 2 for £10.00
Large Angel Fish (Around 4-5 inches) £15.00 - £20.00 each
Small Siamese Sharks (Around 2 inches)
Medium Siamese Sharks (Around 4 inches) £9.95
Medium Albino Siamese Sharks (Around 3-4 inches) £6.95 each
Silver Sharks (Around 3 inches) £6.95 each
Medium Silver Sharks (Around 4-5 inches) £9.95
Assorted Small Malawi Cichlids (Around 2 inches) £3.50 each or 4 for £12.00
Assorted Medium Malawi Cichlids (Johannis, Cobalts and Redtop ice blue and more) (Around 4-5 inches) £7.50 each or 4 for £25.00
Firemouth Cichlids (Around 2-3 inches) £6.00 each or 2 for £10.00
Red Zebra Cichlids (Around 2.5 inches) £8.95 each
Blue Peacock Cichlids (Around 2.5 inches) £8.95 each
Green Severum Cichlids (Around 2.5 inches) £9.95 each
Kribensis Cichlid Male and Females - SOLD
Hi Fin Hawaiian Platys - £2.95 each or 4 for £10.00
Lyretail Swordtails - £2.95 each or 4 for £10.00
Boeseman Rainbows - £3.50 each or 2 for £6.00
Golden Neon Barbs - £3.50 each or 2 for £6.00
Small Tinfoil Barbs (Around 3 inches) £6.00 each or 2 for £10.00
Large Tinfoil Barbs (Around 4-5 inches) £12.50 each or 2 for £20.00
Assorted Male Guppies - £1.95 each or 6 for £10.00
Assorted Female Guppies - £1.75 each or 4 for £6.00
Leopard Plecos - £6.00 each or 2 for £10.00
Tiger Plecos - £19.95 each
Bristlenose Plecos - £14.95 each
We have loads more in stock including Neon tetras, Red eye balloon tetras, Rummy nose tetras, Penguin tetras, Phantom tetras, Black widow tetras, Black neon tetras and more tetras. Balloon mollies, Silvertips, Neon rainbows, Tiger barbs, Assorted Danios, Harlequins and loads more..
We also have a range or catfish and loaches, such as Hoplo catfish, Asian sun catfish, Clown loach, Blue botias, Pakistani loach, Zebra loach and more..
We also have Male betta fish in stock, 2 Half moon fighters £15.00 each, 2 Tricolour fighters £6.50 each and 1 Dragon fighter £7.50.
Cold water fish:
Small Goldfish - £1.50 each
Medium Goldfish - £2.95 each
Large Goldfish - £10.00 each
Yellow Goldfish - £3.00 each
Shubs - £3.50 each
Sorasas - £5.95 each
Pearlscales - £7.50 each
Ranchus - £6.95 each
Celestial Eyes - £4.50 each
Medium red caps - £7.95 each
Medium Black moors - £7.50 each
Pandas - £7.50 each
Albino frogs - £6.95 each or 2 for £10.00
Weatherloach - £3.95 each
Small Assorted Koi (Around 2.5 inches) - £5.95 each or 2 for £10.00
Medium Assorted Koi (Around 4-5 inches) - £8.00 each or 2 for £15.00
Large Assorted Koi (Around 8-10 inches) - £20.00 each
XL Assorted Koi (Around 12-14 inches) - £35.00
White tip Sterlet (Around 8-10 inches) - £32.50
We also have more cold water stock. Come and take a look.
In store we have a range of Aquariums of all sizes, We also have the new Aquael Leddys in stock at £90.00 each, these come with filter, heater and LED lighting which is good for up to 50,000 hours of light.
We have also started Aquascaping, which in store we have demonstrations and tanks on show which us at Edmonton Aquatics have done.
We also provide cleaning and maintenance services for your aquariums, if you just call up for a quote, one of the team will provide.
We have a range of Budgies which are all priced at £25.00 each and Finches which are £30.00 a pair.
We stock loose foods and treats for all types of birds.
We have a huge list of foods for fish, we stock Tetra, Fish Science, New Era, Hikari, Nutrafin and JMC as well as all frozen foods, such as Bloodworm, daphia, Brineshimp, Brineshrimp with garlic and more.
We stock all water preservatives and medicines.
We have filters, external filters, heaters of all Watt, air pumps and all filter media is kept in stock.
We stock all aquarium bulbs as well.
We are one of the cheapest and best Aquatic shops around. If you come to our store your missing out.
We are based in Edmonton, North London..
You can call or email us, and ask any queries or questions and we will help you.
Come down and say hello..
You can also follow us on facebook, just search Edmonton Aquatics
The Edmonton Aquatics Team.
Call Us On 02088070927 or email us at Edmontonaquatics@outlook.com
Monday to Saturday 9:00am - 5:30pm.
If you live out of the area, we can arrange delivery. Enquire about costs.
Contact Information Advertiser: Edmonton Aquatics Telephone: 02088070927
Town: Edmonton, North London
County: London
Advert stats: [Added or updated:25/06/14 Views: 7303]
