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ONLY FINS STOCK LIST POSTAGE AVAILABLE 18/2/25 PLECO: L240 Vampire L007 Vampire L172 Gold Vampire L081 Gold Nug L025 7 Pointer L190 Panaque L160 Spiny Monster L24 red fin cactus L333 King Tiger L004 Angelicus L168 butterfly 2M1F Trio L134 Leopard frog L397 alenquer tiger L3... ...
ONLY FINS STOCK LIST POSTAGE AVAILABLE 18/2/25 PLECO: L240 Vampire L007 Vampire L172 Gold Vampire L081 Gold Nug L025 7 Pointer L190 Panaque L160 Spiny Monster L24 red fin cactus L333 King Tiger L004 Angelicus L168 butterfly 2M1F Trio L134 Leopard frog L397 alenquer tiger L3... ...
3.Golden Wonder Killifish - £5 ONLY 14/01/24 Yes
4.Freshwater Fishes of Cameroon Book 11/12/23 Yes
Available now, this brand NEW release from Michel Keijman features everything you could ever wish to know about the freshwater fishes of Cameroon. The reader will find information on many of the well-known and lesser-known fish species, including new species of freshwater fishes, their distribution ... ...
5.Anyone have Blue gularis Killifish (fundulopanchax Sjoestedi) - or know any breeders breeders. 05/02/23 No
Looking for a pair :) Thanks guys.
6.Steel-blue Killifish (Fundulopanchax gardneri) £6 Per Pair 01/07/22 Yes
For sale are pairs of these killifish (Fundulopanchax gardneri). The males are very colourful as seen in the pictures, with the females being relatively plain, although both are equally personable. Lovely fish to have and a great breeding project, have had them breed without any real attempt. Have h... ...
7.Nothobranchius Rachovii (killifish) 16/11/21 Yes
Offering a breeding young pair nothobranchius rachovi male+female approx 2-3 cm. Price £5.99 E-mail borowczyk1974@gmail.com
8.Blue Lyretail - Fundulopanchax gardneri killifish for sale 02/12/20 Yes
I have a couple of subadult males left and one female. Absolutely stunning fish. £9 each or all three for £25. Postage is available for £20. Pictured is the father - when he was not much bigger than his offspring.
9.Clown Killifish (Epiplatys annulatus) 24/06/20 Yes
Hi. I will swap 1 Clown Killifish (Epiplatys annulatus) Male for Female or I will give it away for FREE. I'm interested in buying a female as well. Fell free text me at every time.
10.Live Food ~ Banana Worms & Walter Worms & Micro Worms 30/12/19 Yes
Available through ebay under seller tantyfang or via website, just ask for an invoice. This means less cost to you as there are no eBay fees. I have available Walter Worms & Banana Worms. These are just as easy to culture as Micro Worm, but half the size and more prolific. Ideal for small fry... ...
11.KILLIFISH Nothobranchius Kilomberoensis Ifakara 17/07/19 Yes
Offering a pair (male and female) of Nothobranchius Kilomberoensis Ifakara Pair £15 More info jborowczyk@vp.pl
12.Clown killifish juvenile 22/05/19 Yes
Hiya. I'm looking for a suitable home for a little stowaway! This one snuck into an order of other fish and I don't have the specialised setup for it nor do I want to keep a group. If you already keep clown killis and would like a juvenile(female, I think) to add to your breeding group, I'm happy fo... ...
13.WANTED: Killifish - Anyone local stock these? 15/09/18 No
I am looking to get some killifish but don’t want to us a postage service. Anyone North East based have stock?
14.tropical fish stock 26/05/18 No
fishnfins angus Bronze cory £3 Peppered cory £3 Albino cory £3 Panda cory £5.50 2 for £10 Arcuatus cory £5 Punctatus cory £5 Ven black cory £7 L103 clown plecs adults £8.50 L397 plec £ 18 2 for £30 L340 mega clowns £25 L128 blue phantom plec (tiny) £25 Small bristlenos... ...
15.Fully Revised Stock List - The Aquatic Store Bristol 09-05-2018 09/05/18 Yes
Tetras: Super Ringo Owando Tetra (Very Rare) Red Congo Tetra (Alestopetersius Brichardi) RARE Black Neon Tetra Yellow Neon Tetra Marble Hatchet Fish Giant Silver Hatchet Fish Cardinal Tetra (Super Condition) Red Phantom Tetra Black Phantom Tetra Red Eyed Tetra Flame Tetra Super Oran... ...
16.Oddball, Predator, South American Cichlids STOCK LIST @ The Aquatic Store Bristol 09.05.18 09/05/18 Yes
We offer a good selection of Oddball, Predator and South/ Central American Cichlids, always fully quarantined and greedily accepting food before going on sale. They are housed in our individually filtered fish house containing more than 140 aquariums. Please call ahead for availability as certain ... ...
17.[SOLD] Natural Spawning Mops. Killifish. Amazon Frogbit plants 23/08/17 Yes
Amazon Frogbit are natural spawning mops with long very delicate roots for egg hangers. I've had great succuess with these to breed Pseudepiplatys annulatus killifish. Besides being a natural spawning mopAmazon Frogbit (Limnobium Laevigatum) is a stunning floating plant which looks like a small ... ...
18.clearance sale 14/06/17 Yes
CLOSING DOWN SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO - 14/06/17, TROPICAL AMAZONAS AQUATICS - 5* Rated from over 130 reviews!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name (Size)...................................Price each, Discount price TETRAS, LIVEBEA... ...
19.Parkers Aquatic Centre - Tropical Fish in Bristol, Full Stocklist 17/12/16 Yes
Latest Fish List - Updated 17/12/16 Current stock List: Inverts: Bamboo shrimp : few Yamoto shrimp: cherry shrimp: yellow fire shrimp: Assorted Crystal Shrimp: Large blue lobster Vampire crabs Tetra/ Characins: Black widow tetra Cardinal tetra Congo tetra Neon tetra Serpae tet... ...
20.Pair of Fundulopanchax Killifish P82 £8 a pair 23/11/16 Yes
Offering one pair of Fundulopanchax nigeranius "P82" These are the pure bred strain, unlike most you see in shops £8 a pair. Pick up Ramsgate
21.Swap gardners killifish for N multifasciatus or other shell dwellers - Bristol 26/10/16 No
Bristol: Tel: Geoff: 07786540330
22.6 x fry or breeding tanks great condition 19/07/16 No
This is for 6 x 14" x 8.25" x 8" (l x h x w) fry or breeding tanks. Perfect for fry, killifish or live bearers. These are very well built tanks made from strong glass (unlike many fry tanks) they all have a hole for 22mm waste drilled in base, but all are currently sealed over (very e... ...
Offering a pair (male and female) of NOTHOBRANCHIUS GUENTHERI ZANZIBAR Pair £3 More info jborowczyk@vp.pl
24.Killifish for sale in Scotland 23/02/16 Yes
I have clown killifish and gardneri killifish,both male and females for sale £2 each,pick up from gourock,Scotland ,thanks Gerry
25.Microworm fish baby food: angel betta discus guppies killifish molly tetra 13/08/15 Yes
Receive within 24-48 hours Monday to Saturday we normally send this 1st class Equipment needed to prepare for your Micro Worm Culture A watertight plastic container minimum size 6” x 4” and 2”deep (ice cream and margarine tubs, etc are ideal). If the lid is tight fitting please ensure ... ...
26.Banana worm fish baby food: angel betta discus guppies killifish molly tetra 13/08/15 Yes
Receive within 24-48 hours Monday to Saturday we normally send this 1st class Equipment Needed To Prepare For Your Banana Worm Culture A watertight plastic container minimum size 6” x 4” and 2” deep (ice cream and margarine tubs, etc are ideal). If the lid is tight fitting please ensur... ...
27.Tropical fish Severums, Plecs, Cichlids 09/08/15 No
Updated stock list and prices for sale Hartlepool; Plecs and catfish L200 4 inch Hi Fin Green Phantom £25 each 15 inch Common plec £15 8 inch Common Plec £10 3 inch Gold Bristlenose £7.50 each 2 Inch Port Hole Catfish £3 each 2 for £5 2.5 inch Glass Catfish £2.50 each 2 inch ... ...
28.Washington aquatics stocklist 19/06/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stocklist COMMUNITY Moscow black guppys £6 per pair Guppy males £2 (blondes, yellow leopard ,blue diamond , red and green snakeskin, german yellow tail and more ) Guppy females £1.50 (blondes, yellow leopard ,blue diamond , red and green snakeskin, german yellow tail a... ...
29.Killifish trio 11/06/15 No
Looking for young killifish trios. Non annual. I am in Dundee, Scotland, so local to me preferred. Email me here or akerr951@gmail.com thanks
30.current stocklist 05/06/15 No
current stocklist available for collection from fishrooms in linwood, renfrewshire. delivery available £13.50 per box LIVEBEARERS ASSORTED MALE GUPPY LARGE 1.20 ASSORTED FEMALE GUPPY LARGE 1.20 ASSORTED PLATY MEDIUM 1.50 ASSORTED MOLLY MEDIUM 1.50 ASSORTED SWORDTAILS X LARGE 1.50 BU... ...
31.Aqua One 21 inches Cube fish tank, stand, stock & external filter 16/05/15 Yes
I wonder if anyone would be interested in purchasing my tank and stock, house move forces the sale, looking for £150 The tank is a 21" Aqua one cube with stand in beech wood effect finish, the tank and stand are in very good condition. There is also an eheim pro 2 external filter currently r... ...
32.WANTED: Live Killifish 14/05/15 No
Hello I would like any type of Killifish, the brighter coloured the better i.e Lyretail. I do not wish to have eggs as I would like to instantly stock my tank. Happy to collect, so the more local to Gatwick airport the better. Please contact via e-mail only. kbatt72@gmail.com Thank y... ...
33. TODAY Robin Hood Aquarists Nottingham Spring Auction 12th April 2015 12/04/15 No
The Robin Hood Aquarists are holding their Spring Auction on Sunday 12th April 2015 at the usual venue of the Highbank Community Centre, Farnborough Road, Clifton, Nottingham. NG11 9DG. Doors open and booking in from 11.30am and the auction starts at 12 noon. Refreshments will be available throug... ...
34.New stocklist. 08/04/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stockist discus red turquoise £25 blue snakeskin £25 snow white £25 odd balls / preds metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each silver arowana 9" £35 redtail catfish 3" £20each reed fish 12-15" £12eac... ...
35.Washington aquatics stocklist 05/03/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stockist odd balls / preds metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each silver arowana 4" £25 redtail catfish 3" £20each reed fish 12-15" £12each lesser spiny eel 4" £10each african butterfly fish £7.50 indian... ...
36.New stock list 03/02/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stockist odd balls metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each Lepisosteus spatula (aligator gar) 3-4" £15-£20each redtail catfish 3" £20each reed fish 12-15" £12each lesser spiny eel 4" £10each Community... ...
37.New stockist and Dry goods 03/02/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stockist odd balls metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each Lepisosteus spatula (aligator gar) 3-4" £15-£20each redtail catfish 3" £20each reed fish 12-15" £12each lesser spiny eel 4" £10each Community... ...
38.TOMORROW Robin Hood Aquarists Nottingham Autumn Auction Sunday 21st September 2014 20/09/14 No
The Robin Hood Aquarists are holding their Autumn Auction on Sunday 21st September 2014 at the usual venue of the Highbank Community Centre, Farnborough Road, Clifton, Nottingham. NG11 9DG. Doors open and booking in from 11.30am and the auction starts at 12 noon. Refreshments will be available th... ...
39.Tropical fish for sale 10/09/14 Yes
Altotamprologus calvus 3” £13each Altolamprologus compressiceps gold 2.5”-3” £12each Cyphlontilapia frontosa 2” £7.50each Copidochromis azureus F1 3-4” £10each Labidochromis hongi red top 3” £8each Pseudotropheus flavus around 3” £8each Thorichthys ellioti 4” £6each kr... ...
40.Fish list - Pet Price - portsmouth 06/09/14 No
Black ghost knifefish £7.50each Clown Loach 4-5cm £7.50each Peacock bass (Cichla orinocensis) 4-5cm £12.00each Siamese tiger fish (Datnoides undecemiradiatus) 4-5cm £18.00each Steel blue killifish pairs £11.00 only a few left Steel blue killifish males £4.50each Upside down catfish (Syn... ...
41.Tropical fish for sale Clarkies Aqutics 21/07/14 No
2 inch Green terrors £2.50 each 2 inch 2 spot (Pishuna) Acara £2.50 each 1.5 inch Firmouth £2.50 each 1.5 inch Blue acara £2.50 each 1.5 inch Nicaraguense Cichlid £2.50 each 1 inch plus Dwarf Flag Cichlid £2.50 each 1.5 inch Salvini Cichlids £3 each 1.5 inch Red jewels £2.50 each or 5... ...
42.Jeff Rapps Order at Oddball Express- Many rare and wild tropical fish 01/07/14 No
Jeff Rapps Tangled up In cichlids order going to be placed on the 6th of July. Please email or ring for more details or to place an order. email oddballexpressnet@hotmail.co.uk 50% Deposit needed to bring the fish in. SOUTH AMERICAN CICHLIDS Aequidens metae ... ...
43.Malawi. South Americans. Community 30/06/14 Yes
new stocklist l046 zebra plec 9cm (males) £150 l260 queen arabasque pleco 2.5" £25 (1 left) bay snook cichlid 4" £20 green terrors 6" £15 pearl cichlids 3-4" £7 silver arrowana 6" £30 cyprichromis leptosoma 3.5" £15 haplochromis blue ahli "hormone" 4" £12 pseudotropheus el... ...
44.does any one have Nothobranchius furzeri 12/06/14 No
I would like to obtain some Killifish and looking for a source in UK. I would greatly appreciate if anyone is willing to sell a few or point me to a source.
45.Lots of tropical fish for sale 09/06/14 Yes
nw stock list READY WEDNESDAY NE37 3BJ kobalt blue discus £20ea chocolate lyretail killifish £4ea peaccock gobys £4ea or 10 for £35 cardinal tetra 10 for £8 geophagus brasiliensis red (pearl cichlid) £8ea german blue rams (german bred) £3ea mixed malawi £4ea dwarf flag cichlid £3ea ... ...
46.RARE Heterandria formosa, Least killifish, Midget livebearer, Mosquito fish 11/05/14 Yes
Young Heterandria formosa (also known as Least killifish, Dwarf or Midget livebearer, Mosquito fish and Dwarf Top-Minnow). Size: minimum 1 cm (0.4 in) or more, Sex: Females/males/unknown Price:£4/pair, £1.50/each unsorted ones Around 20 available. Habitat: Fresh and brackish waters, North ... ...
47.Loads of Apistogramma, Tetras, Rasboras Killis Cheap Postage 10/05/14 Yes
APISTOGRAMMA Agassizii Alenquer red tail £22.00 Elizabeth £90.00 (SOld) mamore red tail £22.00 Agassizii fire red £12.50 Agassizii super red £13.00 Agassizii red gold £13.00 Borelli paraque £20.00 Red point £15.00 Cacatuoides £10.00 Others Taeniacara candidi pair £20.00 Red p... ...
48.Killifish WANTED not eggs 27/04/14 No
Cash waiting and will collect if not much of a distance. email me on ryanuk87@googlemail.com
49.Gardneri Fundlopanchax Nssuka killifish + others 24/04/14 Yes
Gardneri fundlopanchax Nssuka eggs x 15+ Good beginner fish with lovely colouration. Can be kept in most community tanks. Full hatching and fry care instructions included and will be emailed. Posted via 1st class royal mail. £8.50 inc postage. Paypal accepted for payment. Had l... ...
50.Sale of the excess of my fish, plants, snails and shrimps. 24/04/14 Yes
I am selling excess of my plants,fish and shrimps from my shrimp tanks. What is available? Just have a look: Plants: - Pelia for £3 for 8 cm x 8 cm piece, - Amazon Frogbit for 30p each. Shrimps: - Cherry shrimps available for 50p each. - Rili shrimps £1.50/ each or £10 for 10 of them. ... ...
51.for sale in Scotland,betta & killifish 17/04/14 Yes
I have some home bred fish for sale male hmpk £4 male plakat £2 crowntail £2 veil tail £2 can match up with females gardneri killifish males £3 & pairs £5 all fish are young adults,pick up from gourock please call or text as emails not getting through,thanks Gerry
52.TODAY Robin Hood Aquarists Nottingham Spring Auction Sunday 13th April 2014 13/04/14 No
The Robin Hood Aquarists are holding their spring auction on Sunday 13th April 2014 at the usual venue of the Highbank Community Centre, Farnborough Road, Clifton, Nottingham. NG11 9DG. Doors open and booking in from 11.30am and the auction starts at 12 noon. Refreshments will be available throug... ...
53.Fish for sale 27/03/14 Yes
washington aquatics stocklist sulgrave , ne37 3bj livestock corydoras julii £3each or 4 for £10 congo tetra £3 each or 4 for £10 firemouth cichlids £3.50each kribs pairs £5 veil tail angels £7 or 2 for £12 venustus malawi (stunning) 2-3 inch 2 for £15 featherfin synodontis 2 inch... ...
54.nothobranchius korthausae (killifish) 17/02/14 No
i have 3 breeding groups of these killifish i only need one, open to offers n.ireland collection only. video link to see them
55.Killifish in Derby (DE24) 01/01/14 No
Aphyosemion Australe (Gold) £5 per pair, A Australe (Chocolate) £5 per pair. A Gardneri Akure (Gold) £4 per pair, A Gardneri Jos Plateau £4 per pair. I also have 2 young pairs of A Walkeri (orange)£6 per pair and a breeding community of A Cognatum £10 for the lot. I also have a few other fish... ...
56.birchirs, eels, catfish, discus, malawi and many more 07/11/13 Yes
Manchester Fish Price List 9th September 2013 All sizes are approximate, and all fish are subject to availability Strictly by appointment Eels Green eels (peacock) 4" £10.00 Birchir Endilcheri (polypetrus) 6-7" £20.00 Gars Rocket gar 3-4" £8.00 3 for £20 Tiger fish Indo ... ...
57.Fish for sale in Scotland 26/10/13 No
I have 2xbreeding pairs of gardneri killifish , £5 pr Galaxy rasbora £2 each Endlers £1 each 1x pair fighting fish £3 Breeding group of 9 Cory's £15 2x adult L183 starlight bristlenose female £15 each Brown bristlenose 1" £1 l182 bristlenose 1" £3 Micro worm cultures £1 Pick up fr... ...
58.Killifish eggs and fish , microworms grindalworms tropical fish 22/10/13 Yes
For the best quality of Killifish eggs , fish and live starter cultures . this is my list normally have Amphosemion Australi orange , Chocolate , marginatum , Striatum ,Walkeri Kutunse Scriptahosemion Geri, Nothos kilomberensis and rachiovi biera 98 , please ask for availability eggs are sold... ...
59.Fish House and Contents for Sale 03/10/13 Yes
I am selling my COMPLETE FISH HOUSE - tanks, racks, air pump, tubing, everything must go including the fish house itself. The fish house is a 8' x 5'4" shed with a tapered roof made of polycarbonate which allows the sun to provide all the heat needed during the summer months (and then some). The... ...
60.Killifish (Fundulopanchax gardneri "nigerianus innidere") 21/09/13 Yes
I have approximately 20 Fundulopanchax Gardneri Nigerianus Innidere Killifish for sale. These were raised by myself and are now approximately 10 weeks old. Current length about 1.8-2.2cm. First photo is of a fully grown male, second photo is how the killifish look currently. As you can see, the f... ...
All sizes are approximate, and all fish are subject to availability Strictly by appointment Eels Green eels (peacock) 4" £10.00 Red fire eels 5" £8.00 Birchir Endilcheri (polypetrus) 6-7" £20.00 Gars Rocket gar 3-4" £8... ...
62.many different varieties of tropical fish available 22/08/13 Yes
Manchester Fish Price List 22nd August - 29th August 2013 All sizes are approximate, and all fish are subject to availability Strictly by appointment Eels Green eels 4" £10.00 Spiny eels 4" £10.00 Tyretrack eels 4" £10.00 Birchir Endilcheri... ...
63.(PRICE REDUCED £15)Nothobranchius Guentheri Red Killifish 50+ eggs + RAISING KIT LAST FEW 03/05/13 Yes
Pictures are of actual parents at the time this post was made. This is for a set of 50+ Killifish Nothobranchius Guentheri Red eggs (sent in peat) along with a choice of 2 starter cultures with full instructions, Breeding substrate (Peat) and Raising tray for fry. You can choose: Brine shr... ...
64.FISH FOR SALE 19/04/13 No
65.Gardneri Killifish inches Lafia inches 05/03/13 No
Hi, I have some Fundulopanchax gardneri "Lafia" adults £5.00 per pair. Buyer to collect. Please contact me on 01536 358983 Thankyou
66.Aquabatic additional stock list 08/02/13 No
Fresh in today - the quality of the killifish we have at the moment is arguably amongst the best in the UK. This list is in addition to the already numerous species stocked. The first choice for the serious 'keeper in Wales and the South West. APHYOSEMION AMIETI APHYOSEMION SJOESTEDTI APIST... ...
67.Orange Australe lyretail killifish for sale 30/01/13 No
I'm currently raising 20 of these frys and they will be available in approx 3 weeks, £10 a pair
68.killifish 13/01/13 Yes
Austrolebias alexandri for sale £5 a pair london collection only sorry
69.killifish 13/01/13 Yes
Austrolebias nigripinnis for sale £5 a pair london kent 07500933076 collect only sorry
70.Christmas Clearout 13/12/12 No
Hi All, Having a clearout so I dont have to spend all christmas doing water changes! see my list below and contact me on turner.aquatics@gmail.com with interest... ALL MY FISH ARE KEPT IN TREATED TAP WATER..... it is a myth that you need RO water for discus, i have kept, grown and obviously very ... ...
71.Discus for sale - Christmas Clearout 13/12/12 No
Discus for sale: 2-2.5 inch Red Marlbrou Discus £8.00 each or 3 for £22.50 (1 FISH PER BAG) 2-2.5 inch Snake Skin Disucs £9.99 each or 3 for £27.00 (1 FISH PER BAG) 2-2.5 inch Red Turq Discus £8.00 each or 3 for £22.50 (1 FISH PER BAG) 2-2.5 inch Red Pigeon Blood Disucs £8.00 each... ...
72.Aquarium Books 14/08/12 No
TITLE / AUTHOR / ISBN Choosing Fish for your Aquarium. Mary Bailey & Gina Sandford. 1842151762 Need to Know? Aquarium Fish. Collins. 0007205783 A Popular Guide to Tropical Aquarium Fishes. Dick Mills. 0861013875 Interpet Guide to Marine Fishes. Dick Mills. 0861011597 Bristlenoses... ...
73.CELEBES RAINBOWFISH EGGS FOR SALE (Telmatherina ladigesi) 19/05/12 Yes
Rainbow fish eggs (Celebes) for sale. My video shows how stunning these fish are! 2 x mops (each with 20-30 eggs) with eggs delivered in jiffy bag with mini heat packs and instructions how to raise. All you need is 24-27c water temp, safe environment away from other fish, an airstone n ... ...
74.Superb stock list from Aquabatic - Cardiff 11/05/12 No
Massive selection of shrimp and snails Quality plants and ferts Fish stock list is really good at the moment THIS LIST IS. OT EXHAUSTIVE WE HAVE LOTS LOTS MORE Venezeulan and Peruvian black corys Blue eyed panaque Snow queen Plec Broken line panaque Blue panaque Red tail sternella Snowbal... ...
75.selling up fish for sale 08/05/12 Yes
6 x adolfi corydoras £6 or 6 for £30 rrp £15 each 1 juli corydoras £2 each 2 x golden rams £4 each 2 x german blue rams £ 4 each 3 x clown loachs £ 5each 13 x cardinails £1 each 6 x glowlight danios £1 each 1 X bristtlenose plec £1.50 1 x male killifish £4 2 x red raindowfish ... ...
76.64l Tropical Setup With Fish 06/05/12 No
For Sale 64l Interpet fishBox(with two brilliant white bulbs) with Beech Stand Interpet PF2 Internal Filter(good for up to 90l Tanks) Aquaone 100w Heater Interpet AVMINI Air Pump + 1ft Bubble bar Thermometer Aquarium Net Algae Magnet Condensation Tray Fish Included 2 x Dwarf Gourami ... ...
77.Killifish Wanted 17/04/12 No
Looking for a group/pair of killifish Email if you have any for sale can collect from Tyne & Wear area. cheers Rob.
78.Juwel Rekord 125 with stand. Turtle tank with fish 22/02/12 No
Juwel Rekord 125 includes built in filter and heater large internal filter with u.v steriliser cabinet in beech 2 mississippi map turtles a few tiger barbs a few odessa barbs 4 golden wonder panchax killifish (2 breeding pairs) jbl manado substrate bog wood 2 bog wood basking areas (look... ...
79.Amwell Aquatics Epping Tropical Freshwater Stocklist: 05/01/12 05/01/12 No
* = New in Stock Tetras **NEW** Sunshine Neon Tetra - Pacheirodon innesi*** X-Ray Tetra – Pristella maxillaris Glass Bloodfin Tetra – Prionobrama filigera January Tetra - Hemigrammus hyanuary* Purple Emperor tetra - Inpaichthys Kerri "super blue" Kerri Tetra - Inpaichthys Kerri Bleed... ...
We have been told that the following fish are going to be for sale at the open show and auction this Sunday being run by the Sheaf Valley Aquarist Society Some fish that have been listed to be sold at Svas show and auction this Sunday www.Svas.co.uk Rasbora espei/ glowlight harliquins Melanot... ...
81.Various fish, make me an offer 14/09/11 No
Re-scaping the tank so have the following fish available for collection. Make me an offer individually or happy to sell all together for £20 Pair of young breeding Kribensis Pair of Pearl/Lace gourami Large male veiltail marble angelfish Female Dwarf gourami 2 siamese algae eaters 3 norman la... ...
82.Wanted tropical fish 18/05/11 No
Hey all i am looking for tropical fish such as , platy's, sword tails, pink tetras shrimps, corydoras killifish gourmies male and females, i will pay but not stupid prices, i have a 3 ft by 2ft fish tank healthy tank and happy community fish in it, i know a lot about fish as i did a ocn in animal ma... ...
83.Community fish 05/05/11 No
Looking to free up some tanks space a.s.ap so i have for sale. 3x "W/C" Cardinal Tetra 4x Lamp eye killifish - Aplocheilichthys normani - All pretty much on size, one is missing an eye. 2x Celestial Danio 2x Fundulopanchax Spoonbergi 2x Fundulopachax Gardeneri 'Uke' 1x Peppered C... ...
84.Killifish eggs Guentheri Red and blue 19/04/11 Yes
3o eggs of each spieces @ £6.50 each accept paypal at darrensaid@hotmail.com or post office cheque . Ready to hatch
86.various fish for sale 06/03/11 No
Guppies Male and Females 50p each Kribensis 70p each Leapard Danios 50p each Killifish Fundulopanchax Nigerianus P82 £5 pair Breeding group of 6 Tatia Intermedia Catfish £30
87.Steel-blue Killifish - Gardneri £5 pair 15/02/11 Yes
I bought a pair of Killifish (Aphyosemion/Fundulopanchax Gardneri) last weekend but they are not getting along with the tank mates with long tails. £5 for the pair if they go to a good home. Text or email me please
88.Tropical Fish for sale from sunset platys, silver mollies and dalmation mollies, guppies, endlers 03/02/11 Yes
Tropical Fish for sale from sunset tuxedo platys, silver mollies and dalmation mollies, guppies, endlers email us for more details and prices.New Freshwater A. Cichlids N.W. Cichlids Fresh Angels Barbs Bettas Bichir Cory Cats Danios/Minnows Discus Goldfish Extra Larg... ...
89.WANTED : Austrolebias elongatus 14/01/11 No
Hi all, Does anyone have, or know where to find adults, juveniles or eggs of Austrolebias elongatus. The Giant Killifish. Please email. All the best, G
90.KILLIFISH KEEPERS killifish book (collectors item maybe) 26/12/10 No
RIVULINS OF THE OLD WORLD GOT THIS LAST YEAR IT BELONGED TO A MR A.J.WRIGHT PERSONAL COPY) also got this which also belonged to him international code of zoological nomenclature open to offers also have few other books which i will list later
91.Microworm and Vinegar Eel Cultures 16/11/10 No
Have got cultures of microworm and vinegar eel for sale. Both these species are non-parasitic nematodes that can survive under water for long periods (the vinegar eels especially) which makes them perfect food for fish fry, plus livefeeding caudate, axolotl and frog larvae. White worm cultures... ...
92.Killifish wanted 30/09/10 Yes
looking to buy several pairs of Killifish pictured here Thanks
93.Wanted: Killifish pairs/trios 27/09/10 No
I am looking to purchase some killifish pairs, although would prefer trios. must be able to post them to me or may be able to collect from within south west. these are the species i am looking for: Fundulopanchax gardneri nigerianus aphyosemion australe aphyosemion splendopleure Epiplatys Annula... ...
94.[SOLD] Vinegar Eels Starter culture+instructions. First food for small egg layer fry. £7.50 04/09/10 Yes
This hard to find live food starter culture will provide the all important first few meals for bettas and killifish fry. Some egg layer fry often do not feed unless provided with tiny live food as the feeding response is not triggered unless there is movement. Once fry have grown for a week on vineg... ...
95.Killifish 15/06/10 No
Nothobranchius Guentheri 5.00 pr Fundulopanchax Scheeli 5.00 pr Pick up only. Grimsby area. 07740 322239
96.Killifish 30/05/10 No
Fundulopanchax scheeli 5.00 Pr Fundulopanchax gardneri 5.00 Pr Pick up only in Grimsby area. Tel: 07740 322239
97.Killifish eggs for sale 16/05/10 Yes
15+ eggs of Fundlopanchax Gardneri lafia gold,£4.00 inc p+p UK only.
98.Killifish 12/05/10 No
Anybody in the Grimsby area keeping Killifish wanting to sell, swap or trade. Let me know on baz.bee1@ntlworld.com
99.killifish eggs wanted 21/04/10 No
im looking for a few killi eggs. please email if you have any for sale,,paypal waiting.
100.Killifish 20/12/09 No
Is there anyone in the norfolk/suffolk (possibly Essex) area that sells Killifish ? Mike 07906662178
101.Wanted non-annual killifish and small synodontis/ corys/ L nos 28/08/09 No
As title says...contact me I can only say yes or no... please no rediculous prices! :) Regards
102.Killifish wanted in the Notingham area. 05/12/08 No
Would like to buy pairs(preferably). Thanks.
103.killifish site/forum 03/08/08 No
anyone have a link for killi forum /site
104.killifish 20/05/08 No
1 pr of golden australi £6. plus £8. next day delivery
105.killifish 20/05/08 No
1 pr of chocolate australi £6. plus £8. next day delivery
106.Killifish Eggs 09/01/08 No
Looking for any Killifish Breeders in Scotland to E-mail me so I can buy Eggs or fish.
107.killifish australi orange gold or chocolate 15/11/07 No
wanted killifish australi blackburn area or lancs area 30 miles radius
108.British Killifish Association 12/11/07 Yes
The British Killifish Association is an organisation dedicated to the preservation, by propogation and conservation of all species of Killifish. Adult Membership is currently £17 annually (UK). For that price you get; 1/ A monthly copy of the BKA Killi-News. 2/ With membership, a Nominal Rol... ...
109.killifish 11/11/07 No
killifish 10 eggs bivitatum funge beatiful fish when grown 5 pounds incl postage
110.bog wood great shapes and sizes from £3.00 08/03/07 Yes
best buy £4.00 + £2.00 postage some at £3.00 postage phone 07979993260 Real Bogwood (which seems to be erroneously called 'driftwood' a lot these days*) not lightweight Mopani** root. This size is what we class as 'X-Large' e.g. anything from 1.5kg to 2kg in weight, it varies hugely, but i... ...
111.Killifish 05/09/06 No
WANTED KILLIFISH BOOKS AND INFO. Please reply with companie names and addresse where i can get info on killis
112.Killifish, F. Gardneri gold pairs for sale. 28/07/06 No
Young pairs of Fundulopanchax Gardneri gold for sale. Home reared, starting to spawn already. £6 per pair, collection only from Nottingham.
113.Killifish 19/04/06 Yes
wanted : Killifish eggs Aphyosemion australe Chocolate & gold, plezz... with price list & shipment
basicly i want to start my own breeding tank with well anything that breeds alot without it beeing mollies, guppies or killifish. £20 give or take. portsmouth, fareham southhampton areas. langerz87@yahoo.co.uk
115.killifish wanted 13/03/06 No
if anyone has any pairs or trios of killifish for sale and can post to dorset please email with prices.
116.killifish wanted 08/03/06 No
i have just started to keep killifish and im looking for a few pairs or trios. i live in dorset so if you have any and live local i can pick-up. if you live far away i dont mind paying the extra for postage.
117.lots of pairs and types of killifish for sale 20/07/05 Yes
email me for more details and i will return a short movie ( broadband required) I sell all my pairs at the same price £5.00 per pair. Some are very hard to get but all make excellent money selling on the eggs all over the world!!!! Important ALL my fish are COLLECTION ONLY from Rochdale area ... ...
118.Breeding Killifish Northo Guntheri Brilliant Reds 08/07/05 Yes
All one inch in lenght and already laying eggs. Just the fish for sale, At £ 5.00 per pair and no eggs. I have dealers orders for the next six months on the eggs of all my killies. I have more to list on wed next. any questions please email me damk071@tiscali.co.uk cheers Janet
119.wanted killifish or eggs 21/03/05 No
hi all looking for killifish or eggs must be able to ship if anyone has anythink plzz email me at im2gud2miss@hotmail.com thanx
120.fish for sale 07/02/05 No
clown loach £5.00,(3-4") silver angels £2.00 (2") koi angels breeding pair £15.00 bristlenose cats pair £8.00 white bristlenose (2") £4.00 ordinary bristlenose (2") £2.00 trio of gardeneri killifish 1m,2f £5.00 featherfin synodontis £5.00 (6") bumble bee cat ... ...
121.Microworms & WhiteWorms 26/09/04 No
Micro Worms are eagerly accepted by most fry fish as a first food.They are smaller than Brine Shrimp and are easier to keep and cultivate. If you breed Killifish, Live Bearers or Cichlids, then you will NOT want to be without them. http://www.microworms.co.uk/
122.Live Nanno Plankton 325 ml to 1000ml 06/09/04 Yes
Nannochloropsis Oculata (Live) Freshwater Micro Algae I have a limited supply of live freshwater algae for sale on a “buy it now” basis. For those who breed tropical fish will know that the first few days are critical to feeding the fry the smallest quality food available but it has almost b... ...
123.Live Nanno Plankton 1000ml £ 15.00 & £ 4.50 P&P 04/09/04 Yes
Nannochloropsis Oculata (Live) Freshwater Micro Algae I have a limited supply of live freshwater algae for sale on a “buy it now” basis. For those who breed tropical fish will know that the first few days are critical to feeding the fry the smallest quality food available but it has almost b... ...
124.Live Nanno Plankton (Freshwater) 325ml £ 5.00 + £ 1.95 P&P 04/09/04 Yes
Nannochloropsis Oculata (Live) Freshwater Micro Algae I have a limited supply of live freshwater algae for sale on a “buy it now” basis. For those who breed tropical fish will know that the first few days are critical to feeding the fry the smallest quality food available but it has almost b... ...
126.killifish 30/05/04 No
i have several divided killifish breeding tanks, all must go together, approx 3.5 ft in length, some divided in three, some in four. and about 6-8 " in height, call for details. many thanks.
127.Recently discovered fish in DVD Ivan Dalmar Mikolji 10/12/03 Yes
MORICHAL LARGO RIVER DVD As we go in expeditions collecting tropical fish all arround Venezuela we sometimes find a river that has crystal clear waters. Most of the rivers in which tropical aquarium fish are collected are full of silt or very black tannic water in which filming fish is impos... ...
128.Apistogramma guttata , Satanoperca mapiritensis , Cichlasoma bimaculatum , underwater dvd video 10/12/03 Yes
MORICHAL LARGO RIVER DVD As we go in expeditions collecting tropical fish all arround Venezuela we sometimes find a river that has crystal clear waters. Most of the rivers in which tropical aquarium fish are collected are full of silt or very black tannic water in which filming fish is impos... ...
129.Killifish wanted 10/12/03 No
Anyone in the north east
130.killis wanted 15/07/03 No
im after some killifish, most will be acceted, especilly; Aphyosemion elberti elberti if some one knows a dealer or breader in the north of england let me know please!cheers! 07763690115

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