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  Tropical fish Severums, Plecs, Cichlids

Description: Updated stock list and prices for sale Hartlepool;
Plecs and catfish
L200 4 inch Hi Fin Green Phantom £25 each
15 inch Common plec £15
8 inch Common Plec £10
3 inch Gold Bristlenose £7.50 each
2 Inch Port Hole Catfish £3 each 2 for £5
2.5 inch Glass Catfish £2.50 each
2 inch Hoplo Catfish £2 each
1 inch Julii Cory £4 each
1 inch Bronze Cory £1
1 inch Albino Cory £1 each

Severums and Cichlids
Red Spot Severums 4 inch £10 2 for £17.50
Gold Severums 4 inch £7.50 1 left
Rotkeils Severums 4 inch £7.50 1 left
Rotkeils Severums 2 inch £5 each 2 for £7.50
2 inch Various Angels £4 each 3 for £10
2.5 inch Gold angels with orange nose £4 each 3 for £10
1.5 inch Firemouth £2 each 3 for £5
pair 3.5 inch Keyholes £7.50 the pair
1.5 inch Key hole Cichlid £2 each 3 for £5
2 inch Blue Acara £3 each 2 for £5
2 inch Electric Blue Acara £8 each 2 for £15
3 inch Veija synspilius (redheaded) Cichlid £3 each 2 for £5
1.5 inch German Blue Rams £2.50 each
4 INCH Geophagus brachybranchus £10 each or last 3 for £25
2.5 inch Geophagus Dicozoster £8 each last 3 for £20

2 inch Torpedo Barbs £4 each only
2 inch Pearl Gourami £3 each 2 for £5
2 inch Pink Kissing Gourami £2.50 each last 3 for £5
1 inch Guntheri Killifish £2 each
1 inch Conga Tetra £1.50 each
1 inch Emperor Tetra £1.20 each
1.5 inch mixed Guppies £1 each big colourful females
1.5 inch mixed Swordtails £1 each
2 inch Rasbora Scissortails £1.50 each last 5 £6
1.5 inch YOYO Loach £2 each 3 for £5
Paradise Fish £2 each
Various Adult fighters £5 each

Contact Information
Advertiser: Neil Clarke
Telephone: 07454 796195
Town: Hartlepool
County: Cleveland

Advert stats: [Added or updated:09/08/15 Views: 2282]

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