The Robin Hood Aquarists are holding their Spring Auction on Sunday 12th April 2015 at the usual venue of the Highbank Community Centre, Farnborough Road, Clifton, Nottingham. NG11 9DG.
Doors open and booking in from 11.30am and the auction starts at 12 noon. Refreshments will be available throughout the day and a licensed bar has been applied for.
Admission free. Phil from Fishphilosophy.co.uk will be present with his stand.
PLEASE NOTE: Smoking is strictly prohibited within the building and this includes E-cigarettes. Also it is now council policy that no dogs are permitted in the building.
There are major roadworks at junction 24 of the M1 and on the A453. The A453 is prone to closure at random times. Please allow extra time for your journey if planning to get to the auction via this route.
Contact Julie by e-mail rhaqua@hotmail.co.uk for more details or to book a lot or visit http://www.robinhoodaquarists.co.uk/events.htm.
We're also on Facebook, go to https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/524581947558898/
PLEASE NOTE: auction lots cannot be booked before 12 midnight on 12th March 2015.
We look forward to seeing you there.
We have been notified by sellers of the items below that will hopefully be at the auction. There are no guarantees that these items will definitely be available as unforeseen circumstances cannot be accounted for. Also, this is certainly not a full list of what will be available, it's only what we know of so far and many sellers do not notify us what they intend to bring along. It's not just a fish and plant auction, there will also be various items of second hand equipment available along with live food cultures.
The items listed below have only been declared by 5 sellers, we currently have lots from 12 individual sellers in total booked in for the auction.
Snakeskin Guppies
Black bar Endlers
Blonde Endlers
Peacock Endlers
Xiphophorus milleri Catemaco
Brown Bristlenose
Gold Albino Bristlenose
Red & Black Bristlenose
Super Red Bristlenose
Marble Angelfish
Gold Marble Angelfish
Corydoras sterbai
Zebra Danios
Leopard Danios
Black Corydoras
Long Finned Brown Bristlenose
Cherry Shrimp
Crystal Red Shrimp
Red Swordtails
Black Swordtails
Sanke Koi Swordtails
Xiphophorus milleri
Platies various colours
Moscow Black Guppies
Yellow Guppies
Ameca splendens
L144 Lemon Bristlenose juveniles
L144 Lemon Bristlenose young pair
Super Red Bristlenose juveniles
Longfin Albino Bristlenose juveniles
Corydoras sterbai
Blonde Endlers
Black Mollies
Bolivian Rams
Black Angelfish
Long Finned Brown Bristlenose
L191 Royal Panaque
Black Pearl Altolamprologus calvus
Peacock gobies (pair) Res £3.50
Macrognathus / aculeatus - Frecklefin eel res £3
Forktail Blue-Eye Rainbowfish - Pseudomugil furcatus
Glass catfish
Kuhli loach
Syno lucipinnis £7 Res
Super Red Bristlenose
Corydoras schultzei
Bronze Albino Corydoras
Breeding Group of Black Corydoras
Pentazona Barbs
Cherry barbs
Kohaku Koi Swordtails (pair) res £5
Tiger Endlers
Lyre Tailed Mollies
Xiphophorus montezumae Res £10
Espei rasbora
Kerri tetras
Daisy's Ricefish/ Oryzias woworae
Notho eggersi blue (pair) Res £10
Gold Australe Killifish res £5
Croaking gourami (Trichopsis vittatus)
Macropodus spechti - Black paradise fish
Pair of Oreichthys crenuchoides/drape finned barb res £5
Juwel Rio 125 Complete Set Up
Tank and Stand including Manuals
Tropical Aquarium Grown Plants
Java moss
Java fern
Giant Vallis
Straight Vallis
Anubias barteri
Hygrophilia polysperma variegated
Cryptocoryne sp.
Echinodorus Red Rubin
E. Barthii
E. Bleherii
E. Vesuvius
Twisted Leafed Chain Sword
Contact Information Advertiser: Matt County: Nottinghamshire
Web Link: http://www.robinhoodaquarists.co.uk/even ...
Web Link: http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/524581 ...
Advert stats: [Added or updated:12/04/15 Views: 3494]
