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  Oddball, Predator, South American Cichlids STOCK LIST @ The Aquatic Store Bristol 09.05.18

Oddball, Predator, South American Cichlids STOCK LIST @ The Aquatic Store Bristol 09.05.18

Oddball, Predator, South American Cichlids STOCK LIST @ The Aquatic Store Bristol 09.05.18

Oddball, Predator, South American Cichlids STOCK LIST @ The Aquatic Store Bristol 09.05.18

Oddball, Predator, South American Cichlids STOCK LIST @ The Aquatic Store Bristol 09.05.18

Oddball, Predator, South American Cichlids STOCK LIST @ The Aquatic Store Bristol 09.05.18

Oddball, Predator, South American Cichlids STOCK LIST @ The Aquatic Store Bristol 09.05.18

Oddball, Predator, South American Cichlids STOCK LIST @ The Aquatic Store Bristol 09.05.18

Description: We offer a good selection of Oddball, Predator and South/ Central American Cichlids, always fully quarantined and greedily accepting food before going on sale. They are housed in our individually filtered fish house containing more than 140 aquariums.
Please call ahead for availability as certain species sell fast.

Oddball/ Miscellaneous:
Potamotrygon Leopoldi P13 RARE Tank Bred
Banjar Red Asian Arowana 5-6"
Super Highback Red Tail Gold Asian Arowana 6-8"
Silver Wrestling Halfbeak
Flag tail Prochilodus (Very Nice)
Golden Wonder Panchax
Red Chin Panchax (Very Nice)
Giant Gourami 5-8"
Royal Knifefish RARE
African Lungfish
Fire Eel 8"
Black Bar Silver Dollar (Tank Bred)
Australian Arowana 5" (S. Jardini)
Banded Leporinus
Tyre Track Eel (Very Nice)
Boulengerella Lateristriga (South American Pike)
Red Belly Piranha 1.75"
Rope Fish
Redtail x Tiger shovelnose catfish
Pterodoras Granulosus 10"
Gardneri Killifish Pairs
Hjersseni Killifish Pairs
Rainbow Dace
White Cloud Mountain Minnow
Golden Mountain Minnow
Peacock Gobys
Axolotl Black Eye Gold
Dwarf Congo Frogs

Polypterus Delhezi
Polypterus Senegalus
Polypterus Lapradai 6-8"
Polypterus Endlicheri
Polypterus Ornatipinnis

American/ Central American/ West African Cichlids:
Geophagus Steindachneri XL
XL Assorted Angelfish
'Red Devil' Angelfish (Good Colour)
Geophagus Brasiliensis Red (Limited)
Gymnogeophagus Rhabdotus (Limited)
Fire mouth Cichlids
Peruvian 'Altum' Angelfish
Red Cap Angelfish
Golden Angelfish
Marble Angelfish
Jet Black Angelfish
Festive Cichlids (Limited)
Juwel Cichlids
Albino Red Back Angelfish (Very nice)
Blue Acara
Electric Blue Jack Dempsey
Geophagus Surinamensis 4-5" (Super Condition)
Green Terror 2"
Blood Red Parrotfish
Pike Cichlids (C. Lepidota)
XXL Green Terror 10"
Tiger Oscars (Very Nice)
Convict Cichlids (Local Bred)
Jack Dempsey 1.75"
Red Spotted Severum 1.25"
Jaguar Cichlids
Salvini 'Red' Cichlids
Crenicichla Sp. Red Pike
Chocolate Cichlids
Assorted 'Green' Severums
Neon Blue Acara
Rainbow Cichlids
Geophagus Tapajos 'Orange head'
Hypsophrys Nematopus Rare
Pearl Flowerhorn (Good Colour)
Blue Turquoise Discus 2.75" pair

The Aquatic Store Bristol
28 North Street

TEL: 01179639120

Contact Information
Advertiser: Martin
Telephone: 01179639120
Town: Bristol
County: Bristol

Advert stats: [Added or updated:09/05/18 Views: 4170]

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