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Tropical Fish Aquariums & Equipment Marine Fish & Inverts Malawi Tanganyikan Discus Cichlids
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1.Various Mbuna juveniles always available... Bedfordshire 16/02/25 Yes
Home breeder of Malawi cichlids, Mbuna for over 30 years.. Good selection of fish that you won't see in shops and at a very good price. List to be updated as more fish become available.... Metriaclima Callainos Nhkata Bay OB females and males. Metriaclima Estherae Minos Reef, with OB females ... ...
2.Mbuna 05/02/25 Yes
I have a bunch of top quality mbuna purchased from the best suppliers/hobbiests possible. Would be a great first stock or additions to current groups. F1 Cynotilapia zebroides Likoma 2m 2f don’t currently have pictures of these but they are purchased from mikes rifts…. £30 Chindong... ...
3.Adult and Fry Mbuna Malawi Cichlids for sale 02/02/25 Yes
Adult and fry Malawi Mbuna for sale - Chindongo Saulosi Fry from £1-£3 each depending on size. Breeding group of 4 cynotilapia afra white top likoma -£20 for all 4. Trip Metriclima Calanois Nkhata bay 1 Mcat male, 1 standard blue male and 1 on female around 3 inches - £15 the tri... ...
4.Malawi Cichlids 12/08/22 Yes
TB (F3) Tropheops Elongatus Kumwera sub adults £4 (3 for £10) TB (F2) Tropheops Aurora Higga Reef sub adult (female only)£4 (3 for £10) TB (F2) Cynotilapia Hara Gallireya Reef sub adults £4 (3 for £10) TB (F2) Psuedotropheus Elongatus Masimbwe sub adults £4 (3 for £10) TB (F2) Metriaclim... ...
5.Cynotilapia Afra Cobue breeding group x6 £30 SOLD 09/05/22 Yes
Nice adult breeding group of C. Afra Cobue, male gets a lovely orange/yellow head when displaying. 3 females holding recently for a number of weeks, just don't have the tank space to raise any young with others, hence the sale. Nice addition to a malawi tank, don't really bother other fish much.... ...
6.I have lots of breeding groups of pure bred stunning Malawi Cichlids for sale. 27/05/21 Yes
Mbuna Breeding groups. They all breed regularly. Massive adult breeding group of Pseudotropheus crabro group Metriaclima Zebra Fenzbreli Maison reef group Melanochromis Interuptus group Pseudotropheus Yellow tail acei group Labidochromis Yellow labs group Labidochromis Perlmutt group Mayla... ...
7.Adult mbuna for sale 08/02/21 Yes
Hi all. I have 8 Malawi Mbuna(mainly males) for sale: 1 x Pseudotropheus socolofi (powder blue) around 10cm 4 x Cynotilapia afra cobue 1 male around 6-7 cm rest around 5cm( 1 female) 1 x Black Acei around 7cm 1 x Yellow Lab around 6 cm 1 x female I think is Saulosi around 6-7cm All for £3... ...
8.Wet Pets Solihull Have stunning Malawi Juvies for sale some rarer ones and a good size a must see li 01/12/20 Yes
Hi all. I am an enthusiastic hobbyist breeder/seller of Malawi, Tanganyikan and Victorian Cichlids. I have a pet license and I have been keeping these amazing rift fish for over 20 years. Below is a list of new fish I have ready for collection. Most of the fish on the list will be £7.00 ea... ...
9.Wet Pets Solihull Have stunning Malawi Juvies for sale some rarer ones and a good size a must see li 24/11/20 Yes
Hi. Due to the government guidelines because of the Covid 19 virus. We can't have people in the fish house at the moment till the lockdown is over. So we are doing a click and collect take away service from the front door at the moment till further notice. You are welcome to pm on facebook or even w... ...
10.African Mbuna cichlids for sale 23/10/20 Yes
I have for sale some beautiful Daktori cichlids around 2.5 inches...£2 each Cynotilapia Zebroides around 1.5-2 inches..£2 All eating and growing well. Collection only..Peacehaven
11.24 Mbuna nice fish not hybrids (Sheffield) 22/09/20 Yes
Wild Metriaclima Msobo Ngwazi (1 male  ...1 female..) both 3.5 inch.. 2 x Pseudotropheus Saulosi ( 2 female) 2.5 inch.. ..tb 4 x PseudotropheusSocolofi (F1....1m 3f) Males 3.5 inch Females 3 inch PseudotropheusFlavus  F1 (1male.. 3.5 inch) 2 Tropheops chulumba orange 2.5 ... ...
12.SHEFFIELD Full malawi MBUNA 300 litre set up inc cabinet £380 ...25 x fish 24/08/20 Yes
Wild Metriaclima Msobo Ngwazi (1 male ...1 female..) both 3.5 inch.. 3 x Pseudotropheus Saulosi (1 male 2 female) 2.5 inch.. ..tb 4 x Pseudotropheus Socolofi (F1....1m 3f) Males 3.5 inch Females 3 inch Pseudotropheus Flavus (1male.. 3.5 inch) 3 Tropheops chulumba orange 2.5 inche... ...
13.300 litre set up inc cabinet - SHEFFIELD Full malawi MBUNA 24/08/20 No
Txt 07792539580..Ricky 300 litre inc cabinet & spare hood.. 3d background & filter heater cover.. External 2000 lph filter Heater coral gravel also ocean rock. (Bogwood & 2 lemon bristlenose not included) Wild Metriaclima Msobo Ngwazi (1 male ...1 female..) both 3.5 inch.. 3 x Pseudot... ...
Located in Ashford, Kent. Lewis 07842369000
15.Malawi cichlids Jalo reef 19/04/20 Yes
Cynotilapia afra Jalo reef these are f2 fish so great quality I’ve loads of juvenile fish 6 for £10 or swap for other malawi Cheers Rob
16.F1 Mbuna Juveniles - Prices are £6ea 25/03/20 Yes
Hi all, I’m a local hobbyist who keeps and breeds Wild Caught Malawi Mbuna Cichlids. Please see the below list of what’s available. Metriaclima Callianos Kirondo Pseudostropheus Kingsizei Lupingu Melanochromis Loraie Puulu Metriaclima Pyrsonotos Nakantenga (from omorph male and females... ...
17.Job lot of Wild and F1 Mbuna - £400 worth 23/01/20 Yes
I have a job lot of wild and F1 that i need to sell. The fish cost me over 400 pound new from UK aquatic imports last year and I have around 25 F1 juveniles on top of that. Collection would be from the Newcastle upon Tyne area. Includes Cynotilapia Zebroides Jalo reef, Membe deep, Fuellebo... ...
18.Malawi cichlid Mbuna wild and F1 stock - Prices reduced 19/01/20 Yes
Im closing down my tank and have the following for sale, all my fish were purchased from UK aquatic imports. Wilds Cynotilapia zebroides (Jalo Reef) (1st picture) 2 x male, 2 x female - £40 (I paid £28 per fish) Would split in half and sell them £20 per pair Labeotropheus Fuellebor... ...
19.Mbuna - Wild and F1 - Membe Deep, Jalo Reef, Zebra Gold, , Fuel Katale 17/01/20 Yes
Im closing down my tank and have the following for sale, all my fish were purchased from UK aquatic imports. Wilds Cynotilapia zebroides (Jalo Reef) (1st picture) 2 x male, 2 x female - £50 (I paid £28 per fish) Would split in half and sell them £25 per pair Labeotropheus Fuellebo... ...
20.Cynotilapia Zebroides Jalo Reef F1 - Stunning Mbuna 19/10/19 Yes
I have for sale F1 juveniles from my wild group purchased from UKAI for £28 per fish. £10 each or six for £50 Location is Bedlington Ne22 5uj Any questions please ask Alan 07592 691 460 The actual juveniles for sale are in the first video including a holding adult female. 2nd v... ...
21.Various mbuna for sale 07/10/19 Yes
Tropheops makakola pairs 7cm + £10 pair Cynotilapia zebroides cobue trio full colour £20 Metriaclima estherea group of 6 on/ red /blue £30 Metriaclima zebra gold kawanga pairs £15 Plenty more available F1 juveniles Msobo heteropictus thumbi Metriaclima zebra chiwi rocks Cynotilapia... ...
22.A group of 17 Malawi Mbuna wild and F1 21/06/19 No
I'm closing my tank down and have the following available, cynotilapia zebroides puulu white top F1 pair Wild Fainzilberi pombo rocks pair with ob female pseudeotropheus kingsizei lupingu F1 Pair labeotropheus fulleborni katale F1 Pair metriaclima phaeos F1 Pair Labeotropheus trewavasae thumbi... ...
23.Malawi Juveniles for sale 17/11/18 Yes
I have the following for sale; TB (F2) Melanochromis Cyaneorhabdos Maingano – 5/6cm £4 (3 for £10) TB (F2) Cynotilapia Afra Lion Cove Sanga – 4/5cm £4 (3 for £10) TB Cynotilapia Afra Cobue – 4/5cm £4 (3 for £10) TB (F3) Tropheops Elongatus Kumwera 5/6cm £4 TB (F2) Tropheops Aurora ... ...
24.Ripples Waterlife, Shenstone. Malawi, Tanganyikan Cichlids. 24/08/18 Yes
West Midlands based aquatic retail centre. We have everything needed to keep freshwater fish happy and healthy, whether it be tropical or coldwater, aquarium or pond, we have all the necessary equipment needed to get you started, or keep you going. We have a great range of livestock and plants, and ... ...
25.Malawi Juveniles 05/08/18 Yes
TB (F2) Melanochromis Cyaneorhabdos Maingano – 5/6cm £3 (4 for £10) TB (F2) Cynotilapia Afra Lion Cove Sanga – 4/5cm £3 (4 for £10) TB Cynotilapia Afra Cobue – 3/4cm £3 (4 for £10) TB Tropheops Elongatus Kumwera 3/4cm £3 Please note these fish are not community tank fish and requ... ...
26.Malawi Haps, Peacocks, Mbuna & Wilds NEW LIST 25/07/18 No
We are going to a well known malawi cichlid supplier in Germany this Friday. This week is the last week to send preorders. Please contact as soon as possible to express interest and for prices as we need to preorder with the supplier next week. There is no minimum order. Door to door del... ...
27.Kent rift cichlids Rift Valley cichlids import from Germany 03/07/18 Yes
Description: Hi, We have a wide range of high grade, German import, rare malawi/tanganyikan cichlids for sale. They are all either WC,SNZ or F1.All our fish came from cichlidenstadl,Mal-ta-vi,Aquahaus and aquatreff. Delivery service available with apc. £24 per box, max 9 small fish or 6 large fi... ...
28.Malawi Cichlids For Sale 01/06/18 Yes
TB (F2) Cynotilapia Afra Hara Gallireya – 4/5cm £4 (ONLY ONE) TB (F2) Melanochromis Cyaneorhabdos Maingano – 3/6cm £3 (4 for £10) TB (F2) Cynotilapia Afra Lion Cove Sanga – 3/6cm £3 (4 for £10) TB Cynotilapia Afra Cobue – 3/4cm £3 (4 for 10) Please note these fish are not communit... ...
29.Fully Revised Stock List - The Aquatic Store Bristol 09-05-2018 09/05/18 Yes
Tetras: Super Ringo Owando Tetra (Very Rare) Red Congo Tetra (Alestopetersius Brichardi) RARE Black Neon Tetra Yellow Neon Tetra Marble Hatchet Fish Giant Silver Hatchet Fish Cardinal Tetra (Super Condition) Red Phantom Tetra Black Phantom Tetra Red Eyed Tetra Flame Tetra Super Oran... ...
30.AQUA-SHACK::::High quality African rift lake cichlids 16/03/18 Yes
Aquashack Seaham County Durham Specialising in only the highest quality African rift lake cichlids. Fully licensed with 25 years fish keeping experience and almost 10 years as an importer/retailer. Aulonocara Mamalela 4cm £7.50e Aulonocara eureka 4-5cm £7.50e Aulonocara hansbaenchi 4-5... ...
31.Malawis £100 10/03/18 Yes
Group of Malawi's for sale various sizes Labeotropheus fuelleborni nimbochromis venustus Iodotropheus sprengerae Labidochromis caeruleus Red empress Labeotropheus trewavasae Cynotilapia afra, plus some other I can't remember names of what to sell as a complete group approx 30 maybe more o... ...
32.Malawi Juveniles For Sale 10/03/18 Yes
TB (F2) Cynotilapia Afra Hara Gallireya – 4/5cm £3 (4 for £10) TB (F2) Melanochromis Cyaneorhabdos Maingano – 3/4cm £3 (4 for £10) TB (F2) Cynotilapia Afra Lion Cove Sanga – 4/5cm £3 (4 for £10) TB Cynotilapia Afra Cobue – 3/4cm £3 (4 for 10) Please note these fish are not commun... ...
What's better than getting new fish?? How about new fish with a discount. K&C are proud to announce a small initiative that hopefully everyone will benefit from. *** NEW CUSTOMERS *** 10% off your first purchase and as much free advice as you like. *** RECOMMEND A FRIEND *** If any of ... ...
34.MIDLANDS MALAWIS,Mbuna & Haps in Nottingham 07/11/17 Yes
We are fully council licenced breeders/importers with a selection of high quality Malawi Cichlids available that we have bred or imported. Most of our fish are bred from wild caught or F1 parents and a handful of tank bred fish. We are Eastwood Nottingham, M1 j26/j27 just up from Ikea. Delivery a... ...
35.Malawi Cichlids For Sale 04/11/17 Yes
Pseudotropheus Elongatus Mpanga (TB) 4-5cm £2.00 (6 for £10.00) Cynotilapia Lion Cove Sanga (F2) 2.5 -3cm £3.00 (x 6) Cynotilapia Hara Gallireya Reef (F2) 2.5-3cm £3.00 (x 2) Melanochromis Johanni (F2) 5-6cm £3.00 (x 4) Pseudotropheus Acei Ngara (TB) 5-6cm £2.00 (x 6) All imag... ...
36.Dandy Cichlids Malawi and Tanganyikan Cichlids UPDATED LIST 24/09/17 No
Dandy Cichlids is one if not the largest stockist and importer of high quality African Cichlids in the north of England. We are based in Peterlee County Durham. We ship fish all over the UK and also do personal delivery runs. If you are looking for the best African Cichlids in the hobby you are welc... ...
37.Dandy Cichlids NEW IMPORT FROM GERMANY NOW IN STOCK 24/09/17 No
Dandy Cichlids is one if not the largest stockist and importer of high quality African Cichlids in the north of England. We are based in Peterlee County Durham. We ship fish all over the UK and also do personal delivery runs. If you are looking for the best African Cichlids in the hobby you are welc... ...
38.2 cynotilapia hara male, swap for male jalo reef 22/06/17 Yes
About 3 inches long, beautiful male cyno hara galleria reef mbuna. I'm looking for a single cynotilapia jalo reef male for swaps. Thanks, james
39.Kent rift cichlids new arrivals from Cichlidenstadl Germany 08/06/17 Yes
Kent Rift Cichlids new arrivals Malawi Cichlids Aulonocara baenschi Benga 8-10cm £24 Aulonocara ethelwynnae 7-10cm £24 Aulonocara maleri Chidunga rocks 8-10cm £36 WC Aulonocara maylandi 8-10cm £24 nice Aulonocara spec.Eureka 9-11cm £24 Aulonocara spec. Fire fish 9-10cm £24 males A... ...
40.Lots of breeding Malawi up for grabs 01/06/17 No
All fish very healthy and fed on a varied diet. Fish age ranging from 14 - 20 months and sizes from 3 to 5 inch CYNOTILAPIA AFRA WHITE TOP LIKOMA F1 breeding pair  £30 PSEUDOTROPHEUS ELONGATUS MPANGA Breeding group 2.2 £40 Labidochromis caeruleus breeding pair  £20 Melanochromis ... ...
Updated stocklist 10.5.17 What's better than getting new fish?? How about new fish with a discount. K&C are proud to announce a small initiative that hopefully everyone will benefit from. *** NEW CUSTOMERS *** 10% off your first purchase and as much free advice as you like. *** RECOMM... ...
42.7x3x2 (LxWxH) 1200ltr 5 month old tank plus equipment 25/05/17 No
As above, reluctantly selling my 7x3x2 1200ltr tank plus all equipment and fish. PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS A SERIOUS SET UP AND ONLY SERIOUS BUYERS PLEASE, NO TIME WASTERS! The tank: 1200ltr, black silicone, black painted background and optiwhite front. I built a stand for it. Built out o... ...
43.7x3x2 (LxWxH) 1200ltr 5 month old tank plus equipment 24/05/17 No
As above, reluctantly selling my 7x3x2 1200ltr tank plus all equipment and fish. PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS A SERIOUS SET UP AND ONLY SERIOUS BUYERS PLEASE, NO TIME WASTERS! The tank: 1200ltr, black silicone, black painted background and optiwhite front. I built a stand for it. Built out of 4... ...
44.K&C Rift Valley Cichlids NorthWest 20/04/17 No
Updated stocklist 10.4.17 What's better than getting new fish?? How about new fish with a discount. K&C are proud to announce a small initiative that hopefully everyone will benefit from. *** NEW CUSTOMERS *** 10% off your first purchase and as much free advice as you like. *** REC... ...
45.Malawis Mbuna and Haps 08/03/17 Yes
Midlands malawis Largest selection,best quality & price in the Midlands Appointment or simply buy through the our website www.midlandsmalawis.co.uk We also have Facebook group Midlandsmalawis Upto date list Wild caught,F1 and tank bred fish available Mbuna Cynotilapia hara galereya ree... ...
BASED IN WALKDEN, MANCHESTER *** NEW CUSTOMERS *** 10% off your first purchase and as much free advice as you like. *** RECOMMEND A FRIEND *** If any of our members recommend a friend your self and your friend will receive 10% off each of your purchases. (To qualify for this offer, both... ...
47.Breeding groups available (supplied by the best importers and breeders in the country) 19/12/16 No
Due to closing down most of my tanks and keeping just one big tank, I am now moving on some of the best quality breeding adult groups available. My groups were purchased by only the best sources in the country and all males are unrelated to the females. These are established, prolific breeder... ...
48.Parkers Aquatic Centre - Tropical Fish in Bristol, Full Stocklist 17/12/16 Yes
Latest Fish List - Updated 17/12/16 Current stock List: Inverts: Bamboo shrimp : few Yamoto shrimp: cherry shrimp: yellow fire shrimp: Assorted Crystal Shrimp: Large blue lobster Vampire crabs Tetra/ Characins: Black widow tetra Cardinal tetra Congo tetra Neon tetra Serpae tet... ...
49.WANTED Cynotilapia sp. Hara gallireya reef 15/12/16 No
Looking for these cynotilapia fish in the cornwall area.
50.Tonys African Cichlids - Most diverse range of qualityUK bred Malawi Cichlids Delivered to your door. Orders over £100 FREE COURIER 12/12/16 Yes
Disclaimer - All photos are OUR photos of OUR fish taken by US. :) The most diverse range of Malawi Cichlids in the UK which have been bred in our water. This makes them robust, hardy and easy to settle in. It makes the colour amazing, the vitality top notch and overall exceptional fish. Please c... ...
AFRICAN LAKE MALAWI CICHLIDS (MBUNA) Rock dwelling cichlids. FORSALE:- Pseudotropheus SAULOSI 2-4cm £5:00 EACH. Pseudotropheus sp. elongatus MPANGA 3-5cm 3 fish for £10:00. Metriaclima zebra chilumba MAISON REEF 3-6cm £5:00 EACH. Metriaclima zebra GOLD KAWANGA 2-3-cm £5:00 EA... ...
52.Mbuna 04/10/16 No
Due to closing down my tank. I'm selling all my fish. All MBUNA £160 There's about £200s worth of fish. Iv itemised them as follows but I'm wanting to sell as a job lot so I'm not left with any for when the tank goes. Most of them are from: K&C rift valley. Kevs rifts Tony's Afric... ...
53.Mbuna cichlids 23/09/16 Yes
Malawi cichlids for sale: Labeotropheus Trewavasae mpanga juveniles 2-3 inches Males and females £3 each. Cynotilapia afra hara gallireya reef adult male 3.5 inches. 1left. £8 Bristlenose pleco adult 4.5 inch £8. 1 left. Cynotilapia afra hara gallireya reef fry 1inch 1.50 each (can ... ...
54.Various mbuna for sale 22/09/16 Yes
Due to moving house I am unfortunately closing down my tank. All fish listed below are for sale and can be viewed and collected the on the 1st/2nd October 1x pr labedotropheus fullerborni katale 4'' WC £35 1 x pr psudoetropheus long pelvic mdoka 3.5'' WC £30 Trio metricilima zebra liuli 3.5... ...
55.Wild and f1 groups for sale 24/07/16 No
As above, I'm moving on some groups to make way for new wilds. For sale are: 2 f1 ob metriaclima mbenji females 8cm - £15 2m 2f f1 metriaclima long pelvic mdoka 8-10cm - £30 1m 2f f1 pseudotropheus polit 6-7cm £25 Wild pair metriaclima chailosi chitande 8cm - £30 4 pond raised metriacl... ...
56.Cynotilapia sp. Hara 04/06/16 No
As above, I have 20+ hara juvies ready for sale. All around 3cm and feeding well. Can't upload pictures on here but can send plenty via message or email. Collection only, Chessington.
57.Mbuna 21/03/16 No
List of what i have in - F1 zebra gold kawanga £25 pair F1 metriaclima msobo hetropictus lundu island £20 pair F1 pseudotropheus membe deep unsexed £5 each F1 patricki chindunga pair £20 F1 lawsi nkhata bay (rare) £30 trio Wilds- Barlowi chindunga male £20 Tropheops minos reef femal... ...
58.Various mbuna for sale Merseyside 17/02/16 No
As the title states I have a few mbuna that I am looking to move on and create room...I will need to strip tank down to catch them so they will be available on Saturday 27th Feb 1 breeding pair of elongatus mphanga £15 1 pair of yellow labs £7 2 young male Red estrea £5 W/C pair cynotilapia... ...
59.K&C Rift Valley Cichlids NorthWest 29/01/16 Yes
Updated stocklist 23.1.16 *** WILDS *** Cynotilapia zebroides red top likoma (all reserved) Cynotilapia Zebroides Charo - £20ea Cynotilapia sp. Lion's Cove - (all reserved) Labidochromis Chisumulae Chizumulu - £24ea Metriaclima zebra mbenji + OB Females Mbenji - £24ea Orange female - £... ...
Size 2" £4ea or 3 for £10 Elongatus Ornatus Albino Greshakei Whitetail Acei Johanni Cobalt Blue Zebra Obliquiden Yellow Lab Red Top Greshakei Dolphins Lab Pearlmutt Ps. Salousi Mix Peacock 3" 2 for £10 Pseudotropheus aurora 4-5cm £4.00ea Pseudotropheus elongatus "Neon sp... ...
61.Stunning Malawi Cichlids 17/12/15 Yes
Currently have the following for sale Collection from Rochdale, OL165BD Size 2" £4ea or 3 for £10 Elongatus Ornatus Albino Greshakei Whitetail Acei Johanni Cobalt Blue Zebra Obliquiden Yellow Lab Red Top Greshakei Dolphins Lab Pearlmutt Ps. Salousi Mix Peacock 3" 2 for £10... ...
62.Quality Malawi Cichlids 03/12/15 Yes
New Tank Bred & F1 shipment has just landed at K&C Rift Valley Cichlids NorthWest Updated stocklist 29.11.15 *** WILDS *** NEW WILD LIST COMING SOON ;) **F1 & Tank bred** Aulonocara stuartgranti materi 8cm £32/pair Aulonocara eureka red 8-10cm £32/pair Cyrtocara moorii 6cm - WAS £... ...
63.Breeding groups - Top quality mbuna 04/11/15 No
Reluctant sale of some of my breeding groups to make room for new breeding projects... My fish have been carefully chosen by some of the leading breeders/importers over the years so you can be sure of the quality. 1m 2f F1 Labidochromis caeruleus ruarwe (yellow labs) - £20 3" pair F1 petrot... ...
64.K&C Rift Valley Cichlids NorthWest 13/10/15 Yes
Please get in contact to arrange a viewing of our stunning Malawi Cichlids we currently have to offer. We look forward to hearing from you :) Updated stocklist 11.10.15 **WILD** Melanochromis kaskazini 'northern blue' - £20ea Metriaclima zebra higga reef 'sunrise' - £22ea Pseudotro... ...
65.K&C Rift Valley Cichlids NorthWest 12/10/15 No
Please get in contact to arrange a viewing of our stunning Malawi Cichlids we currently have to offer. We look forward to hearing from you :) Updated stocklist 11.10.15 **WILD** Melanochromis kaskazini 'northern blue' - £20ea Metriaclima zebra higga reef 'sunrise' - £22ea Pseudotro... ...
66.Blue zebra and pleco for sale or swap 05/10/15 No
Blue zebras various size. Prices from £4 2-5 inches Pleco each 20£ both 35£ - 8inches Cynotilapia sp. Chinyankwazi 5 inches from Tony's Africans £25 Please get in contact for pics as I cannot upload here
67.Malawi cichlids for sale 02/10/15 Yes
I have the following malawi's for sale Adults juveniles and fry Cynotilapia chinyankwazi Cynotilapia afra mbamba Cynotilapia afra cobue Pseudotropheus kingsizei lupingu Pseudotropheus elongatus neon spot Pseudotropheus elongatus likoma island Pseudotropheus flavus Pseudotropheus acei Met... ...
68.African Cichlid Breeder UK Based 30/09/15 Yes
Queens Aquatics are a U.K based Cichlid Supplier we breed all of our fish here in UK water so you're guaranteed that Cichlids from us are already acclimatised to the British waters. We source our stock from either F1 or Wild Caught where possible carefully making sure we don't breed with the same bl... ...
69.Rift Lake Cichlids in Bristol - Parkers Aquatics Stocklist 20th September 20/09/15 Yes
Mbuna: Pseudotropheus hajomaylandi 'chismulu' Abactochromis labrosus "Chismulu" F1 - Extremely rare Cynotilapia Zebroides 'Jalo Reef' F1 - 2 Left Labidochromis hongi Labidochromis sp. yellow Melanochromis auratus albino Melanochromis johanni "red" Melanochromis maingano Pseudtropheus crabr... ...
70.Wild Malawi for sale 15/08/15 Yes
Hi, reducing live stock in my fish house, following cichlids for sale 5 met. Sunrise higga reef, 6 met. Hajomalandi,5 nimbocromis Livingstoni, 4 tropheops black dorsal luwala, 4 tropheops makokola, 2 female Dolphins,5-6 tropheops chilumba, 4-5 tropheus mpulungu, 4 met emiltos mpanga,pair met. Chrys... ...
71.Stunning Mbuna breeding pairs for sale 09/08/15 Yes
As above I am reluctantly moving on some breeding groups I've had for a while now, including: F1 metriaclima zebra gold Kawanga 3 pairs to be sold as a group only £70 Elongatus neon spot pair @ 3" £20 (SOLD) F1 labidochromis caeruleus ruarwe (yellow labs) £35 2 pairs TB pair pseudotropheus... ...
72.F1 pseudotropheus polit and cynotilapia sp. hara 22/06/15 No
As above, I am now selling 1 male polit at 3" and 1 male hara at almost 4". Polit male £10 Hara male £10 or £15 if brought together I also have a lot of fry and juvies growing on of: Labidochromis srt hongi Pseudotropheus polit Pseudotropheus Saulosi Cynotilapia sp hara Labidochromis... ...
73.Malawi and victorian ciclids for sale(London) 20/06/15 No
Hi I have the following ciclids for sale: 3 pundamillia nayere 1 male 2 females 7 zebra obliquiden 3 otorphonix lithobates yellow blaze 2 male 1 female 1otorphonix lithobate black and orange dorsal male 3 metraclima chilumba maison reef male 1 red top hongi 2 cynotilapia mbamba knakata ... ...
74.Around 70 3-6inch malawi cichilids £140 15/06/15 No
I have a mix of peacocks and mbuna for sale. All above 3 inchs most around 4-5 inches some bigger some smaller. Lots have been breeding. I am unsure of all names but I know that some are: yellow labs Aulonocara sp. 'OB', Cynotilapia afra 'Lumbila', Cyrtocara moorii, Melanochromis auratus A... ...
75.Malawi 11/06/15 Yes
07947578710 Ch40hsAulonocara ( peacocks) Maylandi slupher head Ob Rubin red Fire fish All around 2 inch Haps Dolphin Eye bitter Mbuna Demasoni Cobolts blue Cobolts Orange elongatus £5 each New stock Malawi for sale Cynotilapia jalo reef ... ...
76.African cichlid pre order list 30/05/15 Yes
Lots of high quality Africans available to oder, we also have a pre order list for Americans and some tropicals and plecs. Aulonocara Red Rubin 6-7 £8 Aulonocara stuartgranti Ngara F1 7-9 £11 Copadichromis azureus Mbenji F1 6-8 £7 Copidichromis trewavasae Ivory F1 8-10 £11 Cynotilapia Au... ...
77.Lake Malawi Imports - New Wild Malawi Cichlid Shipment 21/05/15 No
Hi This is a fully Licenced Importing company solely for the import of Wild Malawi Cichlids we hold the contract to Import from best or longest standing Exporting Company S.M.G based right on the lake! Please see the current list below of all obtainable fish from the newest shipment! Cynotila... ...
78.Around 40 Mbuna Malawi chichlids in Aqua One setup 27/04/15 No
Around 40 Mbuna Malawi chichlids Cynotilapia (afra white top) + (afra (cobue) Labidochromis (caeruleus) + (Kimpuma) Pseudotropheus (saulosi) + (Acei) Iodotropheus (sperengerae) All of above are in: Aqua One aquarium (200 ltrs) Light oak unit T5 lighting system 1x T5 Blue reef bu... ...
79.Malawis for sale scotland 22/04/15 Yes
Here is an up to date Malawi stocklist. Mbuna F1 cynotilapia Afra lion lupingu - group of 5 @ 4-5 £40 F1 cynotilapia Afra iwera manda - 3-4 - £8 Cynotilapia Afra red top likoma 5-6 - £7.50 2 left Cynotilapia Afra yellow blaze 6-7 - £7.50 iodotropheus sprengerae 5-6 - £7 Labeotropheu... ...
80.New stocklist. 08/04/15 Yes
Washington aquatics stockist discus red turquoise £25 blue snakeskin £25 snow white £25 odd balls / preds metynnis fasciatus (striped dollars) rare £15 each metynnis maculatus (spotted dollars) £6 each silver arowana 9" £35 redtail catfish 3" £20each reed fish 12-15" £12eac... ...
81.Cynotilapia afra Jalo Reef MALE (croydon) 03/04/15 Yes
I am changing my tanks around so I am selling on a few of my Malawi. This listing is for a male Cynotilapia afra "Jalo Reef" he's around 7cm with great colour, He's already an active spawner, a cracking fish that will bring great colour to your tank.£10 collection from croydon
82.Tank breds for sale 30/03/15 Yes
Crytocara Moori Dolphins 2" £4 Cynotilapia Axelrodi 2-3" £7 Labeotrohpheus Trewavasae Thumbi West - Two groups 1M 3F £20 Labidochromis Hongi 3.5" £8 Labidochromis Super Red Top Hongi £20 pair Metriacliama Aurora 3" £8 Metriaclima sp Elongatus Bee 5-6" (German tank bred) 2 pairs Â... ...
83.BARGIN PLEASE SEE Cynotilapia sp. hara gallireya reef and other bits 24/03/15 Yes
Hi all closing down tank as im immigrating I have 7 cynotilapia sp. hara gallireya reef for sale 2M & 5F which 1 is holding. there are breeding pair of aulonocara mbenji and breeding pair of aulonocara Ngara. also I have 3F bristlenose and 2 clown. the fish are all F1 and have beautiful colou... ...
84.Cynotilapia Hara Galileya Reef , Labidochromis sp. Hongi inches (SRT) 24/03/15 Yes
Cynotilapia Hara Galileya Reef 3-5 cm Labidochromis sp. "Hongi" (SRT) 3-5 cm The Hara are from F2 parents £4 each Photos of males provided
85.Easter Special Price 18/03/15 No
I am a hobbiest/breeder of malawi with 49 individually filtered tanks. MBUNA – F1 - Labidochromis Caeruleus Ruarwe 1.5" £3; £5 2" £7.50 Metriaclima Estherae Minos Reef 5" plus £10 Metriaclima Hajomaylandi Chizumulu 2" £4 and 3" £6 Pseudotropheus Elongatus Chewere 1-1.5" £3 ... ...
86.Top quality Malawi cichlids 26/01/15 Yes
I'm selling all my Malawi cichlids. All top quality f1 fish from Germany. Only reason for selling is wanting to go back to frontosa. The fish for sale are: 4x metriaclima kawanga gold. Was told 2m 1f and 1ob but reckon it could be an mcat 3x super red top hongi. 2m 1f i have had 2 sets of fr... ...
87.Wild Caught & F1 Malawis ( Mike Bonnick ) new links added 13/01/15 Yes
i am a specialist breeder of wild caught cichlids from both lake Malawi and Tanganyika. I am based in West Wickam, Kent and have a purpose built fish house containing 49 tanks individually filtered and hold a council Fish license for trade. The following wild caught Malawis' are in stock and ar... ...
88.Malawi Cichlids - Mbuna - Wild 09/01/15 No
Wild fish Cynotilapia mbamba, yellow head 1f 3m - £15 Labidochromis Caeruleus - Yellow Labs £5 Collection only - Chertsey, Surrey
89.Malawi cichlids. Tanganyikan cichlids. American cichlids. L number plecs. 17/12/14 No
Hi i have for sale the following. From community. Malawi cichlids. Tanganyikan cichlids. American cichlids. Oddballs. L number plecs. Up dated 17/12/14 Please do your research on any fish you plan to buy to make sure of compatibility with the current fish you have in your aquarium, things your lo... ...
90.Emsworth Aquatics Availability List 09/12/14 Yes
AVAILABLITY LIST LIVEBEARERS Assorted Mollies £2.60ea Balloon Mollies £2.85ea Assorted Male Guppies £2.25ea or 4 for £8.76 Female Guppies £1.80ea or 6 for £10.20 Male Endlers £2.25ea or 4 for £8.80 Assorted Platys £2.50ea Assorted Swordtails £3.00ea CICHLIDS Gold Severum £6... ...
91.Cynotilapia Afra 09/12/14 Yes
Three male Cynotalapia Afra. Beautiful fishes, good health and feeding well. Bargain at only £5 each. Need to sell as tank being replaced. Collect from Watford. Plus one Trewavesea Thumbi West. Better pictures are available on request.
92.assorted cichlids 07/12/14 No
i have around 40-50 cichlids for sale,only the fish. breaking down my tank, they are as follows: labidochromis zebroides several of these from fry to fully grown. socolofi several of these from fry to fully grown 2 yellow labs 1 albino lab 2 rustys 1 demasoni 1 johanni 1 albino plec ... ...
93.Top Quality Malawi Cichlids for Sale 30/11/14 Yes
i am a specialist breeder of wild caught cichlids from both lake Malawi and Tanganyika. I am based in West Wickam, Kent and have a purpose built fish house containing 49 tanks individually filtered and hold a council Fish license for trade. MBUNA – WILD CAUGHT Labeotropheus Trewavasae Chiof... ...
94.Clifton Aquatics - Tropical Fish Shop, London SE26 29/11/14 No
Clifton Aquatics 90 Sydenham Road London Sydenham SE26 5JX Please see below for our current stock list and new fish are added frequently Stingrays Silver and Pearl Arowana Wolf Fish Piranha Large Severams True Parrot Parrots Green Terror Red Terror Jags Flowerhorns Pike Cichlid... ...
95.CICHLIDS FOR SALE 17/11/14 No
Hi i have for sale Cynotilapia afra, Jalo £7.50 Cynotilapia afra, Red Top Likoma £7.50 Iodotropheus spriengerae £6 Labeotropheus trewavasae, Thumbi West RED TOP £18 pair Labidochromis hongi Sweden £13 Rare Pseudotropheus flavus Chyniankwazi £8 All f1 fish and looking very nice P... ...
96.Cynotilapia Afra cobue london ( SOLD WILL HAVE MORE SOON ) 17/11/14 Yes
For sale Cynotilapia Afra cobue f1 around 1cm size 10 for £20 parents of fry can be seen. Pictures it is actually the parents. Collection London sw9 9af. Cheers 07543664965 ( SOLD WILL HAVE MORE SOON )
97.Fluval Roma 240L 4 foot aquarium 16/11/14 Yes
Hi all This is our family show tank, which unfortunately has to go as we are soon to move house. It is a Fluval Roma 240 litre and 4 foot in length. The doors are reversible (black/silver) but the unit looks better in all black in my opinion. The doors are push shut/open operation which is great... ...
98.Malawis for sale. 15/11/14 No
Melanochromis auratus Labidochromis caeruleus electric yellow Cynotilapia axelrodi Labidochromis caeruleus lions cove Cyrtocara moorii ( Dolphin ) Protomelas sp. "Steveni Taiwan" (Taiwanee Reef) Otopharynx lithobates Pseudotropheus sp. "Elongatus Mphanga" All 1 ½ to 2 in... ...
Clifton Aquatics has opened in Sydenham, London. We are a family run shop selling tropical and coldwater fish. Address is: 90 Sydenham Road London SYdenham Se26 5JX Open mon -sat 10-5.30 Sun 10-2 Closed on wednesdays We have a good selection of tropical fish and hopefully something to... ...
100.Wanted Cynotilapia sp. hara gallireya reef 02/11/14 No
Hi All I am looking for 2 or 3 Females, either in kent or London area Email frankjm.farinha@gmail.com Cell: 07809297608 Would prefer a text message Frank
101.Malawi Cichlids Scotland 14/10/14 Yes
Here is our current malawi, synodontis and pleco stocklist Mbuna Cynotilapia Afra Edwardi 5-6- £7 Cynotilapia Afra Red Top Likoma 7-8 - £8 2 pairs left Labeotropheus trewavasae manda 6-7 £9 Labeotropheus Trewavasae Red 6-7 - £8 4 left Labidochromis Caeruleus 4-5 £5 Labidochromis Caeruleu... ...
102.wild caught pair of Cynotilapia afra hara £25 ono 18/09/14 Yes
One stunning pair of w.c cynotilapia sp hara Photo from Google not of actual fish for sale but the male looks identical to this
103.Malawi mbuna 01/09/14 Yes
K&C Rift Valley Cichlids NorthWest located at walkden, Salford have some stunning F1 and TB Fish currently in stock please check our stock list for availability and prices. F1 &TB Cynotilapia sp. hara gallireya reef £3.50 F1 Melanochromis dialeptos £3.00 TB Pseudothropheus elongatus mphanga... ...
104.Malawi Cichlids Scotland 29/08/14 No
New up to date stocklist with some cracking new arrivals; Mbuna Cynotilapia Afra Edwardi 5-6- £7 Cynotilapia Afra Red Top Likoma 5-6 - £7 Cynotilapia sp. Mbamba Luwino Reef 5-6 - £10 Labeotropheus trewavasae manda 4-5 £10 Labeotropheus Trewavasae Red 5-6 - £7 Labidochromis Caeruleus 3-... ...
Hi all - 3 X 4inch males - make good display fish - offers or may swap for Cynotilapia 0r Saulosi - ATB Dave
Hi all - anyone got any for sale or seen any around recently. atb Dave
107.Wild & F1 Malawis - For Sale 15/06/14 No
Thinning down my numbers a bit as the tank has lots its direction. Wild - Metriaclima Prysonontus 'Chimwalani Yellow Chin' - £35 pr (Supplied by Ricky Ward) Wild - Metriaclima Msobo Mgunga 1m/3f breeding geoup - £60 the group SOLD Wild - Cynotilapia Afra (Zebroides) Undo Reef male only£12... ...
108.high grade Malawi Cichlid Fish For Tropical Aquarium Fish Tanks 14/06/14 Yes
Nice and healthy high grade Malawi cichlids. You are buying high grade Malawi cichlids. Vivid colour fish. All are wild or f1 Breeding Pairs: Wild Trewavasea chilumba red (rare) breeding pair beautiful colour as you can see in first two photos, male 5inches, female 5inches £40 F1 Cynot... ...
109.2 x Male F1 cynotilapia Hara G/Reef malawi cichlids. sale or swap 10/06/14 Yes
2 x Male f1 cynotilapia 'Hara' gallireya Reef Malawi cichlids both about 6-7cm for sale or swap. i recently bought 5 only got 1 female!!! so im after either £16ono for both or a swap for 2 female haras, preferably 6-7cm too. send a text if your interested. can delivery locally or pick up from selb... ...
110.Mbuna for sale 09/06/14 No
Description: I have the following fish which due to work circumstances i have to let go. 2 x Pseudotropheus Ndumbi Super Red Top 1 male 1 female. 4 x Labidochromis Super Red Top Hongi 2 male 2 female. 4 x Pseudotropheus saulosi coral red 2 male 2 female. 2 x cynotilapia afra edwardi nkhata b... ...
111.DANDY CICHLIDS UPDATED STOCK LIST 07/06/2014 07/06/14 Yes
Dandy Cichlids is now stocking tropical community fish Check out our facebook group for other fish and dry goods DANDY CICHLIDS IS A FULLY LICENSED AND REGISTERED AQUATIC BUSINESS for all stock lists fish and dry goods www.dandycichlids.co.uk Fish Stock List MALAWI / MB... ...
112.Cynotilapia Afra Cobue Wanted 02/06/14 No
Please contact me if you have these fish for sale Raja 07784173922
113.Mbuna for sale 11/05/14 Yes
Few fish for sale. Ready for collection Sunday 18th X1 wild caught - male lombardoi £10 (from mikes rift) X1 wild caught - male metricliama sp. mbowe £10 (from mikes rift) X1 wild caught - male melanochromis kaskazini £10 (from mikes rift) X1 wild caught - male cynotilapia lions cove £10 (fr... ...
114.lake malawi cichlids 27/04/14 No
Hello i have the following malawi cichlids 4 sale pseudotropheus membe deep 1m 4 f male 3 inches females 2.5 to 3.5 £6 each sold Pseudotropheus sp.'elongatus neon spot' 3 2inch unsure sex £4 each sold cynotilapia afra cobue male 2.5 inches female 2 inches £10 pair sold labidochromis nkhata ... ...
115.Cynotilapia zebroides (Cobue) Afra malawi cichlid 14/04/14 Yes
Cynotilapia zebroides (Cobue) Afra malawi cichlid for sale. I have 20 available and they are between 1-1.5 Inches. I will like to sell them as a group as they are a breeding group and one which i have babies to show. Pick up from slough. If you have any questions please call on 07806678910. Th... ...
116.For sale Cynotilapia Afra Cobue (not many left) 08/03/14 Yes
Afra Cobue 5-6cm £7 each
117.mbuna & synos 22/02/14 No
1 x 4" male red zebra 1 x 4" male metriaclima lanisticola 1 x 3" male melanochromis johanjonsonae 1 x 4" male melanochromis johanni pair of cynotilapia afra lions cove 2" 7 x 2" metriaclima aurora pombo rocks 4m 3f (i believe) 2 x synodontis eupteurus 4" &... ...
118.WILD CAUGHT AND F1 MBUNA 19/02/14 Yes
Wild caught pair zebra gold ruewe £40 for both F1 labetropheous trewavase chilumba male £10 F1 cynotilapia thumbi west male £10 elongatus mpanga £8 Would prefer all fish to go together
120.Wild shipment of Malawi -New 21/01/14 Yes
Hi all I'm moving away for a few months and I've committed to a shipment of wilds that I've ordered before I got my new job handed to me The following fish will be arriving shortly These prices can change but hopefully I am somewhere near Aulonocara baenschi (Benga) Benga Aulonacara Y... ...
121.Large selection of Quality Malawi Cichlids Available 19/01/14 Yes
Kev's Rifts is located near Pontefract, West Yorkshire. Viewing of the fish is welcome - please call 07809749145 to book an appointment. List of fish available as of 31/12/2013 below; Aulonocara Rubin Red 5.5-7cm £8 each Females only Aulonocara Stuagranti Usisya 5-6cm £10 each F1 ... ...
124.Cynotilapia Afra Hara Gallireya Reef 25/11/13 Yes
Hi For sale i have some top quality F2 Afra Hara currently at 1 inch photos are of the actual young for sale and the parents (not google pics) £4 each Collection only Maidstone Bags can be supplied if you don't have your own to bring along Kind regards Ryan
125.Hobbyist/breeder of wild caught Malawi and tanganyikan cichlids 15/10/13 Yes
Hello, We have a fish house consisting of 36 tanks and 3 raised ponds with glass viewing panels , dedicated to breeding the finest quality wild Malawi and tanganyikan cichlids. Our list is ever growing in the species that we breed and raise , and have had to build a second facility in order to r... ...
126.Large Group 20+ Malawis - £65 - BARGAIN 08/10/13 Yes
Selling much loved group of Malawi's due to moving onto Aulonocara and need the space. All fish are extremely healthy and eating a well balanced diet of frozen food, flake and pellet. I have given best descriptions possible of names sizes & sex Cynotilapia Afra 4" M White Top Afra x 2 (M 3... ...
127.malawi cichlids -food and general aquarium accesories 16/09/13 Yes
we re based in Lincoln but offer a courier service in the uk for £17.00 overnight pre 12 via apc. if there is something not on the list you are looking for please don't hesitate to ask Genus species size (cm) wc/f1/tb price astotilapia aeneocolour 5-6cm tb £6.50 each mel... ...
128.WANTED.. Cynotilapia Afra Hara Gallireya Reef Cash Waiting 04/09/13 No
Looking for some Cynotilapia Afra Hara Gallireya Reef in West Yorkshire area or may consider paying for delivery if some distance away. Cash waiting, let me know what you have and how much? Thanks
Please see the current species we keep and breed. Please click on the link below to see sizes, prices and up to date availability. Aulonocara Aulonocara baenschi benga Aulonocara malauna Aulonocara blue neon " Hai Reef " Aulonocara lwanda Aulonocara mdoka " Ngara " Aulonocara usisya ... ...
130.Cyno Afra Cobue, Lab Joanjohnsonae, F1 P Elongatus Bee Chirwa, Aul Jacobfreibergi 08/08/13 Yes
Malawi cichlids for sale (can post) Cynotilapia Afra Cobue. 4cm. 4 for £20 or £6 each (males start to display good colour when 6-7cm). Dad pictured top and pic 3. Juveniles pix 2 and 4. Labidochromis Joanjohnsonae (formerly Melanochromis) 8cm £8 for a pair (pic 5 and 6) Aulonocara Ja... ...
131.Wanted cynotilapia afra lion sanga 07/08/13 No
Hello, has anyone got any lion sanga young or adults for sale? If anyone has please get in touch. Thanks
132.New fish Stock at A.R.K. Pets & Aquatics Tyne & Wear 07/08/13 Yes
New stock now in, as well as stock in our existing adverts click on link! August 18 2013 OPEN SATURDAY 11 TIL 5 Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday noon till 5 or later! MALAWI TANGs CICHLIDS Haplochromis jacksoni ahli 10 - 12 cm £10.00 Aulonocara sp. red dragon 5-6 cm £1... ...
133.FOR SALE: Malawi Fry 15/06/13 No
FOR SALE: Cynotilapia afra Jalo Reef around 1" in size, £2.00 each. Haplochromis moorii (blue dolphin) around 1" in size, £2.00 each. Pseudotropheus elongatus Mpanga around 2cm in size, £2.00 each. Melonochromis Arautus around 1-1.5 cm, £1.00 each. Collection from Creswell or can... ...
134.Cynotilapia Afra jalo reef,@ TONYSAFRICANCICHLIDS.CO.UK 31/05/13 Yes
Hi, Please click on the link below for full details of these beautiful fish,and other malawi cichlids for sale i have available. Or if you would like to talk about your fish and ask for advice on your fish why not click on the 2nd link below to join african cichlid forum , We look forward t... ...
Clearing out all of our juveniles - Adults - and breeding pairs and groups!! B*A*R*G*A*I*N* for a full set up or adding to your original set up. £10 Adults (6-11cm) £5 Juveniles (1-6cm) Thats on all fish regardless of species. SOME OF THESE INCLUDE::: Strawberry Aulonoc... ...
All FISH £10 OR UNDER -- -- No matter of size OR species!! Clearing out all of our juveniles - Adults - and breeding pairs and groups!! MALAWI STOCK must GO!! SOME OF THESE INCLUDE::: Strawberry Aulonocara Cichlid ¨ Aulonocara Sp Eureka red hap Cichlid ¨ Aulonocara Jacobfreib... ...
137.Malawi clearance sale 14/05/13 No
Various fish for sale @ 4 for £10 :pseudotropheus flavus :pseudotropheus crabro :metriaclima lombardoi :aulonocara baenschi benga :pundamelia nyererie ruti island Pundamelia sp crimson tide. :cyrtocara moori :aulonocara firefish All of the above 4 for £10 Other fish available ...... ...
138.Wild caught and F1 fish for sale 05/05/13 Yes
Cop. Borleyi kadango reef F1 male approx 6" X2 £10 each Acei Luwala cichlid wild caught male approx 5". £20 Acei ngara cichlid fish wild caught male approx 3-4". £20 Met. Zebra gold nkhata bay cichlid wild caught approx 4-5". £20 Cynotilapia hara gallireya reef mal... ...
Tel: 07976750143 : Hi there I have the listed cichlids species I have for sale ranging from 1cm to 15cm. Dependent of species and what lake& size the price varys . Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have or visit the site for any handy tips and hints on cichlid species an... ...
Hi I’m a private breeder with many Asian , Malawi , Tanganyika , Victorian and Central & South American Cichlid species available. I’m based in the centre of oxford. I am easy to find with plenty of parking and easy access to the bus routes and trains. I house many species but I have listed ... ...
141.MALAWI FISH FOR SALE 5CM - 15CM Breeding groups and pairs availible 28/04/13 Yes
Hi there im a hobbiest breeder and have allsorts of African cichlids available in breeding groups and pairs. I have a large selection of MALAWI cichlids that i am selling, You can either buy one or the lot, Most have already got established groups and some are bonified pairs, These id be reluctan... ...
142.Cynotilapia Chinyankwazi,@ TONYSAFRICANCICHLIDS.CO.UK,delivery available 06/04/13 Yes
hi please click on the 1st web link below for details and also to see other malawi cichlds for sale and victorian cichlids for sale, a good all round selection of african cichlids for sale ................. Or if you would like to talk about your fish and ask for advice on your fish why not ... ...
143.cynotilapia Afra white top 21/03/13 No
For sale a trio of cynotilapia Afra Hara , size around 3 to 4 inches already start to breed. Collection only sw9 9af. London £15 Thanks for looking. 07543664965
144.Fish For Sale Emsworth Hampshire 01243 430502 09/03/13 Yes
For Pictures video please join Face Book Cichlid Central https://www.facebook.com/groups/cichlidcentral/ Fish For Sale -- Video - Pictures - Pricing Cichlid Central ( Hand Deliverd Fish By Us ) Stock List Updated On: 9 March 2012. Local Delivery Service £5 to £15 Depending On Distance.... ...
145.Various Malawis For Sale 26/02/13 Yes
2 x Male Yellow Labs £5 each ONO 3 x Male 1 Female Otopharynx Lithobates £6 each £20 for the Group Pair of Aulonacara Sunset £15 the pair 1 x Large Male Cynotilapia Afro Jalo Reef £10 as you can see from pic this is a stunning Fish 2 x Juvenile male Cynotilapia Afro Jalo Reef £5 each 2 x ... ...
146.Stunning malawi cichlid 17/12/12 Yes
Hi , i have Cynotilapia afra Jalo Reef for sale.The fish is 7cm long and come from a healthy tank. Selling because there are too many Cynotilapia afra Jalo Reef males in my tank. Cash on collection please. Price £10 or ONO.
147.Various f1 Malawi 13/12/12 No
Hi there , I have the following f1 fish for sale: Metriaclima maisoni reef 1-2 inch £5 each Tropheops red cheek mlowe. 1-2cm. £3 each CYnotilapia afra hara gallareya reef 4-7cm. £5 each CYnotilapia hai reef. (rare) 3-4cm. £5 each Mai... ...
148.Various f1 Malawi fry and juveniles 11/12/12 No
Hi there , I have for sale the following f1 fish for sale: Metriaclima maisoni reef 1-2 inch £5 each Tropheops red cheek mlowe. 1-2cm. £3 each CYnotilapia afra hara gallareya reef 4-7cm. £5 each CYnotilapia hai reef. (rare) 3-4cm. £5 e... ...
149.cynotilapia hara galerea reef 20/11/12 No
cynotilapia hara galerea reef,2.5-3inch,f1 from wild parents,5£ each
150.Mbuna Corner Tank Has to Go - REDUCED PRICE BARGAIN 26/10/12 Yes
Mbuna Corner Tank Full Setup for Sale, Tank is Aqua One Windsor 55 Complete with Aqua One Advance 1050 Canister filter, Lights, Heater, Stand, Test Kits, Food, Coral Sand and Red Sandstone Decor, Syphon kit, Fish Net, Water Conditioners and Chiclid Salts, will even throw in free algae. Everyth... ...
151.Malawis Weymouth Dorset 24/10/12 Yes
Hi I have various Adult Malawis for sale; Psedotropheus Saulosi Group 6, Wild Male plus F1 males and Females £50 Cynotilapia Lion Sanga Group 4, F1 £35 Pseudotropheous Acei Ngara breeding group 10, £45 Labidochromis Chisumulae 1 male - £10 Nyassachromis Microcephalus breeding grou... ...
152.Mbuna Corner Tank Full Setup for Sale 09/10/12 No
Tank is Aqua One Windsor 55 Complete with Aqua One Advance 1050 Canister filter, Lights, Heater, Stand, Test Kits, Food, Coral Sand and Red Sandstone Decor, Syphon kit, Fish Net, Water Conditioners and Chiclid Salts, will even throw in free algae. Everything you could want to get you started ... ...
153.F1 Cynotilapia Mbamba Chilumba 07/10/12 No
At least 12 F1 available now. Nearly 3cm in body mother spat end of July. Wild parents can be seen, follow you tube link for video of fry as of 7/10/12 Fry raised on Nutrafin Spirulina Flakes and frozen Cyclops. No postage due to size, depending on weather I may offer postage end of October... ...
154.Various Malawi Fro Sale Weymouth 03/10/12 No
Hi I have various Adult Malawis for sale; Psedotropheus Saulosi Cynotilapia Lion Sanga Pseudotropheous Acei Ngara Labidochromis Chisumulae pick up from Weymouth, Dorset 07748620833
155.Cynotilapia afra Thumbi West @ TONYSAFRICANCICHLIDS.CO.UK,,Delivery available. 30/09/12 Yes
Hi Please click on the 1st web link below for details and also to see other malawi cichlds for sale and victorian cichlids for sale, a good all round selection of African cichlids for sale ................. Or if you would like to talk about your fish and ask for advice on your fish why no... ...
156.tropical fish for sale 24/09/12 28/09/12 No
hi all i have the following fish for sale pick up in flint or i can post by royal mail for £15 small box £25 big box please message me if you are interestd payment cash on colliction or paypal heres the list of fish i have for sale green tiger barb £2.50 or 4 for £10 pink convits £2 each o... ...
157.400 ltr Tank COMPLETE with malawi fish 21/09/12 Yes
FOR SALE 400 Ltr tank, including Filter, pump, heater, lighting, 50kg ocean rock, 50kg limpopo sand, 60/70 assorted Malawi fish including breeding pairs, and young fish including Aulonocara Lwanda, Cynotilapia afra Jalo Reef and Pseudotropheus crabro bumble bee cichlids. Fantastic set up, stunn... ...
158.adult wild caught & F1 Mbuna for sale 04/09/12 No
Hi I have the following adult Mbuna for sale they are all regular breeder's & in top health. wild caught (Metriaclima msobo 'Magunga' 1m/3f £50 SOLD( Cynotilapia afra 'Likoma' 2m/1f £40 (Metriaclima dwarf zebra 'Manda' 2m £20 SOLD) Metriaclima callainos 'Ruarwe'(pearly) 2m/1f £40 F... ...
159.Male Cynotilapia Afra White - Free to good home 01/09/12 No
Hi there, I have the following fish available free to a good Malawian tank setup: - one adult male Cynotilapia Afra White Top (8cm). Stunning adult colouration. - one juvenile male Cynotilapia Afra White Top male available. (3cm) - one female Cynotilapia Afra Jalo Reef (6cm) House mo... ...
160.malawis for quick sale please look SOLD PENDING COLLECTION 25/08/12 No
For quick sale due to moving Cynotilapia afra (Chewere)5f 2m Cynotilapia sp. "hara" 2m 2f Labeotropheus trewavasae (Mpanga) 1m 3f Melanochromis parallelus 4f 2m Metriaclima greshakei 2m 2f Pseudotropheus demasoni (Mozambique) 3m 4f Tropheops (Makokola OB) 3m 3f Tropheops sp. "Higga" (Ngkuy... ...
161.Mbunas in stock 17/08/12 Yes
Ings Lane Garden and Water Garden centre ltd. Current Mbunas in stock as from 17-6-12 Cynotilapia sp. red dorsal Labidochromis caeruleus Labidochromis sp. pearlmutt Labidochromis sp. puulu red top Pseudotropheus socolofi Pseudotropheus sp. albino Pseudotropheus crabro Pseudotropheus sp... ...
162.1 x wild male Cynotilapia afra Likoma 15/07/12 Yes
I have for sale 1 x adult wild caught Cynotilapia afra 'Likoma' £15 photo's of actual fish for sale collection only from Southampton.
Hi I am looking for a female(s) Cynotilapia Afra Mbenjii for sale - dont mind travelling to pick up
164.2 x F1 adult male Cynotilapia sp.hara Gallireya Reef 25/06/12 Yes
I have for sale 2 x male Cynotilapia sp.hara 'Gallireya Reef' these are unrelated adult male's both bred from wild caught parent's £8.00 each or £15 for both photo's are of the actual 2 fish for sale. collection only from Southampton
165.Malawi Cichlids, Rusty plec and 2 Pictus catfish 08/06/12 Yes
I have some beautifuls cichlids for sale, generally 2 inches plus some up to 4 inches. All for sale at £2 each! Small ones for £1. Rusty plec is 7 inches - £10, Catfish £20 for the pair. Yellow Labs, blue & gold Labs. Cynotilapia Dark and light blue M. estherae M. pyrsonotos Also some sky b... ...
166.Cynotilapia White top afra 1" long 04/06/12 No
Hi there I have 30 cynotilapia White top afra cichlids for sale all around an inch long £12 for 5 or £20 for 10 All feeding well on spirulina flake
167.malawis 23/04/12 No
job lot of malawis for sale aprox 50 £4 each wont splilt Cynotilapia sp Hara Gallireya reef wild caught Wild caught 2x Afra mbamba Nkhata bay Callainos male large Tank Bred 4x Melanochromis Auratus 2m 2f 3x Psuedotropheus Flavus 2m1f breeding 4x psuedotropheus cyanheorabdos (common n... ...
168.Yellow labs, chailosi, acei, afra and saulosi 21/04/12 No
READY IN APPROX 6 WEEKS pseudotropheus saulosi pseudotropheus elongatus chailosi labidochromis caeruleus pseudotropheus acei cynotilapia afra hara ALL £3 each Collection only Email or phone 07834246849
169.f1 pairs Cynotilapia afra fletti red top 21/04/12 No
there are 2 pairs left at £18 a pair breeding fish one holding
170.Mbuna. Cynotilapia Afra (White Top) 18/04/12 No
Cynotilapia Afra (White Top) Trio (1 Male & 2 Females) £20
171.WANTED MALAWI CICHLID. Cynotilapia Group 18/04/12 No
Wanted. Cynotilapia Chinyankwazi but any group will be considered. Cash waiting Ring or txt Lee on 07969913379
172.Complete mbuna setup 2.5 foot tank, Arcadia LED lights, Rena XP3 Filter 17/04/12 Yes
i have for sale my complete mbuna setup, it consists of the above equipment and 2x female labidchromis Perlmutt, 3x metriaclima sp msobo magunga deep, 2x male Pseudotropheus saulosi, Cynotilapia afra Cobue, 2x synodontis petricola cat fish. 117ltr custom tank, rena xp3 filter, arcadia eco led da... ...
173.8x Mbuna, 2x synodontis petricola cat fish 17/04/12 Yes
1x Cynotilapia afra Cobue, 2x female labidchromis Perlmutt, 3x metriaclima sp msobo magunga deep, 2x male Pseudotropheus saulos 2x synodontis petricola cat fish Cynotilapia afra Cobue £7, £5 labidchromis Perlmutt each, £6 Pseudotropheus saulosi Each, £6 metriaclima sp msobo magunga deep each... ...
174.f1 and wild malawi for sale 13/04/12 No
For sale in sunderland Maingano group f1 4 in total 28quid Pseudotropheus elongatus f1 9 quid each 3 left Pseudotopheus elongatus neonspot pair f1 18quid Pseudotopheus saulosi F1 pair 18 quid Pseudotopheus demasoni f1 9 each Placidochromis mbamba bay f1 male 5 quid Placidochromis pheno... ...
175.F1 Malawi Cichlids for sale. 19/03/12 Yes
I have some lovely F1 Malawi Cichlids for sale. All are in great condition, photo's of fish available on request. Buyer to collect please. F1 Elongatus mazini reefs 3-6cmtrs £3.00ea 4 for £10.00. F1 MEMBE DEEP's £3.00ea 4 for £10.00. F1 SALOUSI's £2.50ea. F1 DEMASONI £1.50ea. F1 JALO RE... ...
176.F1 Malawi Cichlids and tanks for sale. 19/03/12 Yes
I have some lovely F1 Malawi Cichlids for sale. All are in great condition, photo's of fish available on request. Buyer to collect please. F1 Elongatus mazini reefs 3-6cmtrs £3.00ea 4 for £10.00. F1 MEMBE DEEP's £3.00ea 4 for £10.00. F1 SALOUSI's £2.50ea. F1 DEMASONI £1.50ea. F1 JALO RE... ...
177.Cynotilapia afra Jalo Reef 14/03/12 Yes
I have been breeding these for a while now and a good number of them are ready to be sold. I have around 30 available ranging from 3-6cm. 6 for £20 I live in Clevedon near Bristol. Alpha male as shown in the pic not for sale. Any questions please ask, I am in most evenings if you wi... ...
178.Cynotilapia afra(Red Tail Afra) 11/03/12 Yes
Tank bred Red tail Afras for sale £2.50 each various sizes ,min order 4 London nw10 area , tel: 07941696664
179.SOLD pending collection,F1 Breeding group of Cynotilapia sp. hara Galireya Reef. 04/03/12 Yes
F1 Breeding group of 'Cynotilapia' sp. "hara" Galireya Reef. There are 4 x Males and 10 x females , These are young adult fish Bred by Clare from her Wild group (Species only tank),These fish are only for sale as we need the tank space . £100 for the group for quick sale . Collection pref... ...
180.Breeding Group of Cynotilapia Afra Whitetop for sale 28/02/12 Yes
hi I have a breeding Group of Cynotilapia Afra Whitetop for sale they are breeding regularly one spat 28 fry yesterday. the picture is of the mature male fish and one of my best looking fish the price is so low at £30 interested email me on Blakeley.c95@gmail.com Thanks for looking You can h... ...
181.F1 fry from Wild Caught Malawi Mbuna 16/02/12 No
Fry currently available.. Metriaclima Lombardoi (Dwarf) Nkhomo Reef Cynotilapia sp. Hara Gallireya Reef Pseudotropheus Elongatus Ornatus Luhuchi Rocks Metriaclima Zebra 'Sunrise' Higga Reef Tropheops sp. Dwarf Tropheops 'Red Cheek' Mlowe Pseudotropheus Flavus Chinyankwazi Island Metriaclima... ...
182.complete malawi set up bargain 10/02/12 Yes
im selling my malawi set up due to health probs the main tank is amazon bow bronted 4 ft x 2 foot has 1 x fluvel 404 and 1x fx5 filter fulll of matrix less than 6 month old twin lights 1 externl heter rocks salts buffers trace food nets traps etc fish included are Pseudotropheus Acei Msul... ...
183.complete set up 25/01/12 No
im selling my malawi set up due to health probs the main tank is amazon bow bronted 4 ft x 2 foot has 1 x fluvel 404 and 1x fx5 filter twin lights 1 externl heter rocks salts buffers trace food nets traps etc fish included are Pseudotropheus Acei Msuli x5 2 r wild caught 3 f1s breed regula... ...
184.Cichlid tank and fish for sale Fluval Roma 240 with 30 fish 04/01/12 Yes
SOLD SOLD SOLD !!! Hi, I am reluctantly selling my cichlid setup. Fluval Roma 240 with cabinet (Oak and Wenge reversible doors), including lid lighting unit and 2 x tubes Volume: approx. 240 Litres Aquarium Measurements: 120L x 40W x 55H cm Cabinet Measurements. 120L x 40W x 70H cm 2 x ... ...
185.Fluval Roma 240 and cabinet Oak and Wenge with cichlids 04/01/12 Yes
SOLD SOLD SOLD!!! Hi, I am reluctantly selling my cichlid setup. Fluval Roma 240 with cabinet (Oak and Wenge reversible doors), including lid lighting unit and 2 x tubes Volume: approx. 240 Litres Aquarium Measurements: 120L x 40W x 55H cm Cabinet Measurements. 120L x 40W x 70H cm 2 x e... ...
186.Various Malawi Cichlids for sale.... 27/12/11 Yes
I have 6 or 7 of each of the following (all youngsters, approx 25 to 35mm in length) Labeotropheus trewevasae Red Top (1 male and 4 females) Metriaclima sp Red Top Gallireya Pseudotropheus sp Acei (Senga Bay) Also some younger/slightly smaller Cynotilapia sp Hara Crytocara moorii All ... ...
187.F1 Malawi Fry & Juvies 16/12/11 Yes
Fry & Juvies from wild caught Mbuna Zebra Chilumba 'Maison Reef' Dwarf Tropheops Red Cheek 'Mlowe' Lombardoi Dwarf 'Nkhomo Reef' Trewavasae 'Katale' Fainzilberi 'Ikombe' Patricki 'Chipoka' Flavus 'Chinyankwazi Island' Cynotilapia Mbamba 'Chilumba' Zebra 'Higga Reef' Cynotilapia sp. 'Har... ...
188.Malawi Cichlids bred from wild caught parents 05/12/11 Yes
Fry & juvies from wild caught groups of mbuna. Some lovely groups including... Psuedotropheus Flavus Tropheops sp. Dwarf Red Cheek Cynotilapia sp. Mbamba Labeotropheus Trewavasae Metriaclima Patricki Metriaclima Dwarf Lombardoi Metriaclima Fainziberi Tropheops Mauve Pseudotropheus ... ...
I have some very nice fish for sale which I sadly have to sell due to a lack of space x2 Aulonocara Orange Blotch 6' £15ea x2 Aulonocara Tangerine 5' (sold) x1 Cynotilapia Afra Whitetop 5' (sold) x1 Melanachromis Johanni 5' (sold x3 Synodontis Multipunctatus 4' £50 trio Pictures are of f... ...
190.various Malawi african mbuna cichlids hara estherae elongatus etc 02/11/11 Yes
I have a few mbuna available, collection or very local delivery only. i need the space... From my breeding groups: From wild parents: F1 Pseudotropheus Elongatus Bee "Chirwa" (pic1) 6cm+ £7.50 each (4 for £25) 2cm £4 each 1cm £2 each From F1 Parents Metriaclima Estherae "Minos Ree... ...
I've decided to move on from malawis to a general community set up. therefore i have my whole stock for sale. 75% of these fish if not more have been sourced from breeders, mostly carl at midlands malawis, not LFS. Been keeping malawis for over 2 years , been properly looked after with water change... ...
192.African Lake Cichlids. Juvies & sub-adults 31/10/11 No
Msobo Heteropictus F1 Pseudotropheus Flavus F1 Pseudotropheus Saulosi F1 Cynotilapia sp. Hara F1 Metriaclima sp. Membe Deep F1 !SOLD! Yellow Labs. Tank Bred !SOLD! Cynotilapia sp. Deep Blue Ndonga F1 Metriaclima Zebra Lundu F1 Pseudotropheus Polits Cove F1 !SOLD! Aulonocare Mamelela F1 Ps... ...
193.Rena Aqualife 350 Full Mbuna set up Stunning Phone 07950 997751 Sensible offers 26/10/11 Yes
Hello All Here i have for sale my Mbuna Tank and fish, Im gutted but im moving and cannot take it with me. IM LOOKING FOR SENSIBLE OFFERS PLEASE CALL 09750997751 IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, Chris In my opinion one of the best tanks going the cabinet and tank have been very well looked after ... ...
194.F1 Metriaclima Msobo (Gold manda) x15 & F1 Cynotilapia White top hara (Galireya reef) x15 15/10/11 No
All 30 fish are from wild parents!!! The Metriaclima Msobo are F1 and are all different sizes, The dominant male is starting to show his blue colouring. There is a mixture of male and females. The female are bright orange!! The cynotilapia White top haras are F1 also and are all different size... ...
195.cynotilapia afra jalo 12/10/11 No
Wanted cynotilapia afra jalo reef any fish considered adults or juveniles.Kent area only please mob 07718204186
196.F1 from Wild Collected Mbuna Lake Malawi Cichlids 25/09/11 No
www.fishfoxandthebunny.com has a list of my wild caught groups from Lake Malawi. Metriaclima Dwarf Lombardoi - Nhkomo Reef Metriaclima Fainziberi - Ikombe (some OB females) Labeotropheus Trewavasae - Katale Tropheops Mauve - Tanzania Pseudotropheus Elongatus - Chewere Psuedotropheus Flavus... ...
197.various Malawi fish and breeding pairs 12/09/11 No
Hi i am selling various Malawi fish and breeding pairs. 1 breeding pair of Cynotilapia Afra, white tops. proven twice and last batch 29 fish! (still have 12 of them in holding tank) 1 breedng pair of Yellow Labs, proven once, last batch 12 fish 1 large Albino red Zebra male 3 x Phsudo H... ...
198.F1 Malawi Cichlids for sale. 06/09/11 Yes
I have some lovely F1 Malawi Cichlids for sale. All are in great condition, photo's of available on request. I will follow up with a video soon. Buyer to collect please. F1 Elongatus mazini reefs 3-6cmtrs £3.00ea 4 for £10.00. F1 MEMBE DEEP's £3.00ea 4 for £10.00. F1 SALOUSI's £1.50ea. F1 ... ...
199.White top afra (cynotilapia) fry for sale 05/09/11 No
Got 10 White top afra (cynotilapia) fry for sale. They were stripped 3 months ago and are bright blue and very healthy. Parents can be seen on collection. Selling for £4 each or 3 for £10 Contact me with offer for all. Collection from Central Worthing. Thanks for looking. Matt. The nu... ...
200.F1 Lab. Fuelleborni Katale & Cynotilapia Afra Mbweca 27/08/11 Yes
F1 Lab.Fuelleborni Katale: 1 pair 2.5-3" and another possibly female 2" - £20 6X 1.5-2.5" F1 Cyn.Afra Mbweca juvies - £20

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